--- Dependency check [begin] --- --- Dependency check [end] --- --- Distribution check [begin] --- Version 8.82.2 - 2022-07-04 (EO) Information: this ChangeLog entry matches the version number: Version 8.82.2 - 2022-07-04 (EO) Information: ./config/epchain.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. --- Distribution check [end] --- Dependencies for checkoutput_IM Dependencies for checkoutput_TI Dependencies for checkoutput_BU sed -e "s/DOC/epchain/" -e "s/TYPE/devel/" < \ /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=devel epchain 8.82.2 epchain xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0 > epchain.tex including sasdevel... including sasglobal... including epchain_description... latex epchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex epchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log latex epchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex epchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o epchain.ps epchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf epchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f epchain.ps SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init epchain > /dev/null texexpand V2021 (Released January 1, 2021) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2020.1 Copyright 2020 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2023.03.29:1704' -> images.ps . [1] [2] [3] [4 ] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] /Volumes/SASCOMP/OSX19SAS/coreutils-8.22/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f epchain/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=epchain/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/epchain/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi rm epchain.tex /usr/local/bin/gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -g -fPIC -I/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/include -I/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/include/dal -I/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/include/utils checkoutput_IM.f90 /usr/local/bin/g++ -L/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib -o checkoutput_IM -ldal -lerror -lutils checkoutput_IM.o -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. /usr/local/bin/gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -g -fPIC -I/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/include -I/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/include/dal -I/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/include/utils checkoutput_TI.f90 /usr/local/bin/g++ -L/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib -o checkoutput_TI -ldal -lerror -lutils checkoutput_TI.o -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. /usr/local/bin/gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -g -fPIC -I/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/include -I/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/include/dal -I/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/include/utils checkoutput_BU.f90 /usr/local/bin/g++ -L/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib -o checkoutput_BU -ldal -lerror -lutils checkoutput_BU.o -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. Testing epchain_test_IM ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_IM for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF/ datamode=IMAGING ccds=1-2 memorymodel=high keepintermediate=all hkok=Y odfok=Y ccfok=Y withmask=N getnewbadpix=N witheventmap=Y withphotonmap=Y withpatplot=Y plotxrange=0 1 withphagaincolumn=Y runepreject=Y runepxrlcorr=N ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF/ -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = IMAGING -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 1-2 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Default parameter values: runradmonfix = Y -:- Default parameter values: withradmon = N -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpixfind = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Command line parameter: runepreject = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepnoise = N -:- Command line parameter: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Default parameter values: runepfast = N -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenlowthresh = 150 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Command line parameter: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = all -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcposition = 190 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Default parameter values: withfinetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Command line parameter: witheventmap = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphotonmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Command line parameter: getnewbadpix = N -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withmask = N -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Default parameter values: propagatecolumns = auto -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Command line parameter: ccfok = Y -:- Command line parameter: odfok = Y -:- Command line parameter: hkok = Y -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Default parameter values: withtempcorrection = Y -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Default parameter values: withframecti = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Default parameter values: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Default parameter values: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphagaincolumn = Y -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withpatplot = Y -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Command line parameter: plotxrange = 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Default parameter values: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetlist = N -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Default parameter values: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF/ -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 1..2 -:- will process CCD: 1 2 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = IM [IMAGING] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNS00301IME.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNS00302IME.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNS00303IME.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNU00201DLI.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNU00302DLI.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNU00403DLI.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNX00000HCH.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PAH.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PMH.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_RMX00100ECX.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_RMX00100ESX.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000P5S.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000SUM.SAS ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000SUM.SAS_old ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 IMAGING exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 0146_0114100201_PNS003 IM -:- will do exposure: 0146_0114100201_PNS003 -:- -:- CMD: radmonfix radmonlist=' /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//0146_0114100201_RMX00100ECX.FIT /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//0146_0114100201_RMX00100ESX.FIT' withoutputfile=Y output=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT -w 10 radmonfix:- Executing (routine): radmonfix radmonlist='/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//0146_0114100201_RMX00100ECX.FIT /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//0146_0114100201_RMX00100ESX.FIT' output=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT includespectra=no withoutputfile=yes -w 10 -V 5 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:04:31.000 ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511493.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511497.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511501.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511505.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511509.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511513.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511517.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511521.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511525.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=7511529.945 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [7513071.735, 7525411.579] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- Setting DATE-END... radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:04:32.000 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.084167s ** radmonfix: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning Extrapolation silently occurred 1807 times -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:04:32.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2000-09-25T12:31:43.000 to 2000-09-25T16:30:39.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 86272367.184000000 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 86286703.184000000 atthkgen:- Increments in 14336 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272367.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1561 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272367.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1561 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272368.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1560 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272368.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1560 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272369.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1559 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272369.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1559 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272370.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1558 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272370.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1558 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272371.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1557 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272371.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1557 s away). atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 12424 data points): 94.046931537098033 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 12424 data points): 22.723878235226991 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 12424 data points): 93.319049115497222 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 12424 data points): 1.1598552503744795E-004 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 12424 data points): 94.046931537098033 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 12424 data points): 22.723878235226991 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 12424 data points): 93.319049115497222 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 12424 data points): 1.1598552503744795E-004 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 12424 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 94.047041666666672 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : 22.723861111111109 atthkgen:- AHF PA : 93.319023132324219 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 2.7770620203692138E-005 atthkgen:- OM RA : 94.047041666666672 atthkgen:- OM Dec : 22.723861111111109 atthkgen:- OM PA : 93.319023132324219 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 2.7770620203692138E-005 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:04:33.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.484333s atthkgen:- ** atthkgen: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoAttitude silently occurred 3816 times -:- Starting with CCD = 1 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:04:33.000 /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00301IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:04:33.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.00304s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat gtiset=gti01.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap01.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat gtiset=gti01.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap01.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:04:33.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//./ epframes:- revolution number : 146 epframes:- proposal id : 011410 epframes:- total number of files : 17 epframes:- observation id : 0201 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-09-25T12:31:43.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr Fred Jansen epframes:- institute of the GO : ESA-SA-SSD epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: SCI-SA, Noordwijk, 2200 AG, NETHERLANDS epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: fjansen@astro.estec.esa.nl epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : 1 epframes:- science type : C epframes:- name of the target : SNR IC443 ptg2 epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 94.06250 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 22.70000 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 94.06250 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 22.70000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 14404.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 0360 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : N epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 0 = PrimeFullWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 73.36431885 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0146_0114100201_PNS00301IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 0146_0114100201_PNU00201DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 36861 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 15 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 8798 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 116077 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 127294 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #117 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1555 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1706 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 38 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 7 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 52 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 10 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 10.400 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 474.417 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 457.191 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 1.038 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 21 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 21 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 3581 [units] at FRAME = 805 with 33861 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 0 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 86277825.02283 epframes:- End time = 86280824.93283 epframes:- Number of frames = 40890.22874 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 73.3649600 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 73.3653704 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 33883 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 40891 epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 91 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 330 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 42 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.605 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.906] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM ** epframes: warning (misHKcolumn), Missing column FD130 epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -162.356 [V], range = [-162.356,-162.356] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.514 [mA], range = [ 9.436, 11.531] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 155.6 [ ], range = [ 0.0, 352.