--- Dependency check [begin] --- --- Dependency check [end] --- --- Distribution check [begin] --- Version 8.82.3 - 2023-08-18 (AI) Information: this ChangeLog entry matches the version number: Version 8.82.3 - 2023-08-18 (AI) Information: ./config/epchain.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Now checking git repository... --- Distribution check [end] --- Dependencies for checkoutput_IM Dependencies for checkoutput_TI Dependencies for checkoutput_BU sed -e "s/DOC/epchain/" -e "s/TYPE/devel/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=devel epchain 8.82.3 epchain 22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028 > epchain.tex including sasdevel... including sasglobal... including epchain_description... latex epchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex epchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log latex epchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex epchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o epchain.ps epchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf epchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f epchain.ps SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init epchain > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2021.1 (TeX Live 2022/dev) Copyright 2021 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.10.28:1001' -> images.ps . [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f epchain/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=epchain/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/epchain/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi rm epchain.tex gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas/include/utils checkoutput_IM.f90 g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas/lib -o checkoutput_IM checkoutput_IM.o -ldal -lerror -lutils -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas/include/utils checkoutput_TI.f90 g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas/lib -o checkoutput_TI checkoutput_TI.o -ldal -lerror -lutils -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. gfortran -c -fimplicit-none -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC -I/workspaces/xmm_sas/include -I/workspaces/xmm_sas/include/dal -I/workspaces/xmm_sas/include/utils checkoutput_BU.f90 g++ -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -L/workspaces/xmm_sas/lib -o checkoutput_BU checkoutput_BU.o -ldal -lerror -lutils -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. Testing epchain_test_IM ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_IM for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF/ datamode=IMAGING ccds=1-2 memorymodel=high keepintermediate=all hkok=Y odfok=Y ccfok=Y withmask=N getnewbadpix=N witheventmap=Y withphotonmap=Y withpatplot=Y plotxrange=0 1 withphagaincolumn=Y runepreject=Y runepxrlcorr=N ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF/ -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = IMAGING -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 1-2 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Default parameter values: runradmonfix = N -:- Default parameter values: withradmon = N -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpixfind = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Command line parameter: runepreject = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepnoise = N -:- Command line parameter: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Default parameter values: runepfast = N -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenlowthresh = 150 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Command line parameter: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = all -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcposition = 190 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Default parameter values: withfinetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Command line parameter: witheventmap = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphotonmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Command line parameter: getnewbadpix = N -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withmask = N -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Default parameter values: propagatecolumns = auto -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Command line parameter: ccfok = Y -:- Command line parameter: odfok = Y -:- Command line parameter: hkok = Y -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Default parameter values: withtempcorrection = Y -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Default parameter values: withframecti = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Default parameter values: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Default parameter values: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphagaincolumn = Y -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withpatplot = Y -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Command line parameter: plotxrange = 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Default parameter values: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetlist = N -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Default parameter values: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF/ -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 1..2 -:- will process CCD: 1 2 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = IM [IMAGING] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNS00301IME.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNS00302IME.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNS00303IME.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNU00201DLI.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNU00302DLI.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNU00403DLI.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNX00000HCH.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PAH.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PMH.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000P5S.FIT ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000SUM.SAS ... -:- 0146_0114100201_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 IMAGING exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 0146_0114100201_PNS003 IM -:- will do exposure: 0146_0114100201_PNS003 -:- -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:17.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2000-09-25T12:31:43.000 to 2000-09-25T16:30:39.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 86272367.184000000 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 86286703.184000000 atthkgen:- Increments in 14336 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272367.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1561 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272367.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1561 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272368.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1560 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272368.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1560 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272369.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1559 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272369.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1559 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272370.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1558 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272370.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1558 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272371.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1557 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 86272371.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1557 s away). atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 12424 data points): 94.046931537098033 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 12424 data points): 22.723878235226991 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 12424 data points): 93.319049115497222 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 12424 data points): 1.1598552503744795E-004 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 12424 data points): 94.046931537098033 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 12424 data points): 22.723878235226991 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 12424 data points): 93.319049115497222 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 12424 data points): 1.1598552503744795E-004 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 12424 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 94.047041666666672 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : 22.723861111111109 atthkgen:- AHF PA : 93.319023132324219 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 2.7770620203692138E-005 atthkgen:- OM RA : 94.047041666666672 atthkgen:- OM Dec : 22.723861111111109 atthkgen:- OM PA : 93.319023132324219 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 2.7770620203692138E-005 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:17.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.223258s atthkgen:- ** atthkgen: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoAttitude silently occurred 3816 times -:- Starting with CCD = 1 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:17.000 /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00301IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:17.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.000983s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat gtiset=gti01.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap01.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat gtiset=gti01.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap01.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:17.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//./ epframes:- revolution number : 146 epframes:- proposal id : 011410 epframes:- total number of files : 17 epframes:- observation id : 0201 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-09-25T12:31:43.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr Fred Jansen epframes:- institute of the GO : ESA-SA-SSD epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: SCI-SA, Noordwijk, 2200 AG, NETHERLANDS epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: fjansen@astro.estec.esa.nl epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : 1 epframes:- science type : C epframes:- name of the target : SNR IC443 ptg2 epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 94.06250 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 22.70000 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 94.06250 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 22.70000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 14404.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 0360 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : N epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 0 = PrimeFullWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 73.36431885 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0146_0114100201_PNS00301IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 0146_0114100201_PNU00201DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 36861 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 15 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 8798 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 116077 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 127294 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #117 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1555 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1706 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 38 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 7 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 52 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 10 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 10.400 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 474.417 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 457.191 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 1.038 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 21 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 21 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 3581 [units] at FRAME = 805 with 33861 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 0 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 86277825.02283 epframes:- End time = 86280824.93283 epframes:- Number of frames = 40890.22874 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 73.3649600 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 73.3653704 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 33883 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 40891 epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 91 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 330 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 42 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.605 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.906] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM ** epframes: warning (misHKcolumn), Missing column FD130 epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -162.356 [V], range = [-162.356,-162.356] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.514 [mA], range = [ 9.436, 11.531] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 155.6 [ ], range = [ 0.0, 352.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.965 [deg C], range = [ -90.058, -89.840] epframes:- H_OT_TTMPFPF: average = -90.132 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 6.923 [deg C], range = [ 6.677, 7.057] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 8.542 [deg C], range = [ 8.452, 8.832] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = 4.710 [deg C], range = [ 3.340, 5.070] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 37.940 [deg C], range = [ 37.940, 37.940] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 24.100 [deg C], range = [ 24.100, 24.100] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 15.712 [deg C], range = [ 14.818, 15.715] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 13.707 [deg C], range = [ 13.002, 14.794] epframes:- F1574: average = 26.298 [deg C], range = [ 23.137, 29.832] epframes:- F1674: average = 28.932 [deg C], range = [ 23.418, 31.801] epframes:- F1774: average = 27.968 [deg C], range = [ 24.619, 29.643] epframes:- F1874: average = 31.343 [deg C], range = [ 29.546, 32.916] epframes:- F1576: average = 21.958 [deg C], range = [ 20.667, 22.327] epframes:- F1676: average = 24.159 [deg C], range = [ 22.682, 24.344] epframes:- F1776: average = 22.455 [deg C], range = [ 22.455, 22.455] epframes:- F1876: average = 20.944 [deg C], range = [ 20.944, 20.944] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 26.298 [deg C], range = [ 23.137, 29.832] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 21.958 [deg C], range = [ 20.667, 22.327] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 1.553 [mu A], range = [ 1.501, 2.667] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.581 [mA], range = [ 10.675, 12.759] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 12.333 [deg C], range = [ 12.333, 12.333] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 8.750 [deg C], range = [ 8.750, 8.750] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = 4.722 [deg C], range = [ 4.706, 5.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 7.812 [deg C], range = [ 7.812, 7.812] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 20.007 [deg C], range = [ 20.000, 20.417] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 15.769 [deg C], range = [ 15.769, 15.769] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 21.667 [deg C], range = [ 21.667, 21.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 9.375 [deg C], range = [ 9.375, 9.375] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 11.333 [deg C], range = [ 11.333, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 17.308 [deg C], range = [ 17.308, 17.308] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 18.077 [deg C], range = [ 18.077, 18.077] epframes:- epframes:- 0146_0114100201_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [] epframes:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 146 ] epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2000-09-25T13:30:56 - 2000-09-25T13:38:16 epframes:- calculation with 30 frames and chopper = 3 with median correction = ON and filter = Medium epframes:- offset = 768 lower threshold = 0 MIP rejection method: NO MIP CORR. epframes:- CCD temperature change from offset map calculation to science exposure: -90.132 -> -89.965 [deg C] = +0.167 [deg C] epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- Requested source position ( 94.062501, 22.700000) corresponds to RAW pixel (38.15,190.23) of CCD 4 epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 73.36496 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 200.00000 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8637 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 2998 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 2072 event: 3715 10.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 4144 event: 7424 20.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 6216 event: 10885 29.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 8288 event: 14690 39.9% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 10360 event: 18385 49.9% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 12432 event: 22105 60.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 14504 event: 26018 70.6% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 16576 event: 29575 80.2% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 18648 event: 33208 90.1% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 0 of total: 20702 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00000 for FF-Mode in 1.467 [s] = 0.0000 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 2 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 1245 250 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 1510 168 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 1759 167 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 1789 161 epframes:- DLI for X = 5 1758 178 epframes:- DLI for X = 60 1742 193 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 1752 221 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 1746 210 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 1512 227 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 1225 397 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 102903 mean = 1715.0 median = 1721.0 deviation = 0.143 mean2 = 1713.8 median2 = 1717.0 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 10965 mean = 182.8 median = 185.0 deviation = 0.165 epframes:- epframes:- DLI average, median, min, max = 1713.759 1717.000 1635.000 1791.000 epframes:- Adev, Sdev, Skew, Kurtosis = 37.939 44.312 -0.1584 -1.1721 epframes:- ** epframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set epframes:- Total number of frames: 20719 epframes:- There were no wrong events! epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78760870.151933 epframes:- epframes:- No data in reconstructed orbit file, no orbital phase info. epframes:- Orbital phase range: 146.0000 147.0000 1.0000 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: -17.512 [Hz] epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 86277825.02283 86280824.85946 2999.83663 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 2999.91000 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): FF 12.3418 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): FF 12.7624 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 0.9055 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 23.7209 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 22.8596 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 2.2354 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0377 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.4044E+00 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.1069E+00 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:18.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.4524s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat badpixset=P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:18.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 1 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindow badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 0114100201003 badpixfind:- Observation id: 0114100201 badpixfind:- CCF: 69 bad pixel sets: 69 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 2 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 199 badpixfind:- 24358 events (out of 36793 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 199 (Total 12736 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 11 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 132 Highest column total: 407 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 0 Highest column median: 2 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 12435 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.97636622190475464 badpixfind:- Median value: 1 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.32967866150744579 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 2997.0787409767800 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000000E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- No hot or dead pixels found - thresholds OK? badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 12736 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 11 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 12435 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.97636622190475464 badpixfind:- Median value: 1 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 12736 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 11 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 12435 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.97636622190475464 badpixfind:- Median value: 1 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- Creating file (P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT): Number of entries: 0 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:18.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.066646s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat badpixmap=P0114100201PNS003BPXHMK0001.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0114100201PNS003BPXHMK0001.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:18.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 8500 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 449 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:19.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat badpixmap=P0114100201PNS003BPXMSK0001.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0114100201PNS003BPXMSK0001.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:19.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 11984 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 1 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:19.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents01.dat badpixset=P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=N emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents01.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT getnewbadpix=no emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:19.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 1 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindow badpix:- Filter = Medium badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18484497070318 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 295.10809326171875 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 146] badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 69 bad pixel sets badpix:- 69 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 0 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 69 pixel sets in total badpix:- 69 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 71 1 1 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 39 1 1 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 28 1 1 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 130 1 1 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 76 1 1 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:19.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.083058s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=0 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=0 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents01.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' withoffsetlist=no odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=no withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:19.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, IMAGING, 003, 1, S) epreject:- No Offset maps found... ** epreject: warning (NoOffsetMap), No offset map found; using 20 ADU image instead epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: Medium epreject:- FILTER during science observation: Medium epreject:- Calibrated Offset: T 16 -0.219999999 -0.109999999 -3 epreject:- XRL coefficients set to zero (no correction applied). ** epreject: warning (No bad column table found), epreject:- Masking source at position: 1 149 epreject:- Masking source at position: 1 168 epreject:- Masking source at position: 2 106 epreject:- Masking source at position: 5 90 epreject:- Masking source at position: 7 99 epreject:- Masking source at position: 7 124 epreject:- Masking source at position: 9 50 epreject:- Masking source at position: 11 196 epreject:- Masking source at position: 19 192 epreject:- Masking source at position: 40 68 epreject:- Masking source at position: 40 192 epreject:- Masking source at position: 57 67 epreject:- Masking source at position: 62 165 epreject:- Masking source at position: 63 68 epreject:- Determining offset corrections from 20 adu image for chip 1 epreject:- 413 of 36793 events selected for offset correction epreject:- 2 events shifted below threshold of 20 [adu] epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:20.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.147659s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents01.dat outset=events01.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=1 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap01.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents01.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events01.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=yes lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap01.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:20.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.185 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(0-0) = CCD No. 1 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 36793 epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 20719 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 40890 epevents:- CCD frame: 28624 event: 26120 71.0% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- ... created PHA_GAIN column epevents:- performing CTI correction ... epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 21.9581 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0.000365 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1.0057 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 1 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9665 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 0.735897 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.50668 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 2042 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 2250 118 NaN 86277996.7712 NaN 0 0.0 155.6453 epevents:- 28286 1556 NaN 86280109.4738 NaN 0 0.0 155.6453 epevents:- 30766 1707 NaN 86280331.1839 NaN 0 0.0 155.6453 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 36793 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 94 epevents:- number of single events: 25546 epevents:- number of double patterns: 2171 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 87 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 63 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 6392 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 722 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 87 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 92 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 0 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 27867 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:20.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.603934s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 36783 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events01.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events01.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:21.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 1 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindow attcalc:- Filter = Medium attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 94.047041666666701 22.723861111111098 attcalc:- No of input events: 36793 attcalc:- No of event frames: 20702 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 94.047086279945475 94.046998446811003 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 22.723918875042902 22.723830721092185 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 93.319560942356588 93.318005341870546 attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:21.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.111213s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events01.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents01.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>150 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- Starting with CCD = 2 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:21.000 /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00302IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:21.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.002043s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat gtiset=gti02.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap02.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat gtiset=gti02.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0114100201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap02.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:21.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//./ epframes:- revolution number : 146 epframes:- proposal id : 011410 epframes:- total number of files : 17 epframes:- observation id : 0201 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-09-25T12:31:43.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr Fred Jansen epframes:- institute of the GO : ESA-SA-SSD epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: SCI-SA, Noordwijk, 2200 AG, NETHERLANDS epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: fjansen@astro.estec.esa.nl epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : 1 epframes:- science type : C epframes:- name of the target : SNR IC443 ptg2 epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 94.06250 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 22.70000 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 94.06250 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 22.70000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 14404.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 0360 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : N epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 0 = PrimeFullWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 73.36431885 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0146_0114100201_PNS00302IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 0146_0114100201_PNU00302DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 0146_0114100201_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 31340 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 15 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 8798 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 116077 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 127294 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #117 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1555 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1706 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 38 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 7 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 52 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 10 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 10.400 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 474.417 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 457.191 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q0: [0146_0114100201_PNS003] 1.038 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 21 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 21 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 3581 [units] at FRAME = 805 with 33861 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 0 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 86277825.02894 epframes:- End time = 86280824.93894 epframes:- Number of frames = 40890.22874 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 73.3649600 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 73.3653704 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 33883 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 40891 epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 91 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 330 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 42 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.605 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.906] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM ** epframes: warning (misHKcolumn), Missing column FD130 epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -162.356 [V], range = [-162.356,-162.356] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.514 [mA], range = [ 9.436, 11.531] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 155.6 [ ], range = [ 0.0, 352.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.965 [deg C], range = [ -90.058, -89.840] epframes:- H_OT_TTMPFPF: average = -90.198 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -90.058] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 6.923 [deg C], range = [ 6.677, 7.057] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 8.542 [deg C], range = [ 8.452, 8.832] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = 4.710 [deg C], range = [ 3.340, 5.070] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 37.940 [deg C], range = [ 37.940, 37.940] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 24.100 [deg C], range = [ 24.100, 24.100] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 15.712 [deg C], range = [ 14.818, 15.715] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 13.707 [deg C], range = [ 13.002, 14.794] epframes:- F1574: average = 26.298 [deg C], range = [ 23.137, 29.832] epframes:- F1674: average = 28.932 [deg C], range = [ 23.418, 31.801] epframes:- F1774: average = 27.968 [deg C], range = [ 24.619, 29.643] epframes:- F1874: average = 31.343 [deg C], range = [ 29.546, 32.916] epframes:- F1576: average = 21.958 [deg C], range = [ 20.667, 22.327] epframes:- F1676: average = 24.159 [deg C], range = [ 22.682, 24.344] epframes:- F1776: average = 22.455 [deg C], range = [ 22.455, 22.455] epframes:- F1876: average = 20.944 [deg C], range = [ 20.944, 20.944] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 26.298 [deg C], range = [ 23.137, 29.832] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 21.958 [deg C], range = [ 20.667, 22.327] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 2.382 [mu A], range = [ 1.501, 2.667] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.581 [mA], range = [ 10.675, 12.759] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 12.333 [deg C], range = [ 12.333, 12.333] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 8.750 [deg C], range = [ 8.750, 8.750] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = 4.722 [deg C], range = [ 4.706, 5.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 7.812 [deg C], range = [ 7.812, 7.812] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 20.007 [deg C], range = [ 20.000, 20.417] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 15.769 [deg C], range = [ 15.769, 15.769] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 21.667 [deg C], range = [ 21.667, 21.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 9.375 [deg C], range = [ 9.375, 9.375] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 11.333 [deg C], range = [ 11.333, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 17.308 [deg C], range = [ 17.308, 17.308] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 18.077 [deg C], range = [ 18.077, 18.077] epframes:- epframes:- 0146_0114100201_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [] epframes:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 146 ] epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2000-09-25T13:39:29 - 2000-09-25T13:46:48 epframes:- calculation with 30 frames and chopper = 3 with median correction = ON and filter = Medium epframes:- offset = 768 lower threshold = 0 MIP rejection method: NO MIP CORR. epframes:- CCD temperature change from offset map calculation to science exposure: -90.198 -> -89.965 [deg C] = +0.233 [deg C] epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- Requested source position ( 94.062501, 22.700000) corresponds to RAW pixel (38.15,190.23) of CCD 4 epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 73.36496 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 200.00000 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8637 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 3531 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 1838 event: 3293 10.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 3676 event: 6514 20.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 5514 event: 9739 31.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 7352 event: 12660 40.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 9190 event: 15993 51.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 11028 event: 18930 60.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 12866 event: 22166 70.7% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 14704 event: 25300 80.7% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 16542 event: 28290 90.3% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 18380 event: 31339 100.0% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 1 of total: 18351 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00315 for FF-Mode in 1.467 [s] = 0.0021 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 2 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 1230 251 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 1462 143 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 1700 139 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 1702 190 epframes:- DLI for X = 5 1698 181 epframes:- DLI for X = 60 1695 144 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 1729 206 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 1681 237 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 1457 228 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 1245 355 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 100103 mean = 1668.4 median = 1668.0 deviation = 0.009 mean2 = 1667.6 median2 = 1667.5 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 9198 mean = 153.3 median = 152.5 deviation = 0.065 epframes:- epframes:- DLI average, median, min, max = 1667.621 1667.500 1598.000 1745.000 epframes:- Adev, Sdev, Skew, Kurtosis = 29.172 35.948 0.0950 -0.6745 epframes:- ** epframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- total number of wrong events : 1080 epframes:- number of detected MIP events: 365 epframes:- number of rejected MIP columns: 397 epframes:- Frames with false coarse time: 7 epframes:- Total number of input frames: 18381 epframes:- Total number of output frames: 18351 epframes:- Total number of input events: 31340 epframes:- Total number of output events: 30251 epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 15 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_FF//.//0146_0114100201_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 21 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7008 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.07334s maximum delta : 0.5869s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78760870.151932 epframes:- epframes:- No data in reconstructed orbit file, no orbital phase info. epframes:- Orbital phase range: 146.0000 147.0000 1.0000 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: -17.512 [Hz] epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 86277825.02894 86280824.86557 2999.83663 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 2999.91000 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): FF 10.4933 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): FF 10.8508 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 0.7698 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 23.7209 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 22.8596 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 2.2354 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0377 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.4631E+00 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.1069E+00 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:22.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.4731s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat badpixset=P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:22.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 2 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindow badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 0114100201003 badpixfind:- Observation id: 0114100201 badpixfind:- CCF: 67 bad pixel sets: 67 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 2 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 199 badpixfind:- 20544 events (out of 30251 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 199 (Total 12736 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 26 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 107 Highest column total: 372 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 0 Highest column median: 1 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 9707 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.76217025518417358 badpixfind:- Median value: 0 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.32967866150744579 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 2997.0787409767800 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000000E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned badpixfind:- No hot or dead pixels found - thresholds OK? badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 12730 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 12 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 9599 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.75404554605484009 badpixfind:- Median value: 0 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 12736 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 26 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 9707 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.76217025518417358 badpixfind:- Median value: 0 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- Creating file (P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT): Number of entries: 0 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:22.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.057357s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XRT3, XPSF, 14, /ccf/pub/XRT3_XPSF_0014.CCF, 2000-01-13T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat badpixmap=P0114100201PNS003BPXHMK0002.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0114100201PNS003BPXHMK0002.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:22.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 8461 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 456 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:22.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat badpixmap=P0114100201PNS003BPXMSK0002.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0114100201PNS003BPXMSK0002.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:22.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 11977 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:22.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents02.dat badpixset=P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=N emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents02.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P0114100201PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT getnewbadpix=no emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:23.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 2 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindow badpix:- Filter = Medium badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18484497070318 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 295.10809326171875 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 146] badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 67 bad pixel sets badpix:- 67 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 0 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 67 pixel sets in total badpix:- 67 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 36 1 1 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 88 1 1 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 154 1 2 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:23.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.068052s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=0 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=0 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents02.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' withoffsetlist=no odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=no withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:23.