SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy andCOMMENT Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.COMMENT Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the COMMENT FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information. DATE = '2002-01-07T08:11:05' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC) ORIGIN = 'MPE/EPIC cal group' / organization of origin CREATOR = 'EPIC_PN_RSP 6.2' / s/w task which wrote this dataset CONTENT = 'RESPONSE MATRIX' / RMF & EBOUNDS xtensions END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 12 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 1 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 3 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'EBOUNDS ' / name of this binary table extension HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / format conforms to OGIP/GSFC standards HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' / Extension contains spectral response HDUVERS1= '1.0.0 ' / Version number of the format HDUCLAS2= 'EBOUNDS ' / Channel boundaries HDUVERS2= '1.1.0 ' / Version number of the format HISTORY File modified by user 'rsaxton' with fv on 2004-06-02T08:57:53 TTYPE1 = 'CHANNEL ' / label for field 1 TFORM1 = 'J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER HISTORY Column CHANNEL is copied from file ebounds.fits TTYPE2 = 'E_MIN ' / label for field 2 TFORM2 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT2 = 'keV ' / physical unit of field HISTORY Column E_MIN is copied from file ebounds.fits TTYPE3 = 'E_MAX ' / label for field 3 TFORM3 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT3 = 'keV ' / physical unit of field TLMAX = 1 TLMIN1 = 1 CHANTYPE= 'PI ' / Detector Channel Type in use (PHA or PI) EFFAREA = 1.0 DETCHANS= 1 HISTORY Column E_MAX is copied from file ebounds.fits HISTORY File modified by user 'rsaxton' with fv on 2004-06-02T09:07:48 HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME: om_test.rsp[2] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2004-06-02T09:40:06 HISTORY File modified by user 'rsaxton' with fv on 2004-06-02T09:54:07 HISTORY File modified by user 'rsaxton' with fv on 2004-06-03T09:36:24 HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME: om_v_eff.rsp[2] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2004-06-14T12:55:14 HISTORY File modified by user 'rsaxton' with fv on 2004-06-14T12:56:06 HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME: areas_v.fits[2] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2004-06-14T12:59:47 HISTORY File modified by user 'rsaxton' with fv on 2004-06-14T13:08:09 HISTORY File modified by user 'rsaxton' with fv on 2004-06-14T14:48:10 HISTORY File modified by user 'rsaxton' with fv on 2004-06-14T15:10:36 END ;IR;:XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 34 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 493 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 3944 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 6 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'ENERG_LO' / label for field 1 TFORM1 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT1 = 'keV ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'ENERG_HI' / label for field 2 TFORM2 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT2 = 'keV ' / physical unit of field TTYPE3 = 'N_GRP ' / label for field 3 TFORM3 = 'I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE4 = 'F_CHAN ' / label for field 4 TFORM4 = 'PI(1) ' / data format of field: variable length array TTYPE5 = 'N_CHAN ' / label for field 5 TFORM5 = 'PI(1) ' / data format of field: variable length array TTYPE6 = 'MATRIX ' / label for field 6 TFORM6 = 'PE(1) ' / data format of field: variable length array HISTORY This FITS file was created by the FCREATE task. HISTORY fcreate3.2d at 2008-11-13T09:44:27 DATE = '2008-11-13T09:44:27' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / format conforms to OGIP/GSFC standards HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' / Extension contains a Spectrum HDUVERS1= '1.0.0 ' / Version number of the format HDUCLAS2= 'RSP_MATRIX' / Extension contains spectral response HDUVERS2= '1.1.0 ' / Version number of the format HDUCLAS3= 'DETECTOR' TELESCOP= 'XMM ' INSTRUME= 'OM ' / EPIC PN instrument DETNAM = 'OM1 ' / specific detector name in use FILTER = 'NONE ' / filter in use CHANTYPE= 'PI ' / Detector Channel Type in use (PHA or PI) DETCHANS= 1 / total number of detector channels LO_THRES= 0.00001 / lower threshold for stored matrix EFFAREA = 1.000000 / Area scaling factor EXTNAME = 'SPECTRESP MATRIX' HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME: filter_uvw2.fits[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2008-11-13T09:44:28 END :j:XS:XS:{  :{:::X:X:j "$:j:(*,::Z024:Z:걒8:<:걒:u@BD:u:_HJL:_:PRT::XZ\::f`bd:f:쾯hjl:쾯:prt::oxz|:o:Ȳ:Ȳ:!:!:{W:{W::/ :G:G:::>:>::P:b:b:::d:d:::{:{:W:7$:::::::R?:R?:/  :/:i:ϼ:/:/:8 "$:8:(*,::Q024:Q:)8:<::v@BD:;B: HJL: : PRT:d:8XZ\:8:,:`bd:,::hjl::.prt:.:Z xz|:Z :c:c:$:$:::::W:W:z;;F;F;z;z;;;;K;;;;;;;UD;;;;;;,;,;b  ;b;w;;=;=;u "$;u;{(*,;;024;;S8:<;S;@BD;|;5"HJL;5";mPRT;5;XZ\;;S4`bd;S4;hjl;;%prt;%;;xz|;;;v;v;;;;; &; &; bR; bR; ; ; ٤; ٤; ; Q; '; '; ʼ; ; D; D; ; ; $; $; ; :; x; x; ; ; k; 4; s   ; s ; /; /; ; ;1  "$;1 ;p(*,;p;024;;88:<;8;1@BD;1;rhHJL;rh;YPRT;Y;XZ\;;5`bd;5;whjl;w;iprt;i;xz|;;=;=;l;l;<;<;J;J;I;I;;;;;;;Y4;Y4;;;;;';';l;l;R;R;;;>$;>$;p;p;  ;;;;X;X;; "$;;;(*,;;/024;/;w8:<;w;C@BD;C;HJL;;QPRT;Q; XZ\; ;`bd;;.ihjl;.i;xxprt;xx;xz|;; n; n;XV;XV;;;;;:;:;;;+;+;;;l;l;;;;;UV;UV;x;x;;;@;@;;;;;.  ;.;~;~;;;  "$; ; p(*,; p; 024; ;!_8:<;!_;!eD@BD;!eD;!~HJL;!~;" PRT;" ;"\XZ\;"\;"#`bd;"#;#hjl;#;#Wprt;#W;#xz|;#;$Y;$Y;$U@;$U@;$;$;%;%;%V;%V;%R;%R;&;&;&Y;&Y;&R;&R;' ;' ;'a;'a;';';(\;(\;(k;(k;(;(;););)yI;)yI;)  ;);*/;*/;*o;*o;*@ "$;*@;+Bt(*,;+Bt;+ 024;+ ;+8:<;+;,Yi@BD;,Yi;,/HJL;,/;-\PRT;-\;-sXZ\;-s;-`bd;-;.2Nhjl;.2N;.prt;.;.Qxz|;.Q;/R;/R;/;/;0t;0t;0wW;0wW;0٧;0٧;1;>;>;>;>J;>J;?nw;?nw;?/;?/;@Vs;@Vs;@D;@D;A@;A@;A;A;B-;B-;B!;B!;C;C;C;C;D   ;D ;D%;D%;E;E;Ez "$;Ez;E(*,;E;Fq024;Fq;F8:<;F;Gj@BD;Gj;G~HJL;G~;HfPRT;Hf;HXZ\;H;Id`bd;Id;Ihjl;I;Jeprt;Je;J.xz|;J.;Ki4;Ki4;K;K;Lo4;Lo4;L3;L3;Mw;Mw;M1;M1;N4;N4;O ;O ;OG;OG;PZ;PZ;P ;P ;Q+;Q+;Q;Q;R@;R@;RQ;RQ;SX;SX;S   ;S;Ts   ;Ts;U!   ;U!;Uq   ;Uq;V!  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