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.965 [deg C], range = [ -90.058, -89.840] epframes:- H_OT_TTMPFPF: average = -90.132 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 6.923 [deg C], range = [ 6.677, 7.057] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 8.542 [deg C], range = [ 8.452, 8.832] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = 4.710 [deg C], range = [ 3.340, 5.070] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 37.940 [deg C], range = [ 37.940, 37.940] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 24.100 [deg C], range = [ 24.100, 24.100] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 15.712 [deg C], range = [ 14.818, 15.715] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 13.707 [deg C], range = [ 13.002, 14.794] epframes:- F1574: average = 26.298 [deg C], range = [ 23.137, 29.832] epframes:- F1674: average = 28.932 [deg C], range = [ 23.418, 31.801] epframes:- F1774: average = 27.968 [deg C], range = [ 24.619, 29.643] epframes:- F1874: average = 31.343 [deg C], range = [ 29.546, 32.916] epframes:- F1576: average = 21.958 [deg C], range = [ 20.667, 22.327] epframes:- F1676: average = 24.159 [deg C], range = [ 22.682, 24.344] epframes:- F1776: average = 22.455 [deg C], range = [ 22.455, 22.455] epframes:- F1876: average = 20.944 [deg C], range = [ 20.944, 20.944] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 26.298 [deg C], range = [ 23.137, 29.832] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 21.958 [deg C], range = [ 20.667, 22.327] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 1.553 [mu A], range = [ 1.501, 2.667] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.581 [mA], range = [ 10.675, 12.759] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 12.333 [deg C], range = [ 12.333, 12.333] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 8.750 [deg C], range = [ 8.750, 8.750] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = 4.722 [deg C], range = [ 4.706, 5.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 7.812 [deg C], range = [ 7.812, 7.812] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 20.007 [deg C], range = [ 20.000, 20.417] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 15.769 [deg C], range = [ 15.769, 15.769] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 21.667 [deg C], range = [ 21.667, 21.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 9.375 [deg C], range = [ 9.375, 9.375] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 11.333 [deg C], range = [ 11.333, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 17.308 [deg C], range = [ 17.308, 17.308] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 18.077 [deg C], range = [ 18.077, 18.077] epframes:- epframes:- 0146_0114100201_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . -:- Input file does rawevents01.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- Starting with CCD = 2 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:04:35.000 /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00302IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:04:35.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.00298s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat gtiset=gti02.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap02.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat gtiset=gti02.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap02.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:04:35.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//./ epframes:- revolution number : 146 epframes:- proposal id : 011410 epframes:- total number of files : 17 epframes:- observation id : 0201 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-09-25T12:31:43.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr Fred Jansen epframes:- institute of the GO : ESA-SA-SSD epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: SCI-SA, Noordwijk, 2200 AG, NETHERLANDS epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: fjansen@astro.estec.esa.nl epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : 1 epframes:- science type : C epframes:- name of the target : SNR IC443 ptg2 epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 94.06250 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 22.70000 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 94.06250 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 22.70000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 14404.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 0360 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : N epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 0 = PrimeFullWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 73.36431885 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0146_0114100201_PNS00302IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 0146_0114100201_PNU00302DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 31340 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 15 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 8798 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 116077 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 127294 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #117 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1555 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1706 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 38 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 7 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 52 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 10 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 10.400 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 474.417 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 457.191 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 1.038 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 21 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 21 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 3581 [units] at FRAME = 805 with 33861 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 0 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 86277825.02894 epframes:- End time = 86280824.93894 epframes:- Number of frames = 40890.22874 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 73.3649600 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 73.3653704 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 33883 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 40891 epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 91 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 330 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 42 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.605 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.906] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM ** epframes: warning (misHKcolumn), Missing column FD130 epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -162.356 [V], range = [-162.356,-162.356] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.514 [mA], range = [ 9.436, 11.531] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 155.6 [ ], range = [ 0.0, 352.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.965 [deg C], range = [ -90.058, -89.840] epframes:- H_OT_TTMPFPF: average = -90.198 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -90.058] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 6.923 [deg C], range = [ 6.677, 7.057] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 8.542 [deg C], range = [ 8.452, 8.832] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = 4.710 [deg C], range = [ 3.340, 5.070] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 37.940 [deg C], range = [ 37.940, 37.940] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 24.100 [deg C], range = [ 24.100, 24.100] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 15.712 [deg C], range = [ 14.818, 15.715] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 13.707 [deg C], range = [ 13.002, 14.794] epframes:- F1574: average = 26.298 [deg C], range = [ 23.137, 29.832] epframes:- F1674: average = 28.932 [deg C], range = [ 23.418, 31.801] epframes:- F1774: average = 27.968 [deg C], range = [ 24.619, 29.643] epframes:- F1874: average = 31.343 [deg C], range = [ 29.546, 32.916] epframes:- F1576: average = 21.958 [deg C], range = [ 20.667, 22.327] epframes:- F1676: average = 24.159 [deg C], range = [ 22.682, 24.344] epframes:- F1776: average = 22.455 [deg C], range = [ 22.455, 22.455] epframes:- F1876: average = 20.944 [deg C], range = [ 20.944, 20.944] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 26.298 [deg C], range = [ 23.137, 29.832] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 21.958 [deg C], range = [ 20.667, 22.327] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 2.382 [mu A], range = [ 1.501, 2.667] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.581 [mA], range = [ 10.675, 12.759] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 12.333 [deg C], range = [ 12.333, 12.333] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 8.750 [deg C], range = [ 8.750, 8.750] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = 4.722 [deg C], range = [ 4.706, 5.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 7.812 [deg C], range = [ 7.812, 7.812] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 20.007 [deg C], range = [ 20.000, 20.417] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 15.769 [deg C], range = [ 15.769, 15.769] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 21.667 [deg C], range = [ 21.667, 21.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 9.375 [deg C], range = [ 9.375, 9.375] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 11.333 [deg C], range = [ 11.333, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 17.308 [deg C], range = [ 17.308, 17.308] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 18.077 [deg C], range = [ 18.077, 18.077] epframes:- epframes:- 0146_0114100201_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . -:- Input file does rawevents02.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_IM Testing epchain_test_eFF ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_eFF for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF/ datamode=IMAGING ccds=4,7 memorymodel=high keepintermediate=none hkok=Y odfok=Y ccfok=Y withmask=N getnewbadpix=N witheventmap=Y withphotonmap=Y withpatplot=Y withphagaincolumn=Y runepnoise=Y applyfilter=Y withbackgroundgain=Y withpatternoffset=Y ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF/ -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = IMAGING -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 4,7 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Default parameter values: runradmonfix = Y -:- Default parameter values: withradmon = N -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpixfind = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepreject = N -:- Command line parameter: runepnoise = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Default parameter values: runepfast = N -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenlowthresh = 150 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Command line parameter: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = none -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcposition = 190 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Default parameter values: withfinetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Command line parameter: witheventmap = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphotonmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Command line parameter: getnewbadpix = N -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withmask = N -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Default parameter values: propagatecolumns = auto -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Command line parameter: ccfok = Y -:- Command line parameter: odfok = Y -:- Command line parameter: hkok = Y -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Default parameter values: withtempcorrection = Y -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Default parameter values: withframecti = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Command line parameter: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Command line parameter: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphagaincolumn = Y -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withpatplot = Y -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Default parameter values: plotxrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Command line parameter: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetlist = N -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Default parameter values: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF/ -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 4,7 -:- will process CCD: 4 7 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = IM [IMAGING] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00101IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00102IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00103IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00104IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00105IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00106IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00107IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00108IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00109IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00110IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00111IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00112IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00204ODI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00210ODI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00211ODI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00301DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00402DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00503DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00604DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00705DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00806DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00907DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01008DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01109DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01210DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01311DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01412DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNX00000HCH.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PAH.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PMH.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_RMX00100ECX.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_RMX00100ESX.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000P5S.