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, IMAGING, 003, 2, S) epreject:- No Offset maps found... ** epreject: warning (NoOffsetMap), No offset map found; using 20 ADU image instead epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: Medium epreject:- FILTER during science observation: Medium epreject:- Calibrated Offset: T 16 -0.219999999 -0.109999999 -3 epreject:- XRL coefficients set to zero (no correction applied). ** epreject: warning (No bad column table found), epreject:- Masking source at position: 6 119 epreject:- Masking source at position: 8 192 epreject:- Masking source at position: 10 117 epreject:- Masking source at position: 12 52 epreject:- Masking source at position: 13 174 epreject:- Masking source at position: 16 169 epreject:- Masking source at position: 19 155 epreject:- Masking source at position: 24 164 epreject:- Masking source at position: 36 102 epreject:- Masking source at position: 38 132 epreject:- Masking source at position: 42 124 epreject:- Masking source at position: 58 200 epreject:- Masking source at position: 63 38 epreject:- Masking source at position: 63 47 epreject:- Determining offset corrections from 20 adu image for chip 2 epreject:- 1319 of 30251 events selected for offset correction epreject:- 97 events shifted below threshold of 20 [adu] epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:24.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.170522s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents02.dat outset=events02.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=1 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap02.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents02.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events02.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=yes lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap02.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:24.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.185 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(0-1) = CCD No. 2 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 30251 epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 18381 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 40890 epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 12268 event: 9275 30.7% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 16357 event: 12192 40.3% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 20446 event: 15244 50.4% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- ... created PHA_GAIN column epevents:- performing CTI correction ... epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 21.9581 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0.000365 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1.0057 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 2 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9661 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 0.735897 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.39569 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 2042 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 1793 118 NaN 86277996.7773 NaN 0 0.0 155.6453 epevents:- 23216 1556 NaN 86280109.4799 NaN 0 0.0 155.6453 epevents:- 25506 1707 NaN 86280331.1900 NaN 0 0.0 155.6453 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 30251 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 74 epevents:- number of single events: 21477 epevents:- number of double patterns: 1677 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 66 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 39 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 5066 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 576 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 80 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 89 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 0 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 23259 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:25.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.605703s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 30241 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events02.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events02.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:25.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 2 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindow attcalc:- Filter = Medium attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P0114100201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 94.047041666666701 22.723861111111098 attcalc:- No of input events: 30251 attcalc:- No of event frames: 18351 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 94.047083142561448 94.046998450856478 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 22.723920156212092 22.723830311864901 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 93.319556840639876 93.318005005636834 attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:25.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.101755s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events02.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents02.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>150 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_IM Testing epchain_test_eFF ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_eFF for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF/ datamode=IMAGING ccds=4,7 memorymodel=high keepintermediate=none hkok=Y odfok=Y ccfok=Y withmask=N getnewbadpix=N witheventmap=Y withphotonmap=Y withpatplot=Y withphagaincolumn=Y runepnoise=Y applyfilter=Y withbackgroundgain=Y withpatternoffset=Y ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF/ -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = IMAGING -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 4,7 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Default parameter values: runradmonfix = N -:- Default parameter values: withradmon = N -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpixfind = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepreject = N -:- Command line parameter: runepnoise = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Default parameter values: runepfast = N -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenlowthresh = 150 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Command line parameter: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = none -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcposition = 190 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Default parameter values: withfinetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Command line parameter: witheventmap = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphotonmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Command line parameter: getnewbadpix = N -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withmask = N -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Default parameter values: propagatecolumns = auto -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Command line parameter: ccfok = Y -:- Command line parameter: odfok = Y -:- Command line parameter: hkok = Y -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Default parameter values: withtempcorrection = Y -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Default parameter values: withframecti = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Command line parameter: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Command line parameter: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphagaincolumn = Y -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withpatplot = Y -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Default parameter values: plotxrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Command line parameter: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetlist = N -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Default parameter values: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF/ -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 4,7 -:- will process CCD: 4 7 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = IM [IMAGING] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00101IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00102IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00103IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00104IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00105IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00106IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00107IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00108IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00109IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00110IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00111IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00112IME.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00204ODI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00210ODI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00211ODI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00301DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00402DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00503DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00604DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00705DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00806DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU00907DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01008DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01109DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01210DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01311DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNU01412DLI.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNX00000HCH.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PAH.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PMH.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000P5S.FIT ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000SUM.SAS ... -:- 0184_0124712201_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 IMAGING exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 0184_0124712201_PNS001 IM -:- will do exposure: 0184_0124712201_PNS001 -:- -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:29.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2000-12-09T17:30:35.000 to 2000-12-10T02:36:43.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 92770299.184000000 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 92803067.184000000 atthkgen:- Increments in 32768 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770299.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1011.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770299.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1011.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770300.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1010.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770300.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1010.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770301.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1009.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770301.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1009.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770302.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1008.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770302.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1008.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770303.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1007.00000001 s away). ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttitude), The attitude was requested for time 92770303.184 which is more than 20 s outside the period for which the attitude is known (closest time is -1007.00000001 s away). atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 30352 data points): 194.43174662792663 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 30352 data points): 27.755207088233426 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 30352 data points): 130.24248250868359 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 30352 data points): 9.6116153644978548E-005 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 30352 data points): 194.43174662792663 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 30352 data points): 27.755207088233426 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 30352 data points): 130.24248250868359 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 30352 data points): 9.6116153644978548E-005 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 30352 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 194.43179166666667 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : 27.755194444444445 atthkgen:- AHF PA : 130.24238586425784 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 4.6166976073106371E-005 atthkgen:- OM RA : 194.43179166666667 atthkgen:- OM Dec : 27.755194444444445 atthkgen:- OM PA : 130.24238586425784 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 4.6166976073106371E-005 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:30.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.475614s atthkgen:- ** atthkgen: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoAttitude silently occurred 4824 times -:- Starting with CCD = 4 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:30.000 /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00104IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:30.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.002444s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:30.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//./ epframes:- revolution number : 184 epframes:- proposal id : 012471 epframes:- total number of files : 38 epframes:- observation id : 2201 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-12-09T17:30:35.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr F Jansen epframes:- institute of the GO : Estec SSD epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: Astrophyscis Divn, Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk, 2200AZ, NETHERLANDS epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: dlumb@astro.estec.esa.nl epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : 1 epframes:- science type : F epframes:- name of the target : Coma2 epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 194.42708 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 27.72722 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 194.42708 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 27.72722 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 27948.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 128129 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : N epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Closed epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 20 = PrimeFullWindowExtended epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 199.19343567 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0184_0124712201_PNS00104IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT epframes:- ... found no DLI file epframes:- The following Offset data for exposure PNS001 and CCD: 4 was found: 0184_0124712201_PNU00204ODI.FIT epframes:- The following Offset data for exposure PNS001 and CCD: 4 was found: 0184_0124712201_PNU00204ODI.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn offset map : 0184_0124712201_PNU00204ODI.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 15623 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 29 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 28317 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 28972 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 33031 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 74761 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 75151 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 34 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2406 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 1.195s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #369 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #378 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #431 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #980 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #985 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 52 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 5 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 19: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 91 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 18 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 36.400 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1229.878 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1173.808 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q1: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1.048 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 34 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 31 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 9725 [units] at FRAME = 138 with 17842 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 1 3 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 34 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2406 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 1.195s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 92776474.20188 epframes:- End time = 92780513.64955 epframes:- Number of frames = 20278.95438 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 199.1940800 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 199.1936319 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 17874 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 20280 epframes:- Frame time in ODF does not match nominal value. Check ODF ! Nominal: 199.1941 [ms], ODF: 48.0000 [ms] epframes:- Reset F1030: Time_o Time_n Length = 14014146 14015563 1417 epframes:- Unusual F1030 values in HK file: unusual interval found: MIN,MAX,LEN = 14014146 14015563 1417 epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 128 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 442 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 50 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 4 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 5 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 250 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 54.652 [deg], range = [ 53.898, 55.574] -> FILTER = Closed / CLOSE epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -163.235 [V], range = [-164.623,-161.248] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 4.607 [mA], range = [ 3.407, 6.062] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 403.7 [ ], range = [ 0.0, 693.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.949 [deg C], range = [ -89.949, -89.949] epframes:- H_OT_TTMPFPF: average = -89.935 [deg C], range = [ -89.949, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 2.666 [deg C], range = [ 2.492, 3.000] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 4.211 [deg C], range = [ 4.014, 4.521] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -0.120 [deg C], range = [ -0.120, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 20.205 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 22.370] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 6.020 [deg C], range = [ 4.954, 6.748] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 4.826 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 4.935] epframes:- F1574: average = 13.315 [deg C], range = [ 11.422, 14.769] epframes:- F1674: average = 16.354 [deg C], range = [ 15.035, 18.388] epframes:- F1774: average = 15.532 [deg C], range = [ 12.897, 16.246] epframes:- F1874: average = 19.162 [deg C], range = [ 17.753, 21.123] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.430 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 14.265 [deg C], range = [ 12.712, 14.374] epframes:- F1776: average = 12.518 [deg C], range = [ 12.436, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 12.590 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 12.590] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 16.354 [deg C], range = [ 15.035, 18.388] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 14.265 [deg C], range = [ 12.712, 14.374] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.437 [mu A], range = [ 2.317, 3.475] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 4.775 [mA], range = [ 3.667, 6.617] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 4.706 [deg C], range = [ 4.706, 4.706] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 6.250 [deg C], range = [ 6.250, 6.250] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = 1.471 [deg C], range = [ 1.471, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = -0.278 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, -0.278] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 2.941 [deg C], range = [ 2.941, 2.941] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 7.500 [deg C], range = [ 7.500, 7.500] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.659 [deg C], range = [ 11.333, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 8.125 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.125] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 6.875 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 6.875] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 7.605 [deg C], range = [ 7.500, 7.812] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 3.719 [deg C], range = [ 3.529, 3.824] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 5.620 [deg C], range = [ 5.312, 5.625] epframes:- epframes:- 0184_0124712201_PNS001: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Closed], PMH:FD130 [CLOSED] epframes:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 184 ] epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2000-12-09T18:50:06 - 2000-12-09T19:05:02 epframes:- calculation with 30 frames and chopper = 2 with median correction = ON and filter = Closed epframes:- offset = 768 lower threshold = 0 MIP rejection method: NO MIP CORR. epframes:- CCD temperature change from offset map calculation to science exposure: -89.935 -> -89.949 [deg C] = -0.014 [deg C] epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- Requested source position (194.427084, 27.727222) corresponds to RAW pixel (38.80,191.15) of CCD 4 epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 199.19408 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 400.00001 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8996 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 2986 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 718 event: 1661 10.6% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 1436 event: 3040 19.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 2154 event: 4535 29.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 2872 event: 6088 39.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 3590 event: 7821 50.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 4308 event: 9245 59.2% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 5026 event: 10689 68.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 5744 event: 12335 79.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 6462 event: 14098 90.2% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 7180 event: 15616 100.0% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 0 of total: 7166 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00000 for eFF-Mode in 3.984 [s] = 0.0000 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00104IME.FIT: No DLI file for CCD 4 epframes:- No DLI file: performing analysis on SAS detected MIPs epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 2 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 0 177 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 0 56 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 0 52 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 0 84 epframes:- DLI for X = 5 0 61 epframes:- DLI for X = 60 0 105 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 0 98 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 0 102 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 0 103 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 0 270 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 0 mean = 0.0 median = 0.0 deviation = 0.000 mean2 = 0.0 median2 = 0.0 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 3721 mean = 62.0 median = 59.0 deviation = 0.393 epframes:- ** epframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set epframes:- Total number of frames: 7183 epframes:- There were no wrong events! epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 34 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2406 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 1.195s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78760910.182094 epframes:- epframes:- No data in reconstructed orbit file, no orbital phase info. epframes:- Orbital phase range: 184.0000 185.0000 1.0000 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 236.718 [Hz] epframes:- ** epframes: warning (FreqShiftLarge), HK-modelled oscillator shift larger than derived from SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE or CCF value: 236.72 > 232.00. In case of problems you may set the environment variable SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE to: 39 epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 92776474.20188 92780513.45035 4039.24847 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 4039.44766 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): eFF 3.9041 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): eFF 4.0538 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 0.7777 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 61.4939 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 58.6904 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 3.3089 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0478 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.4595E+00 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.3656E-01 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.5821s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixset=P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0004.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0004.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 4 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindowExtended badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 0124712201001 badpixfind:- Observation id: 0124712201 badpixfind:- CCF: 64 bad pixel sets: 64 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 2 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 199 badpixfind:- 10862 events (out of 15575 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 199 (Total 12736 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 64 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 31 Highest column total: 281 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 0 Highest column median: 1 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 4713 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.37005338072776794 badpixfind:- Median value: 0 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.44418478406303430 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 4038.0434914821299 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000000E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 64 PSFfac= 4.688) found at 30, 82 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 12735 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 11 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 4649 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.36505693197250366 badpixfind:- Median value: 0 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 12735 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 11 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 4649 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.36505693197250366 badpixfind:- Median value: 0 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- Creating file (P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0004.FIT): Number of entries: 1 badpixfind:- RAWX RAWY TYPE EXTENT badpixfind:- 30 82 1 1 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.048604s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XRT3, XPSF, 14, /ccf/pub/XRT3_XPSF_0014.CCF, 2000-01-13T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixmap=P0124712201PNS001BPXHMK0004.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0124712201PNS001BPXHMK0004.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 11905 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 17 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixmap=P0124712201PNS001BPXMSK0004.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0124712201PNS001BPXMSK0004.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 12023 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 1 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixset=P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0004.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=N emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents04.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0004.FIT getnewbadpix=no emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 4 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindowExtended badpix:- Filter = Closed badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.20101165771487 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 287.41479015350336 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 184] badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 64 bad pixel sets badpix:- 64 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 0 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 64 pixel sets in total badpix:- 64 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.034961s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epnoise set=rawevents04.dat identifynoisyframes=yes applyfilter=no noisecut=2 sigmacut=3 savemasks=0 -w 10 Can't exec "epnoise": No such file or directory at ../src/epchain line 2228. -:- -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents04.dat outset=events04.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=1 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap04.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents04.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events04.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=yes lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap04.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:36.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.201 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(1-0) = CCD No. 4 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 15575 epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 7183 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 20279 epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 14197 event: 10752 69.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 18253 event: 14067 90.3% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- ... created PHA_GAIN column epevents:- performing eFF gain fine-tuning ... epevents:- performing CTI correction ... epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 14.2648 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0.000365 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1.0057 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 4 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9672 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 0.941985 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 0.517288 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 1023 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 5536 370 NaN 92777937.4784 NaN 0 0.0 403.7129 epevents:- 5631 379 NaN 92777970.9429 NaN 0 0.0 403.7129 epevents:- 6541 432 NaN 92778180.0962 NaN 0 0.0 403.7129 epevents:- 14959 981 NaN 92780347.1237 NaN 0 0.0 403.7129 epevents:- 15014 986 NaN 92780365.2503 NaN 0 0.0 403.7129 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 15575 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 108 epevents:- number of single events: 8086 epevents:- number of double patterns: 623 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 33 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 26 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 6040 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 719 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 158 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 173 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 0 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 8768 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:37.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.529675s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 15565 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events04.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events04.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:37.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 4 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindowExtended attcalc:- Filter = Closed attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 194.43179166666701 27.755194444444399 attcalc:- No of input events: 15575 attcalc:- No of event frames: 7166 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 194.43183977391942 194.43170546199724 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 27.755278101759714 27.755163431684579 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 130.24363166923393 130.23847006301253 attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:38.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.139297s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events04.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents04.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>150 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- Starting with CCD = 7 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:38.000 /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00107IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:38.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.000785s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' eventset=rawevents07.dat gtiset=gti07.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap07.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' eventset=rawevents07.dat gtiset=gti07.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0124712201OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap07.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:38.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//./ epframes:- revolution number : 184 epframes:- proposal id : 012471 epframes:- total number of files : 38 epframes:- observation id : 2201 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-12-09T17:30:35.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr F Jansen epframes:- institute of the GO : Estec SSD epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: Astrophyscis Divn, Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk, 2200AZ, NETHERLANDS epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: dlumb@astro.estec.esa.nl epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : 1 epframes:- science type : F epframes:- name of the target : Coma2 epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 194.42708 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: 27.72722 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 194.42708 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 27.72722 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 27948.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 128129 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : N epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 0 epframes:- emos2: 0 epframes:- epn : 0 epframes:- rgs1 : 0 epframes:- rgs2 : 0 epframes:- om : 0 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Closed epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 20 = PrimeFullWindowExtended epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 199.19343567 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0184_0124712201_PNS00107IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT epframes:- ... found no DLI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 0184_0124712201_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 82172 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 29 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 2973 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 5912 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 17520 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 20762 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 22583 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 23306 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 26452 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 45175 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 52075 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 55092 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 60459 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 65280 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 67620 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 69784 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 71195 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 75357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 100 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 277 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 0.7968s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #38 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #77 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #229 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #272 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #297 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #307 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #350 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #599 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #690 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #729 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 109 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 16 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 6 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 159 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 25 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 63.600 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1587.802 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1483.907 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q2: [0184_0124712201_PNS001] 1.070 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 100 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 87 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 9725 [units] at FRAME = 6 with 19915 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 1 3 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 100 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 277 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 0.7968s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 92776474.25169 epframes:- End time = 92780513.69935 epframes:- Number of frames = 20278.95438 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 199.1940800 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 199.1936319 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 20003 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 20280 epframes:- Frame time in ODF does not match nominal value. Check ODF ! Nominal: 199.1941 [ms], ODF: 48.0000 [ms] epframes:- Reset F1030: Time_o Time_n Length = 14014146 14015563 1417 epframes:- Unusual F1030 values in HK file: unusual interval found: MIN,MAX,LEN = 14014146 14015563 1417 epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 249 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 384 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 102 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 3 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 13 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 239 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 54.652 [deg], range = [ 53.898, 55.574] -> FILTER = Closed / CLOSE epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -150.617 [V], range = [-151.466,-149.210] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 4.162 [mA], range = [ 2.842, 5.816] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 394.6 [ ], range = [ 0.0, 620.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.949 [deg C], range = [ -89.949, -89.949] epframes:- H_OT_TTMPFPF: average = -89.935 [deg C], range = [ -89.949, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 2.666 [deg C], range = [ 2.492, 3.000] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 4.211 [deg C], range = [ 4.014, 4.521] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -0.120 [deg C], range = [ -0.120, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 20.205 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 22.370] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 6.020 [deg C], range = [ 4.954, 6.748] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 4.826 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 4.935] epframes:- F1574: average = 13.315 [deg C], range = [ 11.422, 14.769] epframes:- F1674: average = 16.354 [deg C], range = [ 15.035, 18.388] epframes:- F1774: average = 15.532 [deg C], range = [ 12.897, 16.246] epframes:- F1874: average = 19.162 [deg C], range = [ 17.753, 21.123] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.430 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 14.265 [deg C], range = [ 12.712, 14.374] epframes:- F1776: average = 12.518 [deg C], range = [ 12.436, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 12.590 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 12.590] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 15.532 [deg C], range = [ 12.897, 16.246] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 12.518 [deg C], range = [ 12.436, 14.106] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.775 [mu A], range = [ 3.756, 4.925] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 4.959 [mA], range = [ 3.756, 6.441] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 4.706 [deg C], range = [ 4.706, 4.706] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 6.250 [deg C], range = [ 6.250, 6.250] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = 1.471 [deg C], range = [ 1.471, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = -0.278 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, -0.278] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 2.941 [deg C], range = [ 2.941, 2.941] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 7.500 [deg C], range = [ 7.500, 7.500] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.659 [deg C], range = [ 11.333, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 8.125 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.125] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 6.875 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 6.875] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 7.605 [deg C], range = [ 7.500, 7.812] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 3.719 [deg C], range = [ 3.529, 3.824] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 5.620 [deg C], range = [ 5.312, 5.625] epframes:- epframes:- 0184_0124712201_PNS001: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Closed], PMH:FD130 [CLOSED] epframes:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 184 ] epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2000-12-09T18:50:06 - 2000-12-09T19:05:02 epframes:- calculation with 30 frames and chopper = 2 with median correction = ON and filter = Closed epframes:- offset = 768 lower threshold = 0 MIP rejection method: NO MIP CORR. epframes:- CCD temperature change from offset map calculation to science exposure: -89.935 -> -89.949 [deg C] = -0.014 [deg C] epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- Requested source position (194.427084, 27.727222) corresponds to RAW pixel (38.80,191.15) of CCD 4 epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 199.19408 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 400.00001 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8996 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 2990 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 1909 event: 8623 10.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 3818 event: 16915 20.6% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 5727 event: 25229 30.7% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 7636 event: 33575 40.9% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 9545 event: 41997 51.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 11454 event: 49977 60.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 13363 event: 58033 70.6% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 15272 event: 66156 80.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 17181 event: 74371 90.5% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 0 of total: 19016 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00000 for eFF-Mode in 3.984 [s] = 0.0000 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- 0184_0124712201_PNS00107IME.FIT: No DLI file for CCD 7 epframes:- No DLI file: performing analysis on SAS detected MIPs epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 2 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 0 193 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 0 61 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 0 65 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 0 81 epframes:- DLI for X = 5 0 58 epframes:- DLI for X = 60 0 97 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 0 100 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 0 115 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 0 111 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 0 83 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 0 mean = 0.0 median = 0.0 deviation = 0.000 mean2 = 0.0 median2 = 0.0 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 13026 mean = 217.1 median = 71.5 deviation = 17.219 epframes:- ** epframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set epframes:- Total number of frames: 19088 epframes:- There were no wrong events! epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 29 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_eFF//.