--- Dependency check [begin] --- --- Dependency check [end] --- --- Distribution check [begin] --- Version 12.0.1 - 2022-06-07 (EO) Information: this ChangeLog entry matches the version number: Version 12.0.1 - 2022-06-07 (EO) Information: ./config/emchain.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. --- Distribution check [end] --- sed -e "s/DOC/emchain/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user emchain 12.0.1 emchain 21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1 > emchain.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including emchain_description... latex emchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex emchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log latex emchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex emchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o emchain.ps emchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf emchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f emchain.ps SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init emchain > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2021.1 (TeX Live 2022/dev) Copyright 2021 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.06.13:0845' -> images.ps /usr/bin/dvips: Font Times-Roman used in file imaging1.eps is not in the mapping file. /usr/bin/dvips: Font Times-Roman used in file imaging0.eps is not in the mapping file. /usr/bin/dvips: Font Times-Roman used in file imaging2.eps is not in the mapping file. /usr/bin/dvips: Font Times-Roman used in file imaging3.eps is not in the mapping file. . [1 ] [2 ] [3] [4 ] [5 ] [6] [7] [8] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f emchain/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=emchain/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/emchain/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi rm emchain.tex Testing emchain_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./emchain_test for no longer than 600 seconds. Options passed to individual tasks: -w 10 | OAL options: -o /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf | randomize = '' | rejectbadevents = N | keepintermediate = Y | stoponerror = Y | filterhk = Y | ODF directory = /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/ List of files in working directory : 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00220OVE.FTZ ... not IM TI RI CT 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00170IME.FTZ ... OK 0043_0119700401_M1S44310OVE.FTZ ... not IM TI RI CT 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00160RIE.FTZ ... OK 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00110TIE.FTZ ... OK 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00120IME.FTZ ... OK 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00270OVE.FTZ ... not IM TI RI CT 0: 0001_183536AIV-_M1S001 Instrument: M1 exposure: S001 obsid=183536AIV- temp=T183536AIV-M1*S001 temp2=T183536AIV-M1*S001**.FIT call cleanFiles with options: M1 S001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * CMD: rm -f errors T183536AIV-M1*S001**.FIT CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT -o /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf -w 10 ++ ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 4 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 ++ CMD: tabgtigen table=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT:ATTHK gtiset=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTGTI0000.FIT expression="!isNull(DAHFPNT) && DAHFPNT<0.05" prefraction=0.0 postfraction=0.0 -w 10 ++ tabgtigen:- Executing (routine): tabgtigen table=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT:ATTHK gtiset=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTGTI0000.FIT expression='!isNull(DAHFPNT) && DAHFPNT<0.05' timecolumn=TIME prefraction=0 postfraction=0 mingtisize=0 -w 10 -V 4 tabgtigen:- tabgtigen (tabgtigen-2.13) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 tabgtigen:- tabgtigen (tabgtigen-2.13) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 ++ CMD: cp P183536AIV-M1X000HK_GTI0000.FIT T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT ccd: 1 node: 0 event0 : /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00110TIE.FTZ CMD: emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0001.FIT odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00110TIE.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0001.FIT outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0001.FIT flagbadtimes=Y ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT -o /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf -w 10 ++ ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (frames17), non increasing time after frame number 106 ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `FILTER' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `GAIN_CCD_1' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** emframes: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emframes: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156818.711725 emframes:- Executing (routine): emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0001.FIT newframeset=yes countingset='' withcountingset=no srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no checkframes=yes ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT flagbadtimes=yes flagfifooverflow=yes outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0001.FIT writegtiset=yes setgatti=yes odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00110TIE.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0001.FIT neweventset=yes checknvalid=yes setdeadtime=yes withodfeventset=yes -w 10 -V 4 emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 emframes:- 1 missing frames in FRAMES emframes:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0001.FIT with 99 rows emframes:- Observing mode was FastUncompressed emframes:- Approximate start time = 24174000.731476851 emframes:- Approximate end time = 24174177.516589709 emframes:- 1 frames rejected by VALID emframes:- 0 frames rejected by FIFO emframes:- 13 frames rejected by FLAG_HK emframes:- Fraction of good time : 0.79833698168545841 emframes:- Writing extension STDGTI01 emframes:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0001.FIT with 1 rows emframes:- GATTI was switched off. GATTIVAL is set to 0. emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 ++ ccd: 1 node: 1 : No data ccd: 2 node: 0 event0 : /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00120IME.FTZ CMD: emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0002.FIT odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00120IME.