Testing ingestsrcnames_test ... passed Testing testingestsrcnamesaux ... passed Testing testmakethumbsaux ... passed Testing testmakethumbssimple ... FAILED Message: will run ./testmakethumbssimple for no longer than 600 seconds. 1..105 === verbosity=6 Start Time = (1714981910). Unable to copy par file for fdump.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles Unable to copy par file for fdump.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles Unable to copy par file for fdump.par into the path /sasbuild/build/sas/build/pfiles invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no withcat=no ra=86.5506748505705872 dec=-69.2902711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=tmptest1.Gif printparams=yes dryrun=yes makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.550675 dec=-69.290271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab='' withcat=no srcnum=0 withsrcnum=no outfilename=tmptest1.Gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='' inststr=DEFAULT commlower='' commupper='' imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=yes -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:50.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (tmptest1.Gif). makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:50.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.022609s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 12911104) detid = ( 12917520) srcid = ( 12896209) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 12911104 indexStr: () fullIndexStr: () detid: 12917520 srcid: 12896209 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 12911104) detid = ( 12917520) srcid = ( 12896209) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: commLower: commUpper: sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: (tmptest1.Gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 12911104 indexStr: () fullIndexStr: () detid: 12917520 srcid: 12896209 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== tmptest1.Gif filename: (tmptest1.Gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 12911104 indexStr: () fullIndexStr: () detid: 12917520 srcid: 12896209 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ok 1 - Test 1-1 (0) ok 2 - Test 1-2 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec1.gif) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no withcat=no ra=86.5506748505705872 dec=-69.2902711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.550675 dec=-69.290271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab='' withcat=no srcnum=0 withsrcnum=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='' inststr=DEFAULT commlower='' commupper='' imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:50.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:50.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.035783s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 39743509) detid = ( 39744501) srcid = ( 39718549) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 39743509 indexStr: () fullIndexStr: () detid: 39744501 srcid: 39718549 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 0.00000000 , 6.09027531E-15 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 39743509) detid = ( 39744501) srcid = ( 39718549) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: commLower: commUpper: sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 39743509 indexStr: () fullIndexStr: () detid: 39744501 srcid: 39718549 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ok 3 - Test 2-1 (0) ok 4 - Test 2-2 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif) ok 5 - Test 2-3 (7624) ok 6 - Test 2-4 (1714981910) < (1714981910) invoke makethumbs --noclobber -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no withcat=no ra=86.5506748505705872 dec=-69.2902711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.550675 dec=-69.290271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab='' withcat=no srcnum=0 withsrcnum=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='' inststr=DEFAULT commlower='' commupper='' imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:50.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. ** makethumbs: warning (fileExists), File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec2.gif) exists. NOT overwritten. Skipped. ** makethumbs: error (allFilesFailed), Failed in creating every output file. ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 14567444) detid = ( 14568436) srcid = ( 14554772) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 14567444 indexStr: () fullIndexStr: () detid: 14568436 srcid: 14554772 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 4.00693718E+24 , 0.00000000 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 14567444) detid = ( 14568436) srcid = ( 14554772) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: commLower: commUpper: sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== ok 7 - Test 2-5 (256) ok 8 - Test 2-6 (1714981910) != (1714981910) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no srcnum=99 withcat=no ra=86.6006748505705872 dec=-69.2702711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec3.gif srcindexstyle=srcnum obsidstr=12345 inststr=Fine commlower=SW-Offset-location commupper=Thick-Line lwidth=20 printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.600675 dec=-69.270271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab='' withcat=no srcnum=99 withsrcnum=yes outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec3.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=srcnum srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=12345 erangestr='' inststr=Fine commlower=SW-Offset-location commupper=Thick-Line imagesize=8 lwidth=20 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:50.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (Fine). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (12345). makethumbs:- OBSID = 12345 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 99) detid = ( 21730892) srcid = ( 21663112) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.6006748506) decDeg = ( -69.2702711953) makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.600674850570584 , -69.270271195341621 ) srcIndex: 99 indexStr: (99) fullIndexStr: () detid: 21730892 srcid: 21663112 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 0.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 99) detid = ( 21730892) srcid = ( 21663112) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.6006748506) decDeg = ( -69.2702711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (Fine) obsId: 12345 obsIdStr: 12345 eRangeStr: commLower: SW-Offset-location commUpper: Thick-Line sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 20 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec3.gif) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec3.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec3.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec3.