Testing emframes_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./emframes_test for no longer than 600 seconds. emframes:- Executing (routine): emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT frameset=frames.out newframeset=yes countingset='' withcountingset=no srcra=0 srcdec=0 withsrccoords=no checkframes=yes ingtiset=0001_183536AIV-_M1S001HKGTI.FIT flagbadtimes=yes flagfifooverflow=yes outgtiset=ccdgti.out writegtiset=yes setgatti=yes odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00170IME.FTZ outeventset=events.out neweventset=yes checknvalid=yes setdeadtime=yes withodfeventset=yes -w 1 -V 4 emframes:- emframes (emframes-5.11) [???] started: 2024-05-06T07:24:33.000 ** emframes: warning (NoSuchIPPV), There is no IPPV `CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND' in the actual exposure ** emframes: warning (frames12), the last 1 frames are dropped because of a non-increasing frame number ** emframes: warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (2) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** emframes: warning (frames17), non increasing time after frame number 8 emframes:- 1 wrong times in FRAMES emframes:- Create frames.out with 101 rows ** emframes: warning (NoAttributesAdded), The orbit file `/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_SCX00000ROS.ASC' appears to be empty - no data have been read - no new attributes will be added to data set Could not open file 'EMOS1_MODEPARAM_0006.CCF' for reading in: /ccf/priv/dt /ccf/pub /ccf/priv/rt /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/ . ** emframes: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning NoSuchIPPV silently occurred 2 times warning TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints silently occurred 2 times emframes auxiliaryset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00100AUX.FIT odfeventset=/sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testodf/emodf/0001_183536AIV-_M1S00170IME.FTZ outeventset=events.out ingtiset=0001_183536AIV-_M1S001HKGTI.FIT frameset=frames.out outgtiset=ccdgti.out ended in error Error while running ./emframes_test ERROR: one of the tests failed