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Contents of /ccfdev/packages/xrt-xpsf/src/kingparamemos.rb

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations)
Fri Nov 23 10:31:43 2001 UTC (23 years ago) by ulammers
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: version_1_8, version_1_9, version_2_11, version_2_10, version_2_13, version_2_12, version_2_0, version_2_3, version_2_2, version_2_5, version_2_4, version_2_7, version_2_6, version_2_9, version_2_8, version_1_7, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +1 -1 lines
*** empty log message ***

1 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
2 #
3 # kingparamemos.rb:
4 # Construct ASCII data files with King-PSF model parameters as a function
5 # of E [eV] and theta [rad]; there are two parameter rc [arcsec] (King
6 # core radius) and alpha [] (King slope); rc+alpha are fitted to
7 # linear function in E/theta in [1]; these functions are evaluated
8 # on a rectangular E/theta grid; the produced output files
9 # _fm1_king_params.dat/_fm2_king_params.dat are referred to in deceit
10 # template emos_king.dct for creating the XPSF CCF constituent for
11 # EMOS1/EMOS2.
12 #
13 # USAGE:
14 # ./kingparamemos.rb
15 #
17 # [1]: "In Flight Calibration of the PSF for the MOS1 and MOS2 cameras",
18 # S. Ghizzardi, EPIC-MCT-TN-011
19 #
20 kingParam = [ [ [ 5.074, -0.236, 0.002, -0.0180 ], # rc EMOS1
21 [ 1.472, -0.010, -0.001, -0.0016 ] ], # alpha EMOS1
22 [ [ 4.759, -0.203, 0.014, -0.0229 ], # rc EMOS2
23 [ 1.411, -0.005, -0.001, -0.0002 ] ] ] # alpha EMOS2
25 class KingParam
26 def initialize(parmvec)
27 @pv = parmvec
28 end
30 def rc(e, theta)
31 # e [keV] / theta [']
32 @pv[0][0] + @pv[0][1]*e + @pv[0][2]*theta + @pv[0][3]*e*theta
33 end
35 def alpha(e, theta)
36 @pv[1][0] + @pv[1][1]*e + @pv[1][2]*theta + @pv[1][3]*e*theta
37 end
38 end
40 2.times { |unit|
41 kp = KingParam.new(kingParam[unit])
42 datFile = File.new("_fm" + (unit+1).to_s + "_king_params.dat", "w")
43 datFile<<"# This data file was automatically generated by `#{File.basename($0)}'\n"
44 datFile<<"# Do not edit - rerun script if needed!\n"
45 [ 0, 100, 1500, 3000, 4500, 6000, 7500, 10000, 12000, 13500 ].each { |e|
46 (0..7).each { |theta_half|
47 datFile<<e<<" : "
48 datFile<<2*theta_half/60.0*Math::PI/180.0<<" : " # [arcsec]->[rad]
49 datFile<<kp.rc(e/1000.0, 2*theta_half)<<' '
50 datFile<<kp.alpha(e/1000.0, 2*theta_half)<<"\n"
51 }
52 }
53 puts("Created #{datFile.path}")
54 }

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