//0184_0124712201_PNS00100AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 100 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 277 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.1992s maximum delta : 0.7968s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78760910.182094 epframes:- epframes:- No data in reconstructed orbit file, no orbital phase info. epframes:- Orbital phase range: 184.0000 185.0000 1.0000 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 236.718 [Hz] epframes:- ** epframes: warning (FreqShiftLarge), HK-modelled oscillator shift larger than derived from SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE or CCF value: 236.72 > 232.00. In case of problems you may set the environment variable SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE to: 39 epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 92776474.25169 92780513.50016 4039.24847 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 4039.44766 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): eFF 20.6751 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): eFF 21.7742 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 4.1184 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 79.3901 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 74.1954 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 10.9491 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0700 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.1627E-01 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.1757E-04 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:39.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.5317s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epframes: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning InvalidObtValue silently occurred 6 times -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat badpixset=P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0007.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0007.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:39.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 7 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindowExtended badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 0124712201001 badpixfind:- Observation id: 0124712201 badpixfind:- CCF: 68 bad pixel sets: 66 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 2 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 199 badpixfind:- 45933 events (out of 81830 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 199 (Total 12736 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 2136 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 34 Highest column total: 30504 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 0 Highest column median: 54 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 35897 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.8185458183288574 badpixfind:- Median value: 0 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.44418478406303430 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 4038.0434914821299 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000000E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned badpixfind:- Hot column found at RAWX of 34 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 36 PSFfac= 5.524) found at 27,112 badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 59 PSFfac= 6.028) found at 34, 47 badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 2136 PSFfac= 5.196) found at 34, 49 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 99 pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 57 PSFfac= 4.923) found at 34,149 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 4 pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 66 PSFfac= 4.843) found at 34,154 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 10 pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 31 PSFfac= 5.971) found at 34,165 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 7 pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 20 PSFfac= 7.706) found at 34,173 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 2 pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 59 PSFfac= 4.946) found at 34,176 badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 88 PSFfac= 4.766) found at 34,178 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 4 pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 19 PSFfac= 6.512) found at 34,183 badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 56 PSFfac= 5.258) found at 34,185 badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 39 PSFfac= 5.809) found at 34,187 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 2 pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 19 PSFfac= 7.881) found at 34,190 badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 37 PSFfac= 5.280) found at 34,192 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 2 pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 35 PSFfac= 5.743) found at 34,195 badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 26 PSFfac= 5.863) found at 34,197 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 2 pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 12536 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 14 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 5357 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.42732930183410645 badpixfind:- Median value: 0 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 12536 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 14 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 5357 badpixfind:- Mean value : 0.42732930183410645 badpixfind:- Median value: 0 badpixfind:- Mode value : 0 badpixfind:- Creating file (P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0007.FIT): Number of entries: 17 badpixfind:- RAWX RAWY TYPE EXTENT badpixfind:- 34 2 1 199 badpixfind:- 27 112 1 1 badpixfind:- 34 47 1 1 badpixfind:- 34 49 1 99 badpixfind:- 34 149 1 4 badpixfind:- 34 154 1 10 badpixfind:- 34 165 1 7 badpixfind:- 34 173 1 2 badpixfind:- 34 176 1 1 badpixfind:- 34 178 1 4 badpixfind:- 34 183 1 1 badpixfind:- 34 185 1 1 badpixfind:- 34 187 1 2 badpixfind:- 34 190 1 1 badpixfind:- 34 192 1 2 badpixfind:- 34 195 1 1 badpixfind:- 34 197 1 2 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:39.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.069335s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XRT3, XPSF, 14, /ccf/pub/XRT3_XPSF_0014.CCF, 2000-01-13T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat badpixmap=P0124712201PNS001BPXHMK0007.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0124712201PNS001BPXHMK0007.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:39.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 11907 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 14 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:39.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat badpixmap=P0124712201PNS001BPXMSK0007.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0124712201PNS001BPXMSK0007.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:39.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 11459 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 12 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:39.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents07.dat badpixset=P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0007.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=N emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents07.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P0124712201PNS001BPXFLI0007.FIT getnewbadpix=no emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:40.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 7 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindowExtended badpix:- Filter = Closed badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.20101165771487 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 285.66792583465576 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 184] badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 68 bad pixel sets badpix:- 66 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 2 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 68 pixel sets in total badpix:- 68 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 62 1 1 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 48 1 1 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 47 1 1 2 badpix:- 34 49 1 100 2 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:40.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.055912s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epnoise set=rawevents07.dat identifynoisyframes=yes applyfilter=no noisecut=2 sigmacut=3 savemasks=0 -w 10 Can't exec "epnoise": No such file or directory at ../src/epchain line 2228. -:- -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents07.dat outset=events07.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=1 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap07.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents07.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events07.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=yes lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap07.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:40.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.201 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(2-0) = CCD No. 7 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 81830 epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 19088 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 20279 epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 2029 event: 8530 10.4% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 4057 event: 16813 20.5% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 6085 event: 25097 30.7% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 8113 event: 33380 40.8% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 10141 event: 41720 51.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 12169 event: 49699 60.7% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 14197 event: 57779 70.6% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 16225 event: 65883 80.5% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 18253 event: 74112 90.6% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- ... created PHA_GAIN column epevents:- performing eFF gain fine-tuning ... epevents:- performing CTI correction ... epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 12.5179 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0.000365 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1.0057 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 7 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9695 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 0.941985 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.17604 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 1035 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 3129 39 NaN 92776623.6469 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 6255 78 NaN 92776776.8268 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 18771 230 NaN 92777376.0013 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 22304 273 NaN 92777544.1207 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 24200 298 NaN 92777639.7337 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 24979 308 NaN 92777678.1780 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 28378 351 NaN 92777840.3217 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 47980 600 NaN 92778811.5898 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 55007 691 NaN 92779170.9351 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 58198 730 NaN 92779325.3102 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 63820 802 NaN 92779605.5756 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 69111 866 NaN 92779855.3644 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 71389 898 NaN 92779974.8806 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 73669 927 NaN 92780086.6282 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 75083 946 NaN 92780161.5250 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- 79467 1002 NaN 92780380.4388 NaN 0 0.0 394.5980 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 81830 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 96 epevents:- number of single events: 42974 epevents:- number of double patterns: 659 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 29 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 25 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 37351 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 755 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 103 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 164 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 43687 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:41.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.718992s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 81820 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events07.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events07.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:41.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 7 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeFullWindowExtended attcalc:- Filter = Closed attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P0124712201OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 194.43179166666701 27.755194444444399 attcalc:- No of input events: 81830 attcalc:- No of event frames: 19016 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 194.43184063546605 194.43170533061090 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 27.755277076278066 27.755161683372670 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 130.24365564070737 130.23844185609863 attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:41.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.120472s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events07.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents07.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>150 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_eFF Testing epchain_test_BU ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_BU for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI datamode=BURST ccds=4 runbadpixfind=N getnewbadpix=N srcposition=185 memorymodel=high keepintermediate=all hkok=N odfok=N ccfok=N withfinetime=N withrdpha=Y ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = BURST -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 4 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Default parameter values: runradmonfix = N -:- Default parameter values: withradmon = N -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Command line parameter: runbadpixfind = N -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepreject = N -:- Default parameter values: runepnoise = N -:- Default parameter values: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Default parameter values: runepfast = N -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenlowthresh = 150 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Command line parameter: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = all -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Command line parameter: srcposition = 185 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Command line parameter: withfinetime = N -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Default parameter values: witheventmap = N -:- Default parameter values: withphotonmap = N -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Command line parameter: getnewbadpix = N -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withmask = Y -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Default parameter values: propagatecolumns = auto -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Command line parameter: ccfok = N -:- Command line parameter: odfok = N -:- Command line parameter: hkok = N -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Default parameter values: withtempcorrection = Y -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Default parameter values: withframecti = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Default parameter values: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Default parameter values: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Default parameter values: withphagaincolumn = N -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withpatplot = N -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Default parameter values: plotxrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Default parameter values: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetlist = N -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Command line parameter: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 4 -:- will process CCD: 4 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = BU [BURST] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNS01604BUE.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00200CCX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00204TIE.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNX00200PMH.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNX01600PMH.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 BURST exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 0029_0116690801_PNS016 BU -:- will do exposure: 0029_0116690801_PNS016 -:- -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:45.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2000-02-05T12:40:27.000 to 2000-02-05T15:22:32.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 66141691.184000000 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 66151416.183999993 atthkgen:- Increments in 9725 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 9726 data points): 84.930416666669629 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 9726 data points): -69.333277777770931 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 9726 data points): -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 9726 data points): 8.5254468973832950E-007 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 9726 data points): 84.930416666669629 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 9726 data points): -69.333277777770931 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 9726 data points): -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 9726 data points): 8.5254468973832950E-007 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 9726 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 84.930416666666673 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : -69.333277777777781 atthkgen:- AHF PA : -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 8.5377364625159387E-007 atthkgen:- OM RA : 84.930416666666673 atthkgen:- OM Dec : -69.333277777777781 atthkgen:- OM PA : -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 8.5377364625159387E-007 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:46.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.148512s atthkgen:- -:- Starting with CCD = 4 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:46.000 /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01604BUE.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:46.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.00034s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=185 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=0 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=0 odfok=0 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=0 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=185 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=no lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=no mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=no hkok=no setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=no withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:46.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0029_0116690801_SCX00000SUM.ASC epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI epframes:- revolution number : 29 epframes:- proposal id : 011669 epframes:- total number of files : 11 epframes:- observation id : 0801 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-02-05T12:40:27.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr. Name Family epframes:- institute of the GO : XMM-SSC epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: MPE, Street, Garching, Bavaria, D-85748, Germany epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: mjf@mpe.mpg.de epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : AO epframes:- science type : ST epframes:- name of the target : Object epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 84.93040 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: -69.33330 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 84.93040 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: -69.33330 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 9725.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 0360 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : ? epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 1 epframes:- emos2: 2 epframes:- epn : 3 epframes:- rgs1 : 4 epframes:- rgs2 : 5 epframes:- om : 6 epframes:- ** epframes: warning (fineTime), Setting withfinetime=N only useful to detect unrecognized jumps in the AUX full second counter conversion. epframes:- Parameter FILTER not found, will set it to UNKNOWN epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: UNKNOWN ** epframes: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 24 = FastBurst epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 4.34456015 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0029_0116690801_PNS01604BUE.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0029_0116690801_PNX01600PMH.FIT epframes:- no SCX P5S epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 217524 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 10 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 8204 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 8685 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 14728 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 20083 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 20276 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 23170 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 24346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 28037 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 28688 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 38889 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 40110 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 42593 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 44489 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 45417 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 49115 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 58777 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 66117 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 20 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 65127 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.004324s maximum delta : 0.3606s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #5357 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #5672 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #9691 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #13270 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #13398 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #15341 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #16127 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #18554 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #18994 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #25733 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 14 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 30 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 268 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 0.600 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 5.132 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 4.725 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNS016] 1.086 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 20 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 20 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 211 [units] at FRAME = 22021 with 69210 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 5 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 20 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 65127 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.004324s maximum delta : 0.3606s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 66141691.71686 epframes:- End time = 66145692.02509 epframes:- Number of frames = 920779.52344 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 4.3444800 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 4.3444778 epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66143421.609939 and 66143421.970530 = 0.360591 [s] = 83.000 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66143928.097240 and 66143928.279717 = 0.182477 [s] = 42.002 [frames] epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- Too many empty frames to fill in: epframes:- Frame 1 of 7 missing frames at frame i = 69230 of total 69231 at index 920782 for BU-mode with 2 gap(s) epframes:- Probably AUX file is longer than corresponding data or AUX file contains incorrectly assigned quadrant information. epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 69231 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 920782 epframes:- Frame time of ODF does not match nominal value. Check ODF ! epframes:- Nominal: 4.3445 [ms], ODF: 5.0000 [ms] epframes:- 0029_0116690801_PNS016: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [UNKNOWN], PMH:FD130 [] epframes:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 29 ] epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- Requested source position ( 84.930400,-69.333300) corresponds to RAW pixel (51.80,170.20) of CCD 4 epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 4.34448 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 20.00000 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.7698 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 23 , 3839 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 2454 event: 22132 10.2% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 4908 event: 43477 20.0% completion epframes:- wrongEvents: Reached wrongpixlimit - no more detailed messages about wrong events epframes:- CCD frame: 7362 event: 63565 29.2% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 9816 event: 85674 39.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 12270 event: 108258 49.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 14724 event: 130941 60.2% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 17178 event: 150277 69.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 19632 event: 173980 80.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 22086 event: 195678 90.0% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 204 of total: 12104 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.02751 for BU-Mode in 0.087 [s] = 0.3166 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- 0029_0116690801_PNS01604BUE.FIT: No DLI file for CCD 4 epframes:- No DLI file: performing analysis on SAS detected MIPs epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 1 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 964 2742 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 1163 3130 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 1178 2654 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 1189 2660 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 1203 2608 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 1197 3212 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 1179 2903 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 974 3582 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 72703 mean = 1172.6 median = 1171.0 deviation = 0.048 mean2 = 1172.7 median2 = 1171.0 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 169813 mean = 2738.9 median = 2696.5 deviation = 0.817 epframes:- ** epframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- total number of wrong events : 196499 epframes:- number of detected MIP events: 86340 epframes:- number of rejected MIP columns: 74641 epframes:- Frames with false coarse time: 20 epframes:- Total number of input frames: 24535 epframes:- Total number of output frames: 12104 epframes:- Total number of input events: 217524 epframes:- Total number of output events: 20711 epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 20 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 65127 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.004324s maximum delta : 0.3606s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 66141691.184000 epframes:- ... using SRC position as Y values ... epframes:- epframes:- No proper reconstructed orbit file, no orbital phase info. epframes:- Orbital phase range: 29.0000 30.0000 1.0000 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 252.639 [Hz] epframes:- ** epframes: warning (notReliableHK), HK values not reliable, no oscillator shift value written. epframes:- number of good time intervals = 3 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 66141691.71686 66143421.60994 1729.89307 epframes:- 2 66143421.97053 66143928.09724 506.12671 epframes:- 3 66143928.27972 66145692.02074 1763.74103 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 3999.77384 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): BU 1832.3481 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): BU 1979.9142 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 7.9606 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 0.2566 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 0.2363 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 0.2363 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0860 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.3489E-03 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.7896E+00 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:48.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.5669s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epframes: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning InvalidObtValue silently occurred 7 times -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixmap=P0116690801PNS016BPXHMK0004.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0116690801PNS016BPXHMK0004.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:48.000 ** badpixfind: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter ** badpixfind: warning (lowExposure), Exposure time very low - spurious bad pixels may be found (low number statistics) badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 8928 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 416 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:48.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixmap=P0116690801PNS016BPXMSK0004.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0116690801PNS016BPXMSK0004.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:49.000 ** badpixfind: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter ** badpixfind: warning (lowExposure), Exposure time very low - spurious bad pixels may be found (low number statistics) badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 1837 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 2078 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:49.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixset=P0116690801PNS016BPXFLI0004.FIT getuplnkbadpix=N getotherbadpix=N getnewbadpix=N emptyextension=Y windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents04.dat getuplnkbadpix=no getotherbadpix=no badpixset=P0116690801PNS016BPXFLI0004.FIT getnewbadpix=no emptyextension=yes windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:49.000 ** badpix: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 4 badpix:- CCD mode = FastBurst badpix:- Filter = Open badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18499755859378 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- emptyextension=Y chosen, added extension is empty badpix:- 0 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:49.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.028075s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=0 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=1 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents04.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, BURST, 1, 4)' withoffsetlist=no odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=yes withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:49.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, BURST, 016, 4, S) epreject:- No Offset maps found... ** epreject: warning (NoOffsetMap), No offset map found; using 20 ADU image instead epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: UNDETERMINED epreject:- FILTER during science observation: UNKNOWN epreject:- Calibrated Offset: F 1 1.00000000E+10 1.00000000E+10 0 epreject:- reading from CCF: pnMasterClosedOffsetMap epreject:- XRL correction coefficients: 0.00000000 0.00000000 epreject:- reading from ODF: pnOffsetMap epreject:- Offset map general levels: CLO, SCI: 560 0 epreject:- compute XRL correction from CCF epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 1 547 0 13 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 2 565 0 -5 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 3 558 0 2 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 4 567 0 -7 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 5 579 0 -19 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 6 564 0 -4 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 7 569 0 -9 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 8 559 0 1 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 9 540 0 20 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 10 571 0 -11 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 11 532 0 28 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 12 526 0 34 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 13 525 0 35 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 14 530 0 30 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 15 513 0 47 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 16 534 0 26 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 17 535 0 25 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 18 553 0 7 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 19 547 0 13 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 20 524 0 36 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 21 526 0 34 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 22 549 0 11 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 23 526 0 34 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 24 547 0 13 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 25 544 0 16 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 26 561 0 -1 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 27 535 0 25 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 28 543 0 17 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 29 538 0 22 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 30 547 0 13 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 31 560 0 0 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 32 543 0 17 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 33 560 0 0 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 34 536 0 24 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 35 554 0 6 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 36 527 0 33 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 37 559 0 1 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 38 549 0 11 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 39 537 0 23 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 40 524 0 36 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 41 521 0 39 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 42 540 0 20 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 43 549 0 11 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 44 558 0 2 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 45 538 0 22 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 46 547 0 13 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 47 528 0 32 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 48 528 0 32 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 49 531 0 29 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 50 542 0 18 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 51 544 0 16 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 52 556 0 4 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 53 567 0 -7 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 54 529 0 31 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 55 546 0 14 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 56 528 0 32 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 57 538 0 22 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 58 528 0 32 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 59 556 0 4 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 60 522 0 38 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 61 536 0 24 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 62 542 0 18 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 63 588 0 -28 0 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 64 530 0 30 0 ** epreject: warning (notCalibrated), no offset calibration for submode FastBurst, skipping rest of the task epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:49.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.139745s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents04.dat outset=events04.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=0 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=0 photonmapset=photonmap04.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents04.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events04.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=no lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=no photonmapset=photonmap04.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:49.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- DATAMODE keyword value BURST will be changed to TIMING. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.185 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(1-0) = CCD No. 4 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 20711 epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 24535 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 920781 epevents:- Extra frames at end after number: 920429 , frames to be ignored: 352 ** epevents: warning (noGainTemperature), No meaningful temperature for gain-temperature correction found. Will use in the following: 21.030 [deg C] epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- performing BU gain fine-tuning ... epevents:- performing CTI correction ... ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #228 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/35/2[29/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #260 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/63/2[1/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #408 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/62/2[2/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #474 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/37/2[27/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #1462 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/32/2[32/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #1501 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/2/2[62/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #2366 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/16/2[48/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #2485 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/23/2[41/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #2948 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/20/2[44/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #3333 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/4/2[60/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 21.03 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 4 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9672 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 0.0975818 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.95421 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 46032 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 5404 5358 NaN 66142680.3539 NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 5719 5673 NaN 66142726.0269 NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 9738 9692 NaN 66143493.4236 NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 13317 13271 NaN 66144283.8762 NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 13445 13399 NaN 66144324.9746 NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 15388 15342 NaN 66144682.4261 NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 16174 16128 NaN 66144828.4209 NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 18601 18555 NaN 66145260.8573 NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 19041 18995 NaN 66145360.7880 NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 20711 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 7 epevents:- number of single events: 13335 epevents:- number of double patterns: 1495 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 48 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 34 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 4106 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 662 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 81 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 221 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 0 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 14912 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:51.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.96688s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 20701 times warning ctiCorrectionFailed silently occurred 47 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events04.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events04.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:51.000 ** attcalc: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 4 attcalc:- CCD mode = FastBurst attcalc:- Filter = Open attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: TIMING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 84.930416666666702 -69.333277777777795 attcalc:- No of input events: 20711 attcalc:- No of event frames: 12104 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 84.930417658042842 84.930417658042842 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: -69.333278587091584 -69.333278587091584 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: -131.48700104654083 -131.48700104654083 attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:52.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.270123s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events04.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents04.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>150 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- -:- CMD: epfast evfile=P0116690801PNS016TIEVLI0000.FIT -w 10 epfast:- Executing (routine): epfast evfile=P0116690801PNS016TIEVLI0000.FIT tbinwidth=10 pimin=100 pimax=12000 withrandomisation=yes -w 10 -V 5 epfast:- epfast (epfast-0.7) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:52.000 ** epfast: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'P0116690801PNS016TIEVLI0000.FIT' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_BU Testing epchain_test_TI ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_TI for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI datamode=TIMING ccds=4 runbadpixfind=N getnewbadpix=N srcposition=180 memorymodel=high keepintermediate=all hkok=N odfok=N ccfok=N withframecti=Y withtempcorrection=N withrdpha=Y runepfast=Y ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = TIMING -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 4 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Default parameter values: runradmonfix = N -:- Default parameter values: withradmon = N -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Command line parameter: runbadpixfind = N -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepreject = N -:- Default parameter values: runepnoise = N -:- Default parameter values: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Command line parameter: runepfast = Y -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenlowthresh = 150 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Command line parameter: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = all -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Command line parameter: srcposition = 180 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Default parameter values: withfinetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Default parameter values: witheventmap = N -:- Default parameter values: withphotonmap = N -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Command line parameter: getnewbadpix = N -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withmask = Y -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Default parameter values: propagatecolumns = auto -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Command line parameter: ccfok = N -:- Command line parameter: odfok = N -:- Command line parameter: hkok = N -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Command line parameter: withtempcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Command line parameter: withframecti = Y -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Default parameter values: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Default parameter values: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Default parameter values: withphagaincolumn = N -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withpatplot = N -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Default parameter values: plotxrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Default parameter values: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetlist = N -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Command line parameter: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 4 -:- will process CCD: 4 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = TI [TIMING] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 0029_0116690801_PNS01600AUX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNS01604BUE.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00200CCX.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00204TIE.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNX00200PMH.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_PNX01600PMH.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 0029_0116690801_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 TIMING exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 0029_0116690801_PNU002 TI -:- will do exposure: 0029_0116690801_PNU002 -:- -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:56.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2000-02-05T12:40:27.000 to 2000-02-05T15:22:32.