Testing sgtest ... FAILED
Message: will run ./sgtest for no longer than 600 seconds.
specgroup:- Executing (routine): specgroup spectrumset=m1_srcspec.ds groupedset=SpecGrp.ds overwrite=no backgndset='' withbgdset=no mincounts=25 withCounts=no minSN=5 withminSN=no ratioabovebgnd=0 withratioabovebgnd=no oversample=3 withoversampling=no grouptemplate=grptemplate.ds withtemplate=no ranges=1:10 withranges=yes regbinstart=0 regbinend=0 regbinwid=0 withRegularBins=no units=CHAN rmfset=response.ds withrmfset=no arfset=myarf.ds witharfset=no addfilenames=yes hightolow=no lastbin=addtogroup setbad=CCF  -w 1 -V 4
specgroup:- specgroup (specgroup-1.7.1)  [21.0.1-79c786f42-20240514] started:  2024-05-14T10:56:39.000
Could not open file 'XMM_SPECQUAL_0002.CCF' for reading in:

Error while running ./sgtest
ERROR: one of the tests failed