--- Dependency check [begin] --- --- Dependency check [end] --- --- Distribution check [begin] --- Version 1.9.1 - 2022-06-30 (EO) Information: this ChangeLog entry matches the version number: Version 1.9.1 - 2022-06-30 (EO) Information: ./config/colimchain.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Now checking git repository... Error: git repository already has tag colimchain-1.9.1 from earlier commit. Update VERSION file? --- Distribution check [end] --- Dependencies for colimchain T=colimchain ;\ PT=/sasbuild/tools/perl/bin/perl;\ sed "s?-sasperl-?$PT?g;s/-taskname-/$T/g; s/-release-//g; s/-version-/1.9.1/g; s/-aka-/21.0.1/g" /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/taskmain/src/main.pl > colimchain ;\ cat colimchain.pl >> colimchain ;\ chmod +x colimchain sed -e "s/DOC/colimchain/" -e "s/TYPE/devel/" < \ /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=devel colimchain 1.9.1 colimchain > colimchain.tex including sasdevel... including sasglobal... including colimchain_description... latex colimchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) bibtex colimchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log make[5]: [/sasbuild/build/sas/Make.include:1062: colimchain.ps.gz] Error 2 (ignored) latex colimchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) latex colimchain < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvips -o colimchain.ps colimchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) dvipdf colimchain > makedoc.log 2>&1 || ( cat makedoc.log ; continue ) gzip -f colimchain.ps SASRELDIR=../../.. ;\ export SASRELDIR ;\ latex2html -nouse_pdftex -init_file /sasbuild/build/sas/packages/sas/doc/lib/latex2html.init colimchain > /dev/null texexpand V2020 (Released January 1, 2020) Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package Warning: No implementation found for option: `version' for `sasdoc' package This is dvips(k) 2021.1 (TeX Live 2022/dev) Copyright 2021 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2024.04.12:1118' -> images.ps . [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] /usr/bin/echo "" mkpkgidx -t . > /dev/null || (rm -f colimchain/index.pl ; exit 1) pointer=colimchain/ChangeLog ; \ target=../../../packages/colimchain/ChangeLog ; \ if [ -f $target -a \( ! -h $pointer \) ] ; then \ ln -s ../$target $pointer ; \ fi rm colimchain.tex Testing colimchain_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./colimchain_test for no longer than 600 seconds. evselect table=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/scisimngc2516/0001_0000010100_PNS00104IME.FIT writedss=no expression='(ENERGY in [20:110])' updateexposure=no withimageset=true imageset=P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_1000.FIT xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY withxranges=yes withyranges=yes ximagemin=1 ximagemax=64 yimagemin=1 yimagemax=200 imagebinning='imageSize' ximagesize=64 yimagesize=200 evselect:- Executing (routine): evselect table=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/scisimngc2516/0001_0000010100_PNS00104IME.FIT filteredset=filtered.fits withfilteredset=no keepfilteroutput=no flagcolumn=EVFLAG flagbit=-1 destruct=yes dssblock='' expression='(ENERGY in [20:110])' filtertype=expression cleandss=no updateexposure=no filterexposure=yes writedss=no blockstocopy='' attributestocopy='' energycolumn=PHA zcolumn=WEIGHT zerrorcolumn=EWEIGHT withzerrorcolumn=no withzcolumn=no ignorelegallimits=no imageset=P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_1000.FIT xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY ximagebinsize=1 yimagebinsize=1 squarepixels=no ximagesize=64 yimagesize=200 imagebinning=imageSize ximagemin=1 ximagemax=64 withxranges=yes yimagemin=1 yimagemax=200 withyranges=yes imagedatatype=Real64 withimagedatatype=no raimagecenter=0 decimagecenter=0 withcelestialcenter=no withimageset=yes spectrumset=spectrum.fits spectralbinsize=5 specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 withspecranges=no nonStandardSpec=no withspectrumset=no rateset=rate.fits timecolumn=TIME timebinsize=1 timemin=0 timemax=1000 withtimeranges=no maketimecolumn=no makeratecolumn=no withrateset=no histogramset=histo.fits histogramcolumn=TIME histogrambinsize=1 histogrammin=0 histogrammax=1000 withhistoranges=no withhistogramset=no -w 1 -V 4 evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [???] started: 2024-04-12T11:18:21.000 ** evselect: warning (NotXMM), Can only update exposure information on XMM data. evselect:- selected 1534 rows from the input table. ** evselect: warning (NoAttrib), The Attribute FILTER does not exist in the input event list. No value was copied. ** evselect: warning (NoWCS), No WCS information available for image column RAWX. ** evselect: warning (NotXmmProduct), Not XMM data. Cannot calculate EXPOSURE keyword for output products. evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [???] ended: 2024-04-12T11:18:21.000 ** evselect: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoWCS silently occurred 1 times evselect table=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/scisimngc2516/0001_0000010100_PNS00104IME.FIT writedss=no expression='(ENERGY in [200:1000])' updateexposure=no withimageset=true imageset=P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_3000.FIT xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY withxranges=yes withyranges=yes ximagemin=1 ximagemax=64 yimagemin=1 yimagemax=200 imagebinning='imageSize' ximagesize=64 