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 66141691.184000000 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 66151416.183999993 atthkgen:- Increments in 9725 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 9726 data points): 84.930416666669629 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 9726 data points): -69.333277777770931 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 9726 data points): -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 9726 data points): 8.5254468973832950E-007 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 9726 data points): 84.930416666669629 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 9726 data points): -69.333277777770931 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 9726 data points): -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 9726 data points): 8.5254468973832950E-007 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 9726 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 84.930416666666673 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : -69.333277777777781 atthkgen:- AHF PA : -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 8.5377364625159387E-007 atthkgen:- OM RA : 84.930416666666673 atthkgen:- OM Dec : -69.333277777777781 atthkgen:- OM PA : -131.48699951171875 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 8.5377364625159387E-007 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:56.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.139338s atthkgen:- -:- Starting with CCD = 4 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:56.000 /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00204TIE.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:56.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.000758s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=180 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=0 odfok=0 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=0 radmonset=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=0 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat withradmon=no radmonset=P0116690801OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=180 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=no mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=no hkok=no setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=no withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:57.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 0029_0116690801_SCX00000SUM.ASC epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : /workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI epframes:- revolution number : 29 epframes:- proposal id : 011669 epframes:- total number of files : 11 epframes:- observation id : 0801 epframes:- observation start time: 2000-02-05T12:40:27.000 epframes:- type of ODF : POINTING epframes:- name of the GO : Dr. Name Family epframes:- institute of the GO : XMM-SSC epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: MPE, Street, Garching, Bavaria, D-85748, Germany epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: mjf@mpe.mpg.de epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : AO epframes:- science type : ST epframes:- name of the target : Object epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 84.93040 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: -69.33330 epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: 84.93040 epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: -69.33330 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 9725.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: 0360 epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : ? epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 1 epframes:- emos2: 2 epframes:- epn : 3 epframes:- rgs1 : 4 epframes:- rgs2 : 5 epframes:- om : 6 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER not found, will set it to UNKNOWN epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: UNKNOWN ** epframes: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 23 = FastTiming epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 5.96464014 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 0029_0116690801_PNU00204TIE.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Counting Mode: 0029_0116690801_PNU00200CCX.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 0029_0116690801_PNX00200PMH.FIT epframes:- no SCX P5S epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 204744 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 10 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [3341, 3369] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053s - the difference is: 3936.95358089 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [6128, 6172] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053s - the difference is: 3628.96120638 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [13790, 13808] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053s - the difference is: 3667.95667208 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [18374, 18376] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053s - the difference is: 3556.95927669 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6132 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6138 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6140 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6149 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6156 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6164 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6170 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6256 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 7731 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 9705 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 10740 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13290 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13801 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 15498 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 17298 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 244 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7914 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 96 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 13 [28/45621(23.48), 58/8721(21.32), 88/46379(23.12), 120/16086(21.65), 156/12697(20.58), 190/11146(21.39), 219/46374(20.88), 247/21215(20.54), 278/8879(21.41), 310/21983(21.88), 347/11703(20.74), 377/31304(22.09), 411/36452(21.22)] minimum delta : 0.005942s maximum delta : 23.12s ** epframes: warning (UnidentifiedTimeGaps), Time intervals were found whose duration appear not to be integer multiples of the nominal frame integration time of 0.005965s for the current mode. This hints at either an undetected random jump of the FTCOARSE time counter or another unknown anomaly with the auxiliary data from quadrant 1. If a detailed timing analysis is to be carried out on the event data please note that undetected jumps are very likely to lead to artifacts in timing data products such as pulse profile curves. Please contact the SOC for advice. ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #213 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #362 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #363 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #364 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #365 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #366 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #367 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #368 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #373 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #472 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 26 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 10 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 11 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 9 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 5: 4 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 6: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 7: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 8: 6 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 9: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 10: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 11: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 13: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 15: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 16: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 20: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 24: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 27: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 30: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 32: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 37: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 43: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 45: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 48: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 51: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 56: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 763 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 567 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 15.260 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 488.025 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 172.363 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q1: [0029_0116690801_PNU002] 2.831 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 244 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 74 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 290 [units] at FRAME = 325 with 19629 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 4 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [3341, 3369] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.005965s - the difference is: 3937 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [6128, 6172] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.005965s - the difference is: 3629 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [13790, 13808] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.005965s - the difference is: 3668 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [18374, 18376] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.005965s - the difference is: 3557 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3343 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6130 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6131 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6132 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6133 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6134 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6135 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6136 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6137 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6138 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6139 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6140 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6141 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6142 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6143 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6144 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6145 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6146 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6147 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6148 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6149 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6150 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6151 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6152 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6153 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6154 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6155 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6156 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6157 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6158 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6159 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6160 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6161 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6162 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6163 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6164 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6165 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6166 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6167 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6168 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6169 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6170 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6171 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 244 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7914 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 96 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 13 [28/45621(23.48), 58/8721(21.32), 88/46379(23.12), 120/16086(21.65), 156/12697(20.58), 190/11146(21.39), 219/46374(20.88), 247/21215(20.54), 278/8879(21.41), 310/21983(21.88), 347/11703(20.74), 377/31304(22.09), 411/36452(21.22)] minimum delta : 0.005942s maximum delta : 23.12s ** epframes: warning (UnidentifiedTimeGaps), Time intervals were found whose duration appear not to be integer multiples of the nominal frame integration time of 0.005965s for the current mode. This hints at either an undetected random jump of the FTCOARSE time counter or another unknown anomaly with the auxiliary data from quadrant 1. If a detailed timing analysis is to be carried out on the event data please note that undetected jumps are very likely to lead to artifacts in timing data products such as pulse profile curves. Please contact the SOC for advice. epframes:- Bad index = 3333 previous obtTag = 29.267646327070313 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3342 aux1Gframe(i) = 3343 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.886609920000001 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.892569600000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3334 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3343 aux1Gframe(i) = 3344 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.892569600000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.898529280000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3335 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3344 aux1Gframe(i) = 3345 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.898529280000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.904509440000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3336 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3345 aux1Gframe(i) = 3346 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.904509440000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.910469120000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3337 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3346 aux1Gframe(i) = 3347 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.910469120000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.916428800000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3338 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3347 aux1Gframe(i) = 3348 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.916428800000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.922388480000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3339 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3348 aux1Gframe(i) = 3349 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.922388480000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.928368640000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3340 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3349 aux1Gframe(i) = 3350 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.928368640000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 28.934328320000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3341 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3350 aux1Gframe(i) = 3351 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 28.934328320000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.975434239999998 epframes:- Bad index = 3342 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3351 aux1Gframe(i) = 3352 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.975434239999998 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.981414399999998 epframes:- Bad index = 3343 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3352 aux1Gframe(i) = 3353 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.981414399999998 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.987374080000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3344 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3353 aux1Gframe(i) = 3354 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.987374080000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.993333759999999 epframes:- Bad index = 3345 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3354 aux1Gframe(i) = 3355 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.993333759999999 aux1FtTime(i) = 51.999293440000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3346 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3355 aux1Gframe(i) = 3356 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 51.999293440000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.005294079999999 epframes:- Bad index = 3347 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3356 aux1Gframe(i) = 3357 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.005294079999999 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.011253760000002 epframes:- Bad index = 3348 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3357 aux1Gframe(i) = 3358 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.011253760000002 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.017213439999999 epframes:- Bad index = 3349 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3358 aux1Gframe(i) = 3359 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.017213439999999 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.023173120000003 epframes:- Bad index = 3350 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3359 aux1Gframe(i) = 3360 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.023173120000003 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.029153280000003 epframes:- Bad index = 3351 previous obtTag = -100.00000000000000 aux1Gframe(i-1) = 3360 aux1Gframe(i) = 3361 aux1FtTime(i-1) = 52.029153280000003 aux1FtTime(i) = 52.035112959999999 epframes:- Number of bad OBT values for CCD = 4 : 71 epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 66141692.54936 epframes:- End time = 66142137.07105 epframes:- Number of frames = 74526.15532 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 5.9646400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 5.9646524 epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141744.095212 and 66141744.745332 = 0.650120 [s] = 108.996 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141748.550731 and 66141748.765443 = 0.214712 [s] = 35.998 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141749.695934 and 66141771.013313 = 21.317379 [s] = 3573.959 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141773.005490 and 66141773.279860 = 0.274371 [s] = 46.000 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141778.403436 and 66141778.761286 = 0.357850 [s] = 59.995 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141778.761286 and 66141778.952160 = 0.190874 [s] = 32.001 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141780.467170 and 66141803.585834 = 23.118664 [s] = 3875.953 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141808.089089 and 66141808.339600 = 0.250511 [s] = 41.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141847.055645 and 66141847.777363 = 0.721718 [s] = 120.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141847.777363 and 66141868.361104 = 20.583741 [s] = 3450.961 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141881.745598 and 66141903.140535 = 21.394936 [s] = 3586.962 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141905.210228 and 66141905.502498 = 0.292270 [s] = 49.000 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141905.735113 and 66141906.265975 = 0.530862 [s] = 89.002 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141910.470979 and 66141910.995864 = 0.524884 [s] = 87.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141911.467068 and 66141932.349042 = 20.881974 [s] = 3500.961 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141935.963567 and 66141936.452650 = 0.489083 [s] = 81.997 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141938.951811 and 66141959.487855 = 20.536044 [s] = 3442.964 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141969.699170 and 66141991.106046 = 21.406876 [s] = 3588.964 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141996.706768 and 66141997.541802 = 0.835034 [s] = 139.997 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141998.174060 and 66141998.424572 = 0.250511 [s] = 41.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66141999.164189 and 66141999.349082 = 0.184893 [s] = 30.998 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142027.394507 and 66142027.603242 = 0.208735 [s] = 34.995 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142037.802676 and 66142038.697368 = 0.894692 [s] = 149.999 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142038.757006 and 66142059.501802 = 20.744796 [s] = 3477.963 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142069.158434 and 66142091.251209 = 22.092774 [s] = 3703.958 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142095.742526 and 66142096.273388 = 0.530862 [s] = 89.002 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142103.263865 and 66142124.479847 = 21.215982 [s] = 3556.959 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142134.035083 and 66142134.243856 = 0.208773 [s] = 35.002 [frames] epframes:- AUX1 gap between 66142135.228025 and 66142135.418878 = 0.190853 [s] = 31.997 [frames] epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 19704 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 74528 epframes:- Frame time of ODF does not match nominal value. Check ODF ! epframes:- Nominal: 5.9646 [ms], ODF: 73.0000 [ms] epframes:- 0029_0116690801_PNU002: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [UNKNOWN], PMH:FD130 [] epframes:- BadPixelTable code not implemented before revolution 293 [here Rev = 29 ] epframes:- Matching quadrant number of rows in CCX file: 13 epframes:- CCX: Total time of Quadrant 1 in Counting Mode : 263.21093 [s], with: 0 discarded columns epframes:- epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- Requested source position ( 84.930400,-69.333300) corresponds to RAW pixel (51.80,170.20) of CCD 4 epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 5.96464 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 20.00000 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8323 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 23 , 3839 ] adu epframes:- ** epframes: warning (wrongReadoutOrder), Events in wrong order: Event 13397 : IX,IY = 17 3 ; Previous event: IX,IY = 17 39 epframes:- Wrong readout order for frame 1446 with 39 events. epframes:- I = 1 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 4 PHA = 30 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 2 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 5 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 3 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 8 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 4 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 9 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 5 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 18 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 6 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 20 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 7 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 21 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 8 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 39 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 9 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 3 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 10 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 4 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 11 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 18 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 12 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 20 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 13 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 28 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 14 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 35 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 15 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 38 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 16 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 42 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 17 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 43 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 18 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 46 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 19 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 51 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 20 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 73 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 21 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 112 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 22 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 114 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 23 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 117 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 24 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 119 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 25 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 126 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 26 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 144 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 27 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 147 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 28 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 149 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 29 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 152 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 30 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 161 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 31 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 167 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 32 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 168 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 33 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 175 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 34 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 176 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 35 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 182 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 36 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 185 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 37 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 187 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 38 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 188 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 39 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 195 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- CCD frame: 1978 event: 16163 7.9% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 3956 event: 40119 19.6% completion ** epframes: warning (wrongReadoutOrder), Events in wrong order: Event 65836 : IX,IY = 17 4 ; Previous event: IX,IY = 43 8 epframes:- Wrong readout order for frame 5976 with 37 events. epframes:- I = 1 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 4 PHA = 29 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 2 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 8 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 3 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 4 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 4 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 7 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 5 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 12 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 6 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 18 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 7 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 21 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 8 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 25 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 9 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 26 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 10 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 65 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 11 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 67 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 12 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 71 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 13 RAWX = 5 RAWY = 80 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 14 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 81 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 15 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 82 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 16 RAWX = 5 RAWY = 84 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 17 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 89 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 18 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 93 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 19 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 106 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 20 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 111 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 21 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 113 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 22 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 113 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 23 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 114 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 24 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 120 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 25 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 135 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 26 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 153 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 27 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 154 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 28 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 162 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 29 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 166 PHA = 30 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 30 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 168 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 31 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 178 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 32 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 180 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 33 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 181 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 34 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 182 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 35 RAWX = 43 RAWY = 183 PHA = 29 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 36 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 185 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 37 RAWX = 17 RAWY = 198 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- CCD frame: 5934 event: 66226 32.3% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 7912 event: 84560 41.3% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 9890 event: 106077 51.8% completion ** epframes: warning (wrongReadoutOrder), Events in wrong order: Event 122288 : IX,IY = 1 6 ; Previous event: IX,IY = 64 61 epframes:- Wrong readout order for frame 11086 with 47 events. epframes:- I = 1 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 6 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 2 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 9 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 3 RAWX = 2 RAWY = 12 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 4 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 12 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 5 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 13 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 6 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 14 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 7 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 18 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 8 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 22 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 9 RAWX = 2 RAWY = 23 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 10 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 27 PHA = 30 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 11 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 27 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 12 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 29 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 13 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 29 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 14 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 31 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 15 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 40 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 16 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 58 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 17 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 61 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 18 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 6 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 19 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 11 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 20 RAWX = 32 RAWY = 16 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 21 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 32 PHA = 29 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 22 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 42 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 23 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 42 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 24 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 43 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 25 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 44 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 26 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 55 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 27 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 57 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 28 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 60 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 29 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 61 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 30 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 75 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 31 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 87 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 32 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 106 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 33 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 106 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 34 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 112 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 35 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 114 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 36 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 117 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 37 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 119 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 38 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 130 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 39 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 146 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 40 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 154 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 41 RAWX = 47 RAWY = 156 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 42 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 156 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 43 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 158 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 44 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 165 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 45 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 189 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 46 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 189 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 47 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 196 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 ** epframes: warning (wrongReadoutOrder), Events in wrong order: Event 123342 : IX,IY = 58 2 ; Previous event: IX,IY = 58 2 ** epframes: warning (wrongReadoutOrder), Events in wrong order: Event 123345 : IX,IY = 58 9 ; Previous event: IX,IY = 58 10 epframes:- Wrong readout order for frame 11123 with 48 events. epframes:- I = 1 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 2 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 2 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 2 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 3 RAWX = 2 RAWY = 5 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 4 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 10 PHA = 30 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 5 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 9 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 6 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 10 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 7 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 11 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 8 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 14 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 9 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 19 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 10 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 25 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 11 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 28 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 12 RAWX = 57 RAWY = 34 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 13 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 34 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 14 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 36 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 15 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 43 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 16 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 60 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 17 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 62 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 18 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 69 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 19 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 83 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 20 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 94 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 21 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 100 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 22 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 102 PHA = 32 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 23 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 105 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 24 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 105 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 25 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 107 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 26 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 111 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 27 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 113 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 28 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 119 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 29 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 120 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 30 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 121 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 31 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 126 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 32 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 133 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 33 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 134 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 34 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 137 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 35 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 146 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 36 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 160 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 37 RAWX = 32 RAWY = 169 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 38 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 170 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 39 RAWX = 64 RAWY = 172 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 40 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 176 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 41 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 180 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 42 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 182 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 43 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 183 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 44 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 184 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 45 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 185 PHA = 31 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 46 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 194 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 47 RAWX = 63 RAWY = 194 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 48 RAWX = 58 RAWY = 195 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- CCD frame: 11868 event: 131629 64.3% completion ** epframes: warning (wrongReadoutOrder), Events in wrong order: Event 141175 : IX,IY = 8 2 ; Previous event: IX,IY = 11 13 epframes:- Wrong readout order for frame 13309 with 85 events. epframes:- I = 1 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 3 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 2 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 5 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 3 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 7 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 4 RAWX = 42 RAWY = 12 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 5 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 13 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 6 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 13 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 7 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 2 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 8 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 7 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 9 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 10 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 10 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 12 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 11 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 13 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 12 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 13 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 13 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 16 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 14 RAWX = 3 RAWY = 17 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 15 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 22 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 16 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 24 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 17 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 33 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 18 RAWX = 42 RAWY = 34 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 19 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 37 PHA = 29 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 20 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 40 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 21 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 42 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 22 RAWX = 3 RAWY = 43 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 23 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 43 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 24 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 44 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 25 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 44 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 26 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 45 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 27 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 46 PHA = 30 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 28 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 46 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 29 RAWX = 3 RAWY = 48 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 30 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 48 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 31 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 48 PHA = 32 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 32 RAWX = 52 RAWY = 54 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 33 RAWX = 42 RAWY = 