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.600674850570584 , -69.270271195341621 ) srcIndex: 99 indexStr: (99) fullIndexStr: (/99) detid: 21730892 srcid: 21663112 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 328.153870 , 284.061829 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.031205s makethumbs:- ok 9 - Test 3-1 (0) ok 10 - Test 3-2 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec3.gif) ok 11 - Test 3-3 (8151) ok 12 - Test 3-4 (1714981911) < (1714981910) ok 13 - Test 3-5 (99) == 99 ok 14 - Test 3-6 (/99) eq /99 ok 15 - Test 3-7 (86.600674850570584) == 86.6006748505705872 ok 16 - Test 3-8 (-69.270271195341621) == -69.2702711953416173 invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no srcnum=99 withcat=no ra=86.5506748505705872 dec=-69.2902711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec4.gif srcindexstyle=srcnum srcindexseparator=@ erangestr='2-5 keV' commupper=Bigger-Cross sizeratiocross=0.5 printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.550675 dec=-69.290271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab='' withcat=no srcnum=99 withsrcnum=yes outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec4.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=srcnum srcindexseparator=@ iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='2-5 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower='' commupper=Bigger-Cross imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0.5 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 99) detid = ( 27998549) srcid = ( 26035714) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 99 indexStr: (99) fullIndexStr: () detid: 27998549 srcid: 26035714 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 5.08563660E+31 , 1.80373031E+28 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 99) detid = ( 27998549) srcid = ( 26035714) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: 2-5 keV commLower: commUpper: Bigger-Cross sizeIndexCross: 0.50000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec4.gif) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec4.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec4.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec4.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 99 indexStr: (99) fullIndexStr: (@99) detid: 27998549 srcid: 26035714 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.035998s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ok 17 - Test 4-1 (0) ok 18 - Test 4-2 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec4.gif) ok 19 - Test 4-3 (7985) ok 20 - Test 4-4 (1714981911) < (1714981910) ok 21 - Test 4-5 (99) == 99 ok 22 - Test 4-6 (@99) eq @99 invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no withcat=no ra=86.5506748505705872 dec=-69.2902711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec5.gif commupper=Blue-ish imagesize=24 fontnumber=3 colourmapid=2 printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.550675 dec=-69.290271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab='' withcat=no srcnum=0 withsrcnum=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec5.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='' inststr=DEFAULT commlower='' commupper=Blue-ish imagesize=24 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=3 colourmapid=2 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec5.gif) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec5.gif). makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.096715s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 16076100) detid = ( 16076132) srcid = ( 16076036) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 16076100 indexStr: () fullIndexStr: () detid: 16076132 srcid: 16076036 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 5.08563660E+31 , 1.80373031E+28 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 16076100) detid = ( 16076132) srcid = ( 16076036) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: commLower: commUpper: Blue-ish sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 180 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 12.000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 3 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 2 ==================== outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec5.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec5.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 16076100 indexStr: () fullIndexStr: () detid: 16076132 srcid: 16076036 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ok 23 - Test 5-1 (0) ok 24 - Test 5-2 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec5.gif) ok 25 - Test 5-3 (42295) ok 26 - Test 5-4 (1714981911) < (1714981910) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no srcnum=1 withcat=no ra=86.5506748505705872 dec=-69.2902711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec6.gif srcindexstyle=srcnum commupper=Bigger-Cross imagesize=24 sizeratiocross=0.5 fontnumber=2 printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.550675 dec=-69.290271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab='' withcat=no srcnum=1 withsrcnum=yes outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec6.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=srcnum srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='' inststr=DEFAULT commlower='' commupper=Bigger-Cross imagesize=24 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0.5 fontnumber=2 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 20316497) srcid = ( 20316465) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (1) fullIndexStr: () detid: 20316497 srcid: 20316465 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 0.00000000 , -1.37364418E+25 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 20316497) srcid = ( 20316465) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: commLower: commUpper: Bigger-Cross sizeIndexCross: 0.50000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 180 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 12.000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 2 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec6.gif) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec6.gif). makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec6.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec6.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (1) fullIndexStr: (/1) detid: 20316497 srcid: 20316465 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.097719s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ok 27 - Test 6-1 (0) ok 28 - Test 6-2 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec6.gif) ok 29 - Test 6-3 (42756) ok 30 - Test 6-4 (1714981911) < (1714981910) ok 31 - Test 6-5 (1) == 1 ok 32 - Test 6-6 (/1) eq /1 invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no srcnum=1 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits ra=86.5506748505705872 dec=-69.2902711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist7.gif erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=yes dryrun=no ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.550675 dec=-69.290271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab=testdata/testcat.fits withcat=yes srcnum=1 withsrcnum=yes outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist7.