Testing slconv_test ... passed Testing slconv_pl_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./slconv_pl_test for no longer than 600 seconds. Unable to copy par file for fdump.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles Unable to copy par file for fdump.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles Unable to copy par file for fdump.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles Unable to copy par file for fdump.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles Unable to copy par file for fdump.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles Unable to copy par file for fdump.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles Test 1 (Default) invoke ../src/slconv srclisttab=data2kill/P0083151201EPX000OMSRLI0000.FIT expression='(ID_INST==0)' withncut=no radiusexpression=10 radiusstyle=raw withlabels=yes labelexpression=ML_ID_SRC outputstyle=ds9 outfileprefix=outfiles/test_pl001 colour=green shape=circle slconv:- Executing (routine): slconv srclisttab=data2kill/P0083151201EPX000OMSRLI0000.FIT racolumn=RA deccolumn=DEC radecunits=decimaldeg expression=(ID_INST==0) ncutsortexpression=RATE ncut=30 withncut=no radiusexpression=10 radiusstyle=raw sortexpression=ML_ID_SRC labelsortstyle=expr labelexpression=ML_ID_SRC labelstyle=expr withlabels=yes colour=green shape=circle extragaiacolumns='RADEC_ERR RATE' outputstyle=ds9 outfileprefix=outfiles/test_pl001 outfile=region.txt outfilestyle=prefix -w 1 -V 4 slconv:- slconv (slconv-2.6.2) [???] started: 2024-04-12T10:42:31.000 ** slconv: warning (missingBlockName), ssclib:splitSetTabName: No colon+block name was found after the set name. I'm going to assume that you meant to access the first block in the set. If that's what you wanted, then there is no cause for alarm. slconv:- slconv (slconv-2.6.2) [???] ended: 2024-04-12T10:42:31.000 FATAL: No match is found for the given ML_ID_SRC (1) with ID_INST==0. at ./slconv_pl_test line 340. Error while running ./slconv_pl_test ERROR: one of the tests failed