Testing testippvdoc ... passed Testing testtot ... passed Testing noodf ... passed Testing configuration ... FAILED Message: will run ./configuration for no longer than 600 seconds. ----Without CONFIGURATION odfingest:- Executing (routine): odfingest odfdir=. withodfdir=no outdir=. summaryfile=0000_0000000000_SCX000SUM.SAS usecanonicalname=yes writepath=yes findinstrumentmodes=yes usehousekeeping=yes oalcheck=no -w 1 -V 4 odfingest:- odfingest (odfingest-3.33.1) [21.0.1-ad24c7ec8-20240515] started: 2024-05-15T14:58:06.000 odfingest:- Looking for ODF constituents in odfnoconf/ odfingest:- Identified the following ODF Revolution: 0001 Observation: 0000010010 Proposal: 0000010010 odfingest:- I don't seem to have been able to determine the time of the last housekeeping record for 4 [EMOS1] odfingest:- Dataset Time Range: 0001_0000010010_M1S00110IME.FIT : 2000-04-28T10:40:58.000 - 2000-04-28T10:49:18.000 odfingest:- Observation Time Range: 2000-04-28T10:40:58.000 - 2000-04-28T10:49:18.000 odfingest:- M1/S001 start = 2000-04-28T10:40:58.000 end = 2000-04-28T10:49:18.000 odfingest:- No CONFIGURATION record found. This indicates that the ODF was created before ~ April 2002, and does not stop the SAS from processing your data. odfingest:- M1/S001 start = 2000-04-28T10:40:58.000 end = 2000-04-28T10:49:18.000 odfingest:- M1/S001 start = 2000-04-28T10:40:58.000 end = 2000-04-28T10:49:18.000 ** odfingest: warning (HousekeepingParameterMissing), In the directory odfnoconf I expected to find one and only one dataset matching the pattern ????_??????????_M1X00000PEH.FIT. Instead I found 0 Could not open file 'EMOS1_MODEPARAM_0006.CCF' for reading in: /ccf/priv/dt /ccf/pub /ccf/priv/rt /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/ . ** odfingest: warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning HousekeepingParameterMissing silently occurred 72 times Error while running ./configuration ERROR: one of the tests failed