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- Reading Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits). makethumbs:- Cataglogue name is testdata/testcat.fits makethumbs:- No cataglogue Table name is given. makethumbs:- Column (src_num) is found. makethumbs:- Column (detid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (srcid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (iauname) is found. makethumbs:- Obtained Catalogue columns. makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 1) matches the external catalogue Row=( 2) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- Catalogue data have been implemented. makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameter for ID=1 is, ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = ( 201030201) srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69907) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = F catName = F catNameCol = T raDeg = F decDeg = F ----- deallocateSrcPrm: catPrm Deallocating %obsId Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Closing the catalogue set DETID = 69908 for ID= 1 makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69908) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = T catName = (2XMM J054612.0-691726) catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (069908) fullIndexStr: () detid: 69908 srcid: 53974 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 4.00693718E+24 , 0.00000000 ) catName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69908) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = T catName = (2XMM J054612.0-691726) catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: 0.2-12 keV commLower: SSC commUpper: Trial sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist7.gif) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist7.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist7.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist7.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (069908) fullIndexStr: (:069908) detid: 69908 srcid: 53974 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) fullCatName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) inCatFlag: T ==================== makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.038381s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ok 33 - Test 7-1 (0) ok 34 - Test 7-2 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist7.gif) ok 35 - Test 7-3 (8075) ok 36 - Test 7-4 (1714981911) < (1714981910) ok 37 - Test 7-5 (1) == 1 ok 38 - Test 7-6 (69908) == 69908 ok 39 - Test 7-7 (:069908) eq :069908 ok 40 - Test 7-8 (2XMM J054612.0-691726) eq 2XMM J054612.0-691726 ok 41 - Test 7-9 (2XMM J054612.0-691726) eq 2XMM J054612.0-691726 invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no srcnum=1 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits ra=86.6006748505705872 dec=-69.2702711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist8.gif erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial iaunameprefix=@ printparams=yes dryrun=no ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.600675 dec=-69.270271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab=testdata/testcat.fits withcat=yes srcnum=1 withsrcnum=yes outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist8.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix=@ obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- Reading Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits). makethumbs:- Cataglogue name is testdata/testcat.fits makethumbs:- No cataglogue Table name is given. makethumbs:- Column (src_num) is found. makethumbs:- Column (detid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (srcid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (iauname) is found. makethumbs:- Obtained Catalogue columns. makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 1) matches the external catalogue Row=( 2) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- Catalogue data have been implemented. makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameter for ID=1 is, ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = ( 201030201) srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69907) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = F catName = F catNameCol = T raDeg = F decDeg = F ----- deallocateSrcPrm: catPrm Deallocating %obsId Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Closing the catalogue set DETID = 69908 for ID= 1 makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69908) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = T catName = (2XMM J054612.0-691726) catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.6006748506) decDeg = ( -69.2702711953) makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.600674850570584 , -69.270271195341621 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (069908) fullIndexStr: () detid: 69908 srcid: 53974 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 4.00693718E+24 , 0.00000000 ) catName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69908) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = T catName = (2XMM J054612.0-691726) catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.6006748506) decDeg = ( -69.2702711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: 0.2-12 keV commLower: SSC commUpper: Trial sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist8.gif) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist8.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist8.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist8.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.600674850570584 , -69.270271195341621 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (069908) fullIndexStr: (:069908) detid: 69908 srcid: 53974 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 328.153870 , 284.061829 ) catName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) fullCatName: (@2XMM J054612.0-691726) inCatFlag: T ==================== makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.038432s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ok 42 - Test 8-1 (0) ok 43 - Test 8-2 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist8.gif) ok 44 - Test 8-3 (8387) ok 45 - Test 8-4 (1714981911) < (1714981910) ok 46 - Test 8-5 (1) == 1 ok 47 - Test 8-6 (69908) == 69908 ok 48 - Test 8-7 (:069908) eq :069908 ok 49 - Test 8-8 (2XMM J054612.0-691726) eq 2XMM J054612.0-691726 ok 50 - Test 8-9 (@2XMM J054612.0-691726) eq @2XMM J054612.0-691726 invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no srcnum=2 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testpubcat8slim.fits:SRCLIST autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist9.gif erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=0 dec=0 withcoords=no withsrclist=no cattab=testdata/testpubcat8slim.fits:SRCLIST withcat=yes srcnum=2 withsrcnum=yes outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist9.