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000SUM.SAS ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000SUM.SAS_old ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 IMAGING exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 0184_0124712201_PNS001 IM -:- will do exposure: 0184_0124712201_PNS001 -:- -:- CMD: radmonfix radmonlist=' /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//0184_0124712201_RMX00100ECX.FIT /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//0184_0124712201_RMX00100ESX.FIT' withoutputfile=Y output=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT -w 10 radmonfix:- Executing (routine): radmonfix radmonlist='/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//0184_0124712201_RMX00100ECX.FIT /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//0184_0124712201_RMX00100ESX.FIT' output=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT includespectra=no withoutputfile=yes -w 10 -V 5 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:04:57.000 ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009385.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009389.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009393.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009397.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009401.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009405.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009409.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009413.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009417.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=14009421.95 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [14010402.98, 14040734.82] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- Setting DATE-END... radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:04:58.000 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.168713s ** radmonfix: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning Extrapolation silently occurred 4295 times -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:04:58.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2000-12-09T17:30:35.000 to 2000-12-10T02:36:43.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 92770299.184000000 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 92803067.184000000 atthkgen:- Increments in 32768 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770299.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1011.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770299.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1011.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770300.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1010.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770300.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1010.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770301.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1009.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770301.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1009.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770302.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1008.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770302.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1008.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770303.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1007.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770303.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1007.00000001 s away). atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 30352 data points): 194.43174662792663 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 30352 data points): 27.755207088233426 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 30352 data points): 130.24248250868359 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 30352 data points): 9.6004319717622559E-005 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 30352 data points): 194.43174662792663 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 30352 data points): 27.755207088233426 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 30352 data points): 130.24248250868359 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 30352 data points): 9.6004319717622559E-005 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 30352 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 194.43179166666667 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : 27.755194444444445 atthkgen:- AHF PA : 130.24238586425784 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 4.6159080908264866E-005 atthkgen:- OM RA : 194.43179166666667 atthkgen:- OM Dec : 27.755194444444445 atthkgen:- OM PA : 130.24238586425784 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 4.6159080908264866E-005 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:04:59.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 1.148419s atthkgen:- ** atthkgen: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoAttitude silently occurred 4824 times -:- Starting with CCD = 4 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:04:59.000 /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00104IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:04:59.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.006015s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:00.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//./ epframes:- revolution number : 184 epframes:- proposal id : 012471 epframes:- total number of files : 38 epframes:- observation id : 2201 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-12-09T17:30:35.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr F Jansen epframes:- institute of the GO : Estec SSD epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: Astrophyscis Divn, Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk, 2200AZ, NETHERLANDS epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: dlumb@astro.estec.esa.nl epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : 1 epframes:- science type : F epframes:- name of the target : Coma2 epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 194.42708 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 27.72722 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 194.42708 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 27.72722 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 27948.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 128129 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : N epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Closed epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 20 = PrimeFullWindowExtended epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 199.19343567 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0184_0124712201_PNS00104IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT epframes:- ... found no DLI file epframes:- The following Offset data for exposure PNS001 and CCD: 4 was found: 0184_0124712201_PNU00204ODI.FIT epframes:- The following Offset data for exposure PNS001 and CCD: 4 was found: 0184_0124712201_PNU00204ODI.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn offset map : 0184_0124712201_PNU00204ODI.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 15623 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 29 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 28317 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 28972 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 33031 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 74761 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 75151 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 34 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2406 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 1.195s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #369 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #378 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #431 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #980 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #985 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 52 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 5 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 19: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 91 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 18 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 36.400 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1229.878 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1173.808 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1.048 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 34 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 31 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 9725 [units] at FRAME = 138 with 17842 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 1 3 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 34 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2406 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 1.195s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 92776474.20188 epframes:- End time = 92780513.64955 epframes:- Number of frames = 20278.95438 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 199.1940800 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 199.1936319 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 17874 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 20280 epframes:- Frame time in ODF does not match nominal value. Check ODF ! Nominal: 199.1941 [ms], ODF: 48.0000 [ms] epframes:- Reset F1030: Time_o Time_n Length = 14014146 14015563 1417 epframes:- Unusual F1030 values in HK file: unusual interval found: MIN,MAX,LEN = 14014146 14015563 1417 epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 128 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 442 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 50 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 4 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 5 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 250 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 54.652 [deg], range = [ 53.898, 55.574] -> FILTER = Closed / CLOSE epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -163.235 [V], range = [-164.623,-161.248] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 4.607 [mA], range = [ 3.407, 6.062] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 403.7 [ ], range = [ 0.0, 693.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.949 [deg C], range = [ -89.949, -89.949] epframes:- H_OT_TTMPFPF: average = -89.935 [deg C], range = [ -89.949, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 2.666 [deg C], range = [ 2.492, 3.000] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 4.211 [deg C], range = [ 4.014, 4.521] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -0.120 [deg C], range = [ -0.120, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 20.205 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 22.370] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 6.020 [deg C], range = [ 4.954, 6.748] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 4.826 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 4.935] epframes:- F1574: average = 13.315 [deg C], range = [ 11.422, 14.769] epframes:- F1674: average = 16.354 [deg C], range = [ 15.035, 18.388] epframes:- F1774: average = 15.532 [deg C], range = [ 12.897, 16.246] epframes:- F1874: average = 19.162 [deg C], range = [ 17.753, 21.123] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.430 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 14.265 [deg C], range = [ 12.712, 14.374] epframes:- F1776: average = 12.518 [deg C], range = [ 12.436, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 12.590 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 12.590] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 16.354 [deg C], range = [ 15.035, 18.388] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 14.265 [deg C], range = [ 12.712, 14.374] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.437 [mu A], range = [ 2.317, 3.475] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 4.775 [mA], range = [ 3.667, 6.617] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 4.706 [deg C], range = [ 4.706, 4.706] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 6.250 [deg C], range = [ 6.250, 6.250] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = 1.471 [deg C], range = [ 1.471, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = -0.278 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, -0.278] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 2.941 [deg C], range = [ 2.941, 2.941] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 7.500 [deg C], range = [ 7.500, 7.500] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.659 [deg C], range = [ 11.333, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 8.125 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.125] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 6.875 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 6.875] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 7.605 [deg C], range = [ 7.500, 7.812] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 3.719 [deg C], range = [ 3.529, 3.824] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 5.620 [deg C], range = [ 5.312, 5.625] epframes:- epframes:- 0184_0124712201_PNS001: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Closed], PMH:FD130 [CLOSED] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . -:- Input file does rawevents04.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- Starting with CCD = 7 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:01.000 /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00107IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:05:01.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.006129s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' eventset=rawevents07.dat gtiset=gti07.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap07.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' eventset=rawevents07.dat gtiset=gti07.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap07.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:02.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//./ epframes:- revolution number : 184 epframes:- proposal id : 012471 epframes:- total number of files : 38 epframes:- observation id : 2201 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-12-09T17:30:35.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr F Jansen epframes:- institute of the GO : Estec SSD epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: Astrophyscis Divn, Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk, 2200AZ, NETHERLANDS epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: dlumb@astro.estec.esa.nl epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : 1 epframes:- science type : F epframes:- name of the target : Coma2 epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 194.42708 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 27.72722 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 194.42708 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 27.72722 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 27948.