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0002.FIT outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0002.FIT flagbadtimes=Y ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT -o /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf -w 10 ++ ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (frames12), the last 1 frames are dropped because of a non-increasing frame number ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `FILTER' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `GAIN_CCD_2' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** emframes: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emframes: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156818.711725 emframes:- Executing (routine): emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0002.FIT newframeset=yes countingset='' withcountingset=no srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no checkframes=yes ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT flagbadtimes=yes flagfifooverflow=yes outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0002.FIT writegtiset=yes setgatti=yes odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00120IME.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0002.FIT neweventset=yes checknvalid=yes setdeadtime=yes withodfeventset=yes -w 10 -V 4 emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 emframes:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0002.FIT with 101 rows emframes:- Observing mode was PrimeFullWindow emframes:- Approximate start time = 24173997.079127785 emframes:- Approximate end time = 24174257.104461428 emframes:- 0 frames rejected by VALID emframes:- 0 frames rejected by FIFO emframes:- Area of window within field of view is 76.9555511 arcmin2 emframes:- Fraction of window within field of view is 0.635072231 emframes:- 13 frames rejected by FLAG_HK emframes:- Fraction of good time : 0.85688264452276663 emframes:- Writing extension STDGTI02 emframes:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0002.FIT with 1 rows emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 ++ ccd: 2 node: 1 : No data CMD: emevents odfeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0002.FIT eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CLEVLI0002.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0002.FIT offvarsets="/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00220OVE.FTZ" analysepatterns=N flagbadpixels=N splitdiagonals=N randomizeposition=N -w 10 ++ ** emevents: warning (findBestTime12), No offset/variance file was obtained earlier than the current exposure. Use first one obtained. ** emevents: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emevents: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 ** emevents: warning (rejectFlickering13), The number of frames 86 is not large enough compared to the frame tolerance 5 . The flickering rejection will not work optimally. emevents:- Executing (routine): emevents odfeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0002.FIT eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CLEVLI0002.FIT newoutput=yes frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0002.FIT flagbadtimes=yes gattispecset=gattispec.out writegattispecset=no flagtruncatede1=yes othereventset='' otherframeset='' withothernode=no withframeset=yes offvarsets=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00220OVE.FTZ withoffvarsets=yes analysepatterns=no flagbadpixels=no keepsifluor=no splitdiagonals=no randomizeposition=no setcoordinates=yes maxeventsperrow=4 widthnexttorow=10 rejectrows=yes detectbadoffsets=yes rejectbade3=yes tolfxy='5 2 2' rejectflickering=yes randomizetime=no settimes=yes blocksize=10000 -w 10 -V 4 emevents:- emevents (emevents-8.9.1) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 emevents:- 1 input names for parameter :offvarsets emevents:- offset/variance file /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00220OVE.FTZ:M1OVE1 was selected emevents:- 3823 events in input emevents:- 0 events below the EMDH lower threshold emevents:- 52 events above the EMDH upper threshold emevents:- 3823 events in output emevents:- 579 events outside good frames emevents:- 315 cosmic-ray events emevents:- 9 events outside window emevents:- maximum number of expected events per row 0.18604651162790697 emevents:- 0 events in rows with more than 4 events above expected. emevents:- 0 flagged events next to bad rows emevents:- 0 events on row/column with wrong offset emevents:- 0 events with E3 < -68 + local median emevents:- maximum number of expected events per bin 0.322325587 emevents:- 0 events detected as flickering at tolerances 5 2 2 emevents:- 20 events with truncated E1 emevents:- Fraction of good events : 0.775307357 emevents:- emevents (emevents-8.9.1) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 ++ CMD: emenergy ineventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT correctcti=N correctgain=N randomizeenergy=N -w 10 ++ ** emenergy: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emenergy: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 emenergy:- Executing (routine): emenergy ineventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT outeventset=events.out newoutput=no flagevents=yes correctcti=no minenergy=100 maxperipix=0 fillminnumber=10 fillccdbkg=yes backgroundset=bkgccd.map timebin=100 writebackgroundset=no getccdbkg=yes useccfdarkframe=no maskedccdset='' withmaskedccdset=no rejectbade3e4=yes randomizeenergy=no makepha=yes correctgain=no ontimepha=no -w 10 -V 4 emenergy:- emenergy (emenergy-8.10) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 emenergy:- Input file : T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT emenergy:- The input file will be overwritten emenergy:- 3823 events in file emenergy:- EVFLAG will be applied emenergy:- Bad offsets will be taken from the OFFSETS extension. emenergy:- Energies will be corrected using E4 information emenergy:- Events with ENERGYE1 >= 100 will be used to build the background map. emenergy:- Events with PERIPIX <= 0 will be used to build the background map. emenergy:- Background data will be filled by row and column averaging when less than 10 events around. emenergy:- no BADPIX extension in input event file. Assume no bad pixel in EVFLAG. emenergy:- 287 events outside field of view emenergy:- 10 events outside the ellipse in E3/E1, E4/E1 emenergy:- 79 events rejected by 3.00000000 sigma clipping on E4 for CCDBKG emenergy:- 9 events outside the ellipse in E3/E1, E4/E1 emenergy:- 53 events with PHA out of range 25 - 4095 emenergy:- emenergy (emenergy-8.10) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 ++ CMD: evselect table=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT destruct=Y keepfilteroutput=Y updateexposure=N expression="(FLAG & 0x762aa000) == 0" -w 10 ++ ** evselect: warning (NoCCDcolumn), Event list does not have a CCDNR column. Cannot update exposure information. evselect:- Executing (routine): evselect table=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT filteredset=filtered.fits withfilteredset=no keepfilteroutput=yes flagcolumn=EVFLAG flagbit=-1 destruct=yes dssblock='' expression='(FLAG & 0x762aa000) == 0' filtertype=expression cleandss=no updateexposure=no filterexposure=yes writedss=yes blockstocopy='' attributestocopy='' energycolumn=PHA zcolumn=WEIGHT zerrorcolumn=EWEIGHT withzerrorcolumn=no withzcolumn=no ignorelegallimits=no imageset=image.fits xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY ximagebinsize=1 yimagebinsize=1 squarepixels=no ximagesize=600 yimagesize=600 imagebinning=imageSize ximagemin=1 ximagemax=640 withxranges=no yimagemin=1 yimagemax=640 withyranges=no imagedatatype=Real64 withimagedatatype=no raimagecenter=0 decimagecenter=0 withcelestialcenter=no withimageset=no spectrumset=spectrum.fits spectralbinsize=5 specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 withspecranges=no nonStandardSpec=no withspectrumset=no rateset=rate.fits timecolumn=TIME timebinsize=1 timemin=0 timemax=1000 withtimeranges=no maketimecolumn=no makeratecolumn=no withrateset=no histogramset=histo.fits histogramcolumn=TIME histogrambinsize=1 histogrammin=0 histogrammax=1000 withhistoranges=no withhistogramset=no -w 10 -V 4 evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 evselect:- selected 2959 rows from the input table. evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 ++ ccd: 3 node: 0 : No data ccd: 3 node: 1 : No data ccd: 4 node: 0 : No data ccd: 4 node: 1 : No data ccd: 5 node: 0 : No data ccd: 5 node: 1 : No data ccd: 6 node: 0 event0 : /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00160RIE.FTZ CMD: emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0006.FIT odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00160RIE.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0006.FIT outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0006.FIT flagbadtimes=Y ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT -o /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf -w 10 ++ ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (frames10), not more than 3 frames. FRMTIME not checked ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `FILTER' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `GAIN_CCD_6' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** emframes: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emframes: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156818.711725 ** emframes: warning (testDrop12), the fraction of good time 0.33581523050734474 is less than 0.500000000 emframes:- Executing (routine): emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0006.FIT newframeset=yes countingset='' withcountingset=no srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no checkframes=yes ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT flagbadtimes=yes flagfifooverflow=yes outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0006.FIT writegtiset=yes setgatti=yes odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00160RIE.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0006.FIT neweventset=yes checknvalid=yes setdeadtime=yes withodfeventset=yes -w 10 -V 4 emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 emframes:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0006.FIT with 4 rows emframes:- Observing mode was PrimeFullWindow emframes:- Approximate start time = 24174038.424136508 emframes:- Approximate end time = 24174049.549840119 emframes:- 0 frames rejected by VALID emframes:- 0 frames rejected by FIFO emframes:- Area of window within field of view is 91.2445679 arcmin2 emframes:- Fraction of window within field of view is 0.752991676 emframes:- 0 frames rejected by FLAG_HK emframes:- Fraction of good time : 0.33581523050734474 emframes:- Writing extension STDGTI06 emframes:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0006.FIT with 1 rows emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:11.000 ++ ccd: 6 node: 1 : No data CMD: emevents odfeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0006.FIT eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CLEVLI0006.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0006.FIT rejectbade3=N analysepatterns=N flagbadpixels=N splitdiagonals=N randomizeposition=N -w 10 ++ ** emevents: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emevents: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 ** emevents: warning (rejectFlickering11), REJECT_FLICKERING requires event recognition. Please run emevents with analysepatterns=Y. Not applied. emevents:- Executing (routine): emevents odfeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0006.FIT eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CLEVLI0006.FIT newoutput=yes frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0006.FIT flagbadtimes=yes gattispecset=gattispec.out writegattispecset=no flagtruncatede1=yes othereventset='' otherframeset='' withothernode=no withframeset=yes offvarsets='' withoffvarsets=no analysepatterns=no flagbadpixels=no keepsifluor=no splitdiagonals=no randomizeposition=no setcoordinates=yes maxeventsperrow=4 widthnexttorow=10 rejectrows=yes detectbadoffsets=yes rejectbade3=no tolfxy='5 2 2' rejectflickering=yes randomizetime=no settimes=yes blocksize=10000 -w 10 -V 4 emevents:- emevents (emevents-8.9.1) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 emevents:- 3507 events in