62 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 34 RAWX = 42 RAWY = 68 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 35 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 69 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 36 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 76 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 37 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 79 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 38 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 79 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 39 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 80 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 40 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 80 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 41 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 86 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 42 RAWX = 51 RAWY = 87 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 43 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 88 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 44 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 94 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 45 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 95 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 46 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 97 PHA = 38 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 47 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 98 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 48 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 98 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 49 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 101 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 50 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 102 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 51 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 103 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 52 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 113 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 53 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 115 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 54 RAWX = 3 RAWY = 116 PHA = 30 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 55 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 118 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 56 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 121 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 57 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 122 PHA = 29 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 58 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 122 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 59 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 123 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 60 RAWX = 47 RAWY = 123 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 61 RAWX = 3 RAWY = 130 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 62 RAWX = 3 RAWY = 142 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 63 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 142 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 64 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 144 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 65 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 146 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 66 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 149 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 67 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 149 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 68 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 154 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 69 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 158 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 70 RAWX = 45 RAWY = 165 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 71 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 168 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 72 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 169 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 73 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 178 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 74 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 180 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 75 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 181 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 76 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 182 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 77 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 184 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 78 RAWX = 47 RAWY = 187 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 79 RAWX = 8 RAWY = 188 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 80 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 193 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 81 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 194 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 82 RAWX = 11 RAWY = 194 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 83 RAWX = 10 RAWY = 195 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 84 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 197 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 85 RAWX = 9 RAWY = 199 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- CCD frame: 13846 event: 152954 74.7% completion ** epframes: warning (wrongReadoutOrder), Events in wrong order: Event 165878 : IX,IY = 24 2 ; Previous event: IX,IY = 24 133 ** epframes: warning (wrongReadoutOrder), Events in wrong order: Event 165883 : IX,IY = 24 10 ; Previous event: IX,IY = 24 21 epframes:- Wrong readout order for frame 15688 with 74 events. epframes:- I = 1 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 5 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 2 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 7 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 3 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 8 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 4 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 10 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 5 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 12 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 6 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 18 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 7 RAWX = 39 RAWY = 21 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 8 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 23 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 9 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 26 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 10 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 29 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 11 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 31 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 12 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 34 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 13 RAWX = 14 RAWY = 41 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 14 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 46 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 15 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 49 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 16 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 50 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 17 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 51 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 18 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 52 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 19 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 54 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 20 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 55 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 21 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 62 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 22 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 65 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 23 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 70 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 24 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 71 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 25 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 73 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 26 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 85 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 27 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 88 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 28 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 93 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 29 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 97 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 30 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 100 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 31 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 101 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 32 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 109 PHA = 29 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 33 RAWX = 38 RAWY = 109 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 34 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 110 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 35 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 115 PHA = 31 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 36 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 119 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 37 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 122 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 38 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 128 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 39 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 132 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 40 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 133 PHA = 32 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 41 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 2 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 42 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 7 PHA = 30 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 43 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 11 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 44 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 12 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 45 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 21 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 46 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 10 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 47 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 11 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 48 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 15 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 49 RAWX = 1 RAWY = 18 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 50 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 22 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 51 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 25 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 52 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 83 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 53 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 92 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 54 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 106 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 55 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 109 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 56 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 111 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 57 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 119 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 58 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 127 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 59 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 129 PHA = 26 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 60 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 131 PHA = 28 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 61 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 134 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 62 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 138 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 63 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 139 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 64 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 140 PHA = 29 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 65 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 148 PHA = 23 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 66 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 150 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 67 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 152 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 68 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 161 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 69 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 162 PHA = 31 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 70 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 163 PHA = 27 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 71 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 187 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 72 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 193 PHA = 25 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 73 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 194 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- I = 74 RAWX = 24 RAWY = 195 PHA = 24 QUAL = 133120 epframes:- CCD frame: 15824 event: 168416 82.3% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 17802 event: 189080 92.3% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 19780 event: 204728 100.0% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames with wrong readout order: 6 epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 2 of total: 19373 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.13957 for TI-Mode in 0.119 [s] = 1.1700 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- 0029_0116690801_PNU00204TIE.FIT: No DLI file for CCD 4 epframes:- No DLI file: performing analysis on SAS detected MIPs epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 1 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 53 182 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 66 195 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 72 184 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 64 334 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 65 350 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 65 182 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 65 306 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 49 1137 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 4693 mean = 75.7 median = 75.5 deviation = 0.022 mean2 = 76.0 median2 = 76.0 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 19688 mean = 317.5 median = 290.0 deviation = 1.618 epframes:- ** epframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- total number of wrong events : 14519 epframes:- number of detected MIP events: 3101 epframes:- number of rejected MIP columns: 4795 epframes:- events in wrong readout order: 8 epframes:- Frames with false coarse time: 234 epframes:- Number of bad frames: 6 epframes:- Total number of input frames: 19780 epframes:- Total number of output frames: 19373 epframes:- Total number of input events: 204744 epframes:- Total number of output events: 173446 epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... ** epframes: warning (NoSuchPeriodicHKparam), Expected Periodic HK parameter F1052 missing from `PNPMH1' - will continue with nominal value 32400 as coarse time wrap value for EPN ** epframes: warning (NoAdditionalPeriodicHKdata), Odf `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI' contains no AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping data - will use default values for any needed parameters from this data set ** epframes: warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 10 ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [3341, 3369] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053345s - the difference is: 3936.95358089111 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. ** epframes: warning (UnknownDeltaFrameTime), The block of frames [6128, 6172] does not stem from CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 and has thus been disregarded - the difference between the last good frame before and the first good frame after this block was nevertheless not found to be an integer multiple of the nominal CCD frame time of 0.00596464014053345s - the difference is: 3628.96120637785 frames - it is unknown how to correct this. epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3343 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3343 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3343 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3343 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3343 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3343 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3343 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3344 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3345 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3346 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3347 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3348 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3349 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3350 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3351 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3352 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3353 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3354 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3355 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3356 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3357 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3359 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3360 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3361 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3362 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3363 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3364 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3365 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3366 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3367 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3368 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3369 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 3370 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6131 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6132 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6133 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6133 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6134 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6135 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6136 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6137 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6140 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6142 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6143 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6144 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6144 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6145 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6146 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6147 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6148 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6149 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6151 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6152 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6153 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6154 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6155 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6156 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6157 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6158 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6159 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6159 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6160 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6161 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6162 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6163 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6164 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6165 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6166 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6168 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6169 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 6170 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 13792 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `/workspaces/xmm_sas/packages/eptestdata/epodf_BU_TI/0029_0116690801_PNU00200AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 244 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 7914 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 96 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 13 [28/45621(23.48), 58/8721(21.32), 88/46379(23.12), 120/16086(21.65), 156/12697(20.58), 190/11146(21.39), 219/46374(20.88), 247/21215(20.54), 278/8879(21.41), 310/21983(21.88), 347/11703(20.74), 377/31304(22.09), 411/36452(21.22)] minimum delta : 0.005942s maximum delta : 23.12s ** epframes: warning (UnidentifiedTimeGaps), Time intervals were found whose duration appear not to be integer multiples of the nominal frame integration time of 0.005965s for the current mode. This hints at either an undetected random jump of the FTCOARSE time counter or another unknown anomaly with the auxiliary data from quadrant 1. If a detailed timing analysis is to be carried out on the event data please note that undetected jumps are very likely to lead to artifacts in timing data products such as pulse profile curves. Please contact the SOC for advice. epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 66141691.184000 epframes:- epframes:- No proper reconstructed orbit file, no orbital phase info. epframes:- Orbital phase range: 29.0000 30.0000 1.0000 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 252.639 [Hz] epframes:- ** epframes: warning (notReliableHK), HK values not reliable, no oscillator shift value written. epframes:- number of good time intervals = 30 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 66141692.54936 66141744.09521 51.54585 epframes:- 2 66141744.74533 66141748.55073 3.80540 epframes:- 3 66141748.76544 66141749.69593 0.93049 epframes:- 4 66141771.01331 66141773.00549 1.99218 epframes:- 5 66141773.27986 66141778.40344 5.12358 epframes:- 6 66141778.76129 66141778.76129 0.00000 epframes:- 7 66141778.95216 66141780.46717 1.51501 epframes:- 8 66141803.58583 66141808.08909 4.50326 epframes:- 9 66141808.33960 66141847.05565 38.71604 epframes:- 10 66141847.77736 66141847.77736 0.00000 epframes:- 11 66141868.36110 66141881.74560 13.38449 epframes:- 12 66141903.14053 66141905.21023 2.06969 epframes:- 13 66141905.50250 66141905.73511 0.23261 epframes:- 14 66141906.26597 66141910.47098 4.20500 epframes:- 15 66141910.99586 66141911.46707 0.47120 epframes:- 16 66141932.34904 66141935.96357 3.61453 epframes:- 17 66141936.45265 66141938.95181 2.49916 epframes:- 18 66141959.48785 66141969.69917 10.21132 epframes:- 19 66141991.10605 66141996.70677 5.60072 epframes:- 20 66141997.54180 66141998.17406 0.63226 epframes:- 21 66141998.42457 66141999.16419 0.73962 epframes:- 22 66141999.34908 66142027.39451 28.04542 epframes:- 23 66142027.60324 66142037.80268 10.19943 epframes:- 24 66142038.69737 66142038.75701 0.05964 epframes:- 25 66142059.50180 66142069.15843 9.65663 epframes:- 26 66142091.25121 66142095.74253 4.49132 epframes:- 27 66142096.27339 66142103.26387 6.99048 epframes:- 28 66142124.47985 66142134.03508 9.55524 epframes:- 29 66142134.24386 66142135.22803 0.98417 epframes:- 30 66142135.41888 66142137.06508 1.64620 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 223.59989 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): TI 992.1426 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): TI 2615.7136 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 5.9178 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 27.0835 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 13.4304 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 12.2646 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 2.0166 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.2691E-02 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.4716E-05 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:58.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.5043s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epframes: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning InvalidObtValue silently occurred 1051 times warning UnknownDeltaFrameTime silently occurred 2 times -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixmap=P0116690801PNU002BPXHMK0004.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0116690801PNU002BPXHMK0004.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:58.000 ** badpixfind: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter ** badpixfind: warning (lowExposure), Exposure time very low - spurious bad pixels may be found (low number statistics) badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 11818 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 30 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:58.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixmap=P0116690801PNU002BPXMSK0004.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P0116690801PNU002BPXMSK0004.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:58.000 ** badpixfind: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter ** badpixfind: warning (lowExposure), Exposure time very low - spurious bad pixels may be found (low number statistics) badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Note - pixels found with more than one entry badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 3792 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 1364 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:58.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixset=P0116690801PNU002BPXFLI0004.FIT getuplnkbadpix=N getotherbadpix=N getnewbadpix=N emptyextension=Y windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents04.dat getuplnkbadpix=no getotherbadpix=no badpixset=P0116690801PNU002BPXFLI0004.FIT getnewbadpix=no emptyextension=yes windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:59.000 ** badpix: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 4 badpix:- CCD mode = FastTiming badpix:- Filter = Open badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18499755859378 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- emptyextension=Y chosen, added extension is empty badpix:- 0 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:59.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.027136s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=0 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=1 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents04.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, TIMING, 1, 4)' withoffsetlist=no odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=yes withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:59.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, TIMING, 002, 4, U) epreject:- No Offset maps found... ** epreject: warning (NoOffsetMap), No offset map found; using 20 ADU image instead epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: UNDETERMINED epreject:- FILTER during science observation: UNKNOWN epreject:- Calibrated Offset: F 1 1.00000000E+10 1.00000000E+10 0 epreject:- reading from CCF: pnMasterClosedOffsetMap epreject:- XRL correction coefficients: 0.00000000 1.00000000 epreject:- reading from ODF: pnOffsetMap epreject:- Offset map general levels: CLO, SCI: 621 0 epreject:- compute XRL correction from CCF epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 1 600 0 21 21 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 2 629 0 -8 -8 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 3 620 0 1 1 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 4 629 0 -8 -8 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 5 642 0 -21 -21 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 6 620 0 1 1 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 7 630 0 -9 -9 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 8 613 0 8 8 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 9 603 0 18 18 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 10 633 0 -12 -12 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 11 591 0 30 30 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 12 583 0 38 38 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 13 586 0 35 35 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 14 587 0 34 34 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 15 567 0 54 54 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 16 586 0 35 35 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 17 589 0 32 32 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 18 613 0 8 8 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 19 594 0 27 27 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 20 580 0 41 41 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 21 576 0 45 45 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 22 598 0 23 23 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 23 570 0 51 51 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 24 596 0 25 25 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 25 591 0 30 30 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 26 613 0 8 8 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 27 584 0 37 37 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 28 595 0 26 26 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 29 584 0 37 37 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 30 589 0 32 32 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 31 603 0 18 18 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 32 581 0 40 40 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 33 613 0 8 8 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 34 580 0 41 41 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 35 598 0 23 23 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 36 569 0 52 52 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 37 600 0 21 21 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 38 592 0 29 29 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 39 578 0 43 43 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 40 563 0 58 58 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 41 566 0 55 55 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 42 576 0 45 45 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 43 575 0 46 46 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 44 609 0 12 12 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 45 570 0 51 51 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 46 584 0 37 37 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 47 561 0 60 60 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 48 566 0 55 55 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 49 575 0 46 46 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 50 585 0 36 36 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 51 581 0 40 40 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 52 596 0 25 25 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 53 605 0 16 16 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 54 565 0 56 56 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 55 585 0 36 36 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 56 556 0 65 65 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 57 578 0 43 43 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 58 572 0 49 49 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 59 601 0 20 20 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 60 569 0 52 52 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 61 573 0 48 48 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 62 581 0 40 40 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 63 627 0 -6 -6 epreject:- IX, CLO, SCI, XRL: 64 560 0 61 61 ** epreject: warning (notCalibrated), no offset calibration for submode FastTiming, skipping rest of the task epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:01:59.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.16228s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents04.dat outset=events04.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=1 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=1 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=0 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=0 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=0 photonmapset=photonmap04.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents04.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events04.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=no lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=no withframecti=yes withrdpha=yes rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=no photonmapset=photonmap04.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:01:59.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.185 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(1-0) = CCD No. 4 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 173446 epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 19780 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 74527 epevents:- ... creating PHASHIFT column epevents:- ... created PHASHIFT column epevents:- ... entering SAS_RateDependentPhaCorrect... epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 29813 event: 72432 41.8% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 67078 event: 150605 86.8% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- ... created PHA_GAIN column epevents:- ... created PHA_GAINF column epevents:- performing TI gain fine-tuning ... epevents:- performing CTI correction ... ** epevents: warning (frameCTI), frameCTI = Y for non-IMAGING modes. This may result in spectral broadening at the lowest energies. Will use FRAMETIM = 5.964640 [ms] to convert TIME to FRAME for CTI correction. ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #251 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/2/2[62/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #269 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/11/2[53/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #528 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/4/2[60/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #609 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/2/2[62/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #616 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/4/2[60/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #661 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/4/2[60/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #844 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/4/2[60/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #992 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/4/2[60/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #1040 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/4/2[60/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #1118 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 4[1/0]/4/2[60/1]) failed - error code: 2 - no correction applied - reason for failure: very bright pixel/to be discarded epevents:- ... created PHA_CTIR column epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 4 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9672 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 0.0973443 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.95421 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 1179 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 24965 214 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25114 363 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25115 364 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25116 365 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25117 366 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25118 367 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25119 368 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25120 369 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25125 374 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25224 473 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25344 593 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25397 646 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25538 787 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25566 815 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25672 921 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- 25773 1022 NaN NaN NaN 0 0.0 0.0000 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 173446 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 0 epevents:- number of single events: 131159 epevents:- number of double patterns: 10121 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 185 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 25 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 21390 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 4092 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 81 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 173 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 0 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 141490 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:02.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 2.19406s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 173436 times warning ctiCorrectionFailed silently occurred 1298 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events04.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events04.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:02.000 ** attcalc: warning (FilterUnknown), Value of FILTER attribute is `UNKNOWN' - cannot determine active filter attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 4 attcalc:- CCD mode = FastTiming attcalc:- Filter = Open attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: TIMING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P0116690801OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 84.930416666666702 -69.333277777777795 attcalc:- No of input events: 173446 attcalc:- No of event frames: 110364 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 84.930417658042856 84.930417658042856 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: -69.333278587091598 -69.333278587091598 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: -131.48700104654085 -131.48700104654085 attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:03.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.307818s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events04.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents04.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>150 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_TI Testing epchain_test_slew ... FAILED Message: will run ./epchain_test_slew for no longer than 600 seconds. -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- ARGV = ! odf=./tempodf datamode=IMAGING ccds=1,2,4,7,10,11 keepintermediate=all witheventmap=Y withphotonmap=Y withpatplot=Y plotxrange=0 0 propagatecolumns=all runepreject=Y withoffsetlist=Y screenlowthresh=0 withradmon=Y runradmonfix=Y ! -:- Test: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Tested: TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Test: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Tested: double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: odf = ./tempodf -:- Default parameter values: odfaccess = oal -:- Default parameter values: exposure = 1 -:- Command line parameter: datamode = IMAGING -:- Default parameter values: runepexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: screenexposure = Y -:- Default parameter values: spatialexposure = Y -:- Command line parameter: ccds = 1,2,4,7,10,11 -:- Default parameter values: schedule = S -:- Command line parameter: runradmonfix = Y -:- Command line parameter: withradmon = Y -:- Default parameter values: runatthkgen = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpixfind = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepframes = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepevents = Y -:- Default parameter values: runattcalc = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevlistcomb = Y -:- Default parameter values: runevselect = Y -:- Default parameter values: runbackground = Y -:- Command line parameter: runepreject = Y -:- Default parameter values: runepnoise = N -:- Default parameter values: runepxrlcorr = N -:- Default parameter values: runepfast = N -:- Default parameter values: withdefaultcal = Y -:- Default parameter values: rateset = rate_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: specset = spec_bkg.fits -:- Default parameter values: maskset = ./mask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: hrdmskset = ./hrdmask_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: withxrliamge = N -:- Default parameter values: timebinsize = 0 -:- Default parameter values: lowerthreshold = 20 -:- Default parameter values: screen = Y -:- Command line parameter: screenlowthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: screenrejected = n -:- Default parameter values: memorymodel = high -:- Command line parameter: keepintermediate = all -:- Default parameter values: runscreen = Y -:- Default parameter values: mipthreshold = 3000 -:- Default parameter values: mipmethod = onboard -:- Default parameter values: qualmax = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcposition = 190 -:- Default parameter values: withctisrcpos = N -:- Default parameter values: withfinetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: withfifogti = N -:- Default parameter values: fifogtithresh = 76 -:- Command line parameter: witheventmap = Y -:- Command line parameter: withphotonmap = Y -:- Default parameter values: eventmapset = eventmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: photonmapset = photonmap##.dat -:- Default parameter values: getuplnkbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getotherbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: getnewbadpix = Y -:- Default parameter values: emptyextension = N -:- Default parameter values: windowfilter = N -:- Default parameter values: withmask = Y -:- Default parameter values: reemissionthresh = 0 -:- Default parameter values: randomizeposition = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizeenergy = Y -:- Default parameter values: gainctiaccuracy = 2 -:- Default parameter values: testenergywidth = Y -:- Default parameter values: randomizetime = Y -:- Default parameter values: imagesize = 0.36 -:- Default parameter values: withmedianpnt = Y -:- Default parameter values: wrongpixlimit = 20 -:- Default parameter values: badpixset = ./bpxf_##.fits -:- Default parameter values: attitudelabel = ahf -:- Default parameter values: refpointlabel = pnt -:- Default parameter values: nominalra = -:- Default parameter values: nominaldec = -:- Default parameter values: fixedra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixeddec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: fixedposangle = 0 -:- Default parameter values: timestep = 1 -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID PAT_SEQ OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epnimgcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int8 int16 -:- Command line parameter: propagatecolumns = all -:- Default parameter values: epntimcolnames = TIME RAWX RAWY PHA PI FLAG PATTERN PAT_ID OFFSETX -:- Default parameter values: epntimcoltypes = double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int8 int16 int16 -:- Default parameter values: othertables = BADPIX EXPOSURE DLIMAP HKAUX -:- Default parameter values: ingtiset = -:- Default parameter values: f1294 = 0 -:- Default parameter values: f1118 = UNKNOWN -:- Default parameter values: f1052 = 32400 -:- Default parameter values: anchop = 0 -:- Default parameter values: mipdist = N -:- Default parameter values: ecntempqb1 = -9999.9 -:- Default parameter values: ccfok = Y -:- Default parameter values: odfok = Y -:- Default parameter values: hkok = Y -:- Default parameter values: setupbpx = nom3 -:- Default parameter values: patternanalysis = Y -:- Default parameter values: withoutoftime = N -:- Default parameter values: withtempcorrection = Y -:- Default parameter values: withccdoffsets = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermsoft = Y -:- Default parameter values: withframecti = N -:- Default parameter values: ctilongtermy = Y -:- Default parameter values: withbackgroundgain = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtres = Y -:- Default parameter values: backgroundtbin = 100 -:- Default parameter values: withpatternoffset = Y -:- Default parameter values: withctilongterm = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgaintiming = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainburst = Y -:- Default parameter values: withgainff = N -:- Default parameter values: withgaineff = Y -:- Default parameter values: withphagaincolumn = N -:- Default parameter values: lowgainenergyscale = N -:- Default parameter values: withsrccoords = N -:- Default parameter values: srcra = 0 -:- Default parameter values: srcdec = 0 -:- Default parameter values: withsrcrawy = N -:- Default parameter values: showaux = N -:- Default parameter values: showccx = N -:- Default parameter values: showpmh = N -:- Default parameter values: showpah = N -:- Default parameter values: aneamipsel = 1 -:- Default parameter values: anmaxmip = 63 -:- Default parameter values: anmip = 3512 -:- Default parameter values: ancmcorr = 512 -:- Default parameter values: automode = N -:- Default parameter values: autofilter = N -:- Command line parameter: withpatplot = Y -:- Default parameter values: modifyinset = Y -:- Command line parameter: plotxrange = 0 -:- Default parameter values: plotyrange = 0 0 -:- Default parameter values: withflag = Y -:- Default parameter values: withqdp = Y -:- Default parameter values: usecanonicalnames = Y -:- Default parameter values: outset = events.fits -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimage = N -:- Default parameter values: odilist = odilist.asc -:- Default parameter values: optloadingimageset = optloading.img -:- Default parameter values: sigmacut = 3 -:- Default parameter values: savemasks = N -:- Default parameter values: applyfilter = Y -:- Default parameter values: badcolumnset = badcolumns.tab -:- Default parameter values: sigma = 4 -:- Default parameter values: noiseparameters = 0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: withoffsetmap = Y -:- Command line parameter: withoffsetlist = Y -:- Default parameter values: withxrlcorrection = N -:- Default parameter values: noisecut = 2 -:- Default parameter values: withsoftflarescreening = N -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold1 = 10.