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 128129 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : N epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Closed epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 20 = PrimeFullWindowExtended epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 199.19343567 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0184_0124712201_PNS00107IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT epframes:- ... found no DLI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 82172 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 29 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 2973 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 5912 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 17520 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 20762 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 22583 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 23306 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 26452 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 45175 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 52075 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 55092 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 60459 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 65280 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 67620 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 69784 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 71195 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 75357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 100 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 277 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 0.7968s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #38 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #77 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #229 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #272 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #297 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #307 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #350 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #599 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #690 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #729 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 109 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 16 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 6 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 159 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 25 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 63.600 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1587.802 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1483.907 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1.070 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 100 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 87 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 9725 [units] at FRAME = 6 with 19915 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 1 3 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 100 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 277 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 0.7968s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 92776474.25169 epframes:- End time = 92780513.69935 epframes:- Number of frames = 20278.95438 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 199.1940800 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 199.1936319 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 20003 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 20280 epframes:- Frame time in ODF does not match nominal value. Check ODF ! Nominal: 199.1941 [ms], ODF: 48.0000 [ms] epframes:- Reset F1030: Time_o Time_n Length = 14014146 14015563 1417 epframes:- Unusual F1030 values in HK file: unusual interval found: MIN,MAX,LEN = 14014146 14015563 1417 epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 249 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 384 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 102 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 3 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 13 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 239 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 54.652 [deg], range = [ 53.898, 55.574] -> FILTER = Closed / CLOSE epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -150.617 [V], range = [-151.466,-149.210] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 4.162 [mA], range = [ 2.842, 5.816] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 394.6 [ ], range = [ 0.0, 620.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.949 [deg C], range = [ -89.949, -89.949] epframes:- H_OT_TTMPFPF: average = -89.935 [deg C], range = [ -89.949, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 2.666 [deg C], range = [ 2.492, 3.000] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 4.211 [deg C], range = [ 4.014, 4.521] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -0.120 [deg C], range = [ -0.120, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 20.205 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 22.370] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 6.020 [deg C], range = [ 4.954, 6.748] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 4.826 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 4.935] epframes:- F1574: average = 13.315 [deg C], range = [ 11.422, 14.769] epframes:- F1674: average = 16.354 [deg C], range = [ 15.035, 18.388] epframes:- F1774: average = 15.532 [deg C], range = [ 12.897, 16.246] epframes:- F1874: average = 19.162 [deg C], range = [ 17.753, 21.123] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.430 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 14.265 [deg C], range = [ 12.712, 14.374] epframes:- F1776: average = 12.518 [deg C], range = [ 12.436, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 12.590 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 12.590] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 15.532 [deg C], range = [ 12.897, 16.246] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 12.518 [deg C], range = [ 12.436, 14.106] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.775 [mu A], range = [ 3.756, 4.925] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 4.959 [mA], range = [ 3.756, 6.441] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 4.706 [deg C], range = [ 4.706, 4.706] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 6.250 [deg C], range = [ 6.250, 6.250] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = 1.471 [deg C], range = [ 1.471, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = -0.278 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, -0.278] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 2.941 [deg C], range = [ 2.941, 2.941] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 7.500 [deg C], range = [ 7.500, 7.500] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.659 [deg C], range = [ 11.333, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 8.125 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.125] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 6.875 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 6.875] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 7.605 [deg C], range = [ 7.500, 7.812] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 3.719 [deg C], range = [ 3.529, 3.824] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 5.620 [deg C], range = [ 5.312, 5.625] epframes:- epframes:- 0184_0124712201_PNS001: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Closed], PMH:FD130 [CLOSED] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . ** epframes: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning InvalidObtValue silently occurred 6 times -:- Input file does rawevents07.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_eFF Testing epchain_test_BU ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_BU for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI datamode=BURST ccds=4 runbadpixfind=N getnewbadpix=N srcposition=185 memorymodel=high keepintermediate=all hkok=N odfok=N ccfok=N withfinetime=N withrdpha=Y ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = BURST -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 4 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Default parameter values: runradmonfix = Y -:- Default parameter values: withradmon = N -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Command line parameter: runbadpixfind = N -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepreject = N -:- Default parameter values: runepnoise = N -:- Default parameter values: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Default parameter values: runepfast = N -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenlowthresh = 150 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Command line parameter: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = all -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Command line parameter: srcposition = 185 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Command line parameter: withfinetime = N -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Default parameter values: witheventmap = N -:- Default parameter values: withphotonmap = N -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Command line parameter: getnewbadpix = N -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withmask = Y -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Default parameter values: propagatecolumns = auto -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Command line parameter: ccfok = N -:- Command line parameter: odfok = N -:- Command line parameter: hkok = N -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Default parameter values: withtempcorrection = Y -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Default parameter values: withframecti = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Default parameter values: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Default parameter values: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Default parameter values: withphagaincolumn = N -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withpatplot = N -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Default parameter values: plotxrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Default parameter values: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetlist = N -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Command line parameter: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 4 -:- will process CCD: 4 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = BU [BURST] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNS01604BUE.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00200CCX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00204TIE.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNX00200PMH.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNX01600PMH.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 BURST exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 0029_0116690801_PNS016 BU -:- will do exposure: 0029_0116690801_PNS016 -:- -:- CMD: radmonfix radmonlist='' withoutputfile=Y output=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT -w 10 radmonfix:- Executing (routine): radmonfix radmonlist='' output=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT includespectra=no withoutputfile=yes -w 10 -V 5 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:22.000 radmonfix:- Setting DATE-END... radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:05:22.000 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.001484s -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:22.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2000-02-05T12:40:27.000 to 2000-02-05T15:22:32.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 66141691.184000000 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 66151416.183999993 atthkgen:- Increments in 9725 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 9726 data points): 84.930416666669629 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 9726 data points): -69.333277777770931 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 9726 data points): -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 9726 data points): 8.5377364625154368E-007 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 9726 data points): 84.930416666669629 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 9726 data points): -69.333277777770931 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 9726 data points): -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 9726 data points): 8.5377364625154368E-007 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 9726 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 84.930416666666673 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : -69.333277777777781 atthkgen:- AHF PA : -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 8.5377364625159387E-007 atthkgen:- OM RA : 84.930416666666673 atthkgen:- OM Dec : -69.333277777777781 atthkgen:- OM PA : -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 8.5377364625159387E-007 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:05:22.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.345147s atthkgen:- -:- Starting with CCD = 4 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:23.000 /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01604BUE.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:05:23.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.001764s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=185 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=0 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=0 odfok=0 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=0 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=185 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=no lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=no mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=no hkok=no setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=no withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:23.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0029_0116690801_SCX00000SUM.ASC epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI epframes:- revolution number : 29 epframes:- proposal id : 011669 epframes:- total number of files : 11 epframes:- observation id : 0801 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-02-05T12:40:27.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr. Name Family epframes:- institute of the GO : XMM-SSC epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: MPE, Street, Garching, Bavaria, D-85748, Germany epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: mjf@mpe.mpg.de epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : AO epframes:- science type : ST epframes:- name of the target : Object epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 84.93040 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: -69.33330 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 84.93040 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: -69.33330 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 9725.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 0360 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : ? epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 1 epframes:- emos2: 2 epframes:- epn : 3 epframes:- rgs1 : 4 epframes:- rgs2 : 5 epframes:- om : 6 epframes:- ** epframes: warning (fineTime), Setting withfinetime=N only useful to detect unrecognized jumps in the AUX full second counter conversion. epframes:- Parameter FILTER not found, will set it to UNKNOWN epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: UNKNOWN ** epframes: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 24 = FastBurst epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 4.34456015 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0029_0116690801_PNS01604BUE.