Testing runtest ... FAILED Message: will run ./runtest for no longer than 600 seconds. rgsframes:- Executing (routine): rgsframes set=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/scisimsimple/0001_0000010010_R1S00101SPE.FIT ccdset=out.ds minexposuretime=0.001 withratecolumn=no maxrawpixels=9999 withmaxrawpixels=no maxrawpixelrate=9999 withmaxrawpixelrate=no processall=no instrument=rgs1 -w 1 -V 4 rgsframes:- rgsframes (rgsframes-3.19) [???] started: 2024-04-12T10:26:28.000 rgsframes:- Observing mode was Spectroscopy rgsframes:- Identified 0 duplicate entries in EXPOSURE table rgsframes:- 1 frames flagged bad based on instrument bad-condition flags ** rgsframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 rgsframes:- 0 frames flagged bad based on minexposuretime rgsframes:- Identified 0 duplicate entries in PIXELS table Could not open file 'XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF' for reading in: /ccf/priv/dt /ccf/pub /ccf/priv/rt /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf /sasbuild/build/sas//lib/testccf . ** rgsframes: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints silently occurred 2 times Error while running ./runtest ERROR: one of the tests failed