--- Dependency check [begin] --- --- Dependency check [end] --- --- Distribution check [begin] --- Version 12.0.1 - 2022-06-07 (EO) Information: this ChangeLog entry matches the version number: Version 12.0.1 - 2022-06-07 (EO) Information: ./config/emchain.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Now checking git repository... Error: git repository already has tag emchain-12.0.1 from earlier commit. Update VERSION file? --- Distribution check [end] --- sed -e "s/DOC/emchain/" -e "s/TYPE/devel/" < \ /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=devel emchain 12.0.1 emchain > emchain.tex including sasdevel... including sasglobal... including emchain_description... latex emchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex emchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log latex emchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex emchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o emchain.ps emchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf emchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f emchain.ps SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init emchain > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2021.1 (TeX Live 2022/dev) Copyright 2021 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.04.12:1122' -> images.ps /usr/bin/dvips: Font Times-Roman used in file imaging1.eps is not in the mapping file. /usr/bin/dvips: Font Times-Roman used in file imaging0.eps is not in the mapping file. /usr/bin/dvips: Font Times-Roman used in file imaging2.eps is not in the mapping file. /usr/bin/dvips: Font Times-Roman used in file imaging3.eps is not in the mapping file. </usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/dvips/base/tex.pro> </usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/dvips/l3backend/l3backend-dvips.pro> </usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/dvips/base/texps.pro> </usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/dvips/base/special.pro> </usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/dvips/base/color.pro>. </usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmmi10.pfb> </usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmr7.pfb>[1 </sasbuild/build/sas/packages/emchain/doc/imaging1.eps>] [2 </sasbuild/build/sas/packages/emchain/doc/imaging0.eps>] [3] [4 </sasbuild/build/sas/packages/emchain/doc/imaging2.eps>] [5 </sasbuild/build/sas/packages/emchain/doc/imaging3.eps>] [6] [7] [8] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f emchain/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=emchain/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/emchain/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi rm emchain.tex Testing emchain_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./emchain_test for no longer than 600 seconds. Options passed to individual tasks: -w 10 | OAL options: -o /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf | randomize = '' | rejectbadevents = N | keepintermediate = Y | stoponerror = Y | filterhk = Y | ODF directory = /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/ List of files in working directory : 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00220OVE.FTZ ... not IM TI RI CT 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00170IME.FTZ ... OK 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00120IME.FTZ ... OK 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00270OVE.FTZ ... not IM TI RI CT 0043_0119700401_M1S44310OVE.FTZ ... not IM TI RI CT 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00110TIE.FTZ ... OK 0001_183536AIV-_M1S00160RIE.FTZ ... OK 0: 0001_183536AIV-_M1S001 Instrument: M1 exposure: S001 obsid=183536AIV- temp=T183536AIV-M1*S001 temp2=T183536AIV-M1*S001**.FIT call cleanFiles with options: M1 S001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * CMD: rm -f errors T183536AIV-M1*S001**.FIT CMD: atthkgen atthkset=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT -o /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf -w 10 ++ ** atthkgen: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** atthkgen: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 atthkgen:- Executing (routine): atthkgen atthkset=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT timestep=1 timebegin=0 timeend=0 withtimeranges=no withpreqgti=no preqgtifile=pointings.fit -w 10 -V 4 atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [???] started: 2024-04-12T11:22:31.000 atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 1st run (AHF/OM) atthkgen:- 20 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 40 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 60 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 80 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- 100 % completed of 2nd run (PNT) atthkgen:- atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.1) [???] ended: 2024-04-12T11:22:31.000 ++ CMD: tabgtigen table=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT:ATTHK gtiset=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTGTI0000.FIT expression="!isNull(DAHFPNT) && DAHFPNT<0.05" prefraction=0.0 postfraction=0.0 -w 10 ++ tabgtigen:- Executing (routine): tabgtigen table=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTTSR0000.FIT:ATTHK gtiset=P183536AIV-OBX000ATTGTI0000.FIT expression='!isNull(DAHFPNT) && DAHFPNT<0.05' timecolumn=TIME prefraction=0 postfraction=0 mingtisize=0 -w 10 -V 4 tabgtigen:- tabgtigen (tabgtigen-2.13) [???] started: 2024-04-12T11:22:31.000 tabgtigen:- tabgtigen (tabgtigen-2.13) [???] ended: 2024-04-12T11:22:31.000 ++ CMD: cp P183536AIV-M1X000HK_GTI0000.FIT T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT ccd: 1 node: 0 event0 : /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00110TIE.FTZ CMD: emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0001.FIT odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00110TIE.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0001.FIT outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0001.FIT flagbadtimes=Y ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT -o /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf -w 10 ++ ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (frames17), non increasing time after frame number 106 ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `FILTER' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `GAIN_CCD_1' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set Could not open file 'EMOS1_MODEPARAM_0006.CCF' for reading in: /ccf/priv/dt /ccf/pub /ccf/priv/rt /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/ . emchain: That task ended in error ! emframes:- Executing (routine): emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0001.FIT newframeset=yes countingset='' withcountingset=no srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no checkframes=yes ingtiset=T183536AIV-M1X000EXTGTI0000.FIT flagbadtimes=yes flagfifooverflow=yes outgtiset=T183536AIV-M1S001RAWGTI0001.FIT writegtiset=yes setgatti=yes odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00110TIE.FTZ outeventset=T183536AIV-M1S001RWEVLI0001.FIT neweventset=yes checknvalid=yes setdeadtime=yes withodfeventset=yes -w 10 -V 4 emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [???] started: 2024-04-12T11:22:31.000 emframes:- 1 missing frames in FRAMES emframes:- Create T183536AIV-M1S001FRAMLI0001.FIT with 99 rows ++ emchain randomize='' filterhk=Y rejectbadevents=N stoponerror=Y keepintermediate=Y odf=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf ended in error Error while running ./emchain_test ERROR: one of the tests failed