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- Reading Catalogue (testdata/testpubcat8slim.fits:SRCLIST). makethumbs:- Cataglogue name is testdata/testpubcat8slim.fits makethumbs:- Cataglogue Table name is SRCLIST makethumbs:- Column (SRC_NUM) is found. makethumbs:- Column (DETID) is found. makethumbs:- Column (SRCID) is found. makethumbs:- Column (IAUNAME) is found. makethumbs:- Column (RA) is found. makethumbs:- Column (DEC) is found. makethumbs:- Obtained Catalogue columns. makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 2) matches the external catalogue Row=( 6) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- Catalogue data have been implemented. makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameter for ID=1 is, ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = ( 201030201) srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69907) srcid = ( 53972) inCatFlag = F catName = F catNameCol = T raDeg = ( 86.5496453000) decDeg = ( -69.2907248000) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: catPrm Deallocating %obsId Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Closing the catalogue set DETID = 70443 for ID= 1 makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 2) detid = ( 70443) srcid = ( 54433) inCatFlag = T catName = (2XMM J054737.7-691643) catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.9076226000) decDeg = ( -69.2787336000) makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.907622599999996 , -69.278733599999995 ) srcIndex: 2 indexStr: (070443) fullIndexStr: () detid: 70443 srcid: 54433 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 4.00693718E+24 , 0.00000000 ) catName: (2XMM J054737.7-691643) fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 2) detid = ( 70443) srcid = ( 54433) inCatFlag = T catName = (2XMM J054737.7-691643) catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.9076226000) decDeg = ( -69.2787336000) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: 0.2-12 keV commLower: SSC commUpper: Trial sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist9.gif) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist9.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist9.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist9.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.907622599999996 , -69.278733599999995 ) srcIndex: 2 indexStr: (070443) fullIndexStr: (:070443) detid: 70443 srcid: 54433 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 230.408264 , 276.219055 ) catName: (2XMM J054737.7-691643) fullCatName: (2XMM J054737.7-691643) inCatFlag: T ==================== makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.031994s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ok 51 - Test 9-1 (0) ok 52 - Test 9-2 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist9.gif) ok 53 - Test 9-3 (7128) ok 54 - Test 9-4 (1714981911) < (1714981910) ok 55 - Test 9-5 (2) == 2 ok 56 - Test 9-6 (70443) == 70443 ok 57 - Test 9-7 (:070443) eq :070443 ok 58 - Test 9-8 (2XMM J054737.7-691643) eq 2XMM J054737.7-691643 ok 59 - Test 9-9 (2XMM J054737.7-691643) eq 2XMM J054737.7-691643 ok 60 - Test 9-10 (86.907622599999996) == 86.9076226 ok 61 - Test 9-11 (-69.278733599999995) == -69.2787336 invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no srcnum=2 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist10.gif erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=0 dec=0 withcoords=no withsrclist=no cattab=testdata/testcat.fits withcat=yes srcnum=2 withsrcnum=yes outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist10.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- Reading Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits). ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 makethumbs:- Cataglogue name is testdata/testcat.fits makethumbs:- No cataglogue Table name is given. makethumbs:- Column (src_num) is found. makethumbs:- Column (detid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (srcid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (iauname) is found. ** makethumbs: error (NotFoundRA), RA (or alike) not found. ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times ok 62 - Test 10-1 (256) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no withcat=no autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec11.gif printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=0 dec=0 withcoords=no withsrclist=no cattab='' withcat=no srcnum=0 withsrcnum=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec11.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='' inststr=DEFAULT commlower='' commupper='' imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 ** makethumbs: error (NoCoordsSpecified), ra and dec are mandatory when withsrclist=no and withcat=no. ok 63 - Test 11-1 (256) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits ra=86.5506748505705872 dec=-69.2902711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec12.gif erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.550675 dec=-69.290271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab=testdata/testcat.fits withcat=yes srcnum=0 withsrcnum=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec12.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 ** makethumbs: error (NoSrcNumSpecified), srcnum is mandatory when withsrclist=no and withcat=yes. ok 64 - Test 12-1 (256) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no srcnum=99999 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits ra=86.5506748505705872 dec=-69.2902711953416173 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist13.gif erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=86.550675 dec=-69.290271 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab=testdata/testcat.fits withcat=yes srcnum=99999 withsrcnum=yes outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_srclist13.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- Reading Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits). ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 makethumbs:- Cataglogue name is testdata/testcat.fits makethumbs:- No cataglogue Table name is given. makethumbs:- Column (src_num) is found. makethumbs:- Column (detid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (srcid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (iauname) is found. makethumbs:- Obtained Catalogue columns. ** makethumbs: warning (noMatchingSrc), No entry was found in the catalog for source number 99999 in the summary source list of OBS-ID 0094411101 makethumbs:- Catalogue data have been implemented. makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameter for ID=1 is, makethumbs:- Closing the catalogue set makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- Src-No ( 1) is skipped due to INCATFLG. ** makethumbs: error (allFilesFailed), Failed in creating every output file. ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = ( 201030201) srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69907) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = F catName = F catNameCol = T raDeg = F decDeg = F ----- deallocateSrcPrm: catPrm Deallocating %obsId Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid ----- Successfully deallocated. DETID = 9210168 for ID= 1 ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 99999) detid = ( 9210168) srcid = ( 9238232) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 99999 indexStr: (******) fullIndexStr: () detid: 9210168 srcid: 9238232 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 0.00000000 , 1.26400908E-26 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: F ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 99999) detid = ( 9210168) srcid = ( 9238232) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 86.5506748506) decDeg = ( -69.2902711953) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: 0.2-12 keV commLower: SSC commUpper: Trial sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== ok 65 - Test 13-1 (256) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=no withcat=no ra=1 dec=1 autofname=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec14.gif printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab='' ra=1 dec=1 withcoords=yes withsrclist=no cattab='' withcat=no srcnum=0 withsrcnum=no outfilename=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec14.gif gifroot=thumb fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=no srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='' inststr=DEFAULT commlower='' commupper='' imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- Loading source(s). makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameters before loadig are ... makethumbs:- The thumbnail parameters after loading are ... makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. ** makethumbs: warning (srcOutOfField), The source () is out of the image field. GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_radec14.gif) is not created. ** makethumbs: error (allFilesFailed), Failed in creating every output file. ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 9966882) detid = ( 9966913) srcid = ( 9951073) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 1.0000000000) decDeg = ( 1.0000000000) ========== ThumbOneT variable ========== filename: () (raDeg, decDeg): ( 1.0000000000000000 , 1.0000000000000000 ) srcIndex: 9966882 indexStr: () fullIndexStr: () detid: 9966913 srcid: 9951073 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 4.00693718E+24 , 0.00000000 ) catName: () fullCatName: () inCatFlag: T ==================== ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = F srcNum = ( 9966882) detid = ( 9966913) srcid = ( 9951073) inCatFlag = T catName = () catNameCol = F raDeg = ( 1.0000000000) decDeg = ( 1.0000000000) ----- deallocateSrcPrm: srcPrm Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid Deallocating %inCatFlag Deallocating %catName Deallocating %raDeg Deallocating %decDeg ----- Successfully deallocated. ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: commLower: commUpper: sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== ok 66 - Test 14-1 (256) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits srcnum=1 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=yes gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_15_ erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=24 printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits ra=0 dec=0 withcoords=no withsrclist=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits withcat=yes srcnum=1 withsrcnum=yes outfilename='' gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_15_ fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=yes srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=24 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:51.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- SRC-List name is testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits makethumbs:- SRC-List Table name to be accessed is SRCLIST ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseDetidInSrcList), The column (DETID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseSrcidInSrcList), The column (SRCID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) may be used instead, if found. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseCatnameInSrcList), The column (IAUNAME) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. makethumbs:- Reading Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits). ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 makethumbs:- Cataglogue name is testdata/testcat.fits makethumbs:- No cataglogue Table name is given. makethumbs:- Column (src_num) is found. makethumbs:- Column (detid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (srcid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (iauname) is found. makethumbs:- Obtained Catalogue columns. makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 1) matches the external catalogue Row=( 2) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 2) matches the external catalogue Row=( 5) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 3) matches the external catalogue Row=( 0) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- Catalogue data have been implemented. makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameter for ID=1 is, makethumbs:- Closing the catalogue set makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_15_1.gif) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_15_1.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:52.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.114167s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = ( 201030201) srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69907) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = F catName = F catNameCol = T raDeg = F decDeg = F ----- deallocateSrcPrm: catPrm Deallocating %obsId Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid ----- Successfully deallocated. DETID = 69908 for ID= 1 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: 0.2-12 keV commLower: SSC commUpper: Trial sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 180 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 12.000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_15_1.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_15_1.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (069908) fullIndexStr: (:069908) detid: 69908 srcid: 53974 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) fullCatName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) inCatFlag: T ==================== ok 67 - Test Simple 15-1 (0) ok 68 - Test Simple 15-2 (-e outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_15_1.gif) ok 69 - Test Simple 15-3 (43376) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000.FIT:SRCLIST srcnum=1 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=yes gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_16_ gifsuffix=.GIF erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=24 printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000.FIT:SRCLIST ra=0 dec=0 withcoords=no withsrclist=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits withcat=yes srcnum=1 withsrcnum=yes outfilename='' gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_16_ fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=.GIF fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=yes srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=24 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:52.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- SRC-List name is testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000.FIT makethumbs:- SRC-List Table name given is SRCLIST makethumbs:- Reading Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits). ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 makethumbs:- Cataglogue name is testdata/testcat.fits makethumbs:- No cataglogue Table name is given. makethumbs:- Column (src_num) is found. makethumbs:- Column (detid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (srcid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (iauname) is found. makethumbs:- Obtained Catalogue columns. makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 1) matches the external catalogue Row=( 2) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 2) matches the external catalogue Row=( 5) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 3) matches the external catalogue Row=( 0) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- Catalogue data have been implemented. makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameter for ID=1 is, makethumbs:- Closing the catalogue set makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 1) are processed. makethumbs:- File (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_16_1.GIF) exists. Overwritten. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_16_1.GIF). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:52.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.107955s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = ( 201030201) srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69907) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = F catName = F catNameCol = T raDeg = F decDeg = F ----- deallocateSrcPrm: catPrm Deallocating %obsId Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid ----- Successfully deallocated. DETID = 69908 for ID= 1 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: 0.2-12 keV commLower: SSC commUpper: Trial sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 180 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 12.000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_16_1.GIF filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_16_1.GIF) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (069908) fullIndexStr: (:069908) detid: 69908 srcid: 53974 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) fullCatName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) inCatFlag: T ==================== ok 70 - Test Simple 16-1 (0) ok 71 - Test Simple 16-2 (-e outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_16_1.GIF) ok 72 - Test Simple 16-3 (43376) invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000.FIT withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testpubcat8slim.fits autofname=yes fnamestyle=all gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_ fnameseparator=' -_S' erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000.FIT ra=0 dec=0 withcoords=no withsrclist=yes cattab=testdata/testpubcat8slim.fits withcat=yes srcnum=0 withsrcnum=no outfilename='' gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_ fnamestyle=all gifsuffix=.gif fnameseparator=' -_S' autofname=yes srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:52.000 makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- SRC-List name is testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000.FIT makethumbs:- SRC-List Table name to be accessed is SRCLIST makethumbs:- Reading Catalogue (testdata/testpubcat8slim.fits). makethumbs:- Cataglogue name is testdata/testpubcat8slim.fits makethumbs:- No cataglogue Table name is given. makethumbs:- Column (SRC_NUM) is found. makethumbs:- Column (DETID) is found. makethumbs:- Column (SRCID) is found. makethumbs:- Column (IAUNAME) is found. makethumbs:- Obtained Catalogue columns. makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 1) matches the external catalogue Row=( 2) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 2) matches the external catalogue Row=( 6) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 3) matches the external catalogue Row=( 0) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- Catalogue data have been implemented. makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameter for ID=1 is, ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = ( 201030201) srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69907) srcid = ( 53972) inCatFlag = F catName = F catNameCol = T raDeg = F decDeg = F ----- deallocateSrcPrm: catPrm Deallocating %obsId Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid ----- Successfully deallocated. makethumbs:- Closing the catalogue set DETID = 69908 for ID= 1 DETID = 70443 for ID= 2 DETID = 69872 for ID= 3 makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: 0.2-12 keV commLower: SSC commUpper: Trial sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 3) are processed. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_1-001_69908S53972.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_1-001_69908S53972.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_1-001_69908S53972.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (069908) fullIndexStr: (:069908) detid: 69908 srcid: 53972 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: (2XMM J054611.9-691726) fullCatName: (2XMM J054611.9-691726) inCatFlag: T ==================== makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_2-002_70443S54433.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_2-002_70443S54433.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_2-002_70443S54433.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.907622623203807 , -69.278733587520790 ) srcIndex: 2 indexStr: (070443) fullIndexStr: (:070443) detid: 70443 srcid: 54433 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 230.408264 , 276.219055 ) catName: (2XMM J054737.7-691643) fullCatName: (2XMM J054737.7-691643) inCatFlag: T ==================== makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_3-003_69872S53954.gif). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_3-003_69872S53954.gif filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_3-003_69872S53954.gif) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.533228818413633 , -69.167278493897300 ) srcIndex: 3 indexStr: (069872) fullIndexStr: (:069872) detid: 69872 srcid: 53954 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 349.759094 , 376.739380 ) catName: (2XMM J054607.9-691002) fullCatName: (2XMM J054607.9-691002) inCatFlag: T ==================== makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:52.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.074159s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} $VAR1 = [ { 'srcindex' => '1', 'xpixel' => '344.064026', 'incatflag' => 'T', 'ypixel' => '266.052338', 'radeg' => '86.550674850570587', 'catname' => '2XMM J054611.9-691726', 'decdeg' => '-69.290271195341617', 'detid' => '69908', 'srcid' => '53972', 'indexstr' => '069908', 'fullindexstr' => ':069908', 'filename' => 'outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_1-001_69908S53972.gif', 'fullcatname' => '2XMM J054611.9-691726' }, { 'fullcatname' => '2XMM J054737.7-691643', 'filename' => 'outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_2-002_70443S54433.gif', 'fullindexstr' => ':070443', 'indexstr' => '070443', 'srcid' => '54433', 'detid' => '70443', 'catname' => '2XMM J054737.7-691643', 'decdeg' => '-69.278733587520790', 'radeg' => '86.907622623203807', 'ypixel' => '276.219055', 'incatflag' => 'T', 'xpixel' => '230.408264', 'srcindex' => '2' }, { 'fullcatname' => '2XMM J054607.9-691002', 'filename' => 'outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_3-003_69872S53954.gif', 'fullindexstr' => ':069872', 'indexstr' => '069872', 'srcid' => '53954', 'detid' => '69872', 'decdeg' => '-69.167278493897300', 'catname' => '2XMM J054607.9-691002', 'radeg' => '86.533228818413633', 'ypixel' => '376.739380', 'incatflag' => 'T', 'xpixel' => '349.759094', 'srcindex' => '3' } ]; ok 73 - Test Simple 17-1 (0) ok 74 - Test 17-2 (1) == 1 ok 75 - Test 17-3 (2) == 2 ok 76 - Test 17-4 (3) == 3 ok 77 - Test 17-5 (69908) == 69908 ok 78 - Test 17-6 (:069908) eq :069908 ok 79 - Test 17-7 (69872) == 69872 ok 80 - Test 17-8 (:069872) eq :069872 ok 81 - Test 17-9 (53972) == 53972 ok 82 - Test 17-10 (54433) == 54433 ok 83 - Test 17-11 (2XMM J054611.9-691726) eq 2XMM J054611.9-691726 ok 84 - Test 17-12 (2XMM J054611.9-691726) eq 2XMM J054611.9-691726 ok 85 - Test 