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflarethreshold2 = 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmooth = BOX -:- Default parameter values: softflareenergyrange = 40 50 -:- Default parameter values: softflaresmoothparams = 2.0 1.0 1.0 -:- Default parameter values: checksasmip = N -:- Default parameter values: withrdpha = Y -:- Default parameter values: rdphatimebinsize = 100 -:- Default parameter values: guessdeltap = N -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- SAS_CCF index: /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/ccf.cif -:- (D) SAS_ODF is directory: ./tempodf -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- CCDLIST = 1,2,4,7,10,11 -:- will process CCD: 1 2 4 7 10 11 -:- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:- EXPOSURE = 1 -:- DataMode = IM [IMAGING] -:- -:- List of files in ODF/working directory: -:- -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20101ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20102ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20103ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20104ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20105ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20106ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20107ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20108ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20109ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20110ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20111ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_0555471201_PNU20112ODI.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00100AUX.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00110IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00120IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00130IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00140IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00150IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1S00170IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1X00000HCH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M1X00000PEH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00200AUX.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00210IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00220IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00230IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00240IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00250IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00260IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2S00270IME.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2X00000HCH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_M2X00000PEH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_OMX00000NPH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_OMX00000PEH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00300ODI.ASC ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00301IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00302IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00303IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00304IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00305IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00306IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00307IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00308IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00309IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00310IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00311IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNS00312IME.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00201DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00302DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00403DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00504DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00605DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00706DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00807DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU00908DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU01009DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU01110DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU01211DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNU01312DLI.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_R1X00000PFH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_R2X00000PFH.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00100ECX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00100ESX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00200ECX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00200ESX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00300ECX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_RMX00300ESX.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ATS.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P1S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P2S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P3S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P4S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P6S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P7S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P8S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P9S.FIT.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000RAS.ASC.gz ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.ASC ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS_old ... -:- 1711_9171100003_SCX00000TCS.FIT ... -:- -:- 1 IMAGING exposure in ODF: -:- 1: 1711_9171100003_PNS003 IM -:- will do exposure: 1711_9171100003_PNS003 -:- -:- CMD: radmonfix radmonlist=' ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00100ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00100ESX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00200ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00200ESX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00300ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00300ESX.FIT' withoutputfile=Y output=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT -w 10 radmonfix:- Executing (routine): radmonfix radmonlist='./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00100ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00100ESX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00200ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00200ESX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00300ECX.FIT ./tempodf/1711_9171100003_RMX00300ESX.FIT' output=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT includespectra=no withoutputfile=yes -w 10 -V 5 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.5) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:10.000 ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196241.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196245.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196249.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196253.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196257.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196261.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196265.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196269.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196273.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** radmonfix: warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=277196277.9 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [277196877.7, 277204136.8] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- TIME Column already exits. Overwriting TIME Column... radmonfix:- MJD Column already exits. Overwriting MJD Column... radmonfix:- UTC Calendar view Column already exits. Overwriting UTC Calendar Column... radmonfix:- Adding 1 counts rows from row 1187 radmonfix:- Adding 896 counts rows from row 1188 radmonfix:- Setting DATE-END... radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.5) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:11.000 radmonfix:- radmonfix (radmonfix-0.5.5) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.108961s ** radmonfix: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning Extrapolation silently occurred 305 times -:- -:- CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 -w 10 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 5 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:11.000 atthkgen:- Obs. runs 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 to 2009-04-13T00:00:08.000 atthkgen:- Observation start time: 355959363.18400002 atthkgen:- Observation end time: 355968074.18399996 atthkgen:- Increments in 8711 (+ 1) steps of 1.0000000000000000 seconds ** atthkgen: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.039978s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- ********** Mean Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA ( 8712 data points): 237.85636405838744 atthkgen:- AHF Dec ( 8712 data points): -19.685927554177841 atthkgen:- AHF PA ( 8712 data points): 65.055867493012713 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff.( 8712 data points): 45.612555993812698 atthkgen:- OM RA ( 8712 data points): 237.85636405838744 atthkgen:- OM Dec ( 8712 data points): -19.685927554177841 atthkgen:- OM PA ( 8712 data points): 65.055867493012713 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. ( 8712 data points): 45.612555993812698 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. ( 8712 data points): 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- ********** Median Values : ********** atthkgen:- AHF RA : 305.70124440958551 atthkgen:- AHF Dec : -25.059686384085303 atthkgen:- AHF PA : 80.060315061982550 atthkgen:- (AHF-PNT) pointing diff. : 54.152019737091635 atthkgen:- OM RA : 305.70124440958551 atthkgen:- OM Dec : -25.059686384085303 atthkgen:- OM PA : 80.060315061982550 atthkgen:- (OM-PNT) pointing diff. : 54.152019737091635 atthkgen:- (AHF-OM) pointing diff. : 0.0000000000000000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:11.000 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.149059s atthkgen:- -:- Starting with CCD = 1 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:11.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00301IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:11.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.003885s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat gtiset=gti01.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap01.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat gtiset=gti01.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap01.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:11.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: ********** epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: ********** epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 26740 epframes:- emos2: 27745 epframes:- epn : 28524 epframes:- rgs1 : 29794 epframes:- rgs2 : 29799 epframes:- om : 15721 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00301IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU00201DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 73278 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 196214 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2972 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 52 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 14 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 5: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 6: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 17: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 35: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 161 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 83 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 24.150 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 329.123 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 309.740 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.063 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 46 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 43 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 178 with 79545 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.30101 epframes:- End time = 355965597.04694 epframes:- Number of frames = 100678.96194 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638220 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 79589 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100680 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = -81 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 526 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 55 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 8 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 4 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 5 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 7 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 11 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -162.356 [V], range = [-162.356,-162.356] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.525 [mA], range = [ 9.736, 11.232] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 94.1 [ ], range = [ 23.0, 238.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.369 [mu A], range = [ 2.667, 3.832] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.523 [mA], range = [ 10.973, 12.164] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] epframes:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in ADUCONV.CCF epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epframes:- calculation with -99 frames and chopper = 0 with median correction = ??? and filter = UNDETERMINED epframes:- offset = 512 lower threshold = 532 MIP rejection method: MIP CORREC.2 epframes:- MIP threshold = 3512 maximum number = 63 neighbouring columns/lines = 1 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), Filter during offset map calculation (UNDETERMINED) different from observation (Medium) ** epframes: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.03998s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 47.66384 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 150.00001 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8426 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 2998 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 4417 event: 8359 11.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 8834 event: 15295 20.9% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 13251 event: 22326 30.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 17668 event: 30336 41.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 22085 event: 37281 50.9% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 26502 event: 44054 60.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 30919 event: 50867 69.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 35336 event: 58465 79.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 39753 event: 65834 89.8% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 0 of total: 44128 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00000 for LW-Mode in 0.953 [s] = 0.0000 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 1 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 2039 830 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 2554 236 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 2571 272 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 2576 246 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 2637 323 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 2607 326 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 2601 312 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 2099 599 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 159160 mean = 2567.1 median = 2570.5 deviation = 0.067 mean2 = 2566.8 median2 = 2570.5 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 15876 mean = 256.1 median = 246.5 deviation = 0.609 epframes:- epframes:- DLI average, median, min, max = 2566.750 2570.500 2480.000 2639.000 epframes:- Adev, Sdev, Skew, Kurtosis = 28.133 36.224 -0.2886 -0.3948 epframes:- epframes:- Total number of frames: 44166 epframes:- There were no wrong events! epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/0 [1] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78763120.246135 epframes:- epframes:- Orbital phase range: 1711.3443 1711.3726 0.0283 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 253.696 [Hz] epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 355960798.30101 355965596.99927 4798.69827 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 4798.74593 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 16.1830 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 17.1045 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 0.7713 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 16.4561 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 15.4870 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 1.9724 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0626 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.4624E+00 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.1391E+00 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:14.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.8925s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:14.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 1 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 9171100003003 badpixfind:- Observation id: 9171100003 badpixfind:- CCF: 69 bad pixel sets: 69 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 102 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 99 badpixfind:- 55547 events (out of 73173 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 99 (Total 6336 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 19 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 185 Highest column total: 883 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 2 Highest column median: 9 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 17626 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7818813323974609 badpixfind:- Median value: 2 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.50074576598267539 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 4552.2342362061399 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000000E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- No hot or dead pixels found - thresholds OK? badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6336 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 19 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 17626 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7818813323974609 badpixfind:- Median value: 2 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6336 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 19 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 17626 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7818813323974609 badpixfind:- Median value: 2 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Creating file (P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT): Number of entries: 0 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:14.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.069046s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XRT3, XPSF, 14, /ccf/pub/XRT3_XPSF_0014.CCF, 2000-01-13T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0001.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0001.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:14.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 3548 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 382 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:14.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0001.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents01.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0001.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:15.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 6129 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 3 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:15.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents01.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=Y emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents01.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0001.FIT getnewbadpix=yes emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:15.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 1 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpix:- Filter = Medium badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18227386474609 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 287.13296413421625 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode3 - new bad pixels (from BADPIXFIND) badpix:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in BADPIX.CCF badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 69 bad pixel sets badpix:- 69 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 0 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 0 pixel sets contained within badpixfind file badpix:- 69 pixel sets in total badpix:- 69 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 71 1 1 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 39 1 1 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 28 1 1 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 130 1 1 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 76 1 1 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:15.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.030412s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' eventset=rawevents01.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=1 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=0 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents01.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 1)' withoffsetlist=yes odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=no withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:15.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, IMAGING, 003, 1, S) epreject:- epreject:- Offset map used: 1711_0555471201_PNU20101ODI.FIT epreject:- Computation time of offsets: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epreject:- Downlink date of event data: 2009-04-12T21:58:53 - 2009-04-12T23:18:51 epreject:- Downlink date of offset map: 2009-04-12T15:53:23 - 2009-04-12T15:53:49 epreject:- epreject:- Reading 2D offset map 1711_0555471201_PNU20101ODI.FIT epreject:- Offset map MIN,MAX = 0 635 epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: UNDETERMINED epreject:- FILTER during science observation: Medium epreject:- reading from CCF: pnMasterOffset epreject:- XRL coefficients set to zero (no correction applied). epreject:- Masking source at position: 6 103 epreject:- Masking source at position: 35 198 epreject:- Determining offset corrections from offset map for chip 1 epreject:- 41472 of 73173 events selected for offset correction epreject:- 9732 events shifted below threshold of 20 [adu] epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:16.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.223203s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents01.dat outset=events01.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=0 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap01.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents01.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events01.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=no lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap01.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:16.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.182 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(0-0) = CCD No. 1 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 73173 epevents:- SRCPOS keyword is not found in event file and cannot not be used. epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 44166 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 100679 epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 20137 event: 15686 21.4% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 30205 event: 22450 30.7% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 40273 event: 30606 41.8% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 50341 event: 36927 50.5% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 60409 event: 43112 58.9% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- performing CTI correction ... epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 13.983 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 1 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9665 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 9.28752 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.50668 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 5029 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 42477 2973 NaN 355963633.6310 NaN 0 0.0 94.1185 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 73173 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 308 epevents:- number of single events: 45129 epevents:- number of double patterns: 3514 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 192 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 210 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 19600 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 1131 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 123 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 342 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 0 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 49045 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:17.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.806869s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 73163 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events01.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events01.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:17.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 1 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow attcalc:- Filter = Medium attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 305.70124440958602 -25.059686384085300 ** attcalc: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.039978s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly attcalc:- No of input events: 73173 attcalc:- No of event frames: 44128 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 345.43997337880660 305.09904901866577 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 43.757788171506391 -66.202975766421034 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 92.769119410023961 46.486838552072655 ** attcalc: warning (outOfImageRange), 73173 events ( of 73173 ) out of range of image attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:18.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.179311s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events01.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents01.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>0 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- Starting with CCD = 2 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:18.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00302IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:18.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.002584s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat gtiset=gti02.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap02.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat gtiset=gti02.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap02.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:18.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: ********** epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: ********** epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 26740 epframes:- emos2: 27745 epframes:- epn : 28524 epframes:- rgs1 : 29794 epframes:- rgs2 : 29799 epframes:- om : 15721 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00302IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU00302DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 63453 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 196214 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2972 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 52 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 14 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 4: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 5: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 6: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 17: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 35: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 161 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 83 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 24.150 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 329.123 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 309.740 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q0: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.063 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 46 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 43 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 178 with 79545 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.30497 epframes:- End time = 355965597.05091 epframes:- Number of frames = 100678.96194 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638220 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 79589 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100680 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = -81 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 526 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 55 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 8 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 4 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 5 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 7 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 11 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -162.356 [V], range = [-162.356,-162.356] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.525 [mA], range = [ 9.736, 11.232] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 94.1 [ ], range = [ 23.0, 238.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.832 [mu A], range = [ 2.667, 4.997] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.523 [mA], range = [ 10.973, 12.164] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] epframes:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in ADUCONV.CCF epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epframes:- calculation with -99 frames and chopper = 0 with median correction = ??? and filter = UNDETERMINED epframes:- offset = 512 lower threshold = 532 MIP rejection method: MIP CORREC.2 epframes:- MIP threshold = 3512 maximum number = 63 neighbouring columns/lines = 1 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), Filter during offset map calculation (UNDETERMINED) different from observation (Medium) ** epframes: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.03998s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 47.66384 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 150.00001 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8426 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 3490 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 3886 event: 6753 10.6% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 7772 event: 13227 20.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 11658 event: 19337 30.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 15544 event: 25662 40.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 19430 event: 31987 50.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 23316 event: 37795 59.6% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 27202 event: 43492 68.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 31088 event: 50396 79.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 34974 event: 57187 90.1% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 3 of total: 38752 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00319 for LW-Mode in 0.953 [s] = 0.0033 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 1 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 2047 520 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 2525 276 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 2548 295 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 2540 293 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 2527 314 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 2557 314 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 2510 265 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 2002 620 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 153900 mean = 2482.3 median = 2479.5 deviation = 0.055 mean2 = 2481.1 median2 = 2477.5 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 16482 mean = 265.8 median = 265.5 deviation = 0.021 epframes:- epframes:- DLI average, median, min, max = 2481.083 2477.500 2421.000 2557.000 epframes:- Adev, Sdev, Skew, Kurtosis = 25.956 31.705 0.3070 -0.5225 epframes:- epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- total number of wrong events : 2992 epframes:- number of detected MIP events: 1028 epframes:- number of rejected MIP columns: 966 epframes:- Frames with false coarse time: 16 epframes:- Total number of input frames: 38856 epframes:- Total number of output frames: 38752 epframes:- Total number of input events: 63453 epframes:- Total number of output events: 60373 epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/0 [2] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 46 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 21091 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.429s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78763120.246135 epframes:- epframes:- Orbital phase range: 1711.3443 1711.3726 0.0283 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 253.696 [Hz] epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 355960798.30497 355965597.00324 4798.69827 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 4798.74593 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 14.0132 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 14.8111 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 0.6679 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 16.4561 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 15.4870 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 1.9724 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0626 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.5128E+00 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.1391E+00 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:19.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.5948s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:19.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 2 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 9171100003003 badpixfind:- Observation id: 9171100003 badpixfind:- CCF: 67 bad pixel sets: 67 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 102 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 99 badpixfind:- 44982 events (out of 60373 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 99 (Total 6336 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 16 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 177 Highest column total: 615 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 2 Highest column median: 6 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 15391 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.4291350841522217 badpixfind:- Median value: 2 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.50074576598267539 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 4552.2342362061399 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000000E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- No hot or dead pixels found - thresholds OK? badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6336 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 16 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 15391 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.4291350841522217 badpixfind:- Median value: 2 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6336 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 16 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 15391 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.4291350841522217 badpixfind:- Median value: 2 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Creating file (P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT): Number of entries: 0 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:19.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.086793s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XRT3, XPSF, 14, /ccf/pub/XRT3_XPSF_0014.CCF, 2000-01-13T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0002.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0002.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:19.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 3709 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 360 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:19.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0002.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents02.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0002.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:19.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 6320 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 1 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:19.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents02.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=Y emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents02.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0002.FIT getnewbadpix=yes emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:19.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 2 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpix:- Filter = Medium badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18227386474609 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 287.13296413421625 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode3 - new bad pixels (from BADPIXFIND) badpix:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in BADPIX.CCF badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 67 bad pixel sets badpix:- 67 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 0 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 0 pixel sets contained within badpixfind file badpix:- 67 pixel sets in total badpix:- 67 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 36 1 1 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 88 1 1 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 154 1 2 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:20.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.048796s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' eventset=rawevents02.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=1 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=0 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents02.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 2)' withoffsetlist=yes odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=no withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:20.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, IMAGING, 003, 2, S) epreject:- epreject:- Offset map used: 1711_0555471201_PNU20102ODI.FIT epreject:- Computation time of offsets: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epreject:- Downlink date of event data: 2009-04-12T21:58:53 - 2009-04-12T23:18:51 epreject:- Downlink date of offset map: 2009-04-12T15:54:03 - 2009-04-12T15:54:28 epreject:- epreject:- Reading 2D offset map 1711_0555471201_PNU20102ODI.FIT epreject:- Offset map MIN,MAX = 0 864 epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: UNDETERMINED epreject:- FILTER during science observation: Medium epreject:- reading from CCF: pnMasterOffset epreject:- XRL coefficients set to zero (no correction applied). epreject:- Masking source at position: 10 190 epreject:- Masking source at position: 13 155 epreject:- Masking source at position: 22 139 epreject:- Masking source at position: 24 115 epreject:- Masking source at position: 36 109 epreject:- Determining offset corrections from offset map for chip 2 epreject:- 33917 of 60373 events selected for offset correction epreject:- 7963 events shifted below threshold of 20 [adu] epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:20.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.202088s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents02.dat outset=events02.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=0 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap02.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents02.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events02.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=no lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap02.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:20.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.182 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(0-1) = CCD No. 2 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 60373 epevents:- SRCPOS keyword is not found in event file and cannot not be used. epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 38856 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 100679 epevents:- Last event frame seems to be missing in EXPOSURE extension. This does not influence pattern and amplitude information. epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 10069 event: 8051 13.3% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 50341 event: 30393 50.3% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 70477 event: 40943 67.8% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 80545 event: 46875 77.6% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- performing CTI correction ... epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 13.983 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 2 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9661 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 9.28752 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.39569 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 5029 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 35160 2973 NaN 355963633.5397 NaN 0 0.0 94.1185 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 60373 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 243 epevents:- number of single events: 37378 epevents:- number of double patterns: 3042 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 155 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 200 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 15646 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 960 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 133 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 234 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 0 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 40775 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:21.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.716469s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 60363 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events02.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events02.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:22.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 2 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow attcalc:- Filter = Medium attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 305.70124440958602 -25.059686384085300 ** attcalc: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.039978s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly attcalc:- No of input events: 60373 attcalc:- No of event frames: 38752 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 345.44646004097422 305.09904938367930 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 43.757774324179508 -66.205441326992471 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 92.769118464443395 46.480089948385931 ** attcalc: warning (outOfImageRange), 60373 events ( of 60373 ) out of range of image attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:22.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.201144s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events02.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents02.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>0 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- Starting with CCD = 4 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:22.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00304IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:22.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.012233s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat gtiset=gti04.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap04.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:22.