input emevents:- Getting the offsets from the CAL emevents:- 0 events removed or modified by CUT_BAD emevents:- 0 events below the EMDH lower threshold emevents:- 0 events above the EMDH upper threshold emevents:- 3507 events in output emevents:- 2502 events outside good frames emevents:- 0 cosmic-ray events emevents:- 37 events outside window emevents:- maximum number of expected events per row 1.6516666666666666 emevents:- 0 events in rows with more than 4 events above expected. emevents:- 0 flagged events next to bad rows emevents:- 0 events with truncated E1 emevents:- Fraction of good events : 0.282577693 emevents:- emevents (emevents-8.9.1) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 ++ CMD: evselect table=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT destruct=Y keepfilteroutput=Y updateexposure=N expression="(FLAG & 0x762aa000) == 0" -w 10 ++ ** evselect: warning (NoCCDcolumn), Event list does not have a CCDNR column. Cannot update exposure information. evselect:- Executing (routine): evselect table=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT filteredset=filtered.fits withfilteredset=no keepfilteroutput=yes flagcolumn=EVFLAG flagbit=-1 destruct=yes dssblock='' expression='(FLAG & 0x762aa000) == 0' filtertype=expression cleandss=no updateexposure=no filterexposure=yes writedss=yes blockstocopy='' attributestocopy='' energycolumn=PHA zcolumn=WEIGHT zerrorcolumn=EWEIGHT withzerrorcolumn=no withzcolumn=no ignorelegallimits=no imageset=image.fits xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY ximagebinsize=1 yimagebinsize=1 squarepixels=no ximagesize=600 yimagesize=600 imagebinning=imageSize ximagemin=1 ximagemax=640 withxranges=no yimagemin=1 yimagemax=640 withyranges=no imagedatatype=Real64 withimagedatatype=no raimagecenter=0 decimagecenter=0 withcelestialcenter=no withimageset=no spectrumset=spectrum.fits spectralbinsize=5 specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 withspecranges=no nonStandardSpec=no withspectrumset=no rateset=rate.fits timecolumn=TIME timebinsize=1 timemin=0 timemax=1000 withtimeranges=no maketimecolumn=no makeratecolumn=no withrateset=no histogramset=histo.fits histogramcolumn=TIME histogrambinsize=1 histogrammin=0 histogrammax=1000 withhistoranges=no withhistogramset=no -w 10 -V 4 evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 evselect:- selected 991 rows from the input table. evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 ++ ccd: 7 node: 0 event0 : /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00170IME.FTZ CMD: emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0007.FIT odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00170IME.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0007.FIT outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0007.FIT flagbadtimes=Y ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT -o /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf -w 10 ++ ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (frames12), the last 1 frames are dropped because of a non-increasing frame number ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (frames17), non increasing time after frame number 8 ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `FILTER' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `GAIN_CCD_7' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** emframes: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emframes: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156818.711725 emframes:- Executing (routine): emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0007.FIT newframeset=yes countingset='' withcountingset=no srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no checkframes=yes ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT flagbadtimes=yes flagfifooverflow=yes outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0007.FIT writegtiset=yes setgatti=yes odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00170IME.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0007.FIT neweventset=yes checknvalid=yes setdeadtime=yes withodfeventset=yes -w 10 -V 4 emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 emframes:- 1 wrong times in FRAMES emframes:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0007.FIT with 101 rows emframes:- Observing mode was PrimeFullWindow emframes:- Approximate start time = 24173997.088325486 emframes:- Approximate end time = 24174257.113659129 emframes:- 1 frames rejected by VALID emframes:- 1 frames rejected by FIFO emframes:- Area of window within field of view is 79.5736313 arcmin2 emframes:- Fraction of window within field of view is 0.656677783 emframes:- 13 frames rejected by FLAG_HK emframes:- Fraction of good time : 0.85678061572317998 emframes:- Writing extension STDGTI07 emframes:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0007.FIT with 3 rows emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 ++ ccd: 7 node: 1 : No data CMD: emevents odfeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0007.FIT eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CLEVLI0007.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0007.FIT offvarsets="/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00270OVE.FTZ" analysepatterns=N flagbadpixels=N splitdiagonals=N randomizeposition=N -w 10 ++ ** emevents: warning (findBestTime12), No offset/variance file was obtained earlier than the current exposure. Use first one obtained. ** emevents: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emevents: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 ** emevents: warning (rejectFlickering13), The number of frames 86 is not large enough compared to the frame tolerance 5 . The flickering rejection will not work optimally. emevents:- Executing (routine): emevents odfeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0007.FIT eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CLEVLI0007.FIT newoutput=yes frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0007.FIT flagbadtimes=yes gattispecset=gattispec.out writegattispecset=no flagtruncatede1=yes othereventset='' otherframeset='' withothernode=no withframeset=yes offvarsets=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00270OVE.FTZ withoffvarsets=yes analysepatterns=no flagbadpixels=no keepsifluor=no splitdiagonals=no randomizeposition=no setcoordinates=yes