yimagesize=200 evselect:- Executing (routine): evselect table=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/scisimngc2516/0001_0000010100_PNS00104IME.FIT filteredset=filtered.fits withfilteredset=no keepfilteroutput=no flagcolumn=EVFLAG flagbit=-1 destruct=yes dssblock='' expression='(ENERGY in [200:1000])' filtertype=expression cleandss=no updateexposure=no filterexposure=yes writedss=no blockstocopy='' attributestocopy='' energycolumn=PHA zcolumn=WEIGHT zerrorcolumn=EWEIGHT withzerrorcolumn=no withzcolumn=no ignorelegallimits=no imageset=P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_3000.FIT xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY ximagebinsize=1 yimagebinsize=1 squarepixels=no ximagesize=64 yimagesize=200 imagebinning=imageSize ximagemin=1 ximagemax=64 withxranges=yes yimagemin=1 yimagemax=200 withyranges=yes imagedatatype=Real64 withimagedatatype=no raimagecenter=0 decimagecenter=0 withcelestialcenter=no withimageset=yes spectrumset=spectrum.fits spectralbinsize=5 specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 withspecranges=no nonStandardSpec=no withspectrumset=no rateset=rate.fits timecolumn=TIME timebinsize=1 timemin=0 timemax=1000 withtimeranges=no maketimecolumn=no makeratecolumn=no withrateset=no histogramset=histo.fits histogramcolumn=TIME histogrambinsize=1 histogrammin=0 histogrammax=1000 withhistoranges=no withhistogramset=no -w 1 -V 4 evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [???] started: 2024-04-12T11:18:21.000 ** evselect: warning (NotXMM), Can only update exposure information on XMM data. evselect:- selected 627 rows from the input table. ** evselect: warning (NoAttrib), The Attribute FILTER does not exist in the input event list. No value was copied. ** evselect: warning (NoWCS), No WCS information available for image column RAWX. ** evselect: warning (NotXmmProduct), Not XMM data. Cannot calculate EXPOSURE keyword for output products. evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [???] ended: 2024-04-12T11:18:21.000 ** evselect: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoWCS silently occurred 1 times evselect table=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/scisimngc2516/0001_0000010100_PNS00104IME.FIT writedss=no expression='(ENERGY in [110:200])' updateexposure=no withimageset=true imageset=P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_2000.FIT xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY withxranges=yes withyranges=yes ximagemin=1 ximagemax=64 yimagemin=1 yimagemax=200 imagebinning='imageSize' ximagesize=64 yimagesize=200 evselect:- Executing (routine): evselect table=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/scisimngc2516/0001_0000010100_PNS00104IME.FIT filteredset=filtered.fits withfilteredset=no keepfilteroutput=no flagcolumn=EVFLAG flagbit=-1 destruct=yes dssblock='' expression='(ENERGY in [110:200])' filtertype=expression cleandss=no updateexposure=no filterexposure=yes writedss=no blockstocopy='' attributestocopy='' energycolumn=PHA zcolumn=WEIGHT zerrorcolumn=EWEIGHT withzerrorcolumn=no withzcolumn=no ignorelegallimits=no imageset=P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_2000.FIT xcolumn=RAWX ycolumn=RAWY ximagebinsize=1 yimagebinsize=1 squarepixels=no ximagesize=64 yimagesize=200 imagebinning=imageSize ximagemin=1 ximagemax=64 withxranges=yes yimagemin=1 yimagemax=200 withyranges=yes imagedatatype=Real64 withimagedatatype=no raimagecenter=0 decimagecenter=0 withcelestialcenter=no withimageset=yes spectrumset=spectrum.fits spectralbinsize=5 specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 withspecranges=no nonStandardSpec=no withspectrumset=no rateset=rate.fits timecolumn=TIME timebinsize=1 timemin=0 timemax=1000 withtimeranges=no maketimecolumn=no makeratecolumn=no withrateset=no histogramset=histo.fits histogramcolumn=TIME histogrambinsize=1 histogrammin=0 histogrammax=1000 withhistoranges=no withhistogramset=no -w 1 -V 4 evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [???] started: 2024-04-12T11:18:21.000 ** evselect: warning (NotXMM), Can only update exposure information on XMM data. evselect:- selected 1207 rows from the input table. ** evselect: warning (NoAttrib), The Attribute FILTER does not exist in the input event list. No value was copied. ** evselect: warning (NoWCS), No WCS information available for image column RAWX. ** evselect: warning (NotXmmProduct), Not XMM data. Cannot calculate EXPOSURE keyword for output products. evselect:- evselect (evselect-3.71.2) [???] ended: 2024-04-12T11:18:21.000 ** evselect: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoWCS silently occurred 1 times ../src/colimchain clobberprods=yes smooth=no bandlist='1 2 3' pgdev='/ps' plotfile=temp.ps File P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_1000.FIT found. File P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_2000.FIT found. File P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_3000.FIT found. ** colimchain: warning (expMapNotFound), No exposure map was found for this observation+instrument+exposure. invoke fimgstat ./P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_1000.FIT outfile=STDOUT threshlo=INDEF threshup=INDEF | grep 'The maximum' Unable to copy par file for fimgstat.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles ** colimchain: error (badFimgstat), Couldn't get sensible result from fimgstat to get max of ./P9999999999M1S999IMAGE_1000.FIT. Error while running ./colimchain_test ERROR: one of the tests failed