Testing catprep_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./catprep_test for no longer than 600 seconds. 1..1 invoke gunzip -c /workspaces/sas/lib/data/catcorr_data/P0005010301EPX000OBSMLI0000.fits.gz > testdata/P0005010301EPX000OBSMLI0000.fits sh: 1: cannot create testdata/P0005010301EPX000OBSMLI0000.fits: Directory nonexistent invoke gunzip -c /workspaces/sas/lib/data/catcorr_data/catextract_obs0005010301.fits.gz > testdata/catextract_obs0005010301.fits sh: 1: cannot create testdata/catextract_obs0005010301.fits: Directory nonexistent ERROR in preparing the data. Ignore. Test 1 (Standard) invoke ./check_catprep ** : error (test_failed), could not open file Could not open file testdata/catextract_obs0005010301.fits status= 104 not ok 1 - Test 01-2 (status=256) # Failed test 'Test 01-2 (status=256)' # at ./catprep_test line 104. # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. Error while running ./catprep_test Testing test_cat_access.csh ... passed ERROR: one of the tests failed