maxeventsperrow=4 widthnexttorow=10 rejectrows=yes detectbadoffsets=yes rejectbade3=yes tolfxy='5 2 2' rejectflickering=yes randomizetime=no settimes=yes blocksize=10000 -w 10 -V 4 emevents:- emevents (emevents-8.9.1) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 emevents:- 1 input names for parameter :offvarsets emevents:- offset/variance file /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00270OVE.FTZ:M1OVE1 was selected emevents:- 3430 events in input emevents:- 0 events below the EMDH lower threshold emevents:- 47 events above the EMDH upper threshold emevents:- 3430 events in output emevents:- 484 events outside good frames emevents:- 431 cosmic-ray events emevents:- 10 events outside window emevents:- maximum number of expected events per row 0.18604651162790697 emevents:- 0 events in rows with more than 4 events above expected. emevents:- 0 flagged events next to bad rows emevents:- 0 events on row/column with wrong offset emevents:- 0 events with E3 < -51 + local median emevents:- maximum number of expected events per bin 0.460465133 emevents:- 0 events detected as flickering at tolerances 5 2 2 emevents:- 15 events with truncated E1 emevents:- Fraction of good events : 0.743148685 emevents:- emevents (emevents-8.9.1) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 ++ CMD: emenergy ineventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT correctcti=N correctgain=N randomizeenergy=N -w 10 ++ ** emenergy: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emenergy: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 emenergy:- Executing (routine): emenergy ineventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT outeventset=events.out newoutput=no flagevents=yes correctcti=no minenergy=100 maxperipix=0 fillminnumber=10 fillccdbkg=yes backgroundset=bkgccd.map timebin=100 writebackgroundset=no getccdbkg=yes useccfdarkframe=no maskedccdset='' withmaskedccdset=no rejectbade3e4=yes randomizeenergy=no makepha=yes correctgain=no ontimepha=no -w 10 -V 4 emenergy:- emenergy (emenergy-8.10) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 emenergy:- Input file : T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT emenergy:- The input file will be overwritten emenergy:- 3430 events in file emenergy:- EVFLAG will be applied emenergy:- Bad offsets will be taken from the OFFSETS extension. emenergy:- Energies will be corrected using E4 information emenergy:- Events with ENERGYE1 >= 100 will be used to build the background map. emenergy:- Events with PERIPIX <= 0 will be used to build the background map. emenergy:- Background data will be filled by row and column averaging when less than 10 events around. emenergy:- no BADPIX extension in input event file. Assume no bad pixel in EVFLAG. emenergy:- 41 events outside field of view emenergy:- 13 events outside the ellipse in E3/E1, E4/E1 emenergy:- 64 events rejected by 3.00000000 sigma clipping on E4 for CCDBKG emenergy:- 14 events outside the ellipse in E3/E1, E4/E1 emenergy:- 48 events with PHA out of range 25 - 4095 emenergy:- emenergy (emenergy-8.10) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 ++ CMD: evselect table=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT destruct=Y keepfilteroutput=Y updateexposure=N expression="(FLAG & 0x762aa000) == 0" -w 10 ++ ** evselect: warning (NoCCDcolumn), Event list does not have a CCDNR column. Cannot update exposure information. evselect:- Executing (routine): evselect table=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT filteredset=filtered.fits withfilteredset=no keepfilteroutput=yes flagcolumn=EVFLAG flagbit=-1 destruct=yes dssblock='' expression='(FLAG & 0x762aa000) == 0' filtertype=expression cleandss=no updateexposure=no filterexposure=yes writedss=yes blockstocopy='' attributestocopy='' energycolumn=PHA zcolumn=WEIGHT zerrorcolumn=EWEIGHT withzerrorcolumn=no withzcolumn=no ignorelegallimits=no imageset=image.fits xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY ximagebinsize=1 yimagebinsize=1 squarepixels=no ximagesize=600 yimagesize=600 imagebinning=imageSize ximagemin=1 ximagemax=640 withxranges=no yimagemin=1 yimagemax=640 withyranges=no imagedatatype=Real64 withimagedatatype=no raimagecenter=0 decimagecenter=0 withcelestialcenter=no withimageset=no spectrumset=spectrum.fits spectralbinsize=5 specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 withspecranges=no nonStandardSpec=no withspectrumset=no rateset=rate.fits timecolumn=TIME timebinsize=1 timemin=0 timemax=1000 withtimeranges=no maketimecolumn=no makeratecolumn=no withrateset=no histogramset=histo.fits histogramcolumn=TIME histogrambinsize=1 histogrammin=0 histogrammax=1000 withhistoranges=no withhistogramset=no -w 10 -V 4 evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 evselect:- selected 2540 rows from the input table. evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 ++ CMD: emeventsproj eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT rejectbadevents=Y evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0002.FIT -w 10 ++ ** emeventsproj: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emeventsproj: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 emeventsproj:- Executing (routine): emeventsproj eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0002.FIT rejectbadevents=yes projectenergy=no ccdnr=1 mergedeventlist=no -w 10 -V 4 emeventsproj:- emeventsproj (emeventsproj-1.6) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 emeventsproj:- Opening input event file : T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT emeventsproj:- The counts will be projected. emeventsproj:- Events flagged for rejection will not be projected. emeventsproj:- Opening output image file : T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0002.FIT emeventsproj:- Number of good events in input file: 2959 emeventsproj:- emeventsproj (emeventsproj-1.6) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 ++ CMD: embadpixfind evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0002.FIT badpixset=T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0002.FIT includedeadpixels=Y -w 10 ++ ** embadpixfind: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** embadpixfind: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 ** embadpixfind: warning (getCalBadpix10), Bright pixel at 148 295 is declared uplinked