--- Dependency check [begin] --- --- Dependency check [end] --- --- Distribution check [begin] --- Version 0.11.5 - 2022-07-05 (EO) Information: this ChangeLog entry matches the version number: Version 0.11.5 - 2022-07-05 (EO) Information: ./config/adapt.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/adapt_merge.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/bin_image.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/bin_image_merge.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/cheese.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/comb.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/conv_reg.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/fill_list.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/make_mask.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/make_mask_merge.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/merge_comp_xmm.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/merge_source_list.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/mos_back.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/mosspectra.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/pn_back.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/pnspectra.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/point_source.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/proton.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/proton_scale.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/rot_det_sky.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/rotimdetsky.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/sp_partial.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Information: ./config/swcx.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Warning: esas - missing lyt files. Now checking git repository... --- Distribution check [end] --- /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran adapt 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > adapt.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp adapt 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > adapt_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran adapt_merge 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > adapt_merge.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp adapt_merge 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > adapt_merge_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran bin_image_merge 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > bin_image_merge.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp bin_image_merge 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > bin_image_merge_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran bin_image 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > bin_image.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp bin_image 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > bin_image_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran comb 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > comb.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp comb 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > comb_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran conv_reg 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > conv_reg.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp conv_reg 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > conv_reg_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran fill_list 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > fill_list.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp fill_list 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > fill_list_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran make_mask_merge 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > make_mask_merge.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp make_mask_merge 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > make_mask_merge_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran make_mask 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > make_mask.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp make_mask 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > make_mask_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran merge_comp_xmm 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > merge_comp_xmm.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp merge_comp_xmm 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > merge_comp_xmm_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran merge_off_xmm 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > merge_off_xmm.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp merge_off_xmm 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > merge_off_xmm_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran merge_source_list 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > merge_source_list.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp merge_source_list 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > merge_source_list_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran mos_back 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > mos_back.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp mos_back 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > mos_back_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran pn_back 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > pn_back.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp pn_back 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > pn_back_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran point_source 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > point_source.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp point_source 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > point_source_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran proton 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > proton.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp proton 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > proton_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran proton_scale 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > proton_scale.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp proton_scale 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > proton_scale_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran rot_det_sky 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > rot_det_sky.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp rot_det_sky 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > rot_det_sky_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran sp_partial 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > sp_partial.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp sp_partial 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > sp_partial_h_imp.cc /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhdr_gfortran swcx 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > swcx.h /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/sastaskhimp swcx 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > swcx_h_imp.cc T=adapt ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > adapt_c.cc T=adapt_merge ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > adapt_merge_c.cc T=bin_image_merge ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > bin_image_merge_c.cc T=bin_image ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > bin_image_c.cc T=comb ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > comb_c.cc T=conv_reg ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > conv_reg_c.cc T=fill_list ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > fill_list_c.cc T=make_mask_merge ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > make_mask_merge_c.cc T=make_mask ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > make_mask_c.cc T=merge_comp_xmm ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > merge_comp_xmm_c.cc T=merge_off_xmm ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > merge_off_xmm_c.cc T=merge_source_list ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > merge_source_list_c.cc T=mos_back ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > mos_back_c.cc T=pn_back ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > pn_back_c.cc T=point_source ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > point_source_c.cc T=proton ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > proton_c.cc T=proton_scale ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > proton_scale_c.cc T=rot_det_sky ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > rot_det_sky_c.cc T=sp_partial ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > sp_partial_c.cc T=swcx ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/task_c.cc | sed "s/taskproc/$T_mod_MP_$T/g" > swcx_c.cc Dependencies for adapt Dependencies for adapt_merge Dependencies for bin_image_merge Dependencies for bin_image Dependencies for comb Dependencies for conv_reg Dependencies for fill_list Dependencies for make_mask_merge Dependencies for make_mask Dependencies for merge_comp_xmm Dependencies for merge_off_xmm Dependencies for merge_source_list Dependencies for mos_back Dependencies for pn_back Dependencies for point_source Dependencies for proton Dependencies for proton_scale Dependencies for rot_det_sky Dependencies for sp_partial Dependencies for swcx g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. adapt_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from adapt_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. adapt_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils genl_mod.f90 gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils subsn_mod.f90 gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils adapt_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libadapt.a adapt_h_imp.o adapt_c.o adapt_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libadapt.