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Contents of /ccfdev/packages/epn-redist/src/redist.dct

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations)
Fri Apr 15 12:26:41 2005 UTC (19 years, 7 months ago) by rsaxton
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: version_2_3, version_2_2, version_2_5, version_2_4, HEAD
Changes since 1.3: +1 -1 lines
Committed through make

1 table "EBOUNDS" rows("ebounds.dat") ""
2 <
3 comment "This is identical with the number of rows in the RMF supplied"
4 comment "by Frank Haberl - i.e. 972 channels, whose spacing is designed"
5 comment " to be non-linear so that the response distribution which changes"
6 comment "more rapidly at lower energies is better sampled"
7 column "CHANNEL" int16 "Detector channel number" "channel" fillColumn(col, "ebounds.dat", 0)
8 column "E_MIN" real32 "Low energy bound" "eV" fillColumn(col, "ebounds.dat", 1)
9 column "E_MAX" real32 "High energy bound" "eV" fillColumn(col, "ebounds.dat", 2)
10 >
11 attribute "FLATSHLF" real 1.05 "the norm of the flat shelf" ""
12 attribute "SIESCFRN" real 0.023 "the Si-escape fraction" ""

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