Testing edetect_chain_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./edetect_chain_test for no longer than 600 seconds. sh: 1: eexpmap: not found error in eexpmap imageset=image1.fits eventset=image1.fits attitudeset=atthk.dat expimageset="image1exp.fits image2exp.fits image3exp.fits image4exp.fits image5exp.fits " pimin="200 500 2000 4500 7500 " pimax="500 2000 4500 7500 12000 " attrebin=4 emask:- Executing (routine): emask expimageset=image1exp.fits detmaskset=image1mask.fits detmasktable=MASK threshold1=0.3 threshold2=0.5 regionset=region.fits withregionset=no -w 1 -V 3 ** emask: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image1exp.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in emask expimageset=image1exp.fits detmaskset=image1mask.fits threshold1=0.3 threshold2=0.5 eboxdetect:- Executing (routine): eboxdetect bkgimagesets=bgimage.fits usemap=no usematchedfilter=no detmasksets=image1mask.fits withdetmask=yes expimagesets='image1exp.fits image2exp.fits image3exp.fits image4exp.fits image5exp.fits' withexpimage=yes nruns=3 likemin=8 boxsize=5 withimagebuffersize=no imagebuffersize=640 ecf='1 1 1 1 1' imagesets='image1.fits image2.fits image3.fits image4.fits image5.fits' boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits withoffsets=no mergedlistset=mergedlist.fits hrdef='1 2 2 3 3 4' pimin='200 500 2000 4500 7500' pimax='500 2000 4500 7500 12000' obsmode=pointing -w 1 -V 3 ** eboxdetect: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image1exp.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in eboxdetect imagesets="image1.fits image2.fits image3.fits image4.fits image5.fits " expimagesets="image1exp.fits image2exp.fits image3exp.fits image4exp.fits image5exp.fits " detmasksets="image1mask.fits " boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits pimin="200 500 2000 4500 7500 " pimax="500 2000 4500 7500 12000 " ecf="1 1 1 1 1 " likemin=8 usemap=false boxsize=5 withexpimage=1 withdetmask=1 withimagebuffersize=0 imagebuffersize=640 esplinemap:- Executing (routine): esplinemap scut=0.005 mlmin=1 nsplinenodes=13 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 idband=1 boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image1.fits expimageset=image1exp.fits withexpimage=yes expimageset2=image1expnovig.fits withexpimage2=no detmaskset=image1mask.fits withdetmask=yes bkgimageset=image1bkg.fits cheeseimageset=image1cheese.fits withcheese=yes cheesemaskset=cheesemask.fits withcheesemask=no ooteventset=events.fits withootset=no pimin=200 pimax=500 fitmethod=spline snrmin=30 smoothsigma=15 -w 1 -V 3 ** esplinemap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image1exp.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esplinemap boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image1.fits expimageset=image1exp.fits withexpimage=1 cheeseimageset=image1cheese.fits bkgimageset=image1bkg.fits detmaskset=image1mask.fits withcheese=1 withdetmask=1 nsplinenodes=13 idband=1 scut=0.005 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 withootset=0 fitmethod=spline withexpimage2=0 expimageset2=image1expnovig.fits ooteventset=events.fits pimin="200" pimax="500" esplinemap:- Executing (routine): esplinemap scut=0.005 mlmin=1 nsplinenodes=13 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 idband=2 boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image2.fits expimageset=image2exp.fits withexpimage=yes expimageset2=image2expnovig.fits withexpimage2=no detmaskset=image1mask.fits withdetmask=yes bkgimageset=image2bkg.fits cheeseimageset=image2cheese.fits withcheese=yes cheesemaskset=cheesemask.fits withcheesemask=no ooteventset=events.fits withootset=no pimin=500 pimax=2000 fitmethod=spline snrmin=30 smoothsigma=15 -w 1 -V 3 ** esplinemap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image2exp.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esplinemap boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image2.fits expimageset=image2exp.fits withexpimage=1 cheeseimageset=image2cheese.fits bkgimageset=image2bkg.fits detmaskset=image1mask.fits withcheese=1 withdetmask=1 nsplinenodes=13 idband=2 scut=0.005 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 withootset=0 fitmethod=spline withexpimage2=0 expimageset2=image2expnovig.fits ooteventset=events.fits pimin="500" pimax="2000" esplinemap:- Executing (routine): esplinemap scut=0.005 mlmin=1 nsplinenodes=13 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 idband=3 boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image3.fits expimageset=image3exp.fits withexpimage=yes expimageset2=image3expnovig.fits withexpimage2=no detmaskset=image1mask.fits withdetmask=yes bkgimageset=image3bkg.fits cheeseimageset=image3cheese.fits withcheese=yes cheesemaskset=cheesemask.fits withcheesemask=no ooteventset=events.fits withootset=no pimin=2000 pimax=4500 fitmethod=spline snrmin=30 smoothsigma=15 -w 1 -V 3 ** esplinemap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image3exp.