Testing test.sh ... FAILED Message: will run ./test.sh for no longer than 600 seconds. attmove:- Executing (routine): attmove input=0001_0000010010_SCX00000ATS.FIT track=track.ds output=test.ds minstable=30 granularity=30 refra=-999 refdec=-999 withrefatt=no diagfile=attmovediag.ds creatediagnostics=no -w 1 -V 4 attmove:- attmove (attmove-1.6) [22.0.0-753ddff48-20241030] started: 2024-10-30T17:06:19.000 ** attmove: error (UnexpectedEOF), Unexpected EOF in line #89 of ODF summary file `0001_0000010010_SCX00000SUM.SAS' Error while running ./test.sh ERROR: one of the tests failed