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. adapt_merge_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from adapt_merge_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. adapt_merge_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils adapt_merge_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libadapt_merge.a adapt_merge_h_imp.o adapt_merge_c.o adapt_merge_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libadapt_merge.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. bin_image_merge_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from bin_image_merge_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. bin_image_merge_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils bin_image_merge_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libbin_image_merge.a bin_image_merge_h_imp.o bin_image_merge_c.o bin_image_merge_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libbin_image_merge.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. bin_image_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from bin_image_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. bin_image_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils bin_image_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libbin_image.a bin_image_h_imp.o bin_image_c.o bin_image_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libbin_image.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. comb_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from comb_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. comb_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils comb_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libcomb.a comb_h_imp.o comb_c.o comb_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libcomb.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. conv_reg_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from conv_reg_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. conv_reg_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils conv_reg_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libconv_reg.a conv_reg_h_imp.o conv_reg_c.o conv_reg_mod.o ranlib libconv_reg.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. fill_list_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from fill_list_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. fill_list_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils fill_list_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libfill_list.a fill_list_h_imp.o fill_list_c.o fill_list_mod.o ranlib libfill_list.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. make_mask_merge_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from make_mask_merge_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. make_mask_merge_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils make_mask_merge_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libmake_mask_merge.a make_mask_merge_h_imp.o make_mask_merge_c.o make_mask_merge_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libmake_mask_merge.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. make_mask_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from make_mask_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. make_mask_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils make_mask_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libmake_mask.a make_mask_h_imp.o make_mask_c.o make_mask_mod.o ranlib libmake_mask.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. merge_comp_xmm_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from merge_comp_xmm_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. merge_comp_xmm_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils merge_comp_xmm_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libmerge_comp_xmm.a merge_comp_xmm_h_imp.o merge_comp_xmm_c.o merge_comp_xmm_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libmerge_comp_xmm.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. merge_off_xmm_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from merge_off_xmm_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. merge_off_xmm_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils merge_off_xmm_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libmerge_off_xmm.a merge_off_xmm_h_imp.o merge_off_xmm_c.o merge_off_xmm_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libmerge_off_xmm.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. merge_source_list_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from merge_source_list_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. merge_source_list_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils merge_source_list_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libmerge_source_list.a merge_source_list_h_imp.o merge_source_list_c.o merge_source_list_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libmerge_source_list.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. mos_back_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from mos_back_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. mos_back_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils mos_back_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libmos_back.a mos_back_h_imp.o mos_back_c.o mos_back_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libmos_back.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. pn_back_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from pn_back_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. pn_back_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils pn_back_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libpn_back.a pn_back_h_imp.o pn_back_c.o pn_back_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libpn_back.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. point_source_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from point_source_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. point_source_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils point_source_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libpoint_source.a point_source_h_imp.o point_source_c.o point_source_mod.o ranlib libpoint_source.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. proton_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from proton_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. proton_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils proton_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libproton.a proton_h_imp.o proton_c.o proton_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libproton.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. proton_scale_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from proton_scale_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. proton_scale_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils proton_scale_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libproton_scale.a proton_scale_h_imp.o proton_scale_c.o proton_scale_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libproton_scale.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. rot_det_sky_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from rot_det_sky_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. rot_det_sky_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils rot_det_sky_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur librot_det_sky.a rot_det_sky_h_imp.o rot_det_sky_c.o rot_det_sky_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib librot_det_sky.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. sp_partial_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from sp_partial_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. sp_partial_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils sp_partial_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libsp_partial.a sp_partial_h_imp.o sp_partial_c.o sp_partial_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libsp_partial.a g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. swcx_h_imp.cc In file included from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/DalRegister.h:27, from swcx_h_imp.cc:12: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -fPIC -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. swcx_c.cc gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils swcx_mod.f90 /usr/bin/ar cur libswcx.a swcx_h_imp.o swcx_c.o swcx_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o ranlib libswcx.a g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libadapt.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libadapt.so.0.11 adapt_h_imp.o adapt_c.o adapt_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libadapt_merge.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libadapt_merge.so.0.11 adapt_merge_h_imp.o adapt_merge_c.o adapt_merge_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libbin_image_merge.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libbin_image_merge.so.0.11 bin_image_merge_h_imp.o bin_image_merge_c.o bin_image_merge_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libbin_image.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libbin_image.so.0.11 bin_image_h_imp.o bin_image_c.o bin_image_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libcomb.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libcomb.so.0.11 comb_h_imp.o comb_c.o comb_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libconv_reg.