Testing evigweight_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./evigweight_test for no longer than 600 seconds. evigweight:- Executing (routine): evigweight ineventset=emos1_new.in outeventset=emos1_new.out newoutput=yes weightcolname=WEIGHT witheffectivearea=yes withfiltertransmission=yes withquantumefficiency=yes -w 1 -V 4 evigweight:- evigweight (evigweight-1.10) [22.0.0-f5b4ac1df-20240822] started: 2024-08-22T16:34:03.000 evigweight:- Input file emos1_new.in copied to emos1_new.out evigweight:- nevents = 1000 evigweight:- NO CCDNR Could not open file 'EMOS1_MODEPARAM_0006.CCF' for reading in: /ccf/pub /ccf/priv/rt /ccf/priv/validation /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf /workspaces/xmm_sas/lib/testccf/ . evigweight ineventset=emos1_new.in outeventset=emos1_new.out ended in error Error while running ./evigweight_test ERROR: one of the tests failed