Testing ahfgen ... passed Testing auxhkgen_emos ... passed Testing auxhkgen_epn ... passed Testing attitudeLocator ... passed Testing dalutils ... passed Testing oalserver ... passed Testing oalutils ... passed Testing tags ... passed Testing positionLocator ... passed Testing timeCorrelator ... passed Testing oalmisc ... passed Testing rgsdiagnostic ... passed Testing oaltest ... passed Testing odffiles ... passed Testing oalexample ... FAILED Message: will run ./oalexample for no longer than 600 seconds. ** : warning (TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints), Number of time correlation data points (10) is less than 5 times the requested maximum degree of the OBT-MET fit polynomial (4) - reverting to linear fit with RMS=1.e-2 ** : warning (Extrapolation), Evaluating OBT-MET fit polynomial at x=367920309 which is outside the time correlation data abscissa range [86396, 86406] - result of extrapolation might be afflicted with large numerical uncertainty. ** : warning (TooFewResetsInHk), There appear to be at least 2 wrap-arounds in the EMOS frame times but read only 1 from the HK data - will continue with nominal wrap-around time increment ** : warning (DefaultValueForMissingParameter), Using default value 0 for missing additional periodic HK parameters F1534/F1634/F1734/F1834 ** : warning (NotIntegerMultiple), Most probable time difference between consecutive frames does not appear to be an integer multiple of frame integration time - adjusting the latter to the minimum value of time differences and skipping auxiliary data anomaly correction stage Could not open file 'EPN_TIMECORR_0005.CCF' for reading in: /ccf/priv/dt /ccf/pub /ccf/priv/rt /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf /sasbuild/build/sas/lib/testccf/ . ** : warning (SummaryOfWarnings), warning Extrapolation silently occurred 12 times warning TooFewTimeCorrelationDataPoints silently occurred 2 times XMM ODF in directory ../odf revolution number : 10 proposal id : PPPPPP observation id : OOLL total number of files : 84 observation start time : 1999-08-28T03:06:07.000 observation start time [s] : 52196831.184000000 observation end time : 1999-08-30T03:03:02.000 observation end time [s] : 52369446.184000000 => length of obs in [s] : 172615.00000000000 directory : ../odf type of ODF : POINTING GO name : DR RONALD MACDONALD GO institute : MACDONALD INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS GO address : BIG MAC, BIG MAC DIVISION, HAMBURGERVILLE, TEXAS, TS 1234, USA GO e-mail : ronald@macdonalds.com AO : 01 science type : XX target name : CAS-A target RA : 348.46800000000002 target Dec : 58.484800000000000 duration of observation [s]: 21600.000000000000 boresight RA : 348.46800000000002 boresight Dec : 58.484800000000000 position angle constr (lo) : -20 position angle constr (hi) : 020 position angle orig. ref. : X EMOS1 priority : 1 EMOS2 priority : 2 EPN priority : 3 RGS1 priority : 4 RGS2 priority : 5 OM priority : 6 name of the ODF summary file is : ../odf/0010_PPPPPPOOLL_SCX00000SUM.SAS number of EMOS1 exposures in IMAGE mode : 2 number of files in exposure #1 (diff. CCDs): 7 event list file name central CCD : ../odf/0010_PPPPPPOOLL_M1S00110IME.FIT events read through node : 0 Exposure number : 1 is this exposure scheduled?: T type of exposure : SCIENCE Scheduled start time : 1999-08-28T08:06:07.000 Scheduled end time : 1999-08-28T12:06:07.000 scheduled exposure length : 14400.000000000000 actual start time : 1999-08-28T08:10:07.000 actual end time : 1999-08-28T12:00:07.000 actual exposure length : 13799.999999992549 Reading frame numbers from EMOS1 aux file: ../odf/0010_PPPPPPOOLL_M1S00100AUX.FIT Frame-# COBT time tag 0 0 2147483648.333328 -315619144.999829 1 1 2147516414.333328 -315586001.667572 2 2 2147516415.334248 -315586000.655125 3 3 2147516416.373288 -315585999.604120 4 4 2147516417.382688 -315585998.583095 5 5 2147516417.466648 -315585998.498169 6 6 2147516417.733288 -315585998.228458 7 7 2147516418.827128 -315585997.122021 8 8 2147516419.333288 -315585996.610032 9 9 2147516420.048888 -315585995.886191 10 10 2147516420.048928 -315585995.886151 Reading frame numbers from EPN IMA file - ccd 4: ../odf/0010_PPPPPPOOLL_PNS00104IME.FIT Error while running ./oalexample Testing ermtest ... passed ERROR: one of the tests failed