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libconv_reg.so.0.11 conv_reg_h_imp.o conv_reg_c.o conv_reg_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libfill_list.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libfill_list.so.0.11 fill_list_h_imp.o fill_list_c.o fill_list_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libmake_mask_merge.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libmake_mask_merge.so.0.11 make_mask_merge_h_imp.o make_mask_merge_c.o make_mask_merge_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libmake_mask.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libmake_mask.so.0.11 make_mask_h_imp.o make_mask_c.o make_mask_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libmerge_comp_xmm.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libmerge_comp_xmm.so.0.11 merge_comp_xmm_h_imp.o merge_comp_xmm_c.o merge_comp_xmm_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libmerge_off_xmm.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libmerge_off_xmm.so.0.11 merge_off_xmm_h_imp.o merge_off_xmm_c.o merge_off_xmm_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libmerge_source_list.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libmerge_source_list.so.0.11 merge_source_list_h_imp.o merge_source_list_c.o merge_source_list_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libmos_back.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libmos_back.so.0.11 mos_back_h_imp.o mos_back_c.o mos_back_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libpn_back.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libpn_back.so.0.11 pn_back_h_imp.o pn_back_c.o pn_back_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libpoint_source.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libpoint_source.so.0.11 point_source_h_imp.o point_source_c.o point_source_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libproton.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libproton.so.0.11 proton_h_imp.o proton_c.o proton_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libproton_scale.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libproton_scale.so.0.11 proton_scale_h_imp.o proton_scale_c.o proton_scale_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,librot_det_sky.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o librot_det_sky.so.0.11 rot_det_sky_h_imp.o rot_det_sky_c.o rot_det_sky_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libsp_partial.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libsp_partial.so.0.11 sp_partial_h_imp.o sp_partial_c.o sp_partial_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libswcx.so.0.11 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libswcx.so.0.11 swcx_h_imp.o swcx_c.o swcx_mod.o subsn_mod.o genl_mod.o -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=adapt ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > adapt_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. adapt_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from adapt_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from adapt_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o adapt adapt_main.o -ladapt -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=adapt_merge ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > adapt_merge_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. adapt_merge_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from adapt_merge_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from adapt_merge_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o adapt_merge adapt_merge_main.o -ladapt_merge -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=bin_image_merge ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > bin_image_merge_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. bin_image_merge_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from bin_image_merge_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from bin_image_merge_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o bin_image_merge bin_image_merge_main.o -lbin_image_merge -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=bin_image ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > bin_image_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. bin_image_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from bin_image_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from bin_image_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o bin_image bin_image_main.o -lbin_image -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=comb ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > comb_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. comb_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from comb_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from comb_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o comb comb_main.o -lcomb -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=conv_reg ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > conv_reg_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. conv_reg_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from conv_reg_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from conv_reg_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o conv_reg conv_reg_main.o -lconv_reg -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=fill_list ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > fill_list_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. fill_list_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from fill_list_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from fill_list_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o fill_list fill_list_main.o -lfill_list -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=make_mask_merge ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > make_mask_merge_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. make_mask_merge_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from make_mask_merge_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from make_mask_merge_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o make_mask_merge make_mask_merge_main.o -lmake_mask_merge -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=make_mask ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > make_mask_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. make_mask_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from make_mask_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from make_mask_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o make_mask make_mask_main.o -lmake_mask -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=merge_comp_xmm ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > merge_comp_xmm_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. merge_comp_xmm_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from merge_comp_xmm_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from merge_comp_xmm_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o merge_comp_xmm merge_comp_xmm_main.o -lmerge_comp_xmm -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=merge_off_xmm ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > merge_off_xmm_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. merge_off_xmm_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from merge_off_xmm_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from merge_off_xmm_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o merge_off_xmm merge_off_xmm_main.o -lmerge_off_xmm -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=merge_source_list ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > merge_source_list_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. merge_source_list_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from merge_source_list_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from merge_source_list_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o merge_source_list merge_source_list_main.o -lmerge_source_list -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=mos_back ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > mos_back_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. mos_back_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from mos_back_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from mos_back_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o mos_back mos_back_main.o -lmos_back -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=pn_back ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > pn_back_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. pn_back_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from pn_back_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from pn_back_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o pn_back pn_back_main.o -lpn_back -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=point_source ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > point_source_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. point_source_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from point_source_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from point_source_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o point_source point_source_main.o -lpoint_source -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=proton ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > proton_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. proton_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from proton_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from proton_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o proton proton_main.o -lproton -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=proton_scale ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > proton_scale_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. proton_scale_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from proton_scale_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from proton_scale_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o proton_scale proton_scale_main.o -lproton_scale -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=rot_det_sky ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > rot_det_sky_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. rot_det_sky_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from rot_det_sky_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from rot_det_sky_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o rot_det_sky rot_det_sky_main.o -lrot_det_sky -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=sp_partial ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > sp_partial_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. sp_partial_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from sp_partial_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from sp_partial_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o sp_partial sp_partial_main.o -lsp_partial -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. T=swcx ;\ sed "s/taskname/$T/g" /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/taskmain/src/main.cc | sed "s/VERSION/0.11.5/g; s/RELEASE/22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730/g; s/PACKAGE/esas/g" > swcx_main.cc g++ -c -Wall -DGFORTRAN -std=gnu++14 -g -DUSE_DAL -DUSE_POPUP -include /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/config-std.h -imacros /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/config.h -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils -I/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/include -I. swcx_main.cc In file included from /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/strstream:50, from /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/utils/stringutil.h:27, from swcx_main.cc:38: /sasbuild/tools/gcc-13.3.0/include/c++/13.3.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header which may be removed without further notice at a future date. Please use a non-deprecated interface with equivalent functionality instead. For a listing of replacement headers and interfaces, consult the file backward_warning.h. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated. [-Wcpp] 32 | #warning \ | ^~~~~~~ In file included from swcx_main.cc:52: /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:547:22: note: by ‘virtual DataSet& DataSet::operator=(const DataSet&)’ 547 | virtual DataSet& operator=( const DataSet& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:600:7: note: by ‘Block& Block::operator=(const Block&)’ 600 | class Block : public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:632:7: note: by ‘Table& Table::operator=(const Table&)’ 632 | class Table : public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:730:7: note: by ‘Column& Column::operator=(const Column&)’ 730 | class Column : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Attributable, public virtual Child
, public virtual Seekable | ^~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:423:27: warning: ‘virtual Attributable& Attributable::operator=(const Attributable&)’ was hidden [-Woverloaded-virtual=] 423 | virtual Attributable& operator=( const Attributable& ) = 0; | ^~~~~~~~ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/include/Dal.h:773:7: note: by ‘Array& Array::operator=(const Array&)’ 773 | class Array : public virtual DataComponent, public virtual Block, public virtual Seekable< longVec > | ^~~~~ g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/lib -o swcx swcx_main.o -lswcx -lmetatask -ldal -lparam -lselector -lcaloalutils -ldal -lslatec -lerror -lutils -lmetatask -L/sasbuild/tools/qt-x11-free/lib -lqt -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. sed -e "s/DOC/adapt/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user adapt 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > adapt.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including adapt_description... latex adapt < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex adapt < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: adapt.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex adapt < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex adapt < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o adapt.ps adapt > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf adapt > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f adapt.ps sed -e "s/DOC/adapt_merge/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user adapt_merge 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > adapt_merge.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including adapt_merge_description... latex adapt_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex adapt_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: adapt_merge.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex adapt_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex adapt_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o adapt_merge.ps adapt_merge > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf adapt_merge > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f adapt_merge.ps sed -e "s/DOC/bin_image_merge/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user bin_image_merge 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > bin_image_merge.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including bin_image_merge_description... latex bin_image_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex bin_image_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: bin_image_merge.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex bin_image_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex bin_image_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o bin_image_merge.ps bin_image_merge > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf bin_image_merge > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f bin_image_merge.ps sed -e "s/DOC/bin_image/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user bin_image 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > bin_image.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including bin_image_description... latex bin_image < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex bin_image < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: bin_image.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex bin_image < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex bin_image < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o bin_image.ps bin_image > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf bin_image > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f bin_image.ps sed -e "s/DOC/cheese/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user cheese 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > cheese.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including cheese_description... latex cheese < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex cheese < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: cheese.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex cheese < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex cheese < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o cheese.ps cheese > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf cheese > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f cheese.ps sed -e "s/DOC/clean/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user clean 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > clean.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including clean_description... latex clean < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex clean < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: clean.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex clean < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex clean < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o clean.ps clean > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf clean > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f clean.ps sed -e "s/DOC/comb/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user comb 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > comb.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including comb_description... latex comb < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex comb < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: comb.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex comb < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex comb < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o comb.ps comb > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf comb > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f comb.ps sed -e "s/DOC/conv_reg/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user conv_reg 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > conv_reg.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including conv_reg_description... latex conv_reg < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex conv_reg < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: conv_reg.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex conv_reg < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex conv_reg < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o conv_reg.ps conv_reg > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf conv_reg > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f conv_reg.ps sed -e "s/DOC/esas/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user esas 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > esas.