in the CCF but is present in the data. embadpixfind:- Executing (routine): embadpixfind evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0002.FIT badpixset=T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0002.FIT incremental=no halfwidth2d=2 probathreshold=1e-06 halfwidth1d=3 findbadsegments=yes minratio=1.5 findbright=yes maxratio=0.5 finddead=yes niter=10 includedeadpixels=yes ignoreccfbright=no usecal=yes -w 10 -V 4 embadpixfind:- embadpixfind (embadpixfind-2.8) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 embadpixfind:- Opening image file : T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0002.FIT embadpixfind:- Half width for 2D searches: 2 embadpixfind:- False detection probability: 9.99999997E-07 per pixel embadpixfind:- The task will also look for bad segments in rows or columns embadpixfind:- Half width for 1D searches: 3 embadpixfind:- The task will look for bright pixels embadpixfind:- The task will look for bright pixels more than 1.50000000 relative to their neighbours embadpixfind:- The task will look for dark pixels embadpixfind:- The task will look for dark pixels less than 0.500000000 relative to their neighbours embadpixfind:- Bad pixels will be written to T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0002.FIT embadpixfind:- Dead pixels from the CAL will be included in the bad pixels list embadpixfind:- embadpixfind:- Iteration 1 embadpixfind:- 1 bright pixels found in image embadpixfind:- 0 dark and 0 bright columns found in image embadpixfind:- 0 dark and 0 bright rows found in image embadpixfind:- 0 dark pixels found in image embadpixfind:- Writing 1 rows to T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0002.FIT:BADPIX embadpixfind:- embadpixfind (embadpixfind-2.8) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 ++ CMD: emeventsproj eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT rejectbadevents=Y evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0006.FIT -w 10 ++ ** emeventsproj: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emeventsproj: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 emeventsproj:- Executing (routine): emeventsproj eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0006.FIT rejectbadevents=yes projectenergy=no ccdnr=1 mergedeventlist=no -w 10 -V 4 emeventsproj:- emeventsproj (emeventsproj-1.6) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 emeventsproj:- Opening input event file : T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT emeventsproj:- The counts will be projected. emeventsproj:- Events flagged for rejection will not be projected. emeventsproj:- Opening output image file : T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0006.FIT emeventsproj:- Number of good events in input file: 991 emeventsproj:- emeventsproj (emeventsproj-1.6) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 ++ CMD: embadpixfind evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0006.FIT badpixset=T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0006.FIT includedeadpixels=Y -w 10 ++ ** embadpixfind: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** embadpixfind: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 ** embadpixfind: warning (getCalBadpix10), Bright pixel at 89 428 is declared uplinked in the CCF but is present in the data. embadpixfind:- Executing (routine): embadpixfind evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0006.FIT badpixset=T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0006.FIT incremental=no halfwidth2d=2 probathreshold=1e-06 halfwidth1d=3 findbadsegments=yes minratio=1.5 findbright=yes maxratio=0.5 finddead=yes niter=10 includedeadpixels=yes ignoreccfbright=no usecal=yes -w 10 -V 4 embadpixfind:- embadpixfind (embadpixfind-2.8) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:12.000 embadpixfind:- Opening image file : T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0006.FIT embadpixfind:- Half width for 2D searches: 2 embadpixfind:- False detection probability: 9.99999997E-07 per pixel embadpixfind:- The task will also look for bad segments in rows or columns embadpixfind:- Half width for 1D searches: 3 embadpixfind:- The task will look for bright pixels embadpixfind:- The task will look for bright pixels more than 1.50000000 relative to their neighbours embadpixfind:- The task will look for dark pixels embadpixfind:- The task will look for dark pixels less than 0.500000000 relative to their neighbours embadpixfind:- Bad pixels will be written to T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0006.FIT embadpixfind:- Dead pixels from the CAL will be included in the bad pixels list embadpixfind:- embadpixfind:- Iteration 1 embadpixfind:- 0 bright pixels found in image embadpixfind:- 0 dark and 0 bright columns found in image embadpixfind:- 0 dark and 0 bright rows found in image embadpixfind:- 0 dark pixels found in image embadpixfind:- Writing 0 rows to T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0006.FIT:BADPIX embadpixfind:- embadpixfind (embadpixfind-2.8) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 ++ CMD: emeventsproj eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT rejectbadevents=Y evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0007.FIT -w 10 ++ ** emeventsproj: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** emeventsproj: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 emeventsproj:- Executing (routine): emeventsproj eventset=T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0007.FIT rejectbadevents=yes projectenergy=no ccdnr=1 mergedeventlist=no -w 10 -V 4 emeventsproj:- emeventsproj (emeventsproj-1.6) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 emeventsproj:- Opening input event file : T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT emeventsproj:- The counts will be projected. emeventsproj:- Events flagged for rejection will not be projected. emeventsproj:- Opening output image file : T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0007.FIT emeventsproj:- Number of good events in input file: 2540 emeventsproj:- emeventsproj (emeventsproj-1.6) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 ++ CMD: embadpixfind evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0007.FIT badpixset=T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0007.FIT includedeadpixels=Y -w 10 ++ ** embadpixfind: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNDEFINED' - cannot determine active filter ** embadpixfind: warning (RangeStateVariable::set), The value 0 for variable `exposure duration' is not in the allowed range: 300 <= value <= 156819 ** embadpixfind: warning (getCalBadpix10), Bright pixel at 259 65 is declared uplinked in the CCF but is present in the data. embadpixfind:- Executing (routine): embadpixfind evimageset=T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0007.FIT badpixset=T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0007.FIT incremental=no halfwidth2d=2 probathreshold=1e-06 halfwidth1d=3 findbadsegments=yes minratio=1.5 findbright=yes maxratio=0.5 finddead=yes niter=10 includedeadpixels=yes ignoreccfbright=no usecal=yes -w 10 -V 4 embadpixfind:- embadpixfind (embadpixfind-2.8) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 embadpixfind:- Opening image file : T183536AIV-M1S001IMAGPR0007.FIT embadpixfind:- Half width for 2D searches: 2 embadpixfind:- False detection probability: 9.99999997E-07 per pixel embadpixfind:- The task will also look for bad segments in rows or columns embadpixfind:- Half width for 1D searches: 3 embadpixfind:- The task will look for bright pixels embadpixfind:- The task will look for bright pixels more than 1.50000000 relative to their neighbours embadpixfind:- The task will look for dark pixels embadpixfind:- The task will look for dark pixels less than 0.500000000 relative to their neighbours embadpixfind:- Bad pixels will be written to T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0007.FIT embadpixfind:- Dead pixels from the CAL will be included in the bad pixels list embadpixfind:- embadpixfind:- Iteration 1 embadpixfind:- 1 bright pixels found in image embadpixfind:- 0 dark and 0 bright columns found in image embadpixfind:- 0 dark and 0 bright rows found in image embadpixfind:- 0 dark pixels found in image embadpixfind:- Writing 1 rows to T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0007.FIT:BADPIX embadpixfind:- embadpixfind (embadpixfind-2.8) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 ++ CMD: evlistcomb eventsets="T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT" maintable="EVENTS OFFSETS" imagingset=T183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLM0000.FIT timingset=T183536AIV-M1S001TIEVLM0000.FIT instrument=emos -w 10 ++ evlistcomb:- Executing (routine): evlistcomb eventsets='T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT' imagingset=T183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLM0000.FIT timingset=T183536AIV-M1S001TIEVLM0000.FIT maintable='EVENTS OFFSETS' othertables='EXPOSURE BADPIX STDGTI' primarychecks='TELESCOP INSTRUME OBS_ID EXP_ID' primaryonly=ORIGIN extensionchecks='DET_SYST TIMEUNIT TIMESYS MJDREF TIMEREF TASSIGN TIMEZERO CLOCKAPP TCRPX TCTYP TCRVL TCDLT TCROT TCUNI' maxattributes='TSTOP TLMAX TDMAX' minattributes='TSTART TLMIN TDMIN' mainattributes='' emosdatamodes='IMAGING TIMING' emosimgcolnames='TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN OFFSETX OFFSETY' emosimgcoltypes='double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16' emostimcolnames='TIME RAWX PHA PI FLAG PATTERN OFFSETX' emostimcoltypes='double int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16' epndatamodes='IMAGING TIMING' epnimgcolnames='TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX' epnimgcoltypes='double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16' epntimcolnames='TIME RAWX PHA PI FLAG PATTERN' epntimcoltypes='double int16 int16 int16 int32 int8' rgsdatamodes='SPECTROSCOPY HIGHTIMERESOLUTION' rgsimgcolnames='BETA_CORR XDSP_CORR TIME FLAG BETA XDSP CHIPX CHIPY PHA SHAPE GRADE BETA_CHANNEL XDSP_CHANNEL PI' rgsimgcoltypes='single single double int32 single single int16 int16 int16 int8 int8 int16 int16 int16' rgstimcolnames='BETA_CORR TIME FLAG BETA CHIPX PHA BETA_CHANNEL PI' rgstimcoltypes='single double int32 single int16 int16 int16 int16' instrument=emos -w 10 -V 4 evlistcomb:- evlistcomb (evlistcomb-4.20) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 evlistcomb:- Instrument name : emos evlistcomb:- 2 input names for parameter :emosdatamodes evlistcomb:- 13 input names for parameter :emosimgcolnames evlistcomb:- 13 input names for parameter :emosimgcoltypes evlistcomb:- 7 input names for parameter :emostimcolnames evlistcomb:- 7 input names for parameter :emostimcoltypes evlistcomb:- 2 input names for parameter :maintable evlistcomb:- Main table name : EVENTS evlistcomb:- 0 input names for parameter :mainattributes evlistcomb:- 3 input names for parameter :minattributes evlistcomb:- 3 input names for parameter :maxattributes evlistcomb:- 3 input names for parameter :othertables evlistcomb:- 4 input names for parameter :primarychecks evlistcomb:- 1 input names for parameter :primaryonly evlistcomb:- 14 input names for parameter :extensionchecks evlistcomb:- 3 input event files evlistcomb:- Entering mode IMAGING evlistcomb:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLM0000.FIT evlistcomb:- T183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLM0000.FIT:EVENTS has 6490 rows evlistcomb:- T183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLM0000.FIT:OFFSETS has 24 rows evlistcomb:- Writing extension EXPOSU02 from T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT:EXPOSURE evlistcomb:- extension BADPIX not found in T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT evlistcomb:- extension STDGTI not found in T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0002.FIT evlistcomb:- Writing extension EXPOSU06 from T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT:EXPOSURE evlistcomb:- extension BADPIX not found in T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT evlistcomb:- extension STDGTI not found in T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0006.FIT evlistcomb:- Writing extension EXPOSU07 from T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT:EXPOSURE evlistcomb:- extension BADPIX not found in T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT evlistcomb:- extension STDGTI not found in T183536AIV-M1S001CAEVLI0007.FIT evlistcomb:- Entering mode TIMING evlistcomb:- No output for mode TIMING evlistcomb:- evlistcomb (evlistcomb-4.20) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 ++ CMD: mv T183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLM0000.FIT