Testing eimchip2sky_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./eimchip2sky_test for no longer than 600 seconds. eimchip2sky:- Executing (routine): eimchip2sky templateset=/workspaces/xmm_sas_ubuntu22.04/lib/data/eimchip2sky_data/templateImage.ds chipimgsets=/workspaces/xmm_sas_ubuntu22.04/lib/data/eimchip2sky_data/chipImage_m1_2.ds ccds=2 ccdstyle=user outsets=outfiles/out_set.ds indices=1 withindices=yes binnedatttab='' tstart=0 tstop=0 kwdtab='' tstartkwd=TSTART tstopkwd=TSTOP gtitabname='' gtitablist='' gtistyle=fromimages weightstyle=gti ra=0 dec=0 apos=0 attstyle=template conserveflux=yes usefast=yes withnormalize=yes tempset=tempset.ds -w 1 -V 4 eimchip2sky:- eimchip2sky (eimchip2sky-2.6.1) [22.0.0-7b8c5558a-20241011] started: 2024-10-11T10:12:36.000 ** eimchip2sky: warning (onlySetHadWcs), ssclib:readWcsSetArray: The dataset header contains WCS keywords but not the array header. It should be the other way around. Could not open file 'XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF' for reading in: /ccf/pub /ccf/priv/rt /ccf/priv/validation /workspaces/xmm_sas_ubuntu22.04/lib/testccf /workspaces/xmm_sas_ubuntu22.04/lib/testccf/ . Error while running ./eimchip2sky_test Testing eimchip2skyaux_test ... passed Testing im2cube_test ... passed Testing cube2im_test ... FAILED Message: will run ./cube2im_test for no longer than 600 seconds. 1..10 Test 2 (Basic-M2) invoke ../src/cube2im outdetset=outfiles/outdet_m2.ds -V 6 outsetprefix=outfiles/outraw_m2_ cubeset=outfiles/cube_m2.ds cube2im:- Executing (routine): cube2im cubeset=outfiles/cube_m2.ds outsetprefix=outfiles/outraw_m2_ outputraw=yes outdetset=outfiles/outdet_m2.ds outputdet=yes -w 1 -V 6 cube2im:- cube2im (eimchip2sky-2.6.1) [22.0.0-7b8c5558a-20241011] started: 2024-10-11T10:12:37.000 cube2im:- TELESCOP=(XMM) is found. cube2im:- INSTRUME=(EMOS2) is found. cube2im:- numOutImages= 2 cube2im:- Writing dataset outfiles/outraw_m2_1.ds cube2im:- Writing dataset outfiles/outraw_m2_2.ds cube2im:- Writing dataset outfiles/outdet_m2.ds cube2im:- (cubeToDet): Processing cube plane No. 1 (CCD-chip= 1) into DETX/Y. ** cube2im: warning (inconsistentChipImageSize), Given image size ( 610, 602) is different from the chip size defined in CAL ( 600, 600) for (EMOS2). Could not open file 'XMM_MISCDATA_0016.CCF' for reading in: /ccf/pub /ccf/priv/rt /ccf/priv/validation /workspaces/xmm_sas_ubuntu22.04/lib/testccf /workspaces/xmm_sas_ubuntu22.04/lib/testccf/ . not ok 1 - Test 02-1 # Failed test 'Test 02-1' # at ./cube2im_test line 180. invoke fitsstat maxareacoords="300 300" set=outfiles/outdet_m2.ds:PRIMARY minareacoords="220 220" ** fitsstat: error (datasetCouldNotBeRead), The dataset with name 'outfiles/outdet_m2.ds' could not be read; either it does not exist or it is in an unrecognised format Can't use string ("256") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at ./cube2im_test line 188. # Looks like your test exited with 1 just after 1. Error while running ./cube2im_test ERROR: one of the tests failed