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: ********** epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: ********** epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 26740 epframes:- emos2: 27745 epframes:- epn : 28524 epframes:- rgs1 : 29794 epframes:- rgs2 : 29799 epframes:- om : 15721 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00304IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU00504DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 41045 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 66663 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 180483 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 301285 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 22 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 39549 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.6196s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #990 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2730 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #4547 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 32 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 2 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 5: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 8: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 23: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 72 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 35 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 10.800 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 300.610 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 292.389 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q1: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.028 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 22 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 22 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 545 with 61106 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 22 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 39549 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.6196s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.36060 epframes:- End time = 355965597.01120 epframes:- Number of frames = 100676.96178 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638219 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 61129 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100678 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 80 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 562 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 34 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 8 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -157.651 [V], range = [-161.249,-156.750] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 11.112 [mA], range = [ 10.487, 11.962] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 91.3 [ ], range = [ 18.0, 253.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.158 [mu A], range = [ 2.317, 3.475] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.907 [mA], range = [ 11.042, 12.517] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] epframes:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in ADUCONV.CCF epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epframes:- calculation with -99 frames and chopper = 0 with median correction = ??? and filter = UNDETERMINED epframes:- offset = 512 lower threshold = 532 MIP rejection method: MIP CORREC.2 epframes:- MIP threshold = 3512 maximum number = 63 neighbouring columns/lines = 1 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), Filter during offset map calculation (UNDETERMINED) different from observation (Medium) ** epframes: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.03998s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 47.66384 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 150.00001 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8426 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 3000 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 2300 event: 4612 11.2% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 4600 event: 8517 20.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 6900 event: 12704 31.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 9200 event: 16787 40.9% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 11500 event: 20546 50.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 13800 event: 24441 59.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 16100 event: 28337 69.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 18400 event: 32396 78.9% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 20700 event: 36641 89.3% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 23000 event: 41037 100.0% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 0 of total: 22990 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00000 for LW-Mode in 0.953 [s] = 0.0000 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 1 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 1989 509 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 2468 236 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 2496 234 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 2498 250 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 2519 323 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 2473 348 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 2415 345 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 1927 646 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 153905 mean = 2482.3 median = 2486.0 deviation = 0.073 mean2 = 2483.7 median2 = 2486.0 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 16004 mean = 258.1 median = 253.0 deviation = 0.322 epframes:- epframes:- DLI average, median, min, max = 2483.700 2486.000 2390.000 2552.000 epframes:- Adev, Sdev, Skew, Kurtosis = 29.140 37.578 -0.4929 -0.3034 epframes:- epframes:- Total number of frames: 23004 epframes:- There were no wrong events! epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/1 [4] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 22 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 39549 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.6196s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78763120.246136 epframes:- epframes:- Orbital phase range: 1711.3443 1711.3726 0.0283 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 253.696 [Hz] epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 355960798.36060 355965596.96354 4798.60293 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 4798.65060 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 9.0381 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 9.2702 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 0.4308 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 15.0305 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 14.6195 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 1.3411 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0281 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.6500E+00 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.2616E+00 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:23.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.5201s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0004.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0004.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:23.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 4 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 9171100003003 badpixfind:- Observation id: 9171100003 badpixfind:- CCF: 64 bad pixel sets: 64 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 102 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 99 badpixfind:- 23791 events (out of 40943 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 99 (Total 6336 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 17 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 191 Highest column total: 670 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 2 Highest column median: 7 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 17152 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7070705890655518 badpixfind:- Median value: 2 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.50073581781061960 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 4552.1437982783600 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000000E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- No hot or dead pixels found - thresholds OK? badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6336 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 17 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 17152 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7070705890655518 badpixfind:- Median value: 2 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6336 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 17 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 17152 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7070705890655518 badpixfind:- Median value: 2 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Creating file (P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0004.FIT): Number of entries: 0 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:23.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.075955s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XRT3, XPSF, 14, /ccf/pub/XRT3_XPSF_0014.CCF, 2000-01-13T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0004.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0004.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:23.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 3528 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 379 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:23.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0004.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0004.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:23.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 6330 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 1 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:23.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents04.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0004.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=Y emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents04.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0004.FIT getnewbadpix=yes emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:23.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 4 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpix:- Filter = Medium badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18227386474609 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 289.02610778808599 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode3 - new bad pixels (from BADPIXFIND) badpix:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in BADPIX.CCF badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 64 bad pixel sets badpix:- 64 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 0 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 0 pixel sets contained within badpixfind file badpix:- 64 pixel sets in total badpix:- 64 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:24.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.03768s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' eventset=rawevents04.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=1 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=0 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents04.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 4)' withoffsetlist=yes odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=no withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:24.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, IMAGING, 003, 4, S) epreject:- epreject:- Offset map used: 1711_0555471201_PNU20104ODI.FIT epreject:- Computation time of offsets: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epreject:- Downlink date of event data: 2009-04-12T21:58:53 - 2009-04-12T23:18:51 epreject:- Downlink date of offset map: 2009-04-12T15:55:33 - 2009-04-12T15:55:59 epreject:- epreject:- Reading 2D offset map 1711_0555471201_PNU20104ODI.FIT epreject:- Offset map MIN,MAX = 0 612 epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: UNDETERMINED epreject:- FILTER during science observation: Medium epreject:- reading from CCF: pnMasterOffset epreject:- XRL coefficients set to zero (no correction applied). epreject:- Masking source at position: 24 118 epreject:- Masking source at position: 31 143 epreject:- Determining offset corrections from offset map for chip 4 epreject:- 21872 of 40943 events selected for offset correction epreject:- 3748 events shifted below threshold of 20 [adu] epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:24.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.179026s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents04.dat outset=events04.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=0 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap04.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents04.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events04.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=no lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap04.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:24.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.182 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(1-0) = CCD No. 4 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 40943 epevents:- SRCPOS keyword is not found in event file and cannot not be used. epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 23004 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 100677 epevents:- Last event frame seems to be missing in EXPOSURE extension. This does not influence pattern and amplitude information. epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 30205 event: 12984 31.7% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 40273 event: 17366 42.4% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 50341 event: 20239 49.4% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 90613 event: 35328 86.3% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- performing CTI correction ... epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 15.8761 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 4 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9672 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 9.28752 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.95421 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 5032 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 9177 991 NaN 355961742.7238 NaN 0 0.0 91.3155 epevents:- 21495 2731 NaN 355963402.0444 NaN 0 0.0 91.3155 epevents:- 35535 4548 NaN 355965134.4337 NaN 0 0.0 91.3155 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 40943 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 313 epevents:- number of single events: 20709 epevents:- number of double patterns: 3506 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 178 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 261 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 11644 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 1106 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 62 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 113 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 0 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 24654 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:26.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.708941s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 40933 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events04.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events04.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:26.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 4 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow attcalc:- Filter = Medium attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 305.70124440958602 -25.059686384085300 ** attcalc: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.039978s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly attcalc:- No of input events: 40943 attcalc:- No of event frames: 22990 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 345.44470732999355 305.09905450240001 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 43.757580119111708 -66.204775204634061 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 92.769105190766368 46.481913510325910 ** attcalc: warning (outOfImageRange), 40943 events ( of 40943 ) out of range of image attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:26.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.110651s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events04.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents04.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>0 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- Starting with CCD = 7 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:26.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00307IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:26.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.004662s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' eventset=rawevents07.dat gtiset=gti07.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap07.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' eventset=rawevents07.dat gtiset=gti07.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap07.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:26.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: ********** epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: ********** epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 26740 epframes:- emos2: 27745 epframes:- epn : 28524 epframes:- rgs1 : 29794 epframes:- rgs2 : 29799 epframes:- om : 15721 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00307IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU00807DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 141992 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 40638 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 219582 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 291561 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 54 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 4327 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.3336s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #583 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #3327 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #4407 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 67 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 11 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 1 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 11: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 103 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 168 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 15.450 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 397.715 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 384.552 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q2: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.034 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 54 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 51 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 421 with 96303 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 54 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 4327 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.3336s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.27719 epframes:- End time = 355965597.11843 epframes:- Number of frames = 100680.96167 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638219 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 96355 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100682 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = -93 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 526 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 1 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 62 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 7 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 9 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -151.466 [V], range = [-151.466,-151.466] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.742 [mA], range = [ 9.980, 11.467] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 95.9 [ ], range = [ 22.0, 247.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.740 [mu A], range = [ 2.586, 3.756] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.831 [mA], range = [ 11.213, 12.407] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] epframes:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in ADUCONV.CCF epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epframes:- calculation with -99 frames and chopper = 0 with median correction = ??? and filter = UNDETERMINED epframes:- offset = 512 lower threshold = 532 MIP rejection method: MIP CORREC.2 epframes:- MIP threshold = 3512 maximum number = 63 neighbouring columns/lines = 1 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), Filter during offset map calculation (UNDETERMINED) different from observation (Medium) ** epframes: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.03998s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 47.66384 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 150.00001 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8426 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 3000 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 7165 event: 16019 11.3% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 14330 event: 29761 21.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 21495 event: 43759 30.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 28660 event: 58240 41.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 35825 event: 71669 50.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 42990 event: 85302 60.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 50155 event: 98716 69.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 57320 event: 112841 79.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 64485 event: 127282 89.6% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 71650 event: 141988 100.0% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 0 of total: 71614 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00000 for LW-Mode in 0.953 [s] = 0.0000 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 1 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 2038 427 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 2539 229 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 2602 253 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 2602 243 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 2547 338 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 2461 338 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 2495 356 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 2034 312 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 158769 mean = 2560.8 median = 2561.0 deviation = 0.004 mean2 = 2562.2 median2 = 2563.5 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 16227 mean = 261.7 median = 253.5 deviation = 0.517 epframes:- epframes:- DLI average, median, min, max = 2562.250 2563.500 2461.000 2685.000 epframes:- Adev, Sdev, Skew, Kurtosis = 40.783 50.985 0.2915 -0.5604 epframes:- epframes:- Total number of frames: 71652 epframes:- There were no wrong events! epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/2 [7] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 54 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 4327 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.3336s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78763120.246135 epframes:- epframes:- Orbital phase range: 1711.3443 1711.3726 0.0283 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 253.696 [Hz] epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 355960798.27719 355965597.07077 4798.79358 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 4798.84125 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 31.2973 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 32.2588 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 1.4918 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 19.8858 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 19.2276 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 3.6715 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0342 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.2250E+00 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.2544E-01 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:27.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.6534s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0007.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0007.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:27.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 7 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 9171100003003 badpixfind:- Observation id: 9171100003 badpixfind:- CCF: 68 bad pixel sets: 66 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 102 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 99 badpixfind:- 124198 events (out of 141882 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 99 (Total 6336 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 50 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 166 Highest column total: 449 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 2 Highest column median: 4 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 17684 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7910354137420654 badpixfind:- Median value: 3 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.50075571202759306 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 4552.3246547962999 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000002E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 50 PSFfac= 1.866) found at 48,105 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6333 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 15 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 17578 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7756197452545166 badpixfind:- Median value: 3 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6335 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 29 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 17634 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7835831642150879 badpixfind:- Median value: 3 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Creating file (P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0007.FIT): Number of entries: 1 badpixfind:- RAWX RAWY TYPE EXTENT badpixfind:- 48 105 1 1 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:27.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.083462s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XRT3, XPSF, 14, /ccf/pub/XRT3_XPSF_0014.CCF, 2000-01-13T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0007.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0007.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:27.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 3463 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 410 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:27.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0007.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents07.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0007.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:28.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- No hot or dead pixels found - thresholds OK? badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 6336 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 0 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:28.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents07.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0007.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=Y emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents07.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0007.FIT getnewbadpix=yes emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:28.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 7 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpix:- Filter = Medium badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18227386474609 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 287.25559425354010 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode3 - new bad pixels (from BADPIXFIND) badpix:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in BADPIX.CCF badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 68 bad pixel sets badpix:- 66 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 2 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 1 pixel sets contained within badpixfind file badpix:- 69 pixel sets in total badpix:- Note - No exact CCF entries contained within Badpixfind file badpix:- 69 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 62 1 1 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 48 1 1 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 47 1 1 2 badpix:- 34 49 1 100 2 badpix:- 48 105 1 1 3 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:28.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.036656s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' eventset=rawevents07.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=1 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=0 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents07.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 7)' withoffsetlist=yes odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=no withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:28.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, IMAGING, 003, 7, S) epreject:- epreject:- Offset map used: 1711_0555471201_PNU20107ODI.FIT epreject:- Computation time of offsets: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epreject:- Downlink date of event data: 2009-04-12T21:58:53 - 2009-04-12T23:18:51 epreject:- Downlink date of offset map: 2009-04-12T15:57:44 - 2009-04-12T15:58:09 epreject:- epreject:- Reading 2D offset map 1711_0555471201_PNU20107ODI.FIT epreject:- Offset map MIN,MAX = 0 709 epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: UNDETERMINED epreject:- FILTER during science observation: Medium epreject:- reading from CCF: pnMasterOffset epreject:- XRL coefficients set to zero (no correction applied). epreject:- Masking source at position: 1 181 epreject:- Masking source at position: 48 107 epreject:- Determining offset corrections from offset map for chip 7 epreject:- 91565 of 141882 events selected for offset correction epreject:- 35580 events shifted below threshold of 20 [adu] epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:29.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.268372s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents07.dat outset=events07.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=0 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap07.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents07.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events07.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=no lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap07.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:29.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.182 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(2-0) = CCD No. 7 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 141882 epevents:- SRCPOS keyword is not found in event file and cannot not be used. epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 71652 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 100681 epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 10069 event: 16561 11.7% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 30205 event: 43878 30.9% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 50341 event: 71368 50.3% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 60409 event: 84568 59.6% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 80545 event: 111818 78.8% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- performing CTI correction ... epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 14.1056 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 7 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9695 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 9.28752 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.58575 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 5030 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 18641 584 NaN 355961354.7523 NaN 0 0.0 95.8614 epevents:- 92863 3328 NaN 355963972.5923 NaN 0 0.0 95.8614 epevents:- 122848 4408 NaN 355965002.7505 NaN 0 0.0 95.8614 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 141882 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 375 epevents:- number of single events: 86235 epevents:- number of double patterns: 3605 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 199 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 224 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 46944 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 1080 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 76 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 340 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 0 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 90263 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:31.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.960962s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 141872 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events07.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events07.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:31.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 7 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow attcalc:- Filter = Medium attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 305.70124440958602 -25.059686384085300 ** attcalc: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.039978s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly attcalc:- No of input events: 141882 attcalc:- No of event frames: 71614 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 345.44944100577032 305.09904682854250 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 43.757871253274303 -66.206574118178452 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 92.769125080935225 46.476988357278707 ** attcalc: warning (outOfImageRange), 141882 events ( of 141882 ) out of range of image attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:31.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.231354s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events07.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents07.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>0 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- Starting with CCD = 10 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:32.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00310IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:32.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.005338s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10)' eventset=rawevents10.dat gtiset=gti10.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap10.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10)' eventset=rawevents10.dat gtiset=gti10.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap10.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:32.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: ********** epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: ********** epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 29801 epframes:- emos2: 24936 epframes:- epn : 27756 epframes:- rgs1 : 25199 epframes:- rgs2 : 26484 epframes:- om : 26996 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00310IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU01110DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 155494 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 75412 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 89358 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 109197 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 151807 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 264783 for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1128 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1344 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1638 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2284 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #4013 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 46 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 31: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 92 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 119 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 13.800 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 380.932 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 369.767 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.030 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 31 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 30 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 43 with 97776 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.28911 epframes:- End time = 355965597.13035 epframes:- Number of frames = 100680.96167 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638219 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 97807 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100682 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 111 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 549 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 45 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 10 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -161.049 [V], range = [-161.068,-158.841] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.982 [mA], range = [ 10.284, 11.782] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 94.1 [ ], range = [ 22.0, 222.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.418 [mu A], range = [ 3.369, 4.548] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.679 [mA], range = [ 10.956, 12.440] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] epframes:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in ADUCONV.CCF epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epframes:- calculation with -99 frames and chopper = 0 with median correction = ??? and filter = UNDETERMINED epframes:- offset = 512 lower threshold = 532 MIP rejection method: MIP CORREC.2 epframes:- MIP threshold = 3512 maximum number = 63 neighbouring columns/lines = 1 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), Filter during offset map calculation (UNDETERMINED) different from observation (Medium) ** epframes: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.03998s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 47.66384 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 150.00001 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8426 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 2999 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 7610 event: 16793 10.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 15220 event: 31646 20.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 22830 event: 46662 30.0% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 30440 event: 62565 40.2% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 38050 event: 77628 49.9% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 45660 event: 92494 59.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 53270 event: 107658 69.2% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 60880 event: 123234 79.3% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 68490 event: 139172 89.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 76100 event: 155482 100.0% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 0 of total: 76076 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00000 for LW-Mode in 0.953 [s] = 0.0000 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 1 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 2050 538 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 2575 284 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 2578 284 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 2611 250 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 2523 234 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 2508 247 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 2442 379 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 2005 548 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 158815 mean = 2561.5 median = 2565.0 deviation = 0.068 mean2 = 2563.3 median2 = 2565.0 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 16051 mean = 258.9 median = 254.5 deviation = 0.275 epframes:- epframes:- DLI average, median, min, max = 2563.300 2565.000 2440.000 2682.000 epframes:- Adev, Sdev, Skew, Kurtosis = 41.467 52.536 -0.0417 -0.1767 epframes:- epframes:- Total number of frames: 76103 epframes:- There were no wrong events! epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 0/3 [10] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78763120.246135 epframes:- epframes:- Orbital phase range: 1711.3443 1711.3726 0.0283 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 253.696 [Hz] epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 355960798.28911 355965597.08269 4798.79358 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 4798.84125 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 34.2609 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 35.1884 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 1.6330 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 19.0466 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 18.4884 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 4.0395 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0302 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.1953E+00 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.1761E-01 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:33.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.68s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents10.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0010.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents10.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0010.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:33.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 10 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 9171100003003 badpixfind:- Observation id: 9171100003 badpixfind:- CCF: 72 bad pixel sets: 65 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 102 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 99 badpixfind:- 136266 events (out of 155395 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 99 (Total 6336 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 38 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 221 Highest column total: 598 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 2 Highest column median: 6 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 19129 badpixfind:- Mean value : 3.0190973281860352 badpixfind:- Median value: 3 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.50075571202137259 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 4552.3246547397503 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000002E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 38 PSFfac= 1.779) found at 39,169 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6335 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 19 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 19091 badpixfind:- Mean value : 3.0135753154754639 badpixfind:- Median value: 3 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6335 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 19 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 19091 badpixfind:- Mean value : 3.0135753154754639 badpixfind:- Median value: 3 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Creating file (P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0010.FIT): Number of entries: 1 badpixfind:- RAWX RAWY TYPE EXTENT badpixfind:- 39 169 1 1 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:33.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.094026s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XRT3, XPSF, 14, /ccf/pub/XRT3_XPSF_0014.CCF, 2000-01-13T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents10.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0010.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents10.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0010.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:33.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 3370 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 419 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:33.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents10.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0010.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents10.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0010.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:33.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 6323 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 1 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:33.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents10.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0010.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=Y emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents10.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0010.FIT getnewbadpix=yes emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:33.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 10 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpix:- Filter = Medium badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18227386474609 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 286.19775390625000 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode3 - new bad pixels (from BADPIXFIND) badpix:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in BADPIX.CCF badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 72 bad pixel sets badpix:- 65 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 7 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 1 pixel sets contained within badpixfind file badpix:- 73 pixel sets in total badpix:- Note - No exact CCF entries contained within Badpixfind file badpix:- 73 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 191 1 1 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 169 1 1 2 badpix:- 31 159 1 1 2 badpix:- 54 196 1 1 2 badpix:- 55 165 1 1 2 badpix:- 61 138 1 1 2 badpix:- 62 139 1 2 2 badpix:- 64 145 1 2 2 badpix:- 39 169 1 1 3 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:34.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.03427s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10)' eventset=rawevents10.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=1 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=0 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents10.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 10)' withoffsetlist=yes odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=no withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:34.