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including esas_description... latex esas < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex esas < /dev/null > makedoc.log latex esas < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex esas < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o esas.ps esas > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf esas > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f esas.ps sed -e "s/DOC/make_mask_merge/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user make_mask_merge 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > make_mask_merge.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including make_mask_merge_description... latex make_mask_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex make_mask_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: make_mask_merge.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex make_mask_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex make_mask_merge < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o make_mask_merge.ps make_mask_merge > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf make_mask_merge > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f make_mask_merge.ps sed -e "s/DOC/make_mask/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user make_mask 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > make_mask.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including make_mask_description... latex make_mask < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex make_mask < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: make_mask.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex make_mask < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex make_mask < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o make_mask.ps make_mask > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf make_mask > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f make_mask.ps sed -e "s/DOC/merge_comp_xmm/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user merge_comp_xmm 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > merge_comp_xmm.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including merge_comp_xmm_description... latex merge_comp_xmm < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex merge_comp_xmm < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: merge_comp_xmm.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex merge_comp_xmm < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex merge_comp_xmm < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o merge_comp_xmm.ps merge_comp_xmm > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf merge_comp_xmm > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f merge_comp_xmm.ps sed -e "s/DOC/merge_source_list/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user merge_source_list 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > merge_source_list.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including merge_source_list_description... latex merge_source_list < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex merge_source_list < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: merge_source_list.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex merge_source_list < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex merge_source_list < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o merge_source_list.ps merge_source_list > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf merge_source_list > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f merge_source_list.ps sed -e "s/DOC/mos_back/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user mos_back 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > mos_back.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including mos_back_description... latex mos_back < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex mos_back < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: mos_back.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex mos_back < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex mos_back < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o mos_back.ps mos_back > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf mos_back > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f mos_back.ps sed -e "s/DOC/mos-filter/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user mos-filter 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > mos-filter.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including mos-filter_description... latex mos-filter < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex mos-filter < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: mos-filter.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex mos-filter < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex mos-filter < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o mos-filter.ps mos-filter > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf mos-filter > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f mos-filter.ps sed -e "s/DOC/mos-spectra/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user mos-spectra 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > mos-spectra.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including mos-spectra_description... latex mos-spectra < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex mos-spectra < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: mos-spectra.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex mos-spectra < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex mos-spectra < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o mos-spectra.ps mos-spectra > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf mos-spectra > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f mos-spectra.ps sed -e "s/DOC/pn_back/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user pn_back 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > pn_back.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including pn_back_description... latex pn_back < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex pn_back < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: pn_back.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex pn_back < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex pn_back < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o pn_back.ps pn_back > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf pn_back > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f pn_back.ps sed -e "s/DOC/pn-filter/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user pn-filter 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > pn-filter.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including pn-filter_description... latex pn-filter < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex pn-filter < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: pn-filter.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex pn-filter < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex pn-filter < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o pn-filter.ps pn-filter > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf pn-filter > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f pn-filter.ps sed -e "s/DOC/pn-spectra/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user pn-spectra 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > pn-spectra.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including pn-spectra_description... latex pn-spectra < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex pn-spectra < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: pn-spectra.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex pn-spectra < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex pn-spectra < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o pn-spectra.ps pn-spectra > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf pn-spectra > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f pn-spectra.ps sed -e "s/DOC/point_source/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user point_source 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > point_source.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including point_source_description... latex point_source < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex point_source < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: point_source.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex point_source < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex point_source < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o point_source.ps point_source > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf point_source > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f point_source.ps sed -e "s/DOC/proton_scale/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user proton_scale 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > proton_scale.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including proton_scale_description... latex proton_scale < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex proton_scale < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: proton_scale.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex proton_scale < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex proton_scale < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o proton_scale.ps proton_scale > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf proton_scale > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f proton_scale.ps sed -e "s/DOC/proton/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user proton 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > proton.