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Contents of /ccfdev/packages/om-diffusegala/src/diffusegala.dct

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations)
Thu Dec 16 13:52:05 1999 UTC (24 years, 11 months ago) by rmuch
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: version_0_9, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +2 -1 lines
array changed to array(ny,nx) as in GV's email Tue, 16 Nov 1999 16:11:59

1 #array changed to array(ny,nx) as in GV's email Tue, 16 Nov 1999 16:11:59
2 array(19,36) "DGL_MAP" real32 "S10(B)" "" fillArrayFromFits(arr,"dgl_map.fits")
3 <
4 attribute "CTYPE1" string "galactic longitude / [deg]" "name of x-axis" " "
5 attribute "CTYPE2" string "galactic latitude / [deg]" "name of y-axis" " "
6 attribute "CRVAL1" real 0. "x-coordinate of reference bin" "degree"
7 attribute "CRVAL2" real -90. "y-coordinate of reference bin" "degree"
8 attribute "CRPIX1" int 1 "address of reference bin x-direction" "bin"
9 attribute "CRPIX2" int 1 "address of reference bin y-direction" "bin"
10 attribute "CDELT1" real 10. "increment in x-direction" "degree"
11 attribute "CDELT2" real 10. "increment in y-direction" "degree"
12 >
14 table "DGL_SPEC" rows("diffuse.sptm") " "
15 <
16 attribute "REFINTEN" real 43. "reference intensity" "S10(B)"
17 column "LAMBDA" real32 "wavelength" "nm" fillColumn(col, "diffuse.sptm", 0)
18 column "FLUX" real32 "flux" "W/m^2/nm/deg^2" fillColumn(col, "diffuse.sptm", 1)
19 >
21 table "DGL_COUNTS" rows("dgl_cts.dat") " "
22 <
23 attribute "REFINTEN" real 43. "reference intensity" "S10(B)"
24 column(9) "FILTER_ID" string "" "" fillColumn(col, "dgl_cts.dat", 0,":")
25 column "COUNTS" real32 "flux" "counts/sec/subpixel" fillColumn(col, "dgl_cts.dat", 1,":")
26 >

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