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esplinemap boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image3.fits expimageset=image3exp.fits withexpimage=1 cheeseimageset=image3cheese.fits bkgimageset=image3bkg.fits detmaskset=image1mask.fits withcheese=1 withdetmask=1 nsplinenodes=13 idband=3 scut=0.005 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 withootset=0 fitmethod=spline withexpimage2=0 expimageset2=image3expnovig.fits ooteventset=events.fits pimin="2000" pimax="4500" esplinemap:- Executing (routine): esplinemap scut=0.005 mlmin=1 nsplinenodes=13 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 idband=4 boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image4.fits expimageset=image4exp.fits withexpimage=yes expimageset2=image4expnovig.fits withexpimage2=no detmaskset=image1mask.fits withdetmask=yes bkgimageset=image4bkg.fits cheeseimageset=image4cheese.fits withcheese=yes cheesemaskset=cheesemask.fits withcheesemask=no ooteventset=events.fits withootset=no pimin=4500 pimax=7500 fitmethod=spline snrmin=30 smoothsigma=15 -w 1 -V 3 ** esplinemap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image4exp.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esplinemap boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image4.fits expimageset=image4exp.fits withexpimage=1 cheeseimageset=image4cheese.fits bkgimageset=image4bkg.fits detmaskset=image1mask.fits withcheese=1 withdetmask=1 nsplinenodes=13 idband=4 scut=0.005 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 withootset=0 fitmethod=spline withexpimage2=0 expimageset2=image4expnovig.fits ooteventset=events.fits pimin="4500" pimax="7500" esplinemap:- Executing (routine): esplinemap scut=0.005 mlmin=1 nsplinenodes=13 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 idband=5 boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image5.fits expimageset=image5exp.fits withexpimage=yes expimageset2=image5expnovig.fits withexpimage2=no detmaskset=image1mask.fits withdetmask=yes bkgimageset=image5bkg.fits cheeseimageset=image5cheese.fits withcheese=yes cheesemaskset=cheesemask.fits withcheesemask=no ooteventset=events.fits withootset=no pimin=7500 pimax=12000 fitmethod=spline snrmin=30 smoothsigma=15 -w 1 -V 3 ** esplinemap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image5exp.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esplinemap boxlistset=eboxlist_l.fits imageset=image5.fits expimageset=image5exp.fits withexpimage=1 cheeseimageset=image5cheese.fits bkgimageset=image5bkg.fits detmaskset=image1mask.fits withcheese=1 withdetmask=1 nsplinenodes=13 idband=5 scut=0.005 excesssigma=4 nfitrun=3 withootset=0 fitmethod=spline withexpimage2=0 expimageset2=image5expnovig.fits ooteventset=events.fits pimin="7500" pimax="12000" eboxdetect:- Executing (routine): eboxdetect bkgimagesets='image1bkg.fits image2bkg.fits image3bkg.fits image4bkg.fits image5bkg.fits' usemap=yes usematchedfilter=no detmasksets=image1mask.fits withdetmask=yes expimagesets='image1exp.fits image2exp.fits image3exp.fits image4exp.fits image5exp.fits' withexpimage=yes nruns=3 likemin=8 boxsize=5 withimagebuffersize=no imagebuffersize=640 ecf='1 1 1 1 1' imagesets='image1.fits image2.fits image3.fits image4.fits image5.fits' boxlistset=eboxlist_m.fits withoffsets=no mergedlistset=mergedlist.fits hrdef='1 2 2 3 3 4' pimin='200 500 2000 4500 7500' pimax='500 2000 4500 7500 12000' obsmode=pointing -w 1 -V 3 ** eboxdetect: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image1bkg.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in eboxdetect imagesets="image1.fits image2.fits image3.fits image4.fits image5.fits " expimagesets="image1exp.fits image2exp.fits image3exp.fits image4exp.fits image5exp.fits " detmasksets="image1mask.fits " boxlistset=eboxlist_m.fits ecf="1 1 1 1 1 " pimin="200 500 2000 4500 7500 " pimax="500 2000 4500 7500 12000 " usemap=yes withdetmask=1 bkgimagesets="image1bkg.fits image2bkg.fits image3bkg.fits image4bkg.fits image5bkg.fits " withexpimage=1 likemin=8 boxsize=5 withimagebuffersize=0 imagebuffersize=640 emldetect:- Executing (routine): emldetect boxlistset=eboxlist_m.fits mllistset=emllist.fits mlmin=10 determineerrors=yes fitposition=yes psfmodel=medium nmaxfit=1 nmulsou=1 ecut=15 scut=15 fitextent=yes extentmodel=beta dmlextmin=6 minextent=1.5 maxextent=20 withthreshold=yes threshold=20 threshcolumn=LIKE withtwostage=yes withimagebuffersize=no imagebuffersize=640 withxidband=no xidfixed=no rateonly=no simulate=no pimin='200 500 2000 4500 7500' pimax='500 2000 4500 7500 12000' hrpndef='1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5' xidpndef='2 3 4' hrm1def='1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5' xidm1def='2 3 4' hrm2def='1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5' xidm2def='2 3 4' ecf='1 1 1 1 1' xidecf=1 fitcounts=yes fitnegative=no mergedlistset=mergedlist.fits useevents=no usecalpsf=yes withhotpixelfilter=no withoffsets=no withrawrows=no tmpwrite=0 imagesets='image1.fits image2.fits image3.fits image4.fits image5.fits' bkgimagesets='image1bkg.fits image2bkg.fits image3bkg.fits image4bkg.fits image5bkg.fits' detmasksets=image1mask.fits withdetmask=yes expimagesets='image1exp.fits image2exp.fits image3exp.fits image4exp.fits image5exp.fits' withexpimage=yes sourceimagesets='image1smap.fits image2smap.fits image3smap.fits image4smap.fits image5smap.fits' withsourcemap=yes -w 1 -V 3 ** emldetect: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image1bkg.