17-13 (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_2-002_70443S54433.gif) eq outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_17_2-002_70443S54433.gif ok 86 - Test 17-14 (230.408264) == 230.40826 ok 87 - Test 17-15 (276.219055) == 276.21906 ok 88 - Test 17-16 (86.550674850570587) == 86.5506748505705872 ok 89 - Test 17-17 (-69.290271195341617) == -69.2902711953416173 invoke makethumbs -V 6 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits srcnum=0 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=yes gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_ gifsuffix=GIF erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=yes dryrun=no makethumbs:- Executing (routine): makethumbs imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits ra=0 dec=0 withcoords=no withsrclist=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits withcat=yes srcnum=0 withsrcnum=yes outfilename='' gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_ fnamestyle=srcnum gifsuffix=GIF fnameseparator=' ___' autofname=yes srcindexstyle=DEFAULT srcindexseparator=DEFAULT iaunameprefix='' obsidstr=DEFAULT erangestr='0.2-12 keV' inststr=DEFAULT commlower=SSC commupper=Trial imagesize=8 lwidth=0 sizeratiocross=0 fontnumber=0 colourmapid=3 printparams=yes dryrun=no -w 1 -V 6 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:51:52.000 makethumbs:- Added preceding "." in the GIF suffix: (.GIF). makethumbs:- Reading image (testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT). makethumbs:- ssclib: retrieve instrum, dateobs, attitude. makethumbs:- INSTRUMENT = (M1). makethumbs:- OBS_ID = (0094411101). makethumbs:- OBSID = 94411101 makethumbs:- SRC-List name is testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits makethumbs:- SRC-List Table name to be accessed is SRCLIST ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseDetidInSrcList), The column (DETID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseSrcidInSrcList), The column (SRCID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) may be used instead, if found. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseCatnameInSrcList), The column (IAUNAME) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. makethumbs:- Reading Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits). ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 makethumbs:- Cataglogue name is testdata/testcat.fits makethumbs:- No cataglogue Table name is given. makethumbs:- Column (src_num) is found. makethumbs:- Column (detid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (srcid) is found. makethumbs:- Column (iauname) is found. makethumbs:- Obtained Catalogue columns. makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 1) matches the external catalogue Row=( 2) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 2) matches the external catalogue Row=( 5) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- SRC_NUM=( 3) matches the external catalogue Row=( 0) (Start= 0) makethumbs:- Catalogue data have been implemented. makethumbs:- The catalogue source parameter for ID=1 is, makethumbs:- Closing the catalogue set makethumbs:- Calculating the image coordinates for each thumbnail. makethumbs:- WCS dump: makethumbs:- X axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: RA---TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL: 8.6612125000000006E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_1:-1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- CD2_1:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- Y axis: makethumbs:- CTYPE: DEC--TAN makethumbs:- CUNIT: deg makethumbs:- CRVAL:-6.9225333333333296E+01 makethumbs:- CRPIX: 3.2450625000000002E+02 makethumbs:- CD1_2:-0.0000000000000000E+00 makethumbs:- CD2_2: 1.1111111111111100E-03 makethumbs:- SRC_NUMs from ( 1) to ( 3) are processed. makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_1.GIF). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_2.GIF). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: makethumbs:- Creating GIF file (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_3.GIF). makethumbs:- Font is not being explicitly set. makethumbs:- Created GIF file is: makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] ended: 2024-05-06T07:51:52.000 makethumbs:- makethumbs (makethumbs-0.8.1) [???] CPU time: 0.071993s makethumbs:- List of CCF constituents accessed during this run: CifEntry{XMM, BORESIGHT, 15, /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/XMM_BORESIGHT_0015_SCISIM.CCF, 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000} ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times ----- dumpSrcPrm ( 1) obsId = ( 201030201) srcNum = ( 1) detid = ( 69907) srcid = ( 53974) inCatFlag = F catName = F catNameCol = T raDeg = F decDeg = F ----- deallocateSrcPrm: catPrm Deallocating %obsId Deallocating %srcNum Deallocating %detid Deallocating %srcid ----- Successfully deallocated. DETID = 69908 for ID= 1 DETID = 70443 for ID= 2 DETID = 69872 for ID= 3 ========== Common parameters ========== orgImage(max,min): ( 4.00000000 , 0.00000000 ) instStr: (M1) obsId: 94411101 obsIdStr: 0094411101 eRangeStr: 0.2-12 keV commLower: SSC commUpper: Trial sizeIndexCross: 0.0000000000000000 (tSize%orgImageXSize, tSize%orgImageYSize): ( 648 , 648 ) tSize%halfWidthPixels: 60 tSize%halfWidthArcmin: 4.0000000000000000 prmPgplot%lWidth: 0 prmPgplot%fontNumber: 0 prmPgplot%colourMapId: 3 ==================== outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_1.GIF filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_1.GIF) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.550674850570587 , -69.290271195341617 ) srcIndex: 1 indexStr: (069908) fullIndexStr: (:069908) detid: 69908 srcid: 53974 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 344.064026 , 266.052338 ) catName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) fullCatName: (2XMM J054612.0-691726) inCatFlag: T ==================== outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_2.GIF filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_2.GIF) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.907622623203807 , -69.278733587520790 ) srcIndex: 2 indexStr: (070443) fullIndexStr: (:070443) detid: 70443 srcid: 54435 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 230.408264 , 276.219055 ) catName: (2XMM J054737.7-691643) fullCatName: (2XMM J054737.7-691643) inCatFlag: T ==================== outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_3.GIF filename: (outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_3.GIF) (raDeg, decDeg): ( 86.533228818413633 , -69.167278493897300 ) srcIndex: 3 indexStr: (069872) fullIndexStr: (:069872) detid: 69872 srcid: 53956 (xPixel, yPixel): ( 349.759094 , 376.739380 ) catName: (2XMM J054607.9-691002) fullCatName: (2XMM J054607.9-691002) inCatFlag: T ==================== ok 90 - Test Simple 18-1 (0) ok 91 - Test Simple 18-2 (-e outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_2.GIF) ok 92 - Test Simple 18-3 (7128) ok 93 - Test Simple 18-4 (3=[outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_1.GIF, outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_2.GIF, outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_18_3.GIF]) invoke makethumbs -V 0 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits srcnum=2 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=yes gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_ erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=no dryrun=yes ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseDetidInSrcList), The column (DETID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseSrcidInSrcList), The column (SRCID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) may be used instead, if found. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseCatnameInSrcList), The column (IAUNAME) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times outfile=(tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2.gif) re=( DETID = 70443 for ID= 2 outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2.gif) ok 94 - Test Simple 19-1 (0) ok 95 - Test Simple 19-2 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2.gif) invoke makethumbs -V 0 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits srcnum=2 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=yes fnamestyle=detid gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_ erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=no dryrun=yes ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseDetidInSrcList), The column (DETID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseSrcidInSrcList), The column (SRCID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) may be used instead, if found. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseCatnameInSrcList), The column (IAUNAME) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at ./testmakethumbssimple line 958. ok 96 - Test Simple 19-3 (0) not ok 97 - Test Simple 19-4 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19__0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19__70443.gif) # Failed test 'Test Simple 19-4 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19__0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19__70443.gif)' # at ./testmakethumbssimple line 960. invoke makethumbs -V 0 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits srcnum=2 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=yes fnamestyle=srcid gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_ erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=no dryrun=yes ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseDetidInSrcList), The column (DETID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseSrcidInSrcList), The column (SRCID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) may be used instead, if found. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseCatnameInSrcList), The column (IAUNAME) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at ./testmakethumbssimple line 968. ok 98 - Test Simple 19-5 (0) not ok 99 - Test Simple 19-6 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19__0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19__54435.gif) # Failed test 'Test Simple 19-6 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19__0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19__54435.gif)' # at ./testmakethumbssimple line 970. invoke makethumbs -V 0 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits srcnum=2 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=yes fnamestyle=srcnum_detid gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_ erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=no dryrun=yes ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseDetidInSrcList), The column (DETID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseSrcidInSrcList), The column (SRCID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) may be used instead, if found. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseCatnameInSrcList), The column (IAUNAME) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at ./testmakethumbssimple line 978. ok 100 - Test Simple 19-7 (0) not ok 101 - Test Simple 19-8 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2_0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2_70443.gif) # Failed test 'Test Simple 19-8 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2_0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2_70443.gif)' # at ./testmakethumbssimple line 980. invoke makethumbs -V 0 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits srcnum=2 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=yes fnamestyle=srcnum_srcid gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_ fnameseparator=' __S' erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=no dryrun=yes ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseDetidInSrcList), The column (DETID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseSrcidInSrcList), The column (SRCID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) may be used instead, if found. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseCatnameInSrcList), The column (IAUNAME) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at ./testmakethumbssimple line 989. ok 102 - Test Simple 19-9 (0) not ok 103 - Test Simple 19-10 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2S0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2S54435.gif) # Failed test 'Test Simple 19-10 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2S0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2S54435.gif)' # at ./testmakethumbssimple line 991. invoke makethumbs -V 0 imageset=testdata/P0094411101M1U002IMAGE_8000.FIT withsrclist=yes srclisttab=testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits srcnum=2 withcat=yes cattab=testdata/testcat.fits autofname=yes fnamestyle=all gifroot=outfiles/tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_ fnameseparator=' -_S' erangestr='0.2-12 keV' commlower=SSC commupper=Trial printparams=no dryrun=yes ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseDetidInSrcList), The column (DETID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseSrcidInSrcList), The column (SRCID) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) may be used instead, if found. ** makethumbs: warning (NotUseCatnameInSrcList), The column (IAUNAME) is found in the source list (testdata/P0094411101EPX000OBSMLI0000_ingested_template.fits) but that from the Catalogue (testdata/testcat.fits) will be used instead. ** makethumbs: warning (creatorKeywordNotFound), The CREATOR keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (dateKeywordNotFound), The DATE keyword could not be found in dataset with name 'testdata/testcat.fits' ** makethumbs: warning (unnamedTable), I found a table without a name. It was renamed: NONAME0 ** makethumbs: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning creatorKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning dateKeywordNotFound silently occurred 1 times warning unnamedTable silently occurred 1 times Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at ./testmakethumbssimple line 1000. Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at ./testmakethumbssimple line 1000. ok 104 - Test Simple 19-11 (0) not ok 105 - Test Simple 19-12 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2-002_0S0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2-002_70443S54435.gif) # Failed test 'Test Simple 19-12 (tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2-002_0S0.gif, tmpmakethumbs_test_all_19_2-002_70443S54435.gif)' # at ./testmakethumbssimple line 1002. # Looks like you failed 5 tests of 105. Error while running ./testmakethumbssimple ERROR: one of the tests failed