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including proton_description... latex proton < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex proton < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: proton.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex proton < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex proton < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o proton.ps proton > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf proton > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f proton.ps sed -e "s/DOC/rot-im-det-sky/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user rot-im-det-sky 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > rot-im-det-sky.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including rot-im-det-sky_description... latex rot-im-det-sky < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex rot-im-det-sky < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: rot-im-det-sky.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex rot-im-det-sky < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex rot-im-det-sky < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o rot-im-det-sky.ps rot-im-det-sky > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf rot-im-det-sky > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f rot-im-det-sky.ps sed -e "s/DOC/rot_det_sky/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user rot_det_sky 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > rot_det_sky.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including rot_det_sky_description... latex rot_det_sky < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex rot_det_sky < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: rot_det_sky.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex rot_det_sky < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex rot_det_sky < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o rot_det_sky.ps rot_det_sky > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf rot_det_sky > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f rot_det_sky.ps sed -e "s/DOC/sp_partial/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user sp_partial 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > sp_partial.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including sp_partial_description... latex sp_partial < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex sp_partial < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: sp_partial.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex sp_partial < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex sp_partial < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o sp_partial.ps sp_partial > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf sp_partial > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f sp_partial.ps sed -e "s/DOC/swcx/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user swcx 0.11.5 esas 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > swcx.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including swcx_description... latex swcx < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex swcx < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1062: swcx.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex swcx < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex swcx < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o swcx.ps swcx > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf swcx > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f swcx.ps SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init adapt > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f adapt/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=adapt/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init adapt_merge > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f adapt_merge/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=adapt_merge/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init bin_image_merge > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f bin_image_merge/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=bin_image_merge/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init bin_image > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f bin_image/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=bin_image/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init cheese > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1541' -> images.ps . [1] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f cheese/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=cheese/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init clean > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f clean/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=clean/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init comb > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] [2] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f comb/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=comb/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init conv_reg > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f conv_reg/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=conv_reg/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init esas > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f esas/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=esas/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init make_mask_merge > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f make_mask_merge/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=make_mask_merge/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init make_mask > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f make_mask/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=make_mask/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init merge_comp_xmm > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] [2] [3] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f merge_comp_xmm/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=merge_comp_xmm/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init merge_source_list > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f merge_source_list/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=merge_source_list/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init mos_back > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f mos_back/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=mos_back/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init mos-filter > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] [2] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f mos-filter/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=mos-filter/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init mos-spectra > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f mos-spectra/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=mos-spectra/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init pn_back > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f pn_back/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=pn_back/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init pn-filter > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] [2] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f pn-filter/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=pn-filter/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init pn-spectra > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f pn-spectra/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=pn-spectra/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init point_source > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] [2] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f point_source/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=point_source/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init proton_scale > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2024.1 (TeX Live 2024) Copyright 2024 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.07.30:1542' -> images.ps . [1] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f proton_scale/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=proton_scale/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init proton > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f proton/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=proton/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init rot-im-det-sky > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f rot-im-det-sky/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=rot-im-det-sky/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init rot_det_sky > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f rot_det_sky/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=rot_det_sky/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init sp_partial > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f sp_partial/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=sp_partial/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init swcx > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f swcx/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=swcx/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/esas/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi rm bin_image_merge.tex mos-filter.tex comb.tex conv_reg.tex rot_det_sky.tex rot-im-det-sky.tex pn_back.tex make_mask.tex cheese.tex clean.tex proton_scale.tex esas.tex sp_partial.tex make_mask_merge.tex adapt_merge.tex mos-spectra.tex merge_comp_xmm.tex point_source.tex adapt.tex pn-spectra.tex pn-filter.tex swcx.tex bin_image.tex proton.tex mos_back.tex merge_source_list.tex Testing esas_test ... passed