Testing edetect_stack_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./edetect_stack_test for no longer than 600 seconds. edetect_stack:- edetect_stack-0.8.1 [22.0.0-7025b7742-20241122-22.0.0] started: 2024-11-22T02:29:35 PM attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events0112940201E000M2.fits fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=49.034 nominaldec=-55.287 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=user atthkset=101ATTTSR0000.FTZ withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.05 -w 1 -V 4 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40.1) [22.0.0-7025b7742-20241122] started: 2024-11-22T14:29:37.000 ** attcalc: error (FITSIO), FITS error 112: cannot write to readonly file cannot open compressed file with WRITE access (mem_compress_open) events0112940201E000M2.fits failed to find or open the following file: (ffopen) events0112940201E000M2.fits ** edetect_stack: error (TaskError), Task ended in error: attcalc eventset=events0112940201E000M2.fits withatthkset=1 atthkset=101ATTTSR0000.FTZ refpointlabel=user nominalra=4.9033999999999999e+01 nominaldec=-5.5286999999999999e+01 imagesize=5.0000000000000003e-02 ls: cannot access 'emllist.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'srclist.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'srclist_sum.fits': No such file or directory Error while running ./edetect_stack_test ERROR: one of the tests failed