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0029_0116690801_PNX01600PMH.FIT epframes:- no SCX P5S epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 217524 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 10 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 8204 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 8685 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 14728 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 20083 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 20276 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 23170 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 24346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 28037 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 28688 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 38889 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 40110 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 42593 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 44489 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 45417 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 49115 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 58777 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 66117 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 20 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 65127 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.004324s maximum delta : 0.3606s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #5357 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #5672 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #9691 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #13270 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #13398 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #15341 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #16127 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #18554 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #18994 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #25733 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 14 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 30 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 268 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 0.600 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 5.132 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 4.725 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 1.086 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 20 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 20 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 211 [units] at FRAME = 22021 with 69210 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 5 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 20 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 65127 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.004324s maximum delta : 0.3606s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 66141691.71686 epframes:- End time = 66145692.02509 epframes:- Number of frames = 920779.52344 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 4.3444800 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 4.3444778 epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66143421.609939 and 66143421.970530 = 0.360591 [s] = 83.000 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66143928.097240 and 66143928.279717 = 0.182477 [s] = 42.002 [frames] epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- Too many empty frames to fill in: epframes:- Frame 1 of 7 missing frames at frame i = 69230 of total 69231 at index 920782 for BU-mode with 2 gap(s) epframes:- Probably AUX file is longer than corresponding data or AUX file contains incorrectly assigned quadrant information. epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 69231 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 920782 epframes:- Frame time of ODF does not match nominal value. Check ODF ! epframes:- Nominal: 4.3445 [ms], ODF: 5.0000 [ms] epframes:- 0029_0116690801_PNS016: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [UNKNOWN], PMH:FD130 [] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . ** epframes: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning InvalidObtValue silently occurred 7 times -:- Input file rawevents04.dat does not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- -:- CMD: epfast evfile=P0116690801PNS016TIEVLI0000.FIT -w 10 epfast:- Executing (routine): epfast evfile=P0116690801PNS016TIEVLI0000.FIT tbinwidth=10 pimin=100 pimax=12000 withrandomisation=yes -w 10 -V 5 epfast:- epfast (epfast-0.7) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:24.000 ** epfast: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'P0116690801PNS016TIEVLI0000.FIT' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_BU Testing epchain_test_TI ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_TI for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI datamode=TIMING ccds=4 runbadpixfind=N getnewbadpix=N srcposition=180 memorymodel=high keepintermediate=all hkok=N odfok=N ccfok=N withframecti=Y withtempcorrection=N withrdpha=Y runepfast=Y ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = TIMING -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 4 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Default parameter values: runradmonfix = Y -:- Default parameter values: withradmon = N -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Command line parameter: runbadpixfind = N -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepreject = N -:- Default parameter values: runepnoise = N -:- Default parameter values: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Command line parameter: runepfast = Y -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenlowthresh = 150 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Command line parameter: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = all -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Command line parameter: srcposition = 180 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Default parameter values: withfinetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Default parameter values: witheventmap = N -:- Default parameter values: withphotonmap = N -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Command line parameter: getnewbadpix = N -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withmask = Y -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Default parameter values: propagatecolumns = auto -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Command line parameter: ccfok = N -:- Command line parameter: odfok = N -:- Command line parameter: hkok = N -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Command line parameter: withtempcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Command line parameter: withframecti = Y -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Default parameter values: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Default parameter values: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Default parameter values: withphagaincolumn = N -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withpatplot = N -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Default parameter values: plotxrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Default parameter values: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetlist = N -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Command line parameter: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 4 -:- will process CCD: 4 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = TI [TIMING] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNS01604BUE.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00200CCX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00204TIE.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNX00200PMH.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNX01600PMH.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 TIMING exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 0029_0116690801_PNU002 TI -:- will do exposure: 0029_0116690801_PNU002 -:- -:- CMD: radmonfix radmonlist='' withoutputfile=Y output=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT -w 10 radmonfix:- Executing (routine): radmonfix radmonlist='' output=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT includespectra=no withoutputfile=yes -w 10 -V 5 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:43.000 radmonfix:- Setting DATE-END... radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:05:43.000 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.002196s -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:43.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2000-02-05T12:40:27.000 to 2000-02-05T15:22:32.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 66141691.184000000 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 66151416.183999993 atthkgen:- Increments in 9725 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 9726 data points): 84.930416666669629 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 9726 data points): -69.333277777770931 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 9726 data points): -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 9726 data points): 8.5377364625154368E-007 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 9726 data points): 84.930416666669629 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 9726 data points): -69.333277777770931 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 9726 data points): -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 9726 data points): 8.5377364625154368E-007 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 9726 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 84.930416666666673 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : -69.333277777777781 atthkgen:- AHF PA : -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 8.5377364625159387E-007 atthkgen:- OM RA : 84.930416666666673 atthkgen:- OM Dec : -69.333277777777781 atthkgen:- OM PA : -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 8.5377364625159387E-007 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:05:43.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.325137s atthkgen:- -:- Starting with CCD = 4 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:44.000 /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00204TIE.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:05:44.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.001709s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=180 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=0 odfok=0 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=0 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=180 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=no mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=no hkok=no setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=no withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:05:44.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0029_0116690801_SCX00000SUM.ASC epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI epframes:- revolution number : 29 epframes:- proposal id : 011669 epframes:- total number of files : 11 epframes:- observation id : 0801 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-02-05T12:40:27.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr. Name Family epframes:- institute of the GO : XMM-SSC epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: MPE, Street, Garching, Bavaria, D-85748, Germany epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: mjf@mpe.mpg.de epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : AO epframes:- science type : ST epframes:- name of the target : Object epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 84.93040 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: -69.33330 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 84.93040 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: -69.33330 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 9725.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 0360 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : ? epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 1 epframes:- emos2: 2 epframes:- epn : 3 epframes:- rgs1 : 4 epframes:- rgs2 : 5 epframes:- om : 6 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER not found, will set it to UNKNOWN epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: UNKNOWN ** epframes: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 23 = FastTiming epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 5.96464014 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0029_0116690801_PNU00204TIE.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Counting Mode: 0029_0116690801_PNU00200CCX.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0029_0116690801_PNX00200PMH.FIT epframes:- no SCX P5S epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 204744 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 10 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [3341, 3369] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053s - the difference is: 3936.95358089 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [6128, 6172] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053s - the difference is: 3628.96120638 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [13790, 13808] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053s - the difference is: 3667.95667208 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [18374, 18376] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053s - the difference is: 3556.95927669 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6132 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6138 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6140 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6149 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6156 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6164 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6170 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6256 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 7731 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 9705 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 10740 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13290 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13801 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 15498 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 17298 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 244 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7914 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 96 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 13 [28/45621(23.48), 58/8721(21.32), 88/46379(23.12), 120/16086(21.65), 156/12697(20.58), 190/11146(21.39), 219/46374(20.88), 247/21215(20.54), 278/8879(21.41), 310/21983(21.88), 347/11703(20.74), 377/31304(22.09), 411/36452(21.22)] minimum delta : 0.005942s maximum delta : 23.12s ** epframes: warning (UnidentifiedTimeGaps), Time intervals were found whose duration appear not to be integer multiples of the nominal frame integration time of 0.005965s for the current mode. This hints at either an undetected random jump of the FTCOARSE time counter or another unknown anomaly with the auxiliary data from quadrant 1. If a detailed timing analysis is to be carried out on the event data please note that undetected jumps are very likely to lead to artifacts in timing data products such as pulse profile curves. Please contact the SOC for advice. ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #213 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #362 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #363 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #364 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #365 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #366 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #367 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #368 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #373 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #472 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 26 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 10 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 11 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 9 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 5: 4 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 6: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 7: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 8: 6 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 9: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 10: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 11: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 13: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 15: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 16: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 20: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 24: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 27: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 30: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 32: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 37: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 43: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 45: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 48: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 51: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 56: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 763 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 567 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 15.260 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 488.025 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 172.363 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 2.831 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 244 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 74 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 290 [units] at FRAME = 325 with 19629 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 4 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [3341, 3369] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.005965s - the difference is: 3937 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [6128, 6172] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.005965s - the difference is: 3629 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [13790, 13808] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.005965s - the difference is: 3668 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [18374, 18376] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.005965s - the difference is: 3557 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3343 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6130 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6131 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6132 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6133 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6134 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6135 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6136 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6137 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6138 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6139 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6140 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6141 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6142 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6143 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6144 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6145 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6146 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6147 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6148 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6149 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6150 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6151 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6152 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6153 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6154 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6155 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6156 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6157 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6158 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6159 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6160 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6161 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6162 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6163 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6164 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6165 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6166 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6167 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6168 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6169 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6170 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6171 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 244 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7914 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 96 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 13 [28/45621(23.48), 58/8721(21.32), 88/46379(23.12), 120/16086(21.65), 156/12697(20.58), 190/11146(21.39), 219/46374(20.88), 247/21215(20.54), 278/8879(21.41), 310/21983(21.88), 347/11703(20.74), 377/31304(22.09), 411/36452(21.22)] minimum delta : 0.005942s maximum delta : 23.12s ** epframes: warning (UnidentifiedTimeGaps), Time intervals were found whose duration appear not to be integer multiples of the nominal frame integration time of 0.005965s for the current mode. This hints at either an undetected random jump of the FTCOARSE time counter or another unknown anomaly with the auxiliary data from quadrant 1. If a detailed timing analysis is to be carried out on the event data please note that undetected jumps are very likely to lead to artifacts in timing data products such as pulse profile curves. Please contact the SOC for advice. epframes:- Bad index = 3333 previous obtTag = 29.267646327070313 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3342 aux1Gframe(i) = 3343 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.886609920000001 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.892569600000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3334 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3343 aux1Gframe(i) = 3344 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.892569600000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.898529280000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3335 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3344 aux1Gframe(i) = 3345 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.898529280000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.904509440000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3336 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3345 aux1Gframe(i) = 3346 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.904509440000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.910469120000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3337 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3346 aux1Gframe(i) = 3347 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.910469120000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.916428800000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3338 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3347 aux1Gframe(i) = 3348 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.916428800000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.922388480000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3339 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3348 aux1Gframe(i) = 3349 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.922388480000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.928368640000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3340 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3349 aux1Gframe(i) = 3350 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.928368640000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.934328320000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3341 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3350 aux1Gframe(i) = 3351 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.934328320000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.975434239999998 epframes:- Bad index = 3342 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3351 aux1Gframe(i) = 3352 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.975434239999998 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.981414399999998 epframes:- Bad index = 3343 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3352 aux1Gframe(i) = 3353 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.981414399999998 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.987374080000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3344 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3353 aux1Gframe(i) = 3354 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.987374080000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.993333759999999 epframes:- Bad index = 3345 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3354 aux1Gframe(i) = 3355 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.993333759999999 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.999293440000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3346 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3355 aux1Gframe(i) = 3356 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.999293440000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.005294079999999 epframes:- Bad index = 3347 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3356 aux1Gframe(i) = 3357 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.005294079999999 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.011253760000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3348 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3357 aux1Gframe(i) = 3358 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.011253760000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.017213439999999 epframes:- Bad index = 3349 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3358 aux1Gframe(i) = 3359 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.017213439999999 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.023173120000003 epframes:- Bad index = 3350 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3359 aux1Gframe(i) = 3360 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.023173120000003 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.029153280000003 epframes:- Bad index = 3351 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3360 aux1Gframe(i) = 3361 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.029153280000003 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.035112959999999 epframes:- Number of bad OBT values for CCD = 4 : 71 epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 66141692.54936 epframes:- End time = 66142137.07105 epframes:- Number of frames = 74526.15532 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 5.9646400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 5.9646524 epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141744.095212 and 66141744.745332 = 0.650120 [s] = 108.996 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141748.550731 and 66141748.765443 = 0.214712 [s] = 35.998 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141749.695934 and 66141771.013313 = 21.317379 [s] = 3573.959 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141773.005490 and 66141773.279860 = 0.274371 [s] = 46.000 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141778.403436 and 66141778.761286 = 0.357850 [s] = 59.995 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141778.761286 and 66141778.952160 = 0.190874 [s] = 32.001 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141780.467170 and 66141803.585834 = 23.118664 [s] = 3875.953 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141808.089089 and 66141808.339600 = 0.250511 [s] = 41.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141847.055645 and 66141847.777363 = 0.721718 [s] = 120.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141847.777363 and 66141868.361104 = 20.583741 [s] = 3450.961 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141881.745598 and 66141903.140535 = 21.394936 [s] = 3586.962 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141905.210228 and 66141905.502498 = 0.292270 [s] = 49.000 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141905.735113 and 66141906.265975 = 0.530862 [s] = 89.002 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141910.470979 and 66141910.995864 = 0.524884 [s] = 87.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141911.467068 and 66141932.349042 = 20.881974 [s] = 3500.961 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141935.963567 and 66141936.452650 = 0.489083 [s] = 81.997 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141938.951811 and 66141959.487855 = 20.536044 [s] = 3442.964 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141969.699170 and 66141991.106046 = 21.406876 [s] = 3588.964 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141996.706768 and 66141997.541802 = 0.835034 [s] = 139.997 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141998.174060 and 66141998.424572 = 0.250511 [s] = 41.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141999.164189 and 66141999.349082 = 0.184893 [s] = 30.998 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142027.394507 and 66142027.603242 = 0.208735 [s] = 34.995 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142037.802676 and 66142038.697368 = 0.894692 [s] = 149.