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in emldetect imagesets="image1.fits image2.fits image3.fits image4.fits image5.fits " expimagesets="image1exp.fits image2exp.fits image3exp.fits image4exp.fits image5exp.fits " boxlistset=eboxlist_m.fits bkgimagesets="image1bkg.fits image2bkg.fits image3bkg.fits image4bkg.fits image5bkg.fits " mllistset=emllist.fits pimin="200 500 2000 4500 7500 " pimax="500 2000 4500 7500 12000 " ecf="1 1 1 1 1 " mlmin=10 determineerrors=1 ecut=15 scut=15 fitextent=1 withsourcemap=1 sourceimagesets="image1smap.fits image2smap.fits image3smap.fits image4smap.fits image5smap.fits " nmaxfit=1 fitnegative=0 nmulsou=1 dmlextmin=6 withdetmask=1 detmasksets="image1mask.fits " extentmodel=beta withtwostage=1 withthreshold=1 threshold=20 threshcolumn=LIKE maxextent=20 psfmodel=medium withimagebuffersize=0 imagebuffersize=640 esensmap:- Executing (routine): esensmap sensimageset=image1sen.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits expimagesets=image1exp.fits bkgimagesets=image1bkg.fits mlmin=10 statistic=poisson ecf=1 outunit=rate energies=1000 ecut=15 doff=12 psfmodel=ellbeta -w 1 -V 3 ** esensmap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image1bkg.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esensmap bkgimagesets=image1bkg.fits expimagesets=image1exp.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits sensimageset=image1sen.fits mlmin=10 esensmap:- Executing (routine): esensmap sensimageset=image2sen.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits expimagesets=image2exp.fits bkgimagesets=image2bkg.fits mlmin=10 statistic=poisson ecf=1 outunit=rate energies=1000 ecut=15 doff=12 psfmodel=ellbeta -w 1 -V 3 ** esensmap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image2bkg.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esensmap bkgimagesets=image2bkg.fits expimagesets=image2exp.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits sensimageset=image2sen.fits mlmin=10 esensmap:- Executing (routine): esensmap sensimageset=image3sen.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits expimagesets=image3exp.fits bkgimagesets=image3bkg.fits mlmin=10 statistic=poisson ecf=1 outunit=rate energies=1000 ecut=15 doff=12 psfmodel=ellbeta -w 1 -V 3 ** esensmap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image3bkg.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esensmap bkgimagesets=image3bkg.fits expimagesets=image3exp.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits sensimageset=image3sen.fits mlmin=10 esensmap:- Executing (routine): esensmap sensimageset=image4sen.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits expimagesets=image4exp.fits bkgimagesets=image4bkg.fits mlmin=10 statistic=poisson ecf=1 outunit=rate energies=1000 ecut=15 doff=12 psfmodel=ellbeta -w 1 -V 3 ** esensmap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image4bkg.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esensmap bkgimagesets=image4bkg.fits expimagesets=image4exp.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits sensimageset=image4sen.fits mlmin=10 esensmap:- Executing (routine): esensmap sensimageset=image5sen.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits expimagesets=image5exp.fits bkgimagesets=image5bkg.fits mlmin=10 statistic=poisson ecf=1 outunit=rate energies=1000 ecut=15 doff=12 psfmodel=ellbeta -w 1 -V 3 ** esensmap: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'image5bkg.fits' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format error in esensmap bkgimagesets=image5bkg.fits expimagesets=image5exp.fits detmasksets=image1mask.fits sensimageset=image5sen.fits mlmin=10 ls: cannot access 'image1exp.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'image2exp.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'image3exp.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'image4exp.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'image5exp.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'eboxlist_l.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'eboxlist_m.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'emllist.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'image1sen.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'image2sen.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'image3sen.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'image4sen.fits': No such file or directory ls: cannot access 'image5sen.fits': No such file or directory Error while running ./edetect_chain_test ERROR: one of the tests failed