P183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLI0000.FIT CMD: fparkey "EPIC MOS IMAGING MODE EVENT LIST" P183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLI0000.FIT[0] CONTENT add=Y ++ ++ CMD: fappend /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/ccf.cif[CALINDEX] P183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLI0000.FIT ++ ++ CMD: ebadpixupdate eventset=P183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLI0000.FIT fromccf=N badpixtables="T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0002.FIT T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0006.FIT T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0007.FIT" -w 10 ++ ebadpixupdate:- Executing (routine): ebadpixupdate eventset=P183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLI0000.FIT overwrite=no replaceonboard=no forcereplace=no ccds=0 fromccf=no badpixtables='T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0002.FIT T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0006.FIT T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0007.FIT' fromfiles=yes -w 10 -V 4 ebadpixupdate:- ebadpixupdate (ebadpixupdate-1.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 ebadpixupdate:- Found 1 bad pixels in T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0002.FIT:BADPIX ebadpixupdate:- Found 0 bad pixels in T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0006.FIT:BADPIX ebadpixupdate:- Found 1 bad pixels in T183536AIV-M1S001BPXFLI0007.FIT:BADPIX ebadpixupdate:- ebadpixupdate (ebadpixupdate-1.11) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 ++ Time bin too small for CCD area (156.529182434082 arcmin2). Increase to 63.8858508330306 for flare screening. CMD: evselect table=P183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLI0000.FIT expression="(PATTERN==0) && ((FLAG & 0x762b8000) == 0) && #XMMEA_22" rateset=P183536AIV-M1S001FBKTSR0000.FIT timebinsize=63.8858508330306 updateexposure=N maketimecolumn=Y makeratecolumn=Y -w 10 ++ ** evselect: warning (NoProductExp), No live time information available. Cannot write EXPOSURE keyword for output products. evselect:- Executing (routine): evselect table=P183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLI0000.FIT filteredset=filtered.fits withfilteredset=no keepfilteroutput=no flagcolumn=EVFLAG flagbit=-1 destruct=yes dssblock='' expression='(PATTERN==0) && ((FLAG & 0x762b8000) == 0) && #XMMEA_22' filtertype=expression cleandss=no updateexposure=no filterexposure=yes writedss=yes blockstocopy='' attributestocopy='' energycolumn=PHA zcolumn=WEIGHT zerrorcolumn=EWEIGHT withzerrorcolumn=no withzcolumn=no ignorelegallimits=no imageset=image.fits xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY ximagebinsize=1 yimagebinsize=1 squarepixels=no ximagesize=600 yimagesize=600 imagebinning=imageSize ximagemin=1 ximagemax=640 withxranges=no yimagemin=1 yimagemax=640 withyranges=no imagedatatype=Real64 withimagedatatype=no raimagecenter=0 decimagecenter=0 withcelestialcenter=no withimageset=no spectrumset=spectrum.fits spectralbinsize=5 specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 withspecranges=no nonStandardSpec=no withspectrumset=no rateset=P183536AIV-M1S001FBKTSR0000.FIT timecolumn=TIME timebinsize=63.885850833 timemin=0 timemax=1000 withtimeranges=no maketimecolumn=yes makeratecolumn=yes withrateset=yes histogramset=histo.fits histogramcolumn=TIME histogrambinsize=1 histogrammin=0 histogrammax=1000 withhistoranges=no withhistogramset=no -w 10 -V 4 evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 evselect:- selected 2 rows from the input table. evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 ++ CMD: evselect table=P183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLI0000.FIT rateset=T183536AIV-M1S001SPECEX0001.FIT timebinsize=2.6 makeratecolumn=N timemin=2.41739970791278E+07 timemax=2.41742571136591E+07 -w 10 ++ ** evselect: warning (NoAttrib), The Attribute SLCTEXPR does not exist in the input event list. No value was copied. ** evselect: warning (NoProductExp), No live time information available. Cannot write EXPOSURE keyword for output products. evselect:- Executing (routine): evselect table=P183536AIV-M1S001MIEVLI0000.FIT filteredset=filtered.fits withfilteredset=no keepfilteroutput=no flagcolumn=EVFLAG flagbit=-1 destruct=yes dssblock='' expression=true filtertype=expression cleandss=no updateexposure=yes filterexposure=yes writedss=yes blockstocopy='' attributestocopy='' energycolumn=PHA zcolumn=WEIGHT zerrorcolumn=EWEIGHT withzerrorcolumn=no withzcolumn=no ignorelegallimits=no imageset=image.fits xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY ximagebinsize=1 yimagebinsize=1 squarepixels=no ximagesize=600 yimagesize=600 imagebinning=imageSize ximagemin=1 ximagemax=640 withxranges=no yimagemin=1 yimagemax=640 withyranges=no imagedatatype=Real64 withimagedatatype=no raimagecenter=0 decimagecenter=0 withcelestialcenter=no withimageset=no spectrumset=spectrum.fits spectralbinsize=5 specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 withspecranges=no nonStandardSpec=no withspectrumset=no rateset=T183536AIV-M1S001SPECEX0001.FIT timecolumn=TIME timebinsize=2.6 timemin=24173997.08 timemax=24174257.11 withtimeranges=yes maketimecolumn=no makeratecolumn=no withrateset=yes histogramset=histo.fits histogramcolumn=TIME histogrambinsize=1 histogrammin=0 histogrammax=1000 withhistoranges=no withhistogramset=no -w 10 -V 4 evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] started: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [21.0.1-20a634c83-20240613-21.0.1] ended: 2024-06-13T08:45:13.000 ++ CMD: fcalc T183536AIV-M1S001SPECEX0001.FIT T183536AIV-M1S001SPECEX0002.FIT COUNTS "MIN(COUNTS,1)" clobber=Y rowrange=- copycol=Y copyall=Y ++ ++ CMD: lcurve nser=1 cfile1=T183536AIV-M1S001SPECEX0002.FIT window=- dtnb=6.38858508330306E+01 nbint=5 itre=0 outfile=T183536AIV-M1S001SPECEX0001.FIT outfiletype=2 plot=N clobber=Y gapfill=0 forcestart=Y exposure=N spwinbefore=0 spwinafter=0 rescale=2.6 offset=0 > /dev/null ++ sh: 1: lcurve: not found emchain: That task ended in error ! ++ emchain randomize='' filterhk=Y rejectbadevents=N stoponerror=Y keepintermediate=Y odf=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf ended in error Error while running ./emchain_test ERROR: one of the tests failed