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142038.757006 and 66142059.501802 = 20.744796 [s] = 3477.963 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142069.158434 and 66142091.251209 = 22.092774 [s] = 3703.958 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142095.742526 and 66142096.273388 = 0.530862 [s] = 89.002 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142103.263865 and 66142124.479847 = 21.215982 [s] = 3556.959 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142134.035083 and 66142134.243856 = 0.208773 [s] = 35.002 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142135.228025 and 66142135.418878 = 0.190853 [s] = 31.997 [frames] epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 19704 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 74528 epframes:- Frame time of ODF does not match nominal value. Check ODF ! epframes:- Nominal: 5.9646 [ms], ODF: 73.0000 [ms] epframes:- 0029_0116690801_PNU002: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [UNKNOWN], PMH:FD130 [] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . ** epframes: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning InvalidObtValue silently occurred 77 times -:- Input file rawevents04.dat does not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_TI Testing epchain_test_slew ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_slew for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=./tempodf datamode=IMAGING ccds=1,2,4,7,10,11 keepintermediate=all witheventmap=Y withphotonmap=Y withpatplot=Y plotxrange=0 0 propagatecolumns=all runepreject=Y withoffsetlist=Y screenlowthresh=0 withradmon=Y runradmonfix=Y ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = ./tempodf -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = IMAGING -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 1,2,4,7,10,11 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Command line parameter: runradmonfix = Y -:- Command line parameter: withradmon = Y -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpixfind = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Command line parameter: runepreject = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepnoise = N -:- Default parameter values: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Default parameter values: runepfast = N -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Command line parameter: screenlowthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Default parameter values: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = all -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcposition = 190 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Default parameter values: withfinetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Command line parameter: witheventmap = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphotonmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getnewbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withmask = Y -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: propagatecolumns = all -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Default parameter values: ccfok = Y -:- Default parameter values: odfok = Y -:- Default parameter values: hkok = Y -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Default parameter values: withtempcorrection = Y -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Default parameter values: withframecti = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Default parameter values: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Default parameter values: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Default parameter values: withphagaincolumn = N -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withpatplot = Y -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Command line parameter: plotxrange = 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Default parameter values: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Command line parameter: withoffsetlist = Y -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Default parameter values: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: ./tempodf -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 1,2,4,7,10,11 -:- will process CCD: 1 2 4 7 10 11 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = IM [IMAGING] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20101ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20102ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20103ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20104ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20105ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20106ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20107ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20108ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20109ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20110ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20111ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20112ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00100AUX.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00110IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00120IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00130IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00140IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00150IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00170IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1X00000HCH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1X00000PEH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00200AUX.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00210IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00220IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00230IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00240IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00250IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00260IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00270IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2X00000HCH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2X00000PEH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_OMX00000NPH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_OMX00000PEH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00300ODI.ASC ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00301IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00302IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00303IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00304IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00305IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00306IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00307IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00308IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00309IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00310IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00311IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00312IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00201DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00302DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00403DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00504DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00605DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00706DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00807DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00908DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU01009DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU01110DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU01211DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU01312DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_R1X00000PFH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_R2X00000PFH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00100ECX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00100ESX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00200ECX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00200ESX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00300ECX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00300ESX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P1S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P2S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P3S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P4S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P6S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P7S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P8S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P9S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000RAS.ASC.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS_old ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 IMAGING exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 1711_9171100003_PNS003 IM -:- will do exposure: 1711_9171100003_PNS003 -:- -:- CMD: radmonfix radmonlist=' ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00100ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00100ESX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00200ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00200ESX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00300ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00300ESX.FIT' withoutputfile=Y output=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT -w 10 radmonfix:- Executing (routine): radmonfix radmonlist='./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00100ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00100ESX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00200ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00200ESX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00300ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00300ESX.FIT' output=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT includespectra=no withoutputfile=yes -w 10 -V 5 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:11.000 ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196241.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196245.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196249.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196253.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196257.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196261.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196265.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196269.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196273.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196277.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- Adding 1 counts rows from row 1187 radmonfix:- Adding 896 counts rows from row 1188 radmonfix:- Setting DATE-END... radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:06:12.000 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.4) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.100121s ** radmonfix: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning Extrapolation silently occurred 305 times -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:12.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 to 2009-04-13T00:00:08.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 355959363.18400002 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 355968074.18399996 atthkgen:- Increments in 8711 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds ** atthkgen: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.039978s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 8712 data points): 237.85636405838744 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 8712 data points): -19.685927554177841 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 8712 data points): 65.055867493012713 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 8712 data points): 45.612555993812691 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 8712 data points): 237.85636405838744 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 8712 data points): -19.685927554177841 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 8712 data points): 65.055867493012713 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 8712 data points): 45.612555993812691 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 8712 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 305.70124440958551 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : -25.059686384085303 atthkgen:- AHF PA : 80.060315061982550 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 54.152019737091635 atthkgen:- OM RA : 305.70124440958551 atthkgen:- OM Dec : -25.059686384085303 atthkgen:- OM PA : 80.060315061982550 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 54.152019737091635 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:06:12.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.257073s atthkgen:- -:- Starting with CCD = 1 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:13.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00301IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:06:13.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.009411s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat gtiset=gti01.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap01.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat gtiset=gti01.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap01.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:13.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00301IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU00201DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 73278 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 196214 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2972 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 52 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 14 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 5: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 6: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 17: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 35: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 161 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 83 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 24.150 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 329.123 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 309.740 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.063 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 46 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 43 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 178 with 79545 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.30101 epframes:- End time = 355965597.04694 epframes:- Number of frames = 100678.96194 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638220 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 79589 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100680 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = -81 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 526 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 55 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 8 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 4 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 5 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 7 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 11 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -162.356 [V], range = [-162.356,-162.356] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.525 [mA], range = [ 9.736, 11.232] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 94.1 [ ], range = [ 23.0, 238.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.369 [mu A], range = [ 2.667, 3.832] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.523 [mA], range = [ 10.973, 12.164] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . -:- Input file does rawevents01.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- Starting with CCD = 2 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:15.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00302IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:06:15.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.010524s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat gtiset=gti02.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap02.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat gtiset=gti02.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap02.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:15.