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, IMAGING, 003, 10, S) epreject:- epreject:- Offset map used: 1711_0555471201_PNU20110ODI.FIT epreject:- Computation time of offsets: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epreject:- Downlink date of event data: 2009-04-12T21:58:53 - 2009-04-12T23:18:51 epreject:- Downlink date of offset map: 2009-04-12T15:59:53 - 2009-04-12T16:00:19 epreject:- epreject:- Reading 2D offset map 1711_0555471201_PNU20110ODI.FIT epreject:- Offset map MIN,MAX = 0 3859 epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: UNDETERMINED epreject:- FILTER during science observation: Medium epreject:- reading from CCF: pnMasterOffset epreject:- XRL coefficients set to zero (no correction applied). epreject:- Masking source at position: 16 187 epreject:- Masking source at position: 64 167 epreject:- Determining offset corrections from offset map for chip 10 epreject:- 97377 of 155395 events selected for offset correction epreject:- 27736 events shifted below threshold of 20 [adu] epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:34.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.227966s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents10.dat outset=events10.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=0 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap10.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents10.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events10.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=no lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap10.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:35.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.182 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(3-0) = CCD No.10 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 155395 epevents:- SRCPOS keyword is not found in event file and cannot not be used. epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 76103 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 100681 epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 10069 event: 17337 11.2% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 20137 event: 31913 20.5% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 30205 event: 46725 30.1% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 50341 event: 77442 49.8% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 60409 event: 91878 59.1% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 80545 event: 122477 78.8% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 100681 event: 155392 100.0% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... epevents:- performing CTI correction ... epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 13.0478 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 10 Orsay gain scaling = 0.908 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 9.28752 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.53131 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 5031 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 35303 1129 NaN 355961874.2998 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- 41711 1345 NaN 355962080.2552 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- 50875 1639 NaN 355962360.5661 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- 70692 2285 NaN 355962976.9070 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- 122100 4014 NaN 355964625.7893 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 155395 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 275 epevents:- number of single events: 106499 epevents:- number of double patterns: 3499 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 197 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 236 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 40363 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 1115 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 63 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 157 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 110431 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:36.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.9614s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 155385 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events10.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events10.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:36.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 10 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow attcalc:- Filter = Medium attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 305.70124440958602 -25.059686384085300 ** attcalc: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.039978s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly attcalc:- No of input events: 155395 attcalc:- No of event frames: 76076 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 345.44996720756012 305.09904792444053 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 43.757829681467335 -66.206774061903047 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 92.769122243887907 46.476440846168877 ** attcalc: warning (outOfImageRange), 155395 events ( of 155395 ) out of range of image attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:36.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.296401s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events10.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents10.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>0 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- Starting with CCD = 11 odfexpand:- Executing (routine): odfexpand odfrequest='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11)' -w 1 -V 5 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:37.000 ./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00311IME.FIT odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:37.000 odfexpand:- odfexpand (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.006641s -:- -:- OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11) -:- -:- CMD: epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11)' eventset=rawevents11.dat gtiset=gti11.dat wrongpixlimit=20 withsrcrawy=0 srcposition=190 withsrccoords=0 srcra=0 srcdec=0 witheventmap=1 eventmapset=eventmap11.dat mipdist=N mipmethod=onboard f1294=0 f1118=UNKNOWN f1052=32400 anchop=0 ecntempqb1=-9999.9 lowerthreshold=20 withfinetime=1 guessdeltap=0 withfifogti=0 fifogtithresh=76 automode=0 autofilter=0 qualmax=0 hkok=1 odfok=1 showaux=N showccx=N showpmh=N showpah=N showve=N withradmon=1 radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 ancmcorr=512 ancmloth=532 ccfok=1 setupbpx=nom3 -w 10 epframes:- Executing (routine): epframes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11)' eventset=rawevents11.dat gtiset=gti11.dat withradmon=yes radmonset=P9171100003OBX000RADMON0000.FIT wrongpixlimit=20 srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no srcposition=190 withsrcrawy=no withfinetime=yes lowerthreshold=20 fifogtithresh=76 withfifogti=no mipthreshold=3000 mipmethod=onboard qualmax=0 eventmapset=eventmap11.dat nomipthresholdlow=40 nomipthresholdhigh=1600 softthresholdlow=20 softthresholdhigh=30 witheventmap=yes mipdist=no mipdiscard=yes f1294=0 f1052=32400 f1118=UNKNOWN anchop=0 ancmloth=532 ancmcorr=512 aneamipsel=1 anmaxmip=63 anmip=3512 anmaxfrc=20 ansendmode='MIP CORREC.2' ecntempqb1=-9999.9 hcettmpfpf=-89.965 automode=no autofilter=no odfok=yes hkok=yes setupbpx=nom3 ccfok=yes withinvalidobt=yes withallobtgti=yes guessdeltap=no showccx=no showaux=no showpmh=no showpah=no showve=no -w 10 -V 5 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:37.000 epframes:- EPFRAMES 8.116 is running... epframes:- ODF summary file is : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000SUM.SAS epframes:- epframes:- XMM ODF in directory : ./tempodf/./ epframes:- revolution number : 1711 epframes:- proposal id : 917110 epframes:- total number of files : 71 epframes:- observation id : 0003 epframes:- observation start time: 2009-04-12T21:34:57.000 epframes:- type of ODF : SLEW epframes:- name of the GO : epframes:- institute of the GO : epframes:- postal addr. of the GO: epframes:- e-mail addr. of the GO: epframes:- epframes:- AO of proposal : epframes:- science type : epframes:- name of the target : epframes:- epframes:- Ra of target [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- Dec of target [deg]: ********** epframes:- Ra of boresight [deg]: ********** epframes:- Dec of boresight [deg]: 0.00000 epframes:- duration of obser. [s]: 0.0 epframes:- epframes:- pos. angle constraints: epframes:- pos. angle orig. ref. : epframes:- epframes:- instrument priorities : emos1: 29801 epframes:- emos2: 24936 epframes:- epn : 27756 epframes:- rgs1 : 25199 epframes:- rgs2 : 26484 epframes:- om : 26996 epframes:- epframes:- Parameter FILTER from SUM file: Medium epframes:- Parameter CMCORR_PN_DB not found, will not be used for checks. epframes:- CAL is set to ccdModeID = 21 = PrimeLargeWindow epframes:- CCF frame time [ms] : 47.66463852 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC pn Science File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00311IME.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Auxil File : 1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn Disc. Lines : 1711_9171100003_PNU01211DLI.FIT epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no ODI file epframes:- No Offset maps found... epframes:- ... found no HDI file epframes:- ... found no ODI/HDI file epframes:- EPIC pn Main HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PMH.FIT epframes:- EPIC pn AddP HK File : 1711_9171100003_PNX00000PAH.FIT epframes:- XMM S/C HK No.5 File : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000P5S.FIT epframes:- XMM ReconstructOrbit : 1711_9171100003_SCX00000ROS.ASC epframes:- epframes:- Special slew attitude handling ... epframes:- Target, Boresight: RA,DEC = 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 epframes:- handling of empty frames: enabled epframes:- Number of events in input CCD file: 136723 epframes:- CAL_JUMP_TOLERANCE = 41 [units] epframes:- SAS_JUMP_TOLERANCE not defined. Will use CAL CCF value. epframes:- epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 75412 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 89358 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 109197 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 151807 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Could not find or use frame number 264783 for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] in auxiliary file `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' - will set OBT to -100 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1128 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1344 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #1638 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #2284 is invalid (-100) ** epframes: warning (InvalidObtValue), OBT vector element #4013 is invalid (-100) epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 1: 46 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 2: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 3: 3 epframes:- Loss-of-512-events with multiplicity 31: 1 epframes:- epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 92 epframes:- Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 119 epframes:- Exposure loss due to FIFO overflows in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 13.800 [s] epframes:- Average NABOVE value in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 380.932 epframes:- Average NDEFA value in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 369.767 epframes:- Average count loss factor in Q3: [1711_9171100003_PNS003] 1.030 epframes:- epframes:- ... checking AUX1 frames integrity ... epframes:- .. ... number of bad FTCOARSE frames in PNAUX1 for this CCD: 31 epframes:- .. ... number of bad PNAUX1 intervals for this CCD: 30 epframes:- .. ... minimum difference in times of good frames: 2326 [units] at FRAME = 43 with 97776 analysed intervals epframes:- MODE, F1294, CHOP suggested to be: 2 0 0 epframes:- ... ... computing times via OAL ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s epframes:- ... ... determine AUX1 GTIs ... epframes:- epframes:- Start time = 355960798.29307 epframes:- End time = 355965597.13432 epframes:- Number of frames = 100680.96167 epframes:- Frame time [ms] = 47.6638400 epframes:- Best match [ms] = 47.6638219 epframes:- epframes:- epframes:- AUX1 good frames from file for quadrant: 97807 epframes:- total number of EXPOSUnn frames will be: 100682 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), calculation interval not after previous exposure ** epframes: warning (HKoffsetmap), cannot derive offset map parameters from PMH file, no interval found at all. epframes:- epframes:- FIFOreset = 111 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 0 # = 549 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 2 # = 45 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 3 # = 1 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 4 # = 2 epframes:- FIFOdiff = 10 # = 1 epframes:- epframes:- H_CE_FWSPOT: average = 233.237 [deg], range = [ 233.230, 234.068] -> FILTER = Medium / FILTC-MEDIUM epframes:- V_VC_UHVx: average = -161.049 [V], range = [-161.068,-158.841] epframes:- E_Cx_IVSSA: average = 10.982 [mA], range = [ 10.284, 11.782] epframes:- Ax_DSLINC: average = 94.1 [ ], range = [ 22.0, 222.0] epframes:- H_CE_TTMPFPF: average = -89.968 [deg C], range = [ -90.276, -89.840] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP1: average = 1.476 [deg C], range = [ 1.351, 1.732] epframes:- D_P_S_TEMP2: average = 3.095 [deg C], range = [ 2.873, 3.507] epframes:- C_CE_TEMPBOX: average = -1.844 [deg C], range = [ -1.850, -0.120] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP1: average = 32.750 [deg C], range = [ 32.750, 32.750] epframes:- V_VC_TEMP2: average = 18.910 [deg C], range = [ 18.910, 18.910] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP1: average = 7.642 [deg C], range = [ 6.748, 7.645] epframes:- H_CE_FWTEMP2: average = 5.636 [deg C], range = [ 4.038, 6.727] epframes:- F1574: average = 15.709 [deg C], range = [ 13.096, 18.116] epframes:- F1674: average = 19.376 [deg C], range = [ 16.712, 21.742] epframes:- F1774: average = 17.966 [deg C], range = [ 16.246, 19.595] epframes:- F1874: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- F1576: average = 13.983 [deg C], range = [ 12.369, 14.028] epframes:- F1676: average = 15.876 [deg C], range = [ 14.374, 16.035] epframes:- F1776: average = 14.106 [deg C], range = [ 14.106, 14.106] epframes:- F1876: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPEA1: average = 21.838 [deg C], range = [ 19.438, 22.808] epframes:- E_Cx_TEMPQB1: average = 13.048 [deg C], range = [ 12.590, 14.261] epframes:- E_Cx_IGRAx: average = 3.715 [mu A], range = [ 2.591, 3.763] epframes:- E_Cx_IVDDA: average = 11.679 [mA], range = [ 10.956, 12.440] epframes:- epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXmZ average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_UTT_TTpXpZ average = 5.212 [deg C], range = [ 5.000, 5.312] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCE: average = -0.238 [deg C], range = [ -0.278, 0.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPCH: average = 0.330 [deg C], range = [ 0.294, 0.588] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPDH: average = 1.210 [deg C], range = [ 1.176, 1.471] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPEA: average = 10.917 [deg C], range = [ 10.667, 11.000] epframes:- TH_U_X_EPVC: average = 11.229 [deg C], range = [ 11.000, 11.333] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPAmZ: average = 11.667 [deg C], range = [ 11.667, 11.667] epframes:- TH_U_X_FPApZ: average = 5.625 [deg C], range = [ 5.625, 5.625] epframes:- TH_U_X_PDU: average = 6.890 [deg C], range = [ 6.875, 7.188] epframes:- TH_U_X_RAE1: average = 8.300 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- TH_U_X_RDE11: average = 8.279 [deg C], range = [ 8.125, 8.438] epframes:- epframes:- 1711_9171100003_PNS003: FILTER related keywords: SAS:F1122 [Medium], PMH:FD130 [MEDIUM] epframes:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in ADUCONV.CCF epframes:- Offset table calculation time interval: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epframes:- calculation with -99 frames and chopper = 0 with median correction = ??? and filter = UNDETERMINED epframes:- offset = 512 lower threshold = 532 MIP rejection method: MIP CORREC.2 epframes:- MIP threshold = 3512 maximum number = 63 neighbouring columns/lines = 1 ** epframes: warning (OffsetMap), Filter during offset map calculation (UNDETERMINED) different from observation (Medium) ** epframes: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.03998s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly epframes:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epframes:- EPIC-pn frame time (from CCF) [ms] = 47.66384 epframes:- FIFO deadtime (from CCF) [ms] = 150.00001 epframes:- FIFO reset residual exposure fraction = 0.8426 epframes:- epframes:- ODF PHA range: [ 20 , 3583 ] adu epframes:- epframes:- CCD frame: 7074 event: 15242 11.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 14148 event: 28404 20.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 21222 event: 42000 30.7% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 28296 event: 55430 40.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 35370 event: 68505 50.1% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 42444 event: 81698 59.8% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 49518 event: 94833 69.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 56592 event: 108577 79.4% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 63666 event: 122321 89.5% completion epframes:- CCD frame: 70740 event: 136720 100.0% completion epframes:- epframes:- Number of frames > MAXMIP: 4 of total: 70683 epframes:- Number of SAS MIP column rejections: 0.00315 for LW-Mode in 0.953 [s] = 0.0033 [columns/s/CCD] epframes:- epframes:- EPN DLI analysis: MIPSEL = 1 epframes:- DLI for X = 1 2046 473 epframes:- DLI for X = 2 2527 217 epframes:- DLI for X = 3 2516 237 epframes:- DLI for X = 4 2538 247 epframes:- DLI for X = 61 2497 406 epframes:- DLI for X = 62 2513 307 epframes:- DLI for X = 63 2304 436 epframes:- DLI for X = 64 1854 895 epframes:- DLI analysis: sum = 157310 mean = 2537.3 median = 2550.5 deviation = 0.262 mean2 = 2541.3 median2 = 2554.5 epframes:- EVT analysis: sum = 17466 mean = 281.7 median = 265.5 deviation = 0.995 epframes:- epframes:- DLI average, median, min, max = 2541.317 2554.500 2412.000 2622.000 epframes:- Adev, Sdev, Skew, Kurtosis = 38.797 48.367 -0.7164 0.0609 epframes:- epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- total number of wrong events : 3330 epframes:- number of detected MIP events: 1398 epframes:- number of rejected MIP columns: 984 epframes:- Frames with false coarse time: 11 epframes:- Total number of input frames: 70741 epframes:- Total number of output frames: 70683 epframes:- Total number of input events: 136723 epframes:- Total number of output events: 133341 epframes:- ---------------------------------------------------------------- epframes:- ... entering OAL_frameCountersToObt ... epframes:- Jump time multiple set to: 41 epframes:- Statistics on auxiliary data from `./tempodf/.//1711_9171100003_PNS00300AUX.FIT:PNAUX1' for CCD/Quadrant: 1/3 [11] : epframes:- spurious 32767-frames: 31 late-reset frames : 0 missing frames : 2875 normal resets : 0 premature increments : 0 negative jumps : 0 positive jumps : 0 wrong quadrant/CCD : 0 unverifiable deltas : 0 unidentified deltas : 0 minimum delta : 0.04764s maximum delta : 0.4767s epframes:- OBT: number of negative obtTags: 0 epframes:- timeTags(0)-obtTags(0) = 78763120.246135 epframes:- epframes:- Orbital phase range: 1711.3443 1711.3726 0.0283 epframes:- epframes:- EPIC-pn oscillator shift from HK values: 253.696 [Hz] epframes:- epframes:- number of good time intervals = 1 epframes:- Index Start Stop Length epframes:- 1 355960798.29307 355965597.08666 4798.79358 epframes:- sum of good time intervals [s] = 4798.84125 epframes:- epframes:- FIFO recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 30.1250 [cts/s] epframes:- Full recovered rate (all/fifotime): LW 30.9405 [cts/s] epframes:- Total count rate (all/fifotime): 1.4359 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total quad. rate (all/fifoabth): 19.0466 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total DEFA rate (all/fifodefa): 18.4884 [cts/frame] epframes:- Total EPDH rate (all/fifoepdh): 4.0395 [cts/frame] epframes:- Count rate FIFO reduction factor: 1.0302 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fiforate): 0.2379E+00 epframes:- Probability for empty frame (fifoepdh): 0.1761E-01 epframes:- EPFRAMES finished epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:38.000 epframes:- epframes (epframes-8.116) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.6802s epframes:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, MODEPARAM, 3, /ccf/pub/EPN_MODEPARAM_0003.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMEJUMPTOL, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents11.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0011.FIT hithresh=0.0045 hicolthresh=0.00105 backgroundrate=0.00011 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12.0 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 withsearchbadcolumn=y thresholdlabel=rate -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents11.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.0045 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.00105 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.00011 narrowerthanpsf=1.5 badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0011.FIT badpixmap=badpixmap.fits withbadpixmap=no withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.14 hienergythresh=12 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 5 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:38.000 badpixfind:- Instrument = EPN badpixfind:- CCD chip = 11 badpixfind:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpixfind:- Accuracy level = 1 badpixfind:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 badpixfind:- Randomization = F badpixfind:- Exposure id: 9171100003003 badpixfind:- Observation id: 9171100003 badpixfind:- CCF: 68 bad pixel sets: 66 are uplinked badpixfind:- Image origin at RAWX= 1 , RAWY= 102 badpixfind:- Image size in RAWX= 64 , in RAWY= 99 badpixfind:- 115124 events (out of 133341 ) outside energy range - ignored badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Initial Image Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of X pixels: 64 No. of Y pixels: 99 (Total 6336 ) badpixfind:- Lowest value: 0 Highest value: 72 badpixfind:- Lowest column total: 148 Highest column total: 845 badpixfind:- Lowest column median: 1 Highest column median: 6 badpixfind:- Total No. of counts: 18217 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.8751578330993652 badpixfind:- Median value: 3 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Background (ct/pix): 0.50075571202137259 badpixfind:- Exposure time = 4552.3246547397503 sec. badpixfind:- Background (ct/s/pix): 1.1000000000000002E-004 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 46 PSFfac= 1.527) found at 64,106 badpixfind:- starts column of extent 5 pixels badpixfind:- Hot pixel (counts= 53 PSFfac= 1.761) found at 64,114 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Statistics after hot/dead pixel/column search (Mode1) *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6325 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 18 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 17709 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.7998418807983398 badpixfind:- Median value: 3 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- flickertimesteps of 1 chosen - not searching for flickering pixels badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Final Statistics *** badpixfind:- No. of good pixels 6330 badpixfind:- New lowest value: 0 New highest value: 37 badpixfind:- Total No. of good counts: 17869 badpixfind:- Mean value : 2.8229067325592041 badpixfind:- Median value: 3 badpixfind:- Mode value : 2 badpixfind:- Creating file (P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0011.FIT): Number of entries: 2 badpixfind:- RAWX RAWY TYPE EXTENT badpixfind:- 64 106 1 5 badpixfind:- 64 114 1 1 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:38.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.097008s badpixfind:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XRT3, XPSF, 14, /ccf/pub/XRT3_XPSF_0014.CCF, 2000-01-13T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents11.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0011.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=1 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 hithresh=0.00025 hicolthresh=7e-05 backgroundrate=-1 threshabovebackground=1 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents11.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXHMK0011.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=yes threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hienergythresh=15 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:38.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 3356 pixels set to good badpixfind:- FOV masked out in map badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 410 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:38.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpixfind eventset=rawevents11.dat badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0011.FIT narrowerthanpsf=0 withfovmask=0 withbadpixmap=Y withsearchbadcolumn=Y loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 hithresh=0.003 hicolthresh=0.0012 backgroundrate=0.0001 threshabovebackground=0 thresholdlabel=rate -V 4 -w 10 badpixfind:- Executing (routine): badpixfind eventset=rawevents11.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.003 searchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=0.0012 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='' rawylist='' typelist='' yextentlist='' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flickertimesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 backgroundrate=0.0001 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpixmap=P9171100003PNS003BPXMSK0011.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=no threshabovebackground=no mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=0.16 hienergythresh=10 ccd=-1 -w 10 -V 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:38.000 badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead columns badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Badpixfind Mode1 *** - Searching for hot/dead pixels ** badpixfind: warning (findRealSources), chosen narrowerthanpsf parameter very low - real sources may be found badpixfind:- Note - narrowerthanpsf of zero chosen - no PSF comparison made badpixfind:- badpixfind:- *** Checking final badpixfind list *** badpixfind:- Map created ( 64 x 200 ) - 6106 pixels set to good badpixfind:- Creating file (badpixfind.fits): Number of entries: 4 badpixfind:- badpixfind (badpixfind-1.41) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:38.000 -:- -:- CMD: badpix eventset=rawevents11.dat badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0011.FIT getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=Y getnewbadpix=Y emptyextension=N windowfilter=N -w 10 badpix:- Executing (routine): badpix eventset=rawevents11.dat getuplnkbadpix=yes getotherbadpix=yes badpixset=P9171100003PNS003BPXFLI0011.FIT getnewbadpix=yes emptyextension=no windowfilter=no outset=out.fits withoutset=no -w 10 -V 5 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:39.000 badpix:- Instrument = EPN badpix:- CCD chip = 11 badpix:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow badpix:- Filter = Medium badpix:- Accuracy level = 1 badpix:- Temperature = 183.18227386474609 badpix:- Camera Temperature = 286.19775390625000 badpix:- Randomization = F badpix:- Mode1 - uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode2 - non-uplinked bad pixels (in CCF) badpix:- Mode3 - new bad pixels (from BADPIXFIND) badpix:- BadPixelTable code 0_003_BAD is not coded in BADPIX.CCF badpix:- Getting bad pixel tables badpix:- CCF contains 68 bad pixel sets badpix:- 66 mode1 pixel sets (uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 2 mode2 pixel sets (not uplinked to the satellite) badpix:- 2 pixel sets contained within badpixfind file badpix:- 70 pixel sets in total badpix:- Note - No exact CCF entries contained within Badpixfind file badpix:- Note - Common CCF/badpixfind pixels found with non-identical entries - Purging badpix:- 68 final bad pixel sets will be added to BADPIX extension badpix:- 222 X Y TYPE Y-EXTENT MODE badpix:- 1 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 2 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 3 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 4 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 5 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 6 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 7 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 8 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 9 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 10 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 11 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 12 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 13 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 14 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 15 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 16 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 17 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 18 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 19 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 20 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 21 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 22 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 23 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 24 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 25 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 26 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 27 184 1 2 1 badpix:- 28 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 29 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 30 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 31 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 32 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 33 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 34 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 35 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 36 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 37 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 38 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 39 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 40 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 41 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 42 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 43 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 44 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 45 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 46 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 47 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 48 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 49 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 50 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 51 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 52 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 53 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 54 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 55 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 56 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 57 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 58 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 59 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 60 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 61 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 62 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 63 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 2 1 10 1 badpix:- 64 12 1 188 1 badpix:- 10 111 1 1 2 badpix:- 60 27 1 1 2 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:39.000 badpix:- badpix (badpix-2.34) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.064669s badpix:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} -:- CMD: epreject set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11)' eventset=rawevents11.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 noiseparameters='0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' withoffsetlist=1 odilist=odilist.asc withoffsetmap=1 withsoftflarescreening=N withxrlcorrection=0 -w 10 epreject:- Executing (routine): epreject eventset=rawevents11.dat badcolumnset=badcolumns.tab sigma=4 withnoisehandling=no noiseparameters='0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' withoffsetmap=yes set='OAL(EPN, IMAGING, 1, 11)' withoffsetlist=yes odilist=odilist.asc withxrlcorrection=no withsoftflarescreening=no softflarethreshold1=10 softflarethreshold2=1 softflaresmooth=BOX softflareenergyrange='40 50' softflaresmoothparams='2 0 0' -w 10 -V 5 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:39.000 epreject:- EPREJECT 5.18.1 is running... epreject:- SET = ODF(EPN, IMAGING, 003, 11, S) epreject:- epreject:- Offset map used: 1711_0555471201_PNU20111ODI.FIT epreject:- Computation time of offsets: 2009-04-12T21:45:17 - 2009-04-12T21:45:17 epreject:- Downlink date of event data: 2009-04-12T21:58:53 - 2009-04-12T23:18:51 epreject:- Downlink date of offset map: 2009-04-12T16:00:33 - 2009-04-12T16:01:00 epreject:- epreject:- Reading 2D offset map 1711_0555471201_PNU20111ODI.FIT epreject:- Offset map MIN,MAX = 0 4087 epreject:- FILTER during offset map calculation: UNDETERMINED epreject:- FILTER during science observation: Medium epreject:- reading from CCF: pnMasterOffset epreject:- XRL coefficients set to zero (no correction applied). epreject:- Masking source at position: 18 200 epreject:- Masking source at position: 23 111 epreject:- Determining offset corrections from offset map for chip 11 epreject:- 82542 of 133341 events selected for offset correction epreject:- 22815 events shifted below threshold of 20 [adu] epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:40.000 epreject:- epreject (epreject-5.18.1) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.289486s epreject:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, BUCLOSEDODI, 4, /ccf/pub/EPN_BUCLOSEDODI_0004.CCF, 2004-07-16T01:32:56.000} CifEntry{EPN, REJECT, 7, /ccf/pub/EPN_REJECT_0007.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TICLOSEDODI, 10, /ccf/pub/EPN_TICLOSEDODI_0010.CCF, 2005-10-11T19:37:18.000} -:- CMD: epevents eventset=rawevents11.dat outset=events11.dat reemissionthresh=0 gainctiaccuracy=2 testenergywidth=1 randomizeposition=Y randomizeenergy=Y withframecti=0 checksasmip=0 withrdpha=0 rdphatimebinsize=100 withctisrcpos=0 withtempcorrection=1 withccdoffsets=0 withbackgroundgain=1 backgroundtres=1 backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=1 withctilongterm=1 ctilongtermsoft=1 ctilongtermy=1 withgaintiming=1 withgainburst=1 withgainff=0 withgaineff=1 withphagaincolumn=0 lowgainenergyscale=0 withphotonmap=1 photonmapset=photonmap11.dat mappatterntype=sssd lothresh=' 0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' patternanalysis=1 -w 10 epevents:- Executing (routine): epevents eventset=rawevents11.dat randomizeposition=yes randomizeenergy=yes testenergywidth=yes outset=events11.dat gainctiaccuracy=2 reemissionthresh=0 patternanalysis=yes withoutoftime=no withctisrcpos=no withgaintiming=yes withgainburst=yes withgaineff=yes withgainff=no withphagaincolumn=no lowgainenergyscale=no withctilongterm=yes ctilongtermsoft=yes ctilongtermy=yes withbackgroundgain=yes backgroundtres=yes backgroundtbin=100 withpatternoffset=yes withccdoffsets=no withtempcorrection=yes withframecti=no withrdpha=no rdphatimebinsize=100 checksasmip=no lothresh='0 200 500 0' hithresh='200 500 2000 32000' withphotonmap=yes photonmapset=photonmap11.dat mappatterntype=sssd -w 10 -V 5 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:41.000 epevents:- EPEVENTS 6.55 is running... epevents:- Time-bin size for background-dependent gain: 100.0000 [s] epevents:- You have requested a new standard energy bin width of 1 eV in the event amplitude correction. This differs from previous binning of 5 eV. Please, check whether this affects your procedures. epevents:- CCD temperature is: 183.182 [K] epevents:- working on CCD(3-1) = CCD No.11 epevents:- Number of events in the data set: 133341 epevents:- SRCPOS keyword is not found in event file and cannot not be used. epevents:- Total number of frames [FRAMETOT]: 70741 epevents:- Total number of frames [EXPOSURE]: 100681 epevents:- CCD frame: 1 event: 1 0.0% completion ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 9 CCD pixel address: 11 64 124 ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 39 CCD pixel address: 11 64 105 ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 105 CCD pixel address: 11 64 151 ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 215 CCD pixel address: 11 64 109 ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 231 CCD pixel address: 11 64 109 ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 308 CCD pixel address: 11 64 153 ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 316 CCD pixel address: 11 64 153 ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 329 CCD pixel address: 11 64 151 ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 329 CCD pixel address: 11 64 152 ** epevents: warning (badEvent), Event is on an uploaded bad pixel: frame number: 332 CCD pixel address: 11 64 113 epevents:- CCD frame: 10069 event: 15655 11.7% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 20137 event: 28171 21.1% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 40273 event: 54703 41.0% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 50341 event: 67282 50.5% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 60409 event: 79392 59.5% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 70477 event: 91752 68.8% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 80545 event: 104994 78.7% completion epevents:- CCD frame: 90613 event: 118629 89.0% completion epevents:- performing GAIN correction ... ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #180 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #719 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #1165 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #1683 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #1733 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #2016 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #2378 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #2380 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #3150 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude ** epevents: warning (gainCorrectionFailed), Gain correction algorithm for event #3653 (CCD/rawX = 11[3/1]/27) failed - error code: 3 no correction applied - reason for failure: negative amplitude epevents:- performing CTI correction ... ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #180 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/143[101/142]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #719 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/172[101/171]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #1165 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/122[101/121]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #1683 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/146[101/145]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #1733 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/136[101/135]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #2016 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/119[101/118]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #2378 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/189[101/188]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #2380 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/190[101/189]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #3150 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/172[101/171]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data ** epevents: warning (ctiCorrectionFailed), CTI correction algorithm for event #3653 (CCD/rawX/rawY = 11[3/1]/27/192[101/191]) failed - error code: 3 - no correction applied - reason for failure: the column has no calibration data epevents:- performing additional Gain+CTI corrections epevents:- Temperature for gain [deg C] = 13.0478 Temperature slope [adu/K] = 0 Temperature reference channel = 1179.2 correction factor to adjust peak position = 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of CCD to be corrected = 11 Orsay gain scaling = 0.9102 Years elapsed since 1.1.2000 = 9.28752 epevents:- CTI increase [1.E-5/yr] = 1.54579 energy dependence: coeff(0) = 1.15 energy dependence: coeff(1) = -0.26 energy dependence: coeff(2) = 0.1 epevents:- reference Y shifts = 1 epevents:- ... created PHAnoBkg column epevents:- ... HKAUX table found ... epevents:- ... HKAUX table accessed ... epevents:- ... HKAUX entries: 5031 epevents:- ... HKAUX columns accessed ... ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied ** epevents: warning (NoBCKgainCorrectionFound), Background (discarded line) correction parameters were not present for PN in the CCF. No correction will be applied epevents:- 31074 1129 NaN 355961874.3038 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- 36679 1345 NaN 355962080.2591 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- 44724 1639 NaN 355962360.5701 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- 61520 2285 NaN 355962976.9586 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- 104674 4014 NaN 355964625.8409 NaN 0 0.0 94.0935 epevents:- ... done: CAL_pnBkgDepGainCorrect() : time-resolved epevents:- ... recombine amplitudes epevents:- ... created PHApatOf column epevents:- Results of the pattern analysis epevents:- ------------------------------- epevents:- number of analysed events: 133341 epevents:- epevents:- number of trailing events: 261 epevents:- number of single events: 91460 epevents:- number of double patterns: 2981 epevents:- number of triple patterns: 221 epevents:- number of quadr. patterns: 208 epevents:- number of not recog. events: 34424 epevents:- number of not recog. patterns: 819 epevents:- maximum pattern size (pixel): 86 epevents:- maximum number of events in frame: 177 epevents:- number of MIPs found: 1 epevents:- epevents:- number of recognized photons: 94870 epevents:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned epevents:- Releasing EXPOSURE extension ... epevents:- Releasing output file ... epevents:- EPEVENTS finished epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:42.000 epevents:- epevents (epevents-6.55) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.966981s epevents:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, ADUCONV, 16, /ccf/pub/EPN_ADUCONV_0016.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, BADPIX, 20, /ccf/pub/EPN_BADPIX_0020.CCF, 2000-11-07T21:22:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, CTI, 30, /ccf/pub/EPN_CTI_0030.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, SPATIALCTI, 1, /ccf/pub/EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF, 2000-01-01T01:00:00.000} CifEntry{EPN, TIMECORR, 5, /ccf/pub/EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** epevents: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoBCKgainCorrectionFound silently occurred 133331 times warning badEvent silently occurred 1722 times warning ctiCorrectionFailed silently occurred 147 times warning gainCorrectionFailed silently occurred 147 times -:- CMD: attcalc eventset=events11.dat attitudelabel=ahf refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withmedianpnt=Y imagesize=0.36 -w 10 attcalc:- Executing (routine): attcalc eventset=events11.dat fixedra=0 fixeddec=0 fixedposangle=0 attitudelabel=ahf nominalra=0 nominaldec=0 setpnttouser=no refpointlabel=pnt atthkset=P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT withatthkset=yes withmedianpnt=yes calctlmax=no imagesize=0.36 -w 10 -V 5 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] started: 2024-10-28T10:02:42.000 attcalc:- Instrument = EPN attcalc:- CCD chip = 11 attcalc:- CCD mode = PrimeLargeWindow attcalc:- Filter = Medium attcalc:- Accuracy level = 1 attcalc:- Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Camera Temperature = 120.00000000000000 attcalc:- Randomization = F attcalc:- Instrument: EPN attcalc:- Datamode: IMAGING attcalc:- `/ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF' has no CORNER table - no out-of-FOV regions will be returned attcalc:- Column X does not exist - creating attcalc:- Column Y does not exist - creating attcalc:- Image size [in 0.05 arcs.] : 25920.0020 attcalc:- Source of attitude information: AHF attcalc:- Getting median PNT co-ords from atthkgen file: P9171100003OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT attcalc:- Source of reference point information: PNT attcalc:- Ref. point co-ords. 305.70124440958602 -25.059686384085300 ** attcalc: warning (TemporalOverlapInAHF), Temporal overlap of 0.039978s between AHF entries 347 (2009-04-12T23:30:30.999) and 348 (2009-04-12T23:47:20.000) - adjusting duration of entry 347 accordingly attcalc:- No of input events: 133341 attcalc:- No of event frames: 70683 attcalc:- No of bad attitude frames: 0 attcalc:- No of bad attitude events: 0 attcalc:- Range in attitude RA: 345.45014241691143 305.09904828938346 attcalc:- Range in attitude DEC: 43.757815837361932 -66.206840635991355 attcalc:- Range in attitude PA: 92.769121298873074 46.476258540372903 ** attcalc: warning (outOfImageRange), 133341 events ( of 133341 ) out of range of image attcalc:- Set TLMIN,TLMAX to: 1 51840 1 51840 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] ended: 2024-10-28T10:02:42.000 attcalc:- attcalc (attcalc-4.40) [22.0.0-6da3b52c5-20241028] CPU time: 0.212853s attcalc:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{EPN, LINCOORD, 9, /ccf/pub/EPN_LINCOORD_0009.CCF, 1998-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} CifEntry{XMM, MISCDATA, 16, /ccf/pub/XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF, 1999-01-01T00:00:00.000} -:- CMD: evselect table=events11.dat:EVENTS withfilteredset=Y filteredset=cleanevents11.dat destruct=Y expression='(PI>0 && RAWY>0 )' writedss=Y updateexposure=Y keepfilteroutput=Y -w 10 sh: 1: evselect: not found -:- No list found in current directory. Cannot apply evlistcomb -:- ** -: error (constituent), One (or more) of the constituent tasks ended in error ! Error while running ./epchain_test_slew ERROR: one of the tests failed