Testing testomdetect ... FAILED Message: will run ./testomdetect for no longer than 600 seconds. Creating a test image (256x256)... L14 running the routine CreateTestImage (200 x 200 pixels) L189 background = 60.0000038 L197 minFlux= 77.4596710 maxFlux= 77459.6719 1 96.8601227 146.168716 17634.0000 2 27.8824902 186.119553 46443.7148 3 177.552307 15.5020390 44098.7188 4 41.3280067 145.481308 52697.7617 5 59.4609261 146.222961 17936.0586 6 85.9217377 59.8715172 46860.3398 7 54.6810989 179.166611 38528.1250 8 190.279160 56.4436531 39858.2148 9 103.840797 96.4812393 5995.14160 10 100.419289 94.1038437 2319.32861 11 145.076859 166.704514 22746.3223 12 63.5441933 157.755783 77334.3203 13 180.184113 88.1229553 66170.9141 14 123.693138 145.173981 60427.0352 15 183.027557 158.254318 1628.13733 16 86.9324341 155.336090 41643.1133 17 11.5267143 184.358414 55660.7266 18 163.908356 199.310104 445.478210 19 123.805672 48.7227097 43282.0938 20 79.9551697 112.006790 53007.5156 21 47.3900375 147.097427 48905.2969 22 6.32276821 195.940811 61839.4531 23 181.057877 74.0519180 44100.4961 24 134.905853 125.759628 9080.65430 25 46.9749985 13.6224060 44571.8594 26 34.0598564 158.806915 55398.7891 27 118.753471 115.757805 55795.5469 28 18.8595238 76.5024643 1608.42419 29 180.328232 197.156723 8332.64746 30 139.967255 152.964539 68490.9062 31 198.452728 9.81413841 9717.12402 32 8.02568626 162.092804 60261.3711 33 191.234177 142.900146 21744.3516 34 35.1274567 63.5793152 35053.0820 35 145.664902 16.3796844 10613.8418 36 136.317123 116.996689 32356.6055 37 36.8609543 37.8771324 41888.6602 38 160.600052 53.0450935 67350.4453 39 186.174606 138.559677 71281.9062 40 77.0450439 129.756256 25487.7812 41 69.8859634 15.3526382 76192.6016 42 67.5640717 131.972137 42523.9023 43 171.607742 118.513748 33977.3789 44 149.299149 46.4961929 31496.8887 45 149.188507 6.50608444 33893.5625 46 54.4224777 73.7746506 36125.4180 47 182.550491 87.2184830 63040.6445 48 173.706772 26.1611271 46706.5469 49 156.149445 11.2388153 40411.7891 50 94.5609589 128.881378 53847.2500 51 20.1990643 179.057587 15617.1367 52 101.811043 151.299728 58980.1172 53 114.345657 69.4244614 25084.2246 54 150.160660 43.0521851 56714.6445 55 6.43399906 66.1456680 32400.8340 56 149.372849 130.130249 74800.1406 57 119.255905 167.518448 38524.8633 58 127.494736 139.957397 44008.9570 59 142.028625 9.14175224 23884.0977 60 107.792732 59.4690056 45765.9180 61 171.519775 160.051880 66400.5703 62 148.193436 52.9540863 47420.9141 63 103.916298 158.854507 64534.8242 64 80.3790512 198.428879 67426.5078 65 190.350494 84.7890854 33003.8555 66 13.2254372 132.298279 77345.5703 67 191.419495 186.663483 23294.0137 68 170.580353 149.882828 13402.1846 69 19.2881203 72.1971664 30177.3164 70 128.042404 38.8338356 31006.0117 71 52.1234894 73.6569138 71522.5938 72 126.107513 19.9109917 77242.6328 73 174.547394 190.654510 46190.7578 74 96.1133499 106.079300 65722.2734 75 142.301971 178.649857 10454.8359 76 19.0771294 81.6712265 5288.69727 77 26.8778877 101.978004 38408.0430 78 54.2439156 124.582100 72355.6953 79 69.7168961 83.0147781 19094.0371 80 180.746704 70.6466751 24020.5586 Running omdetect on the 256x256 image ... omdetect:- Executing (routine): omdetect set=testimage1.fts outset=testlist1.fts wdxset='' nsigma=2 minsignificance=4 maxrawcountrate=50 levelimage=levelimage1.fit backgroundimage='' regionfile=region1.asc detectextended=yes psfphotometryenabled=no neighboursforpsfphotometry=1 psfphotometryset='' backgroundmethod=1 -w 1 -V 4 omdetect:- omdetect (omdetect-5.41) [21.0.1-ad24c7ec8-20240515] started: 2024-05-15T15:21:47.000 Could not open file 'OM_ASTROMET_0011.CCF' for reading in: /ccf/priv/dt /ccf/pub /ccf/priv/rt /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/ . Error while running ./testomdetect ERROR: one of the tests failed