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: -20000 epframes:- emos2: 16450 epframes:- epn : 32750 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00302IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU00302DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 63453 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 196214 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2972 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 52 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 14 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 5: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 6: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 17: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 35: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 161 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 83 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 24.150 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 329.123 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 309.740 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.063 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 46 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 43 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 178 with 79545 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.30497 epframes:- End time = 355965597.05091 epframes:- Number of frames = 100678.96194 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638220 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 79589 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100680 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = -81 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 526 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 55 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 8 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 4 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 5 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 7 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 11 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -162.356 [V], range = [-162.356,-162.356] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.525 [mA], range = [ 9.736, 11.232] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 94.1 [ ], range = [ 23.0, 238.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.832 [mu A], range = [ 2.667, 4.997] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.523 [mA], range = [ 10.973, 12.164] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . -:- Input file does rawevents02.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- Starting with CCD = 4 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:16.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00304IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:06:16.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.009362s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:17.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00304IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU00504DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 41045 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 66663 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 180483 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 301285 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 22 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 39549 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.6196s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #990 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2730 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #4547 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 32 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 5: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 8: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 23: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 72 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 35 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 10.800 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 300.610 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 292.389 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.028 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 22 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 22 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 545 with 61106 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 22 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 39549 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.6196s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.36060 epframes:- End time = 355965597.01120 epframes:- Number of frames = 100676.96178 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638219 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 61129 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100678 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 80 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 562 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 34 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 8 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -157.651 [V], range = [-161.249,-156.750] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 11.112 [mA], range = [ 10.487, 11.962] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 91.3 [ ], range = [ 18.0, 253.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.158 [mu A], range = [ 2.317, 3.475] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.907 [mA], range = [ 11.042, 12.517] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . -:- Input file does rawevents04.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- Starting with CCD = 7 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:18.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00307IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:06:18.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.009987s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' eventset=rawevents07.dat gtiset=gti07.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap07.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' eventset=rawevents07.dat gtiset=gti07.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap07.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:18.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: ********** epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: ********** epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: ********** epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: ********** epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: ********** epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 8303 epframes:- emos2: 30049 epframes:- epn : 28532 epframes:- rgs1 : 26982 epframes:- rgs2 : 29804 epframes:- om : 29285 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00307IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU00807DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 141992 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 40638 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 219582 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 291561 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 54 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 4327 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.3336s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #583 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #3327 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #4407 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 67 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 11 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 11: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 103 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 168 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 15.450 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 397.715 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 384.552 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.034 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 54 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 51 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 421 with 96303 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 54 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 4327 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.3336s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.27719 epframes:- End time = 355965597.11843 epframes:- Number of frames = 100680.96167 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638219 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 96355 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100682 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = -93 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 526 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 62 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 7 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 9 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -151.466 [V], range = [-151.466,-151.466] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.742 [mA], range = [ 9.980, 11.467] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 95.9 [ ], range = [ 22.0, 247.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.740 [mu A], range = [ 2.586, 3.756] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.831 [mA], range = [ 11.213, 12.407] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . -:- Input file does rawevents07.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- Starting with CCD = 10 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:19.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00310IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:06:19.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.009649s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10)' eventset=rawevents10.dat gtiset=gti10.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap10.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10)' eventset=rawevents10.dat gtiset=gti10.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap10.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:20.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00310IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU01110DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 155494 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 75412 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 89358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 109197 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 151807 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 264783 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1128 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1344 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1638 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2284 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #4013 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 46 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 31: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 92 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 119 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 13.800 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 380.932 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 369.767 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.030 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 31 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 30 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 43 with 97776 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.28911 epframes:- End time = 355965597.13035 epframes:- Number of frames = 100680.96167 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638219 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 97807 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100682 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 111 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 549 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 45 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 10 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -161.049 [V], range = [-161.068,-158.841] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.982 [mA], range = [ 10.284, 11.782] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 94.1 [ ], range = [ 22.0, 222.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.418 [mu A], range = [ 3.369, 4.548] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.679 [mA], range = [ 10.956, 12.440] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . -:- Input file does rawevents10.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- Starting with CCD = 11 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:21.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00311IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] ended: 2023-03-29T21:06:21.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] CPU time: 0.013403s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11)' eventset=rawevents11.dat gtiset=gti11.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap11.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11)' eventset=rawevents11.dat gtiset=gti11.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap11.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [xmmsas_20230328_1932-21.0.0] started: 2023-03-29T21:06:21.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00311IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU01211DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 136723 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 75412 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 89358 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 109197 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 151807 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 264783 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1128 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1344 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1638 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2284 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #4013 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 46 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 31: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 92 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 119 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 13.800 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 380.932 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 369.767 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.030 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 31 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 30 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 43 with 97776 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.29307 epframes:- End time = 355965597.13432 epframes:- Number of frames = 100680.96167 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638219 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 97807 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100682 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 111 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 549 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 45 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 10 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -161.049 [V], range = [-161.068,-158.841] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.982 [mA], range = [ 10.284, 11.782] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 94.1 [ ], range = [ 22.0, 222.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.715 [mu A], range = [ 2.591, 3.763] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.679 [mA], range = [ 10.956, 12.440] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] Could not open file 'EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF' for reading in: /Users/bhperry/XMM/CCF /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/packages/testccf/constituents /Volumes/XMMSAS94/OSX19SAS/xmmsas_20230328_1932/lib/testccf . -:- Input file does rawevents11.dat not exist, skip processing of this CCD. -:- -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_slew ERROR: one of the tests failed