--- Dependency check [begin] --- --- Dependency check [end] --- --- Distribution check [begin] --- Version 1.4 - 2018-02-13 (EO) Information: this ChangeLog entry matches the version number: Version 1.4 - 2018-02-13 (EO) Information: ./config/fds.par is an XML parameter file, I cannot yet validate it. Skipped. Warning: fds - missing lyt files. Now checking git repository... --- Distribution check [end] --- Dependencies for fds gfortran -c -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC geolat.f gfortran -c -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC gj2efs.f gfortran -c -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC orbita.f orbita.f:175:72: 175 | 150 X(J) = FX*Y(J) + GX*Y(J+3) | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 150 at (1) orbita.f:182:72: 182 | 160 X(J) = FT*Y(J-3) + GT*Y(J) | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 160 at (1) orbita.f:198:72: 198 | 200 X(J) = X(J) + COEFF(1,J) + COEFF(2,J)*P | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 200 at (1) orbita.f:205:72: 205 | DO 210 J = 1,KODE | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 210 at (1) orbita.f:206:72: 206 | 210 X(J) = X(J) + COEFF(L,J)*P | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 210 at (1) gfortran -c -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC sigdel.f gfortran -c -fno-range-check -DGFORTRAN -fallow-argument-mismatch -g -fPIC staton.f /usr/bin/ar cur libfds.a geolat.o gj2efs.o orbita.o sigdel.o staton.o ranlib libfds.a g++ -shared -Wl,-h,libfds.so.1.4 -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libextra -o libfds.so.1.4 geolat.o gj2efs.o orbita.o sigdel.o staton.o -lgfortran -lcfitsio -ldl -lm -L. sed -e "s/DOC/fds/" -e "s/TYPE/user/" < \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/package.tex | /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/texcombine | \ /workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/bin/fixdoc -type=user fds 1.4 fds 22.0.0-75a3bbbeb-20240730 > fds.tex including sasuser... including sasglobal... including fds_description... latex fds < /dev/null > makedoc.log || ( cat makedoc.log ; exit 1 ) This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018) (preloaded format=latex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (./fds.tex LaTeX2e <2017-04-15> Babel <3.17> and hyphenation patterns for 3 language(s) loaded. (/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/packages/sas/doc/lib/sasdoc.cls Document Class: sasdoc 11/11/2021 XMM-Newton Science Analysis System (SAS) docu ment class (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ifthen.sty) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.sty) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/multirow/multirow.sty) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/epsfig.sty (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphicx.sty (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/keyval.sty) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/trig.sty) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics-cfg/graphics.cfg) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics-def/dvips.def)))) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/float/float.sty) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo))) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/html/html.sty) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/alltt.sty) ! LaTeX Error: File `moreverb.sty' not found. Type X to quit or to proceed, or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) Enter file name: ! Emergency stop. l.74 \usepackage {supertabular}^^M No pages of output. Transcript written on fds.log. make[5]: *** [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:1061: fds.ps.gz] Error 1 rm fds.tex make[4]: *** [/workspaces/xmm_sas_rhel_8.6/Make.include:953: doc] Error 2 Testing notest ... passed